Bittabobittoba Draws His Fursona (dear God, Why!)

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Oct 23, 2013
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South Louisiana
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Cirq De Frek

So basically I've been working on this fursona with my boyfriend because I've been wanting a new one,

However, I'm uncreative so I decided to revamp a pre-existing one I had, my Hyena Krowski.

I actually momentarily RP'd Krowski here like, a VERY long time ago (Before I knew what lore was).

Back then he also looked very different, and much more like a hyena.

For instance, he wasn't partially blue, he had a normal amount of ears, and didn't have swirls on his ass.

Now, Massivecraft isn't a furry community, and I don't think theres a good understanding (There used to be a lot more furries), so I'll make a short Q&A.

WHATS A FURSONA? Its basically an OC (Original Character), I just love puns and so does this subtulture.

WHATS THAT BLUE CIRCLE ON HIS BACK? Its where his tail would be if I drawn it

WHY DOES HE HAVE FOUR EARS? Because I thought it looked cool, stfu!

WHY DOES HE HAVE ASS SWIRLS? Because I thought it looked cool, stfu!!

See wasn't that short? Now feel free to cast judgement at my life choices!

Or ask me questions about furries if my Q&A if you're that curious.

Oh yeah, and tell me about my technique, I tried a new shading thing.
please do tell, but what are the redeeming qualities of being a furry? I've only ever been exposed to the negatives (if you know what I mean)
please do tell, but what are the redeeming qualities of being a furry? I've only ever been exposed to the negatives (if you know what I mean)

To put it quaintly, a lot of the time furries are furries because of the sense of community: Despite all the negative things you heard, the community can actually be very welcoming and friendly.

Its mostly open minded, thus it could be very appealing to someone who is an 'outcast', there's a reason theres huuuugge number of furries that are gay, trans, exc. A lot of them go to it because they want to belong, so the prospect of creating some alter-ego to can actually help them. Its honestly no different than the people who create Roleplay characters to have some form of escapism here.

Now, why would they associate specifically with animals? Well I guess I suppose its because humans associate certain positive attributes to certain animals, thus why there's a shit ton wolf furries.

Despite what you've been told, the whole 'negative' spects actually a very small minority. I could go on to talk about why that stereotype exists or why that 'negative' aspect exists, but to put it simply: Its the bloody internet, there's porn of literally everything. Judging the community by that makes as little sense as judging anything else by its cringey derivative works.

I'm personally apart of it just because I'm shitty at drawing humans lol.
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i used to draw things like this
thank dia i grew out of it
ew furries from dA

Tbh some of the shit on DA is cringe as all hell, I stopped going there because of it.

The only artists I really ever liked there were Phantion and the person who illustrates Floraverse
deviantart is like wattpad for artists. most of the stuff is horrible and makes me cringe into a different dimension, but some others are really really good which is weird. but also your wolf is very good.
please do tell, but what are the redeeming qualities of being a furry? I've only ever been exposed to the negatives (if you know what I mean)

  • Furries shell out a lot of money for a limited number of artists, meaning they are a gold mine to harvest.
  • The furry fandom is an acceptable escapism for something people cannot accept in reality.
  • Watching furry drama is some of the most hilarious shit ever.
  • Some Furry artists are actually really good anatomy wise, like I cannot compete with fur realism.
  • Furries are dramatic
  • Furries are dramatic
  • Furries are dramatic
  • While furries are outwards acceptant, internally they are judgmental and elitist, like any group I suppose.
  • A huge component of the furry community is porn, a much higher percentage than much of any other fandom.
Plus making a "fursona" can be fun. I'm not personally a furry but sometimes I like drawing a sabretooth fursona just because it's something different than drawing humans.
deviantart is like wattpad for artists. most of the stuff is horrible and makes me cringe into a different dimension, but some others are really really good which is weird. but also your wolf is very good.

