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Played Character Bethan Annwyl

This character is actively played.
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"A Knight's spine is his character.
A Knight who recoils in the face of adversity is no Knight.
A Knight who recoils in the face of difficulty is no Knight.
You cannot be true to yourself if you are not brave to others."

- Major Signe Losnedahl, July 27th, 311 A.C.

[|Santwr of Eirlys |]
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" I remember the minute
It was like a switch was flipped
I was just a kid who grew up strong enough
To pick this armor up and suddenly, it fit. "

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  • AD_4nXcQMbdhElrvjwYaqnEzh1jpPUa0joE2Q8F14LdPOZlgXJlz8TdxD4t7-HYrA6hTHW01ceg2-DIFl5-KIiNr9B40VpTQDaHwVM2yQiUPonaigMTWfzNfdR-SNB4eyI_XQxoBzCoXwCyKCF0VVBvflgzmYjXU
    ❝Who do you see me as?❞
    « FULL NAME » | Knight-Major Dame Lisbeth (Bethan) Fanatia Huiviesse-Terrois Rivière Coeur Lovette (Annwyl) Oiseau-moqueur de Vienne, of the Aelrrigan Order, of the Brezelourien Santel.
    › Day to Day | Dame Bethan Annwyl.
    › Meaning | Bethan, a Welsh variant of the name Lisbeth, meaning "God is my Oath"; Annwyl, of Welsh origin and a variant on Lovette, meaning "Loved one"; Named for her mother Fanatia; Under the first quarter moon of July; The flow of a River; the mockingbird of Vienne.
    › Address As | ❝Who are we, but a tapestry of our loved ones?❞
    » Dame Bethan | A general use referral for the public, taking her knightly titlage and allowing her first name, as a socialite knight.
    » Dame Annwyl | Used in a formal setting, generally only by peers within the Aelrrigan and other Knightly Orders.
    » Beth(an) | A far more personal referral, saved for friends and loved ones behind closed doors.
    » Miss Annwyl | A name specifically used by her students at the Aelrrigan Chapterhouses, as a term of authority outside of knighthood.​
    › Occupations & Titles | ❝Glory lies beyond the horizon, challenge the unobtainable.❞
    » Aelrrigan Knight | Occupation | Bethan is a high-ranking member of the Aelrrigan Order, and one of the Brezelourien Santel, those dedicated to the Wearden goddess Eirlys. She is a vastly competent knight of the realm, training from childhood in sword, word, and spell. She specializes in hunting down, recovering, impounding, and researching Artifacts.
    » Professor | Occupation | Post-graduation means work, and Bethan is no different, spending her breaks from knightly field work in the classrooms of the Order's Chapterhouses in Kintyr, Girobalda, and Ithania. She is best known there as Professor Annwyl, tutoring young squires and giving magical lectures to the elder students.
    » Greygold Knight | Title | Entrusted wielder of the Greygold Gauntlets, Bethan takes on the title of the Greygold Knight from Sir Lancwyr du Lac, the original wearer of the feather-gilded silver gauntlets, Round-Table knight of King Arthur, and Protector of Tirglochog's silver lands.
    » Breizh Saint | Title | The Old Wearden Faith's dedicated followers, devoted to the Lady of Rivers Eirlys, who later joined with the Unionist Faith as their Goddess of Reform. Bethan retains the values of the Old Santwr, before they became the Santel of the Aelrrigans, evoking the image of the angelic-winged aerial Wearden.​
    « PEOPLE » | Ailor (Breizh/Ithanian).
    › Ancestry | Bethan ties the beautification of the Ithanian culture with the fanciful Arthurian styling of the Breizh people, bringing a mix of Welsh and French knightly themes together. Her mother on the Ithanian side, and her father from Kintyr, both of which's history she is intensely infatuated with.​
    « AGE » | Twenty-five years old.
    › Birthday | July 11th, 287 A.C.
    › Astrology | Cancer Sun.​
    « GENDER » | Trans Woman.
    › Pronouns | She/her.
    › Preferred Terms | Feminine.​
    « SEXUALITY » | Lesbian.
    › Preference | Both damsel archetypes, and the complete opposite in competent fighters. A necessity to be sympathetic to the Aelrrigan cause.
    › Status | Dating & Open.​
  • TYPICAL APPEARANCE | ❝Do you think I wake up looking like this? I mean, it's mostly genetics, but still!❞
    › At a Glance | Bethan stands at five foot eight, tall for an Ailor woman, but not as freakishly as some. She often wears blocky heels as well, rounding her nearer to five foot nine, and always boasts professionally styled hair, makeup, and manicured nails. Her makeup remains simple, eyeshadow and eyeliner to accentuate the slant of her eyes, prettily trimmed brows, and a light contour of blush to frame her face. Her hair is a deep chocolate brown, fluffy and cut short to her neck. She has long lashes by genetics, and so refuses to wear false ones, but her lashes are dark and well kept, framing steely blue eyes that catch even dim light. She has a mess of freckles across her face, condensed over her nose-bridge and cheekbones and thinning as they reach her chin, forehead, and ears, only to return at her back, shoulders, hips, and thighs, leading to splashes of them across her body. She has a ballerina's figure, with a slight hourglass and long legs, muscled enough to fit her fencer's background and her dancer's practice.
    › At a Glance (to Mage-sighted) | Bethan is a dark silhouette, wreathed in cerulean and silver wings, with a halo of the same light. At her core, near the heart, a maroonish-purple Magespark extends in tendrils, forming limbs that reach toward the strongest Mage in her general vicinity, as if passively trying to latch onto them. When her [Mimicry] is used, these limbs coil into the target's Magespark, and her own visuals appear as a perfect replica of the first. She currently wields Narselendis, a bright golden beacon on her thigh, and the Greygold Gauntlets, a similarly bright silver beacon on both forearms.
    SUMMARY OF APPEARANCE | ❝Pretty things last longer if you keep them pampered.❞

