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Beware The Hand


Chief of the Damned
Aug 11, 2018
Reaction score
Red Blooded Hand prints would have been seen across old town, One specially placed on the Nook Inns sign, the hand print looked normal, but was it Paint of Blood? Who knows. These prints would be placed randomly. Kathar Dialect words saying "Beware Your undoing" would also be found among the walls of some of the prints.

Who could have done this? and why?

(((THE WRITTINGS ARE ON THE WALLS ALL MESSY YET READABLE, there is no paper or note that it is written on)))
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"Who the fuck spilled the ketchup? Unknown how hard it is t'get outta wood?"
Joasaie eyed the notice, rolling her eyes and continuing on her way, "Why must every Old Town group have to try to out edge the rest? Tsk."
Vala's lips turned downward as she finished up the last of her rounds. A pensive furrow marred her brow, a hand raising to brush her fingertips across the handprints. It was oh so familiar to her and, for a moment, she was caught offguard with the slam of nostalgia. She smeared her hand across the handprint, effectively bringing her from her trip down memory lane.
"<K-E> There are quite enough sheep in this city already..."
As the Manathar turned off, a fleeting, worried glance was cast over her shoulder, fixated on the words she would inevitably repeat back to her wife once home.
(i'm going to vote this stock image powerful)
"I do love it when the heretic comes to us, saves on time and energy." -Titus Cretch

Following one too many drinks, Bacchus would empty the contents of his stomach at the base of the message, before heading back inside to carry on as if it wasn't there. -Bacchus Beerfist.
Hybris Osseamitore sighed, she tossed the paper into the fire which was sent to her desk before opening a bottle of wine. She sat in her black robe watching the paper burn.
  1. (((There is no PAPER it's not a NOTE it's just written badly on walls. I should have put that in the caption )))
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The Sihndar Bouncer shook her head in disappointment at the message.. "Dumb focks... at least I'll have something to do t'help me burn off all this flab."
Rosana simply raised a brow.. "Hey.. Skye lets just.. not go outside anymore? Especially at night.. who knows what they could want.." with that she'd hold her owl a little tighter as she headed hope. She's had enough of humanity for one day.