Preserved Sheet Birc Al~ali

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The Fashion Knight
Feb 19, 2019
Reaction score
Basic Information

Full Name: Birc al~Ali
Age: 30 years old.
Gender: Male
Race: Qadir
Sexuality: Find out IC
Birc is a not so uncommon face in Regalia. A Sellsword finished their contract as a Caravan Guard, he finds himself in the City looking to find either a new Caravan to hitch up with or perhaps other means of employment. Above all else, he wishes to keep his Sister safe in this alien city.
Birc along his twin Sister Aska are travelling Nomads. Them making their way across the different Empires and Kingdoms of the lands of Farah'deen to Corontium, the only guiding star being that of the route the trade caravan is taking them. While they appear to be Qadir-Marra, they were born to Qadir-Almae parents. Their Mother Aska died in childbirth, leaving her unknown to Birc apart from the stories his Father told and the picture of her in his watch. His relationship with his Father was estranged at best. His father took towards teaching and nurturing Birc, leaving him to tend to himself during the long days he spent tutoring his sister. This would eventually lead to resentment in his young adult life and finally, regret after the man died storming out into the desert after an argument.
Birc 's ambition is to make his own destiny, not to be left in the backdrops of someone else journey, This goal being a mark branded on him by his upbringing.

Skill Informatio
30 proficiency points to spend from age.

+15 Fast Blades Combat Skill (From points)
+10 Athletic Training (From points)
+5 Shielding Combat Skill (From points)
+10 Rogue Training (from Race Boost)
+10 Finecraft Arts (from Race Boost)

Body Shape

15 Fast Blade Combat Skill + (10x2 Athletics Training) +5 Shielding Combat Skill = 40 Physical Stat
Muscular Body Shape
Extreme Low Body Fat

Faraddi (Taught by Father)
Common (From social interaction along the roads while growing up.)

Visual Information

Eye Colour: Dark brown.
Hair Colour: Jet black.
Hair Style: Messy
Skin Colour: Brown tan.
Clothing: Rugged and Tradinoal Garbs

Personality and Abilities

  • Birc on a glance would appear to be an average Sellsword, clinging around Taverns armoured and tattooed. On closer inspection and conversation he would be far from a rough mercenary. He is decently spoken and with his kind words would soon be cone to understand him as good-natured. After a few more minutes with him, they would also see how drunk and near impulsive he can be at times, jumping head first into trouble with no care for the repercussions.
  • Birc sees himself as weak, needing to find a way to cast off the shadow of his sister and become his own person. Whilst he honestly cares about those that he knows, he is also too stubborn to accept any help they would offer him. He knows he can't gain the thing he craved from his Father and so will attempt to gain it from those he gets to know. Leading to him being In a contradiction of wanting to cut himself off from people to only rely on himself but to connect with people. His Fathers death also filled him withregret and guilt, him blaming himself for it till this day. Whilst he did try to mend the bridges broken through his upbring with the man, his fathers obsession is was ignited the man to lash out. This has made him reserved about himself. The lack of ability to cope with the feelings attached to his Fathers death is why he spends so much time at Taverns.
  • Birc would just to arms if his Friends or Sister were in harmsway and he has the scars to prove it. Whilst he'll put on a smile and merely talk to his friends, he'll hide how he's really feeling. Not because he has alternative motives but because he doesn't want to rely on them. Whilst he loves his Sister greatly as the only family he has, he still has a small ember of resentment towards her for his upbringing. With the lack of developing meaningful connections and friendships in hs upbringing and this disconnect with his Father and Sister, has lead to Birc being highly independant and reserved about opening up about how he really feels about people. This feeling of strong independence was deeper ingrained by the death of his Father, now laced with worry about what may happen to others if he's honest about himself with them. He even struggles with being truly relaxed, even with his Sister.
  • He shifts between being good or neutral depending on the times and what's happened but he is always chaotic, the laws be damned if it gets in his way. Whilst he tries to help others and be of aid, he still needs to look after himself and Aska. Throughout anything he does, it is with conviction. As he believes he is doing the right thing.