    › Eye Color | Blue, dark and flat.
    › Hair Color | Brunette, recently dyed a uniform natural colour.
    › Hair Style | Recently cut to neck length, chopping off feet of brunette locks for a fluffy bob.
    › Skin Tone | Light and imperfect, with thin, almost invisible scars dotting her body in strange places, and a smattering of freckles over certain spots.
    › Height | 5'-08", or 172 cm.
    › Clothes | The Aelrrigan has a closet of menagerie, though her everyday professional outfit combines Unionist, Aelrrigan, and personal flair. If not sporting her half-plate and battle skirt, she can be seen wearing half-armor, with just a breastplate and her Artifact gauntlets, with various blues and grays making up her pants, tops, and overcoats. Her boots are tall, and heeled, buckled at the thighs where they can be attached to her belt and scabbards.
    › Jewelry | Despite her Ithanian upbringing, and the emphasis on gold in those courts, Bethan wears silver, sourced from Tirglochog. Gold is saved for armor and for embroidery, while her chains and bangles are made of Kintyr silver.
    › Oddities & Mutations | Bethan has no mutations about her, her most defining features natural or painted with cosmetics. She is a firm advocate against magic used for vanity, and instead takes her grooming incredibly seriously.​
  • FAITH | ❝Walk in the light, and always keep one step ahead of the dark.❞ Unionismshield.webp
    › Overall Outlook | Bethan is a Unionist, though she tends to prefer the branch of Wearden faith the Breizh held before Eirlys joined the Unionist pantheon. Her devotion keeps the Virtue of Honesty, Reform, & Respect entirely in the forefront. This derives from her place within the Brezelourien Santel of the Aelrrigan Order, preening herself to be the gleaming image of the angelic Santwr, Eirlys' dedicated followers. Regardless of her old faith, Bethan keeps the Unionist tenets closely, with a personal dedication to Elia & Leona.
    › Syncretism | Bethan is mono-Faith to Unionism, and benefits from the Ailor mechanic. She gains +1 Attack Stat (Breaking cap up to 11) against those who Syncretize Unionism.
    IDENTITY | ❝Adversity will always meet the shield of the Knights in lieu of the common folk; we are their saving grace.❞
    › Who am I? | Groomed and taught from pre-teens to follow the Aelrrigan dogma, the Regalian Knightly Code, and to see herself a tool of the Unionist Faith and the Dydd y Farn above all else, Bethan is a simple and straightforward woman with twists and kinks left unattended. She grew up in sheltered Vienne, where the worst of days was losing a hairbrush or running late to piano practice, and she attended a school for religion in high society. The wider world was harsh, her first years of experience, and she quickly learned to adapt to rougher treatment and ruder people. On the surface, she is a collected and prim knight of the realm, struggling beneath that face to keep her ducks in a row.
    › What have I achieved? | Reached the rank of Knight-Major by promotion within the Aelrrigan Order. Named Regalia's Finest by the Imperial Hostess. Carried the Artifact Zanzibart for nine months. Stormed Roca's Vault and retrieved the God-Fang Narselendis.
    › What are my goals? | Bethan hopes to one day reach the station of Paladin within the Aelrrigan Order, and earn renown as a competent and worthy Knight. Her goals beyond her career are minimal, besides finding a partner she can spend her off-times and potential retirement with. She's a romantic, and an optimist, and hopes to see an impactful, positive change in her time in service. As a member of the Aelrrigan Order's Brezelourien Santel, Bethan is on a personal holy-quest to find and recover the long-lost sword of King Arthur, Caledfwlch (Excalibur).
    » MBTI Type | ESFJ-A | The Consul.
    » Alignment | Lawful Good.
    » Enneagram Type | The Adventurer | 7.​
  • » Alignment | Void-Mageborn & God-Magewise
    « MIMICRY » | Bethan is a Void mage from birth, her Magespark especially attuned to the concept of Mimic Magic. As such, on the Allorn theoretical scale, she is amorphous and fluctuates with magical potential, considered parallel to the highest-skilled mage in the room (up to and until that mage is too potent for her to copy). She copies spells and powers she sees, mostly familiar ones sampled from other Aelrrigans, her Magespark contorting to duplicate her target's.​
    » Spells | A grimoire of sampled magic.​
    » Material Shatter | (Weapon Throw) | Taken from studying Fourth-Mage Knight Siliaan's combat style, Bethan retains the ability to break an object's physical form into dozens of tiny pieces, and send them hurtling through the air like flying knives.
    » Hardlight Targe | (Shield Deflect) | Taken from her first mentor in Regalia, Ser Cadwyn Mhartain, the targe appears as a semi-transparent shield of magic close to the body, usually in blue, that soaks impact damage.
    » Hardlight Dagger | (Pinning Throw) | Copied originally from Ser Rhain Brec'han, as part of her training to learn Materialism. A hardlight-formed dagger with physical weight and mass, constructed of geometric blue magic. On principle, the dagger is used only for restraining targets, and blatantly refuses to deal actual damage to them.
    » Prideflame Armor | (Iron Will) | Copied from Sera Signe Losnedahl, and her overbearing golden pyromancy. Nearing defeat, the Prideflames roar to life, in a body-wreath of golden fire.
    » Storm Travel | (Shield Slam) | Taken from Trissena's storm magic, body wreathed in electricity to rapidly transport herself forward, and crash into a target with an expulsion of lightning.
    » Lumen Bands | (Shrug Off) |
    Taken from Sera Maddox Vaughn, magenta bands of light that appear around the wrists and forearms, used for illumination and for healing.

