Preserved Sheet Bhima

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I love you!
Sep 18, 2015
Reaction score


Basic Information
  • Full Name: Bhima
  • Age: 63
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Yanar
  • Preferred Weapon: Polehammer

Skill Information

Total Points: 60 Points in total
  • +20 Nature care Sciences (Racial)
  • +15 Extra Heavy Combat Skill (Points)
  • +10 Unarmed Combat Skill (Points)
  • +3 Athletic training (Points)
  • +2 Perception Training (Points)
  • +30 Unionist Sanktism Skill (Points)
Body Shape
  • Total Points: 56
    • (Ex Heavy Combat - 15*2=30 Unarmed - 10*2=20 Athletic - 3*2=6, 30+20+6=56)
  • Body shape: Musclegod
  • Extreme Low Body Fat
  • Common (learned in childhood)
Basic Information (Expansion)
  • Bhima is currently residing within one of the temples of the Unionist church within the city of regalia. He works daily to help the staff perform prayer and does other chores to keep the building clean. He also spends most of his free time either training his body or studying scripture.
  • There is only one family member to Bhima, his birthmate Chengis. They both grew up within the orphanages of Regalia and worked hard to become holy warriors for the church that raised them

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Bright blue
  • Hair Color: Red Mushroom
  • Hair Style: It's literally a Red Mushroom
  • Skin Color: Dark green.
  • Clothing: Light religious priest garbs.
  • Height: 5'5" (165 cm)
Visual Information (Expansion)
  • When examining this Yanar's head the first thing that will attract is the bright red mushroom on his head. This is a natural protrusion and considered his hair. He makes sure to keep it healthy and clean as it also can act as a small cushion from bludgeoning attacks. Though if one were to look beneath the Mushroom you would find much more to Bhima's face. His bright blue eyes with wide round sockets, and round cleft chin, big cheeks, and circular ears give him a very strong "baby face" look to him.
  • Though years of diligent training and experience, Bhima has grown into a very muscular figure. He seems to take more after the sturdiest of Dwarves in terms of shape, but just a tad taller.
  • When not in expectation of a fight Bhima will often where more simple priestly garments that clearly show of his allegiances. When he is going into a fight he will usually wear heavy plate or other types of heavy armour to make sure that it will be no easy task to push him around on the battlefield.
  • Despite his short stature and welcoming face, his voice can be quite different. With a heavy low tone and plenty of bass to make even the deepest of caverns reverberate with his voice. He makes sure to keep a voice that demands ones attention when he is met on the field of battle.


Personality and Abilities
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    • Bhima will always respond to his fear with anger. Letting himself get angry in an attempt to conquer the fear. When choosing between flight or fight, this Yanar will always choose fight. And if he can't fight the fear physically, then he shall fight his own fear in an attempt tamp it down.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
    • As above, when dealing with stressful situations Bhima will always try to tamp them down with force. Preferring to use his anger to try and deal with his problems. He will also seclude himself with weapons practice and prayer to calm himself down.
  • How would your character express feeling Happy?
    • The Yanar can often come off as far more flirtatious and sarcastic when in a good mood. Often joking and trying to be the center of attention to help further his good mood. Friendship and comradery will other often improve his mood, so he will always seek them out to make a good mood even better.
  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    • Bhima follows Regalian and Alorian laws to the best of his ability. Taking their authority more as biblical scripture rather than laws. He also does not do well with those who use to abuse their authority.
  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    • In his eyes Ailors are seen as the holy people and all other races are there to serve them, including his own, in some form. The only races he dislikes are ones typically associated with void worship (i.e. Kathar)
  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
    • Bhima is a hardcore Unionist. Most other religions he tolerates as wrong and their members needing to be educated in the truth. Only void worship he sees as vial and needing to be destroyed.
  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    • This Yanar feels no strong feelings towards magic in particular. So long that the spells and casters follow the Regalian rules, Bhima will allow it in his presence.
  • How does your character feel towards their family?
    • The only family Bhima has is his brother Chengis. He loves him with absolute loyalty and will follow his brother where ever. Bhima is also likely to make close friends of his into family and will give them just as much love and devotion as he would his own brother.
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    • Being a non-Ailor in a religion can make one at times feel like they don't belong. Those who tease Bhima for this will most likely find themself on the business end of his rage. He works hard to make up for that fact, and does not enjoy those who spit on the effort he has made.
  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
    • To Bhima his loyalty to his church and comrades, as well as the strength he has at which to support those groups give him a great sense of pride and accomplishment. And he works tirelessly to help grow all those parts stronger each day.
  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    • First the better the goals of his religion to which he serves under as well as grow himself stronger and wiser to better defend his brothers in arms.
  • What is your character's biggest fear?
    • Unworthiness is what keeps this Yanar up at night. Unable to prove himself to the holy spirit as a worthy follower. And that his strength is not enough to protect his comrades.
Personality and Abilities (Expansion)
  • Unaware to even himself, when Bhima is meeting a new person that he wishes to make a good first impression he will unconsciously adjust his mushroom cap. It's not like it's a hat or something that actually needs adjusting. But like a person that combs their hair before a meeting, Bhima just can't help try and fix his appearance. So since that cap is the first thing that will attract a person's attention it will what he tries to fix first to give a good impression.
  • While not intentional, Bhima has become quite the story teller. His journeys have taken him far and wide. To many different lands and people, often speaking and performing sermons for them. This has lead to a great ability to tell tall tales as well as sing holy sermons to those who need it.