Life Story

Birc and Aska were both born in a Hadrityas, the name of his home forgotten to the sands and faded by the road. With their birth came great news and fortune for their Father, Talal, a simple clockwork mechanic, yet came with a heavy price: the life of their mother, who sadly passed away during childbirth. The two siblings spent much of their early life within the walls of this Hadritya, whilst their father grew ever more obsessed with delving into the realm of Soul Magic. His one and only ambition, out with his children, is to bring back his deceased beloved. He became more and more consumed by this goal, subjecting himself, and by extension his children, to a life of travelling from Hadritya to Hadritya. He would attempt to learn the secrets contained in each, both magical and mechanical. In order to fund such an endeavour, the young family turned to transport goods from place to place as a caravan. It was something their father took little pride in unless it involved the peddling of his own clockwork creations.

Reminding him much of his late partner, Talal took a quick, yet unspoken, preference towards his daughter. He attempted to teach both of his children the art of clockwork, yet it was Aska who excelled in this, partly due to inherent skill, as well as her father's constant attention. Her talent with tinkerer's tools far outweighing that of her brother. Throughout their travels, her father continued to teach her his craft, and eventually, he began to share the knowledge he had acquired from the Hadritya's transforming her into quite the scholar. Meanwhile, Birc struggled with the constant moving from place to place, as well as the blatant dismissal he received from his father, the only consistency in his life was his family and the purple scarf that belonged to his mother. Aska was too naïve to ever take notice of his struggles. In confused frustration, Birc would lash out at random intervals. There were little moments when he was not landing himself in trouble with the local urchins. Yet, despite these episodes, his father still seemingly took little interest in his son's actions, leaving Aska to dress his wounds.

As time passed, Talal grew more and more distant from his children. He began to care less for his and other's wellbeing and become more and more obsessed with his end goal. Birc and Aska tried to reason with him but to little success. During this adolescent period of their lives, the twins became closer and closer as they began to fend more and more for themselves. Birc would begin seeking training in Swordsmanship. When the Family would enter a city for a few days, he would seek out any Trainers he could. Some off duty Guards and wandering Darkmarks that accompanyed the caravan would humour him. If not to be entrained at his weak attempts with the blade, then by him offering what small coinage he had. Eventually, he became proficient enough and a prolonged visit in a coastal City, he would have a sword to his name. This enraged Talal as he saw it as an affront to his family's heritage as Scholars, something Birc had little knowledge of or care for. His father would forbid him from becoming a common mercenary, less he disgraces the family. He stayed for Aska, worried what might happen to her if he left. Having the ability to control at least a fraction of his life and the constant training with his sword mellowed the man out, him soon regretting the actions of his youth and seeking to help others instead. One night, after confronting their father about his issues, he stormed off into the desert, away from the pressure placed upon him by his children. Aska tried to pursue him into the night but was subdued by her brother, preventing her from doing so. The following morning, upon seeing he had not yet returned, the two ventured out in the search. Later that day they happened upon a dead tree in the dunes: a familiar, yet bloodied and mangled man, hanging from its branches. Aska broke down into fits of tears upon this sorry sight. She managed to reclaim his research, as well as a lock of his hair as a sad reminder. She vowed to one day either complete his goal of bringing life back to their mother, or breath life back into him so he can see to it personally.

After a handful of years operating the caravan independently, the two siblings have found themselves in the city of Regalia, completely broke. Here, one seeks to increase her knowledge on the Soul Magics she needs to complete her promise; the other seeks a life outside of his sister's shadow and make a name for himself.
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Alright, let's get to work. @Aurelian30k

Basic information:
  • Please put your basic information expansion in a spoiler.
Personality and Abilities:
  • Separate each paragraph with bullet points.
  • In both the second and third body paragraph, elaborate on how his father's death has impacted his personality. For the second, how does he feel about internally. For the third paragraph, how does it affect his relationships, his his friends and lovers, and with his sister.
Mark all changes in pink.
Alright, let's get to work. @Aurelian30k

Basic information:
  • Please put your basic information expansion in a spoiler.
Personality and Abilities:
  • Separate each paragraph with bullet points.
  • In both the second and third body paragraph, elaborate on how his father's death has impacted his personality. For the second, how does he feel about internally. For the third paragraph, how does it affect his relationships, his his friends and lovers, and with his sister.
Mark all changes in pink.

Alright, how do I add a spoiler box to it. :)
Aged up the character in line with his family. Changes in blue
  • All in all a solid character application! If at all your character seeks greater interaction with fellow Qadir, feel free to drop by the Clockwork Shop -- found right next to the Golden Willow Tavern! @Aurelian30k