    » Snakebite | (Bruising Strike) | Implanted in her by accident upon carrying Heartbreak, Spear of Sapphora, but taken up like a soldier to the shield. A temporary, massive golden polearm, with bright pink lines coursing down its length, it radiates the pit of melancholy Heartbreak did.
    « WEARDEN » | Bethan's God-Magic primarily takes the form of that which is dedicated to her patron, Eirlys, as the Wearden goddess of the Breizh faith prior to joining the Unionist Pantheon. This magic appears as running rivers, rain, large feathered wings, sunlight, and wind, among other natural phenomena like grasping vines and falling leaves. Her Wearden magic is innately tied to nature, and is usually categorized as a variety of Elemental magics.​
    » Spells | Nature, holier than any else.​
    » The Light that Burns the Sky | (Weapon Throw) | Sunlight catches on the flat of her blade, and erupts in a series of lasers, fired down the length like rounds from a railgun.
    » Santwr Wings | (Diving Tackle) | Like a hawk to a field mouse, she sprouts wings of divinity and tackles her opponent heels-first, the wings carrying her weight through the distance thrown.
    » River Sheathe | (Cheap Shot) | Rain collects on the length of Bethan's sword, coating the blade in a film of water, acting as an extension to her reach or as additive magical 'damage'.
    » Entangling Roots | (Pinning Throw) | The ground erupts into a field of grasping vines and roots. Often, it's best used on existing wood, be it a nearby tree or the core structure of a handrail.
    « FERROMANCY » | Through her Aelrrigan training, Bethan's Mimic Magic was an anomaly to the mentors and tutors that attempted to take her as their squire, to the point she'd be traded between Chapterhouses for years to come. Eventually, she found a place with the Brezelourien Santel, who sought to allow her Ferromancy specialization under Paladin Ser Casterly Peralta. She is adept at deflecting projectiles, bending weapons, and her personal technique of steel cables housed on her belt.​
    » Spells | Rebar bent with the hands.​
    » Fortify | (Status Endure) | Discarded metal and damaged armor raises to join her equipment, repairing gaps in the plates and creating a rotating wall of faux-armor.
    » Magnetic Field | (Shield Cover) | Projectiles of all caliber flatten against a persistent shield of magnetism, near impossible to penetrate without sustained fire.
    » Steel Cuffs | (Pinning Throw) | Portions of Bethan's armor break off in thin strips, and snap around a target's limbs, locking wrists and ankles in place.

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" This isn't where
The legends come from
You're not what
A hero looks like. "

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  • ♡ 7 STRENGTH. Combat experience.
    ☇ Free | Weapon Throw
    ☇ Melee | Technique Parry
    ☇ Melee | Pinning Throw
    ☇ Melee | Diving Tackle
    ☇ Melee | Shrug Off
    ☇ Melee | Knockback Sweep
    ☇ Melee | Cheap Shot
    ☇ Melee | Bruising Strike​
    ♡ 5 CONSTITUTION. Endurance & Health.
    ☇ Free | Shield Cover
    ☇ Shield | Block
    ☇ Shield | Slam
    ☇ Shield | Phalanx
    ☇ Shield | Deflect
    ☇ Shield | Snare
    ☇ Ailor | Status Endure
    ☇ Ailor | Rage Counter
    ♡ 0 DEXTERITY. Finesse & Acrobatics.
    ☇ Narselendis | Escape Artist
    ☇ Narselendis | Sharp Reflexes
    ♡ 2 MAGIC. Magical Skill.
    ☇ Adapt | Mimicry
    ☇ Adapt | Sealing
  • › Aelrrigan Knight | Brezelourien Santel.