  • Prayer: While he enjoys the activity not only for his religion, he also loves to process more for himself. Taking the time more to collect himself and perform self-reflection 3 times a day. He takes these prayers vary seriously and will go above and beyond to to attend communal prayer services or his own privately.
  • Partying: While a holy man Bhima can't help but also love the seedy nightlife that comes with a party. He tries to hide it but he has spent his fair share of nights drunk, and purchased few too many nights with other women. While knowing it can be seen as sinful he more does it to get closer to the people his religion serves and enjoy the life he knows all too well can become far too short.

  • Heretics: This should be obvious for a holy man to hate, but this is more than hating a group of people that are then enemy of his. He also secretly hates them as it's also his form of revenge against the people that killed his parent. He will not admit this secret to anybody and keeps this close to him.



Life Story
Bhima is offspring of the late Yanar Hak'Chan. Along with his brother, Chengis, they were both born in the winter of 267 AD within the Daendroque area. Within two short days after their birth, the newly conceived Yanar were shown the cruelty of the world for the first time. A small gang of void cultists were attempting to raid a village in hopes to gather wealth for themselves. The raid came shortly before sunset with the gang seeming to come out of nowhere killing and pillaging before the town's militia could get ready to fight them off. Luckily for the town within their tavern held 5 highly experienced Unionist Paladins who were staying within while they were traveling through. These holy warriors where able to kill or drive out the gang soon after they arrived. Unfortunately for the Yanar brothers, one of the innocents killed in the raid was their birth parent Hak'Chan. With their birth happening so recently the two young Yanar were unable to take care of themselves, and would of most likely died within a week before they could reach adulthood.

One of their rescuers a human named, SGT. Aida Dudley, saw the plight of these young ones. SGT. Dudley was a prominent warrior within the Unionist church and leader of the band of warriors that traveled the land protecting its people. When she looked upon the two young Yanar she would later tell them that the reason their parent was killed was because of her. She knew of the cultists hiding in the nearby forests and decided to rest in the village for some time before hunting down their camp. Aida blamed herself for her hesitation. Knowing she was up for retirement when she returned home, the revered warrior decided to take the Yanar with her back to Regalia and attempt to give them a future they would not get anywhere else.

During the journey back towards Regalia, when the young Yanar reached adulthood, SGT. Dudley and her team retold the Yanar of their plight. Being wracked with grief so soon into their existence the warriors fully expected for the Yanar to leave them and try to live a peaceful life away from the hurt they were born into. This was not what happened. When Bhima and Chengis were rescued then were showed so much kindness by these warriors the two immediately decided to do their best to repay them. The boys were quickly going to the troops and asking for training and instruction. At first the paladins were hesitant but they soon realized the boys were like a ramming ship, either be on board to get run over. Their passion was not to be tempered. The boys began their training on their boat ride to Regalia. They learned of the core Unionist values. With extra attention being paid to the fourth creed. Where they learned that they too even as non-Ailor can saved by the ways of Unionism.

