House Auction Bilge Court 3 - Decorated! - Quick Sale - Sold!

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Sophia Du Polignac
Sep 15, 2013
Reaction score
Bert Improved - kopie.webp

Quick Sale!

Today we're offering this lovely house, Bilgecourt3!

It is located right across from the healing house and boost some interesting features! The owner wishes to sell it quickly that is why, insead of an auction, we're going to change it slightly!
A quick sale, one bid, one winner, no losers. Except for those who don't bid because, you are silly if you will let this amazing propperty go!

(Click it!)

And once More, I present you all to our realestate agent, Evelyn!


Evelyn arrived with her hair messed up, a ripped handbag and her coat not in propper order.

''You won't believe what happend! Here I am, selling a house in the plant district. Well plant, those tree people! Tenar or something, suddenly I get jumped by this insane women! Her eyes were red from anger, anyhow I am here now, she didn't survive my handbag! Shall we start, hmm? The former owner of this establishment used it as a bar, hostel and meeting area. You will find the bar on the first floor, with a lovely fire place which is surrounded by a seating area. Moving up to the first floor, we find a table with chairs surrounding it, perfect to plan anything! From how to kidnap someone- which you of course shouldn't do, to how to plan your daughter a suprise party!''

Evelyn walks around the room, her head tilted.

''Now, you ask yourself, is this all? Of course it is not!.''

She pushes open what seems to be a closet, with behind it a hidden door.

''Come come, up this ladder. Up in the attic we find five bunkbeds, so space for ten people! An excellent money maker, or perhaps hideout? But, now we go behind the bar, where there is a staircase leading us down into the cellar! This cellar is once more a deep one and can be split it in two floors if needed, for now it houses scaffolding and- a.. Chair with chains. And Red Crayons.''

Once upstairs, evelyn begins to speak about the surrounding area.

''At the edge of oldtown, a stonethrow away from the healinghouse! The house has a front and back entrance and thus is an excellent location for a bar! Oh and did I mention it comes with a market stall? Yes it does! Well, make up your mind but be quick, we haven't got all day!''

Bert Improved - kopie.webp

In Short:

- House with 5 Floors! Three top floors and two basement levels.
- House has several entrances Front and Back!
- Currently functions as a bar/hideout!
- Comes with a market stall!
- Fully furnished!


This is a quicksale, the owner doesn't wish to have the propperty to long in it's possesion and therefor
wishes to make quick money.

Startingbid: 300 Regals.
Increase: 25 Regals a bid.
Buyout: 500 Regals.

Why the option for a buyout when there is only one bid? Well, it won't be one bid but the auction will close within two hours of the first bid being placed. Tag the previous bidder!
Or whenever I feel like closing it earlier.
(DDMMYY- As all relevant countries do it.)

The Propperty is on the name of BrammekeH, but the auction will go through me. For any questions, shoot me a private message or contact me on discord/IG!

The doors are open! Have a look around!

Be quick, before it is gone!

Location: (Click it!)

Bert Improved - kopie.webp

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