    » Knightly Permissions | All Knights are permitted to wear armor and weapons anywhere in Regalia, including Temples and burial sites and private homes, with the exception of the Imperial Palace, where Armor and Weapons must be confiscated. All Knights should be treated as aristocracy even if they are not. Knights can be addressed as Ser, Sera, or Dame, depending on choice of identification. They also gain a stipend for Knighthood.
    » Chapterhouse Mechanic | Brezelourien Knights may take one Mechanic from any Religious Mechanic of other Religions (even Evolism) which does not involve Combat Stats.
    » Catheron Mechanic | The first is the Law of Reflection, which causes any Curse directly placed on the user to also be mirrored back on the (non-Greater Entity) that did it. This does not make them immune to the Curse, it just means an identical Curse is placed on the Curser (that they cannot remove themselves). Secondly, they are granted the ability to subtly influence people around them, by either heightening their 6 Devotions of the Void or heightening the 6 Defects of the Void.
    » [II] Knight-Captain | Bethan is entrusted with the Greygold Gauntlets, a pair of silver winged gauntlets from Breizh legend. They are both soulbound to her form, and act as a layer of protection in lieu of full plate, with latent enchantments in the Artifact reminiscent of Eirlys' old Santwr. The fine silver feathers create an ornate design, winding into thin fingers plated in steel.
    » [III] Knight-Major | Bethan is capable of self-generating 1 auto-Divinium per month, which can be used to cure the Sanguine Curse, summon gods, or other corner case scenarios where the Resource would apply. This Divinium cannot be traded, and is weaker than static Divinium.
  • › Ailor | People of Aloria.

    » Mechanic 1 | Ailor are masters of languages, which is expected given their habit to culturally divides. Because so many of their languages are inter-connected, various words become more obviously related, and they also take more effort to learn other languages. If someone insults an Ailor, even in a language they do not speak, the Ailor would know, as they know most curse words or words by which to speak ill of others in all languages.
    » Mechanic 2 | Ailor are the masters of the Regalian Empire, and while it has equality between all peoples and heritages, Ailor are just by virtue of being Ailor considered preferential for most government positions and judicial situations. Where possible to do with the Nobility, with Government, or with Palace decisions, Ailor will be treated preferentially over other peoples, even if their qualifications might be lesser than the other options.
    » Mechanic 3 | Ailor make for excellent negotiators. Ailor gain +2 on top of every Persuasion Dice roll result, and their Persuasion Cap is also increased by +2 for every Dice Roll. These effects only apply to non-Afflicted, non-Mystech individuals, as their speech and habits are entirely fine-tuned to the more mundane aspects of global society, they must venture beyond their comfort zone to be able to reach Magic things.
    » Mechanic 4 | Ailor whether by divine intervention or by sheer dumb cosmic luck, always somehow end up on the right side of history. Ailor Characters when participating in Events, may sometimes stumble into an extreme luck roll that drops an additional loot item for one of the participants. This loot can be physical items, or intangible things like Divinium or an Artifactspark. Chances are higher for non-Magic using Ailor than Magic using Ailor.
    » Mechanic 5 | Ailor when using Syncretism can worship up to 3 Gods of their sub-dominant Religion, instead of just 1 or 2. Additionally, when Syncretizing, they gain the Mechanic of the sub-dominant Religion (except for Evolism, where only one of the Mechanics can be chosen). If your Character does not Syncretize, they gain +1 Attack Stat (Breaking Cap up to 11) against Characters that have Syncretized their mono-faith.
    » Free Packs | Rage Counter, Status Endure.

