-=[ Big Z's Free Sketches ]=-


Sep 19, 2013
Reaction score
your head.

Yo dawg.

Interested in some free character sketches, eh?
Then welcome to my corner.
This is made for the sake of practice only, don't rage if it isn't perfect.


Gabi.jpg Llewaaallyn.jpg More with time
1. @Gabriel Done~
2. @Forever_Cookie Done~
3. @SacredTrout Started
4. @ObscureKoala Waiting
5. @DJWingedHope Waiting

Fill this out thingy:

Character name:
Appearance: [not a skin or a tektek thing, but a description or prev. art]



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Character name: Gabriel Hart
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Race: Elf
Appearance: gabbss.png
Extra: I'm al about dat art, 'bout dat art, 'bout dat art
Character name: Llewellyn Aeglossiil
Gender: Female
Age: 124
Race: Isldar Nelfin

  • Llew has a long thin facial shape, its angular and thin with very little fat in the cheeks meaning her cheekbones are prominent. Her chin is an average shape, the angular jawline meeting in a flat point. Her nose is thin and slightly turned up at the end and her pointed ears are around 2 and a half inches long and slim to a point, quite highlighting the nickname of 'knife-ears'. Llews eyes are an averagely sized almond shape and an average distance apart, their shape leads her look quite calculating.

  • As all Isldar, Llews eyes are a bright and wonderful shade of sky-blue. Their colour, really quite light is lined by darker outer colours and both lighter and darker ones slicing through the center. One could say her eyes are really quite a beautiful shade.

  • Llews hair is ghost white and wavy, though its not styled. Its usually left as it is, or cut with a knife, the length being down to the bottom of her shoulder blades. Its usually kept in braids or plaits held together with beads, bones and other material. Her hair is usually tied back in a messy pony tail most of the time with loose hair at the front.
  • Llew does have a tattoo, the long smooth and pointed line follows the scars that run down her face. A main long line and a few small decorative ones around it, the tattoos colour being a light pink/soft purple, meant to highlight the scarring but not too much on the light skin. She got this on one of her trips to the main town from the isolated home. She also bears ear piercings of simple iron studs and rings, though often leaves them out as they make for an easy thing to grasp. Other than a few facial scars, she bares no facial disabilities.

For the itty bit of clothing, 3 on here.

Extra: Nuh
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Character name: Huan Changming
Gender: Male
Age: 42
Race: Chi'en-ji/Ailor
Appearance: Something like this, but with golden eyes and shortened hair.

Extra: Tell me if you need anymore.~
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Character name: A'ishah Zahirah
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Race: Qadir.

References and appearance:
  • Art reference: http://imgur.com/a/qtI32
  • Picture reference(s): http://imgur.com/a/TR03B
  • Descriptive reference: A'ishah stands at a height of 5'10 with a slender, athletic frame weighing in around 138 pounds. Some would say her hair is the color of the darkest pupil and her iris the color of untouched gold. She is typically found wearing lightweight clothing that allows her to move swiftly in between attacks. The fabric of her clothing is certainly not cheap looking- perhaps a little dusty, but far from peasant-like. Her lips are very defined as much as her collarbones and jawline is. Cheekbones high and prominent, she stands with confidence wherever she goes, arrogance obviously present. Her common expression is a very light smirk.
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Character name: Lyle Finnegan
Gender: Male
Age: Twenty-Five
Race: [Ailor] Human
lyle.png lyles.png
Standing at a height of 5'9", Lyle weighs roughly about 162 lbs. He also has medium, curly, red/orange hair, dark green eyes & somewhat pale skin with freckles (His freckles are mainly focused around his face, under his eyes.).
He is also missing his right arm, and wears a cloak on his right side to hide it.
Lyle is a twenty-five year old ailor male.

Willing to add draw up more references if needed.

Also your image isn't working for me. Just thought I'd point it out, but it doesn't matter to me because I already know how cute your style is :o.
+1 Bio support from the medical ward. You do your thing!~
Character name: D'eadrae Tinker
Gender: Gurrrlll
Age: 19
Race: T'oree Kleinfolk
Appearance: She's usually seen wearing a cute, long sleeved purple dress. Since she's a T'oree, she has rather large, dark brown, bull-like horns on opposite sides of her head; on them, she likes to string shiny golden necklaces and the such around them, or just jewelry she's "somehow" acquired. Her deer-like legs are orange-ish brown, matching her long, straight-ish hair (it tends to get a tad messy and tangled). She also has a rather prominent amount of bracelets and rings on her hands and fingers, along with her ankles and tail. Her eye color is a light brown.
omg I'm sorry i don't have any art for this character yet but there's always the thing in my signatureeee <33
Extra: Nooppp
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Character name: Peter Stonetree
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Race: Nelfen
References and appearance: My prof pic, skin (for current clothing (msg me if you need more details))