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Played Character Biska

This character is actively played.


Jun 29, 2014
Reaction score
〣✵- ──────────────────────── «•◦ ❃ ◦• » ─────────────────────── - ✵〣
Scoundrel of Silesha
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Artist / Full Image!

Theme Song Babyyy
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〣✵- ──────────────────────── «•◦ ❃ ◦• » ─────────────────────── - ✵〣
【 Occult Type 】» | Happiness Arkenborn - Exist Mageborn | «
【 Given Name » | Biska | «
【 Clan Name » | "Irywntaryt" - Overseers of the Great Home |
【 Race/Lineage 】» | Silontaar Asha |
【 Age » | Twenty | «
【 Birthday » | October 18th, 291 AC | «
Gender / Pronouns » | Masculine | «
|| Core Concept || 》Open Secrets
〉〉 Unpredictable, Greedy, and Self-Serving. Biska is an ode to careless frivolity and selfishness, with little care for family, friends, or even the myriad material possessions he has pilfered throughout his life. To know Biska is to realize that everything is a game to him. Therefore, to persuade him to take any situation seriously, to persuade him to be truly loyal to anything is a nigh-impossible task.
|| Appearance Information || 》Face of Joy
〉〉 Though this could be obscured by the fact he is a Silontaar, Biska does carry the trademark eyes of any Exist Arkenborn. Silvered irises, with blue sclera. Aside from this his fur is actually quite plain for the Silontaar. With Earthy tones and dark markings amidst the majority of his body, this pattern only broken up at his face. Where his eyes are surrounded by their own glowing blue - the inside of his ears practically radiate gold.

〣✵- ──────────────────────── «•◦ ❃ ◦• » ─────────────────────── - ✵〣
|| Proficiency || 》Abilities Galore
【 Strength » | 0 | «
Constitution 】 » | 0 | «
Wisdom 】» | 0 |
Dexterity » | 0 | «
Magic (Exist-Aligned) » | 14 (+2 Free, Silontaar Lineage) | «

» | Magic Bolt, Magic Snare, Magic Distort, Magic Smog, Magic Curse, Magic Resist, Magic Cleanse, Magic Bolster, Magic Disengage, Magic Warp, Magic Isolate, Magic Counter, Magic Feather, Magic Shove, Magic Revive, Wardrobe Pack |
Faith » | 0 | «
|| Languages || 》Greetings!
Ibeth » (First Language, Native) «
Common 】» (Second Language, Fluent) «
【 D'Ithanie 】» (Third Language, Fluent) «

〣✵- ──────────────────────── «•◦ ❃ ◦• » ─────────────────────── - ✵〣
|| Life Story || 》Biographical!
〉〉 The circumstances of his creation are as esoteric and hard to understand as the Arken who sired him. From Biska's birth to his near adulthood, he was never able to get a true account from his father just how it happened. How his mother looked, or if the Arken was even a 'mother' at the time his father encountered them. Biska only knows that he was somehow the result of whatever haze and confusion his father experienced from his time with Happiness - which had been his father's ultimate goal.
〉〉 His father's fascination with the Arken could not have prepared him for the task of raising one of their children. From his birth, Biska had always been unpredictable and powerful. He held a grasp of magic unfit and thoroughly unsafe for a child to wield. Things broke and distorted around him as a result of near-constant whims. And the more he was reprimanded, the worse it got, especially as he grew enough to realize just why he was being scolded. One thing was true throughout his life: He adored the attention. Good or bad, it really did not matter in the end.
〉〉 His family were wanderers. Himself, his father, his cousins, uncles and aunts travelled and provided aid or wares to those in need. Aside from the displays of magic and the wild mischief that Biska often caused in the towns they visited, he was mostly undisruptive for many of these ventures - At least compared to the problems he grew fond of in his teenaged years. Somewhere along the line Biska encountered the Avarice Arkenborn "Matahari" and developed an interest in thievery, a penchant developed by his brief time spent under her wing. After this encounter, even though Biska was separated from Matahari, everywhere his family, everyone they gave away from, would find themselves poorer as a result - often without memory of what had even been lost. This was discovered a handful of times - but his father, oft desperately, covered for and made excuses for Biska.
〉〉 There came a time in which enough was enough however. When Biska's father was pressured by the rest of his family to take his son back to Silontaar and keep an eye on him. The hope was that time in the homeland, amongst the most devout and dedicated of the Silontaar would surely break this trend... It did not. The Arkenborn was Seventeen when his grounding began, over an entire year he seemed to almost humor his father and those sent to speak to him, to re-educate him. He did not reveal his plans, he did not reveal how chafed and almost betrayed he felt at this 'imprisonment'. He merely continued his hoarding in private. Focusing in on magical tomes, items, anything with even the smallest connection to the exist.
〉〉 His escape was an explosion of chaotic revelry. A day in which he summoned leagues of Happiness Demons, tearing through his village. Every single artifact he had collected over the year was destroyed in the act - and in trying to deal with the influx of Demons, none noticed the errant son leaving his life behind. His wheareabouts remains unknown to his clan, even a year after that event. From his home in Regalia, Biska truly has no plans to send any letters back.