    › Languages | Words of the World.
    › Native Languages | d'Ithanie & Breizh.
    › Learned Languages | Due to her time spent in noble courts, schooling, socializing, and teaching.
    » Fluent | Common.
    » Moderate | Sign Language, Droque.
    » Key Phrases | Calem (Military Lingo), Wai-Lan (Poetry).
    » Insults | All.
  • Narselendis | The God-Fang.
    » Permanent Mechanic | Narsilendis grants the user the ability to use Marken Transformation without being a Marken, and the ability to speak in normal language while in Marken form. When in Marken form, Narsilendis grants +1 to Attack Stat. (breaks cap up to 11). If the user is already a Marken, they also gain full control of themselves while transformed, and gain +2 Attack Stat instead.
    Mechanic 1: Marken have enhanced senses, even when not transformed. They can see better (even in darkness), or hear quieter sounds from further away. (Consult with Event DM if this would reveal any new info).
    Mechanic 2: Marken have a danger sense that borders on precognition, and are "warned" of their possible impending death during Combat or Events, allowing them to prematurely disengage or avoid fighting something.
    Mechanic 3: Marken, if at a God Summoning of the God that cursed whatever Marken infected them (however far back), can possibly be given "Redemption Quests" to free them of the curse or help them master it. (Not Guaranteed, at Discretion of Lore Staff).
    Mechanic 4: Marken fare better in extreme temperatures and climates (cold or hot), and are not hurt or slowed down where other people might be, but this only applies to weather.
    Mechanic 5: Marken can declare Rental/Estate/Shop/Base Region or a Wilderness Cave as their "Territory" granting them +1 to Attack Stat (break cap up to 11) while fighting within and around it. If another Marken declares the same area their Territory, neither gets the bonus, and they must fight over the area, with the winner getting the bonus.​
    Territory: Foghorn Rock Base Region (/tp Foghorn)​
    Strangle Marken Mechanic 1: While in Quartermarken Form or greater, they can focus their senses on an Event/DM Character, to learn if they have any hidden intentions or something they are hiding.
    Strangle Marken Mechanic 2: While in Fullmarken Form, gain a dangerous Venom which can (with OOC Consent), paralyze or cause anyone affected by it to become gravely ill (Discuss effects in DMs).
    Fullmarken Mechanic 1: Fullmarken Forms cannot make use of weapons or armor at all, instead their body (fists, claws, teeth) is their weapon, and their thick hide counts as Armor.
    Fullmarken Mechanic 2: Fullmarken Forms are forced to use Strength for Attack and Constitution for Defense, and gain +2 Strength and +2 Constitution. Additionally, they have any Dexterity Proficiency converted to Strength capped at 7.
    Fullmarken Mechanic 3: Fullmarken Forms regress into a more instinctive mindset, barring them from abilities. While in Fullmarken Form, they may only use point buy abilities from Melee, Shielding, Tanking, Bruiser, Athletics, Training, Cutthroat, or Roguery.
    Fullmarken Mechanic 4: Fullmarken Forms are unable to speak (but they can still understand others). They can produce bestial noise Marken Speech, which any other Marken can understand, even while untransformed.
    Fullmarken Mechanic 5: Fullmarken Forms are not constrained by any environment they have to fight in, whether that be Underwater or in frozen wastelands, they can use Attack Emotes or Abilities like normal always.
    Fullmarken Mechanic 6: Fullmarken, if they are not in control of themselves, gain +2 Attack +2 Defense Stat (breaks cap up to 11/9), but must attack anyone and everyone around them without discretion. This Mechanic does not work if they have no allies present.​
    » Free Packs | Sharp Reflexes, Escape Artist.
    » Spark Mechanic 1 | Narselendis is a fang of a venomous Marken, and when inserted into a liquid or substance that is poisoned, envenomed, or otherwise harmful to consume/touch, it will turn black to indicate danger. Additionally, the user is immune to poisons and venoms.
    » Spark Mechanic 2 | Narsil was prone to great violence in the name of his master, and Narselendis is no different. When the wielder of Narselendis contributes (contributing means dealing at least 4HP of damage) to KOing a non-Unionist character in a combat scene, their next Move gains +5 Blocks, and their next Attack applies the Weakened Status Effect, which lasts for 4 Turns.

    Greygold Gauntlets | Silvery Gloves.
    » Appearance | The Greygold Gauntlets are beautiful, ornate gauntlets that do not look like they belong to a warrior. However, they are as sturdy and useful as any normal armor. The Gauntlets gain their unique appearance through the use of Silver in their design, delicate feathers finely overlaid and combined with the gleaming Steel that makes up the core structure of the armored object. The metal conforms to the wearer's hands, making it look more like they'd dipped their forearms in liquid silver, with how form-fitting the gauntlets are.
    » Bonded Armor | This Artifact is bound to Bethan Annwyl and cannot be destroyed or damaged in any manner, and cannot be removed from Bethan without their explicit consent (or the player's OOC consent).
    » Grey Shield | The Greygold Gauntlets can serve as a layer of armor, keeping in mind one can only have one armor token, and armor does not stack. The form the protection takes is a burst of silver bird feathers, which flake away into nothing after the armor token is used up.

    Hydtithe | Second Skin.
    » Permanent Mechanic | Hydtithe works best in more extreme conditions. The wielder gains +2 Attack Stat (breaks cap up to 11) when in the Sewers or Countryside (Gloomrot, Badlands, etc).
    » Free Packs | Magic Isolate, Magic Reduce.

    » Spark Mechanic 1 | Hydtithe may travel anywhere, and adapt to any place. The wielder gains:
    Fin'ullen Mechanic 3: Fin'ullen can breathe underwater without any Abilities, and can also see perfectly underwater without it blurring their vision, allowing them to stay submerged indefinitely.
    Urlan Mechanic 3: Urlan have superior metabolism, need to eat less to survive, do not feel cold temperatures or suffer hypothermia, have night-vision in the dark, and can eat spoiled/raw/poisoned food without issue.
    » Spark Mechanic 2 | Hydtithe grows with its wearer. When the wielder makes a Basic Attack with range of Emote Range, they gain +2 to the Minimum of their next Attack Dice Roll. When the wielder makes a Basic Attack with range of Melee Range, they gain +2 to the Minimum of their next Defense Dice roll.

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" What do you do with a loving feeling,
If the loving feeling makes you all alone?
What do you do with a loving feeling
If they only love you when you're all alone? "


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  • A day passes pleasantly, or otherwise, yet always the same at its roots.