A few months later once they were settled in, it was time to try and get a formal education. SGT Aida, now retired, semi adopted the Yanar brothers, more out of love and pride for their goals rather than her guilt. She worked hard to use her contacts to get the boys into the same college that trained her. It was tough not only for Aida to get them in, but also the boys. The younger Yanar had to agree to do extra side work for the college to attend, as well endure a fair share of bullying. The boys were at first shunned or told to leave by their fellow students. However it was not long for Chengis and Bhima, using their great enthusiasm and strong will, to eventually make friends with the less xenophobic students of the school. By the times the most bigoted parents found out the Yanar had already proven themselves to be some of the best students the school had. The boys attended to their studies, chores, and all activities with great passion. Showing great respect to their Ailor superiors and even making friends with many of them. This also where the brothers split a small about. Where Chengis took more towards his military tactics and leadership classes. Bhima would take more Unionist studies and philosophies classes, compared to his brother.

It was about 6 years later the Yanar graduated near the top of their class in not only grades but also respect earned from their peers. That night, after their now mother Aida stopped crying over them, they sat down at the and made a decision. Bhima decided to take on the role of the shield for Unionism. He wanted to be the force that held back the evil in the world. While his brother was the sword. Bhima took the form of a short stalwart man with the focus to be strong and able to stand against any foe. He also later decided that night, after a few too many drinks, he would add a red mushroom thinking he would need a helmet if he was to fight. The Yanar would later say that it was actually wanted for it would help him make a positive impression on the more xenophobic allies he will me. Years later Bhima would still keep the cap now more a reminder of his past and his hard work to to be where he was.

Both Chengis and Bhima would go on to spend the next 10 years to get specialized weapons training. Using their degrees and notoriety from their college to gain access to trainers that otherwise would not of seen them. Chengis got trained is several types of blades, and Bhima stuck to heavy weapons such as the Polehammer.

It was when Bhima was about 17 years he decided to join same order that SGT. Aida served under. Being assigned to the team led by one of the Paladins that saved him as a child. Bhima joined them, taking part in what they called a pilgrimage. The team traveled through many of the lands of the Regalian Empire, acting a police force for the church. Not only putting down heretics, but also healing, performing charity, and protecting the citizens of the Unionist church. The team became very successful earning much notoriety and awards. Though Bhima had a feeling it was due to the fact people tended to not forget a band of hardcore Unionist Paladins that had a Yanar among them.

Bhima would spend the next 21 years going on many of these pilgrimages. While he did spend enough time to earn a leadership role, he was always denied. Given the reason that it was forbidden for any non-Ailor to lead one of these holy teams. Eventually he met a pastor on the edge of the Empire's border. The priest, who went by the name Pollard Charlton or Father Pollard, was a wise and kind man. Bhima met him when the Priest helped his warrior troop clear our a particularly large band of cultists. Bhima learned the priest was a Master in Unionism Sanktism after the endeavor. During their task the two got along greatly. Father Pollard proved to be very open to other races as being very close with the people around him. When the Yanar was about to leave to head home, Father Pollard told that if Bhima wanted to he could return any time and learn more of his religion and of the skill of Sanktism.

And that's exactly what he did. As soon as he was able, Bhima took his leave of the holy order. Telling them that he was going away for many years for education and would eventually return once he was done. His commanders quickly accepted,worried that one of their best troops will leave them forever because of their rules against him. Bhima would then spend the next 30 years learning under and working with father Pollard. They would heal the sick perform prayer services and weekly sermons, with even Bhima leading some of these before he left. The two became great friends talking at length of Unionism and the greater philosophies of its scripture.

It was the news of Aida's death and the rise of Cultists that caused him to return home. With a heavy heart he waved goodbye to his friend and returned to work with his brother Chengis once more and help the city in the best way he can.
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How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
  • Bhima will always respond to his fear with anger. Letting himself get angry in an attempt to conquer the fear. When choosing between flight or fight, this Yanar will always choose fight.
Be more specific and clarify on fears that he cannot fight with a weapon. How would he respond to them?