〣✵- ──────────────────────── «•◦ ❃ ◦• » ─────────────────────── - ✵〣
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Added eight more specials to the magic category, at a total of 18 now. @Caelamus
Unsure if that's supposed to be tagged but just in case.
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nevermind he's back to 5'3 now forgive me im so fickle
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@Caelamus Added an illusion form to the appearance information. Not quite sure if it checks out though.
Oop- Seems like my reviewer isn't staff anymore? Setting it to Needs Reviewer.
Changes include a slight format shift, updated magic specials and a little portrait link at the top! Sorry if I'm doing this all wrong.
Hello! Here's my review:

Core Concept
-Please specify if Biska is agnostic, atheist, or follows a religion.

-Just something to note, you do get the blessings pack for free due to the silontaar special.

-Please adjust Biska's altered self. The new ability has the user just be an altered version of themselves, but as the same race.

Please make the above changes, and tag me when your finished or if you have any questions!
In core concept, I added a small thing about religion.
For Proficiency, I decided to get rid of Mimicry all together, switched out for alteration. Therefore altered self no longer applies (rather not have to get another skin for it.)
Also, Blessings has been added. Though I don't imagine Biska will use it very often.

Edit: Nevermind, changed it back to Mimicry. If anyone is seeing this other changes coming soon!
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Updated the Character Sheet to current standard, changes include:
⬦ The Adding of Occult Status to Character Information, Removal of Eye Color from that section.
⬦ Repositioning of Appearance Information, no change in substance.'
⬦ Complete Rewrite of the Core Concept. Added a simple description and a more in depth one for me to remind myself on how he acts generally.
⬦ Removal of Specials from the Proficiency Section, Removal of Amontaar Wisdom Pack and Dimenthist Wisdom Pack, Addition of Outlaw Pack. Also swapped out Alteration for Mimicry in Spell Point Buy.
⬦ No change to Languages, No change to Life Story.​
Hopefully I didn't mess things up!
⬦ Tiny addition this time, given the addition of Mimicry to his spell-list, I added a description of his altered self disguise and an alias for said disguised.
05/05/2023, proficiency changes.
⬦ Removed Casting, replaced with Enchanting in both Point-Buy and Greater-Mage slots.
⬦ Removed Blood Incantation
⬦ Switched to Exist-Alignment in preparation for a potential future change, thus the removal of blood incantation.
⬦ Got rid of Outlaw pack, cause I couldn't find any mention of it anymore, replaced it with Dagger Expert, also upped Dexterity to five to add Dirty Fighter.​
05/07/2023, Life-Story / Arkenborn Status.
⬦ Because of the wording on the Arkenborn page mentioning the Silontaar (and the answer on a friend's ticket), I've made Biska into a child of Happiness!
⬦ As such, his life story was given a once over and updated. A plot hooks section for simple TLDR but also a section that goes into more detail.
⬦ Appearance Information and Occult Status have been edited accordingly.
⬦ Also switched Displacing with Illusionism in Greater Mage.​
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10/09/2023 Updated this page. FINALLY.
⬦ Reformat, REFORMAT!
⬦ Proficiencies updated.
⬦ Basic Information, core concept, appearance information, and life story completely rewritten. Honestly threw out the whole sheet and remade it.