    » Bethan is a Knight of the Aelrrigan Order, trained and conditioned from childhood to follow the Code of Honor and the Code of the Aelrrigans, policing the use of magic and acting as a sociable face to the Aelrrigan dogma.
    » As an Aelrrigan, Bethan finds a place in the Brezelourien Santel Chapterhouse. She is a devout Unionist, and follows the creed of hunting down and recovering Artifacts.
    » Bethan is accustomed to the focus on beauty in the Ithanian culture, and takes extensive care of her appearance. As the daughter of Vienne's fashion empire, Bethan was raised with the best choices in clothes, hair, and makeup. She took dance lessons, piano lessons, horseback lessons, stage-singing classes, acting classes, Leutz fencing lessons, and many others with the high-society nobles.
    » Bethan is sociable for a Knight, as the Aelrrigan Code and the Unionist Faith encourage mingling and understanding the common plights of the land and being kind to all. She is a friend to many, and only outwardly hostile to Lothar Knights.
    » Bethan wields the Greygold Gauntlets of Lancwyr du Lac, table knight of the King of Kings Arthur of Canolbarth. She is infatuated with the stories of Breizh legend, and happy to tell stories to those willing to listen, recounting tales of magical knights and feudal Kintyr during King Arthur's rule.
  • AD_4nXcOsNIty73SJANJ5DPwklyNakzIqnaSKA1z9Ewz4FP1JK9IficNoLgwSIq2DNxeuYvl3EJDgqnOqMODjbJMRDMN_hDH4ynneftyEZEOaEN5-Xriytoh3QmnGmWkCChf6O01mzyMIGSWOJ93Ss49PKkqT_KF

    Bethan's story, beginning to end.

    » Bethan hails from Vienne, a high-society Regal-Ithanian city in Ithania. There, she lived and worked as a model, designer, dancer, singer, and socialite. She attended a Unionist magic academy, a school for the faithful to learn in a safe, Aelrrigan-spectated environment, alongside her Squireship to the Order.
    » Bethan's schooling was rigorous, tutored in magic and weaponry alike to hone her skills as an Artifact hunter. She lived in her little bubble, away from the horrors of the world, until her induction to the Aelrrigan Order, where she was faced with the travesties of 'real' life. She is a privileged girl, met with the reality of life outside of her home, and the true impact her work as a Knight has.
    » Through her Aelrrigan training, Bethan's Mimic Magic was an anomaly to the mentors and tutors that attempted to take her as their squire, to the point she'd be traded between Chapterhouses for years to come. Eventually, she found a place with the Brezelourien Santel, who sought to allow her Ferromancy specialization under Paladin Ser Casterly Peralta. During her Chapter-hopping years, she'd make a variety of close friends across the Order, including a Lady Neomie Belrose, whom she spent her formative years with as a teenage girl with too much to do.
    » As a diverse mage, Bethan trained under all of the Chapterhouses briefly, switching mentors through her years before Regalia. With the Brezelourien Santel, in Ithania, she trained under Paladin Casterly Peralta, a renowned Ferromancer. In Hechiceros, Girobalda, she learned under Major Isabel Alamilla-Ramirez, a skilled Evergrowth Mage focused on less common plants. In Penn Carchar, Kintyr, and Penn Archwilio, Kintyr, Bethan trained under the same knight; The Art-Knight Matthew Whittaker, who took on a multitude of undecided squires with his Pictomancy.
    » Upon her arrival to Regalia, Bethan's training was taken over by the presiding Authority of the Order; Ser Rhain Brec'han, Ser Cadwyn Mhartain, Ser Wilvamair Arnyn, and Sera Signe Losnedahl. Between the four of them, Bethan rounded off the last portion of her training, and graduated on the 27th of July. She'd go on to experience the destruction of the Regalian Magivault, the quandries of politicking in the worldly atmosphere, and the dangers of the people who want Mages dead.
  • Ways for characters to know Bethan prior to Regalia, or for new characters to know-of her. DM me for in-depth connections!

    » Bethan is a Knight-Major and a magic teacher for the Aelrrigan Order, teaching classes and lectures in Kintyr, Girobalda, and Ithania most of all. Other characters can have met her as a Knight, a Professor, or in passing at any of the Aelrrigan Chapterhouses.
    » Bethan is a local-celebrity in the city of Vienne, Ithania. She's a popular face in the local magazines, and some Aloria-wide ones, modeling high-end fashion, makeup, and nail-products. In her younger years, she made a name for herself in Vienne's duelling tournaments, carrying the reputation of the 'Razor of Vienne'.
    » Bethan's father is the Aelrrigan Knight-Major Ser Renly Annwyl, renowned in Kintyr as Archwilio's Star-Knight. He brought Bethan an air of freedom, despite not being around so often, and her cultural ties to the Breizh lands she'd long been stifled from. Her mother is the Lady Fanatia Lovette, famous for the 'Fanatia Dance-Wear' fashion company and studio in Vienne, Ithania.

