Archived Bimonthly Old-lore Day!

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a muppet of a man
Aug 20, 2016
Reaction score
Some dark basement
Chalsie's fac
Roleplay Guilds
Silver Lining Fleet
Here is my idea:

Every two months, we allow anybody on the server to roleplay about using any race, subrace, or oldern idea or anything that had ever existed in the lore. This would disclude time magic...
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I don't really see why, I mean, there's a reason it got removed. ya know what I'm sayin?
I don't really see why, I mean, there's a reason it got removed. ya know what I'm sayin?
I want to make a agni character soooo bad... and I think it would help us grieve the loss of some lore and we could bring back old characters and memories. Cuz face it, today, about 30 torrp and vissi characters were just deleted from existance
I think it would help us grieve the loss of some lore
if you wanna hold on to the past a bit longer, why not just make some forums rps instead?

we could bring back old characters
ngl, that's kinda what deathlings are for

about 30 torrp and vissi characters were just deleted from existance
I know I don't rp as much as most, but I've only ever seen like, what, not even ten of both? I know that one of the reasons marty gave them the boot, was that they were severely underplayed. actually, now that i think about it, I don't think there were even a whole 30 mekket players overall. the race was severely underplayed
It'll cause severe confusion for new players who just join the server, so no. Why would anyone even use old lore anyway, it's all deprecated and bad compared to the newer stuff. Use Forum roleplays for your own fantasies.
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