Archived Better Lore And Legend Education

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Dec 7, 2012
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I think there should be a history/legend center or a museum of legend and historical events that have happened in both Silveredge and Regalia, and other major events. This would help players learn and understand the server lore.

This is specifically for Mrs. Baver, however it applies to a lot of lore. I know there have been similar suggestions, but I think a specific thing like this would be cool. First, I'll start with two noobish comments I've heard in the past couple of days.

Golemlord:Mrs. Baver is evil etc.etc. She leads evil vampire armies etc.etc. One of her henchman stole my icecream etc.etc.
Nooblet007: Well, who's to say that Mrs. Baver is evil? (Where in holy hell are you pulling that from???)

Golemlord: (basically same thing as I said a second ago)
NoobleDooble123: Are you sure Mrs. Baver is evil? She seems nice, I've talked to her once and I liked her. But if you say so... (what the...)

So, the first reply is pretty wrong, and the second one is just not true, and doesn't even make sense. I think this is a result of people not actually knowing anything about the Baver legend, which is not really their fault (the second guy probably thought she was a player or something). There are a lot of things that players are unknown to when they are thrust into this new and vast server, and it is hard to get a grasp on things. With this center/museum, they can learn things about vampires and their behavior, the story behind Mrs. Baver(which I am most concerned about at the moment), perhaps the Imperial vs. Coalition war. (it would have to be a completely unbiased telling, perhaps by someone who had allies/truced on both sides, and was informed of everything yet never participated? I don't know, maybe that war shouldn't be included. Anyways, various events could be debated on whether or not they belonged, but I think there should be a medium sized building in Regalia for this purpose. There can be a couple volunteer people who work at the center to answer questions, and it can be a good RP hub for debating on history, for example what is truth, and what is myth and legend?

I've been losing my head lately at people who run around at spawn asking for vampire (Honestly I think some of them are just ignorant, and have no clue what they are doing.) I've been being a bit rude to some people in-game, and while I don't regret the points I made, I do regret the manner I presented them in. I was annoyed at the constant insisting that all vampires can just as easily be good, vampires refusing to hide their disease, and stuff like that. And a couple times I lose my head and rage, and I always feel terrible about 5 minutes later.

This is my suggestion, hope you guys find it interesting. The staff or some volunteer building would have to build it, but after that this would probably be more or less player run, with volunteers being the workers there (unless staff members volunteered for it, I suppose. Also it would be voluntary, they wouldn't be paid. Just for the fun of educating and informing, and you can roleplay while you do it!)
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Perhaps any player that asks for vampire should be killed by the inquisition. There should off course be signs in regalia warning players of this.

Anyway, I think your idea is a good, one when I first joined the server I didn't understand who Mrs Baver was until after a couple of weeks of playing.
Agreed Overlord... However, we will have to wait until Cay can code a new plugin for Crimsons... which due to sharding may take a while.
Well, take me for example.

My backstory: About a year before I joined Massive, (it was minecraft 1.7), I hosted a small server for like 10 of my irl friends, and we played on it together. I got the vampire plugin, although it was kind of pointless since there were so few of us.

Anyways, I was familiar with the vampire plugin, and was able to figure out how to become a vampire before I left the info room, so I chose the human race. I however had no idea about the actual meaning of vampires on the server, so I am very sad to admit that when I first entered the spawnpoint, I was asking for vampire for 10-15 minutes, before I realized what a noob I was being. I think if I had been killed by the Inquisition when I did that, even though I was ignorant, I wouldn't have been as excited by the server. I understand now how to act, and how you are supposed to treat vampirism and in general how to behave, however it took a week or two.

I never ended up being successful in my begging, and I became Yanar. But most noobs who don't understand the server yet first see vampire, and view it as a sort of elite club, not realizing vamps are considered nooby, and they don't think anything of their begging at spawn.
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