━━━━━━━━━━━┛ ♡ ┗━━━━━━━━━━━
" Maybe,
To fall is to learn one way.
It's all gonna turn out great. "
━━━━━━━━━━━┓ ♡ ┏━━━━━━━━━━━

  • DAY TO DAY: Carried on her person.
    » Makeup Compact & Eyeliner pen.
    » Coinpurse, carrying ~50 regals.
    » Lavender, Woodfire Smoke, and Rose Perfumes.
    » Unionist Rosary of silver beads, with a winged eye pendant made of gold.
    » 10 yards of blue ribbon.

    › PERSONAL EFFECTS: Aelrrigan Equipment.
    » Heulwen || Mage-weapon
    Bethan's mage-weapon is a 48" longsword, polished gold making up the blade, crossguard, and pommel, with deep blue leather wrapping the handle. The pommel is a plume of feathers, and the crossguard is styled after Arthurian weaponry, with a Unionist eye pressed into the center. The golden steel that makes up the weapon gleams like the surface of a lake, shimmering and waving like flowing water. Heulwen was forged for Bethan in Canolbarth, Kintyr, bound as her Mage-weapon and enchanted to attract rain and wind, sheathing the blade in a film of water and air.
    » Cable Case
    Situated near the back of her belt, opposite her scabbard, sits a moderately large circular case made of blacksteel. The mechanism of it is simple, a 16 meter long spool of steel cable coiled around a ratcheted dial, with slits on either side for it to be pulled out by her metal-magic. The cables are useful as mobility aid, restraint, and as makeshift weapons should they be needed.
    » Dogtags
    A symbol of her Order, she owns a pair of engraved silver tablets on a thin chain, tucked down the front of her shirt to keep safe. One states her name, with the Brezelourien Santel winged sword on the back, while the other holds her rank symbol, and the Order's crest-tome on the back.
    » Aelrrigan Armour
    Mostly composed of blessed steel forged in Basta's Holy Forges, forming the breastpiece and other plates. The set is adorned with an Aelrrigan-blue cape pinned beneath pauldrons, and a skirt fit with heavy tassets, designed for the unique and personalized ease of being moved by her metal-magic. Everything rests over a blue riding coat, fitted to act as underarmor and worn on the every-day, with golden Unionist embroidery across the back, both it and the armor decorated with Santel motifs.
    » Greygold Gauntlets || Knight Artifact
    Worn by the legendary Greygold Knight, Lancwyr du Lac, table-knight of the King of Kings Arthur of Canolbarth. He was a renowned warrior and the guardian of Tirglochog, a fabled hero to the people and noted in stories for his charity and prowess. He was also the father to the Silver Sorceress that ravaged the realm with a swamp-curse after King Arthur's passing. The Greygold Gauntlets turned up later, belonging to the Aelrrigan Order and entrusted to Bethan, beautifully crafted of gleaming steel and detailed with ornate silver feather designs, each etched with painstaking detail. The gauntlets themselves look more like the wearer had dipped their hands in liquid metal, conforming to their hands to fit as perfectly as gloves. Innate magic from Lancwyr du Lac remains within the Artifact, granting protection to their wearer in the form of brilliant angelic Santwr wings, imbued by his servitude to the Wearden goddess Eirlys.
    › PROPERTIES: Places of residence.
    » tenpennytower6
    › MISCELLANEOUS: Other belongings.
    » A woodcarving knife with a red oak handle, etched and inlaid with carved bone. The blade itself is black, though clearly not blacksteel, instead similar to what would be used to make Godsamtro. Its pommel carries a bronze cap, with a stamping sigil on the flat. A gift from Signe.
    » A fountain pen with an inkwell in the back half, consistently filled with a navy blue lifted-ink, so the pen writes words that are slightly off the page, used to give her transcriptions to Caanborn. The pen itself is black, with a golden nib, engraved with Aelrrigan filigree.
    » A stack of books always kept in Bethan's bookbag, listed as follows: 'Soth'hrii Cluster: Arcanology in Aloria', gifted by Ailred & retrieved from the cisterns before it was burned. 'The Remains of the Bayor Tapestries', gifted by Anathema & detailing what information remains of the Dathonair Tapestries, as well as coloured pictures. 'Theorem Lecture Notes; 9th-Mage Knight Mientje', recorded by herself & detailing the transcription of Sera Mientje's Regalian Lecture.
  • ❥❥❥❥❥ | Indicates general acquaintances.
    ❥❥❥❥❥ | Indicates important individuals.
    ❥❥❥❥❥ | Indicates loved ones.
    ❥❥❥❥❥ | A scale of 1-5 within each colour. High blue is before low yellow, high yellow is before low red.