Deviant Art is awesome if you're a professional and need a place to put a portfolio , but other times if you're just casual, the good artists make you wish you were better and the worse artists make you wish DA wouldn't link your art together lmao

Omfg don't get me started on dramatic furries, they can be such bitches: there's a reason I congregate here instead of a dedicated site for them.

But fun fact, if you don't care about your reception by others: You can combine your first bullepoint and your last bulletpoint and make some serious cash off of commissions, given, if you don't mind the prospect of drawing images for insane fetishes and fantasies. But its a lot of smile and grinning, because as you said, furries are dramatic fuckers and your clientele will throw some hissies if you don't get tiny details right. But some of these same people will sometimes fork over a couple hundred for a commission. I've read about some people who actually live off of that.

Not that I've been able to do that or wanting to do that, I work too slow to do commissions and I unfortunate am cursed to be the only gay artist who can't draw a penis to save his life.
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So basically I've been working on this fursona with my boyfriend because I've been wanting a new one,

However, I'm uncreative so I decided to revamp a pre-existing one I had, my Hyena Krowski.

I actually momentarily RP'd Krowski here like, a VERY long time ago (Before I knew what lore was).

Back then he also looked very different, and much more like a hyena.

For instance, he wasn't partially blue, he had a normal amount of ears, and didn't have swirls on his ass.

Now, Massivecraft isn't a furry community, and I don't think theres a good understanding (There used to be a lot more furries), so I'll make a short Q&A.

WHATS A FURSONA? Its basically an OC (Original Character), I just love puns and so does this subtulture.

WHATS THAT BLUE CIRCLE ON HIS BACK? Its where his tail would be if I drawn it

WHY DOES HE HAVE FOUR EARS? Because I thought it looked cool, stfu!

WHY DOES HE HAVE ASS SWIRLS? Because I thought it looked cool, stfu!!

See wasn't that short? Now feel free to cast judgement at my life choices!

Or ask me questions about furries if my Q&A if you're that curious.

Oh yeah, and tell me about my technique, I tried a new shading thing.
Oh my god, dude I love your fursona! His ears are so cute!
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So basically I've been working on this fursona with my boyfriend because I've been wanting a new one,

However, I'm uncreative so I decided to revamp a pre-existing one I had, my Hyena Krowski.

I actually momentarily RP'd Krowski here like, a VERY long time ago (Before I knew what lore was).

Back then he also looked very different, and much more like a hyena.

For instance, he wasn't partially blue, he had a normal amount of ears, and didn't have swirls on his love.

Now, Massivecraft isn't a furry community, and I don't think theres a good understanding (There used to be a lot more furries), so I'll make a short Q&A.

WHATS A FURSONA? Its basically an OC (Original Character), I just love puns and so does this subtulture.

WHATS THAT BLUE CIRCLE ON HIS BACK? Its where his tail would be if I drawn it

WHY DOES HE HAVE FOUR EARS? Because I thought it looked cool, stfu!

WHY DOES HE HAVE love SWIRLS? Because I thought it looked cool, stfu!!

See wasn't that short? Now feel free to cast judgement at my life choices!

Or ask me questions about furries if my Q&A if you're that curious.

Oh yeah, and tell me about my technique, I tried a new shading thing.
A huge component of the furry community is porn, a much higher percentage than much of any other fandom.
But not all of it, I'm a furry but I don't like to consider it a 'fetish' or a 'porn' I consider it a hobby or
Personality to myself. Because most people are steriotypical and most of you when you think of furries, you think of porn, but it's not all porn.
Did you ever hear the tragedy of JackTheMystic The Necro'er? I thought not. It's not a story the staff would tell you. It's a necro legend. JackTheMystic was a necro'er of the Massivecraft Forums, so unobservant he could use the "post reply" button to bump the long-dead threads to create life… He had such a lack of knowledge of the little grey date under the post that he could even keep the threads he found from dying. The dark side of the forums is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so necro-ful the only thing he was afraid of was losing his post privilege, which eventually, of course, he will. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice /ignored him in his sleep. Ironic. He could save others from death, but not himself.
no rudeness, 'tis simply a jonk