How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
  • As above, when dealing with stressful situations Bhima will always try to tamp them down with force. Preferring to use his anger to try and deal with his problems
What are his other coping mechanisms? Also try keeping a minimum of two sentences for each by the way, this also gives you more room to expand on things if you want! Though after reviewing through most of them, please add another sentence to each question to give them a bit more depth.

Luckily for the town within their tavern held 5 highly experienced Unionist Paladins who where able to kill out drive out the Gang soon after they arrived. Unfortunately for the Yanar brothers one of the innocents killed in the raid was their birth parent Huk'Chan.

One of their rescuers a human named, Aida Dudley, took pity on the orphaned Yanar and took them back with her to Regalia.
I would like to clarify this probably would of been pretty awkward for the ailor involved, or by the time they adopted the orphaned pair, they were both pretty much already fully capable adults physically. Yanar do grow to adulthood in literally ten days physically. Do keep that in mind, childhood for them can be pretty different to childhood for other races!

It wasn't long before the Yanar were attending religious colleges as well as combat schools to not only hone their bodies but also their minds.
I would actually recommend writing up or detailing in their personality a bit more how this effected them as a character, as a yanar, entry requirements would be a lot harsher than it would for an Ailor or more human looking race. How would he handle being ridiculed for being a walking plant or tree amongst hardline unionists with some who more than likely could have high xenophobic tendecies? Does this cause him to internally doubt himself or his religion? Or with recent progressions with yanar and cielothar being rounded up and burned in cages by unionists and holy men. How do the recent events affect him? How does he face scrutiny from other yanar? These are some interesting things to take into consideration as he could very well be an outlier to both parties, consider how it would affect him as a person personality wise, there's a lot of potential to add a lot of interesting conflicting opinions and depth to him as a character.

There he learned that the man was a master in the use of Unionist Sanktism
What prompted the man of the cloth to teach a Yanar of all people how to perform sacred rites that are usually reserved only for holy reverends? Once more it's good to bare in mind, achieving these things would be harder for a yanar than a normal Ailor, he would need very good reasoning to have persuaded a man of the cloth to teach such sacred rites to a non-human.

Over-all well done, there's a lot of potential for really interesting character design with a lot of potential for progression IC. As well as conflict given the position he's situated in. Be sure to tag me and highlight edits when you're done!
@Caelamus Thanks for picking this up! Lol I am sorry and I don't want to come off as sounding rude, but do you want me to add a sentence to the personality questions? Cause at first you said to keep it two sentences then confused me with the next sentence.
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@Caelamus Thanks for picking this up! Lol I am sorry and I don't want to come off as sounding rude, but do you want me to add a sentence to the personality questions? Cause at first you said to keep it two sentences then confused me with the next sentence.
I just think it would be appropriate to add a few more to give the character more depth, they're pretty short but there's room for improvement but the bare necessities are there but we should always strive to do more than the bare necessities. Especially with how much potential Bhima has.
@Caelamus All changes in green and bold!

I also re-wrote the backstory. Since it was about 3 pages long i decided that since it was just a more detailed story. I made into the long version of his life and contained in a spoiler. so that if people want to learn more they can. Or if they want the basic the short version is for them as well.

Let me know if you would like to see anything else done?
@Caelamus Sorry to do this so quickly. but I just wanted to make sure it was okay to do the following. I wanted to buff up his Unionism Sanktism skill to 30. So I raised the char's age and took some points from other stuff. All changes are in green/bold.
Total Points: 56
  • (Ex Heavy Combat - 15*2=30 Unarmed - 10*2=20 Athletic - 3*2=6, 30+20+6=56)
just throwing this out there, this bit is irelevant as the character is a yanar, you do not have to stipulate bodyshape calculations for them given they can just ovalate anyway, but it's nice to have. Re-approved never the less.
just throwing this out there, this bit is irelevant as the character is a yanar, you do not have to stipulate bodyshape calculations for them given they can just ovalate anyway, but it's nice to have. Re-approved never the less.

Yeah I just do it cause I just don't want to be the guy that takes the body build without the effort put in it to earn the result. Thank you again as well!