    ❥❥❥❥❥ || Major Signe Losnedahl, the Sun-Knight.
    --- The hero of my youth, wherefor my passions became clear; She is the sunrise, a Knight of magnitude.
    ❥❥❥❥❥ || Major Xera of the Milai Hold, the Charity-Knight.
    --- Whatfor do you teach, but the honesty and integrity of our duty; A light in the dark of our work, a show of our personal touch.
    ❥❥❥❥❥ || Major Rhain Brec'han, the Beacon-Knight.
    --- Mode of control. Even without the looming expectations of your father, your pride and love for your work inspires.
    ❥❥❥❥❥ || Major Eleanaire of Jophael, the Quest-Knight.
    --- Oft fickle time or work to do, we get not a moment alone. What folly is it, we are not yet acquainted so dearly.
    ❥❥❥❥ || Major Cadwyn Mhartáin, the Shield-Knight.
    --- From the start, my Knight, my anchor. Oft one needs force to find the right path, your snow remains a reminder.
    ❥❥❥❥ || Captain Wilvamair Arnyn, the Augur-Knight.
    --- Far from cliche the herald is wise. Oft are you seen sword in hand, blood caked in your hands, yet compassionate as ever. I plead you not turn heel from our duty, though my worries seem fuelled simply by Archwilio virtue.
    ❥❥❥❥❥ || Sera Maddox Vaughn, the Lumen-Knight.
    --- Your machinations an enigma, I'll barely follow what you do. Still, you're true, as true as one can be under the pressure you endure.
    ❥❥❥❥❥ || Dame Neomie Belrose, the Dove-Knight.
    --- A long time spent, the moments I share with you do not go forgotten. I oft miss the times we spent, sneaking off to fool around. You're a sunrise with pearl earrings, my love and light in the dimming sky.
    ❥❥❥❥❥ || Captain Sahuvi Taskhtali, the Thunder-Knight.
    --- Twiceover you've saved my life, twiceover I owe it to your steady hand. Reliable, and certain, I am glad we have grown to be close.
    ❥❥❥❥❥ || Ser Einar Magnusson, the Warrior.
    --- Poetry may come not as words, but dance, and you fight like one writes romance. My best wishes, and my earnest gratitude, a smile is rare even on a face such as His.
    ❥❥❥❥❥ || Squire En'nuine V'emehr, my Charge.
    --- Springtime sings with your praises, I only hope not to let you make the same mistakes as I. You will be better.
    ❥❥❥❥❥ || Squire Khenari, Mirror mirror.
    --- So much, do I see myself in you, little duck. Change as I did, and as you will, oft not but eager to continue.
    ❥❥❥❥❥ || Squire Valayn Selian, Storybook.
    --- How sweet and kind, how dainty the rose. Oft a broken stallion need be used to show the good in one, you flow like a river in its stead. Adaptable, and true, your heart is fair.

    ❥❥❥❥❥ || Honorable Orianne Lei Finch, Sunflower.
    --- The sunrise and set, a glow of warmth with every smile. An evening alone in a ferris-wheel for a moment too long, or sat on the kitchen floor in a circle of candles. You remain on the mind like fog clings to earth. My dear, my love.
    ❥❥❥❥ || Countess Auriane Belrose, Foreign Dictat.
    --- Mon amour- in the kindest way. Mon étoile- like the night sky given life. Mon rosé- the flower of my heart. My best friend.
    ❥❥❥❥❥ || Miss Lumura, Warmed Metal.
    --- Whatfor is she made but for art? Whatfor is she forced to do, but fight? Why can watercolours not be toxic, and a dagger be used to paint?
    ❥❥❥❥❥ || Miss Joules Donnay, Dear Darling.
    --- A rose's thorns dulled soft and idle, even the wild flower ne'er prick a gentle hand.
    ❥❥❥❥❥ || Lirh Lorraine du Poncaire, Swan Knight.
    --- Please thine row, preen thine feathers, beauty is held in an artist's fingers.
    ❥❥❥❥❥ || Everian Amadea Temple, Sister Temple.
    --- Delicate, and fair, whatfor is the tenderness I've not been plying for time to come. Worry not, your grace, for my status at your side is persistent.
    ❥❥❥❥❥ || Miss Trissena, Keyblade.
    --- Static like the sound of exposed wires, thunder rolling in high storm air. Patience and virtue, proof that all can succeed in reform.
    ❥❥❥❥❥ || Miss Wisteria, Fair Flower.
    --- Flowers bloom where the sun shines. Oft you are someone's place of peace.

    ❥❥❥❥ || Countess Tuija Vikstrom, Imperial Hostess.
    --- Lorem Ipsum.
    ❥❥❥❥ || Miss Vellai, White Fire.
    --- Lorem Ipsum.
    ❥❥❥❥❥ || Mister Ailred, War-Burdened.
    --- I've not been so keen to give time, and for that my apologies prosper. You are hardened and stalwart, and changed for the better.
    ❥❥❥❥❥ || Ser Henrik Osmont, Green Knight.
    --- Lorem Ipsum.

    ❥❥❥❥❥ || Major Erwin Braunschweiger, Hunter.
    --- They say a jackal will gnaw its own leg off, if caught in a trap. How common it seems, how dissatisfying, he finds another way.
  • Art

Format by Rowet! DM them to use
Art by Cocoacherry, Derythiel, Scribbe, Cutetanukichan, & Me​
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