Preserved Sheet Bernardetta Dei Lampeport

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Dec 16, 2019
Reaction score
Age: 45
Visual Age: (Depends on her mood)
Gender: Female (Most of the time)
Race: Slizzar
Sexuality: Cute people (Bisexual)
Preferred Weapon: Light Bow

Proficiency points: (50 age) (10 Talent) (10 hobby)

Keyboard 10 (talent)
Theater Arts 10 (5 hobby + 5 Racial)
Painting Arts 8 (5 hobby + 3 age)

Hunting Arts 5 (age)
Light Bow 8 (age)
Dagger 5 (age)
Linguistics 6 (age)
Kathar Altalar
Arcanology (3)
Affliction Knowledge
Sorcery (20)
Magic Bolt 1
Arcane Mastery 1
Glitter Control 1
True Path 1
House Enchant 4
Body Shape
Physical Stat: 15 (cap) [8+5+5]

Moderate body fat

Common (Free)
Zasta (Racial)
Dressalo (Cultural)
Ibeth (Language of Father)
Skodje (Life among Velheim)
Kathar Altalar (Learned from Elyza)

Special Traits/Spells/Mutations

Visual Information
Eye Color: Slizzar Eyes (Otherwise shift dependent)
Hair Color: shift dependent
Hair Style: usually let down and stylized but puts it up when fighting
Skin Color: shift dependent
Clothing: comfortable dresses or other clothes
Height: Varies on her mood

Elyza (10/10)- My Darling wife and the cutest gremlin to ever exist (fight me if you think I'm wrong). The only women to ever make me blush and one of the reasons I can feel safe again.

Augustino (NPC) (10/10)- My Darling husband, a shy little ball of size changing cuteness. My partner in music who shares my love of piano.

How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
A playful smile, relaxing back, or a laugh usually she tailors her reactions to desired responses or the persona she is using. She's more physical with those she trusts enough to reveal her secret or more personal persona to.

How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?

A outer layer of what ever response her persona would feel but internally searching for a way out.

Fear for those close to her:
If she believes someone she cares for is in danger she'll attach herself to them. Not leaving their side until she knows they are safe and try to keep them somewhere safe even if its a paranoid response.

How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?

A slight twitch usually she tries to relax or let off steam when feeling stress usually in what ever way seems right.

How does your character view Law and Authorities?

She follows the laws because she sees little profit in crime. As a Blood-cast she also tries to do what she feels most good or helpful but she tailors the form this takes to her shifts.

Though she also does have a sort of loose belief in personal freedom, so outside knightly colors she'd turn a eye to Petty law violations (when its prudent).

How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
Accepts all races since to her they just exist and produce entertainment. She has no real racial barriers to liking or disliking a person (even other Slizzar) though she has a slight preference for Asha. That preference mostly due to their fur.

How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?

Other religions are of interest to her but she doesn't really hold any sacred enough to not portray. She sees using shifts as an inventive way to experience different cultures.
Favored/Practiced Religions:
1. Old Gods (6/10)

She finds the Old Gods incredibly interesting and often follows some Velheim traditions but never fully embraced the faith. Finding the religion beautiful but disliking the restrictions of piety.

3. Nessarin (5/10)- Knows little of them

How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
Its freeing, a tool which has instilled a sense of power and credibility behind her shifts.

How does your character feel towards their family?
Her family is close and she sees them as something to always protect. Past failures still haunt her when it comes to keeping her family safe. She also has a desire to expand her relationships as much as she can (in line with Slizzar and Velheim Practices)

What is your character the most proud of about themselves?

Keeping herself to her code even across the shifts.

What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?

Love, hedonism, freedom she lives every day as if it were her last. She is motivated to keep the family she has and expand it if possible. She also is motivated by a desire to experience more and more of the world.

What is your character's biggest insecurity?
Her failure to save her Brother's life even with all a Slizzar's powers.

What is your character's biggest fear?
Being revealed to be Slizzar or having her family found out to be Sanguine. She wants to protect them at all costs.

Life Story
Bernadetta is born to a Asha father and a (Asha disguised) Slizzar Mother along with her twin brother. Bernadetta's mother had long ago revealed she was Slizzar to her husband. During these years, Bernadetta and her brother were taught a wide variety of performing arts and languages (including Zasta). Then on her seventh birthday Bernadetta requested to be enrolled in the Bloodcast order. After a lot of convincing her parents agreed and she was sent off.

Bernadetta trained hard as a blood cast beginning to learn Acrobatics and Archery. At 18 she gained Slizzar powers but maintained her cover and finished her training. She would go on to develop a code and head back to Montania.

Back in Montania she would serve as a faithful Blood Cast helping the poor, protecting the civilians, etc. but she also became a accomplished musician. Earning herself a firm skin in piano and refining the arts she was taught in younger days. It was at this time she learned of the Old Gods and feel in love with the faith. She resolved to experience the culture first hand.

25-35 (Agus Oakfield)
Desiring to truly immerse herself Bernadetta shifted into the form of a eighteen year old Velheim Ailor. She found a village in Drixagh and fed them a story of being a far born Velheim desiring to rediscover their culture. She was soon accepted in and lived as one of the Velheim for years. She would complete the Rite of Mærsjel (without the usage of powers) within the allotted two years. After having lived with the Velheim for some time she received a letter. The letter said her brother had been enslaved to Altalar down in the Daen.


She wasted no time heading down to the Daen but her plans would come to nothing. By the time she reached the right person to Puppet her brother was dead. This broke her and hardened her heart against the Altalar and Southern Slavers. She would go on to take control of the plantation owner and make him a puppet. She had him free all his slaves and gather his accomplices and slay them. For the crime he was executed and Bernadetta would meet someone special in her escape. A fallen Isldar women named Rosie who'd worked the plantation with her brother.

She would spend many blissful years with Rosie even learning sorcery from her. This made losing Rosie all the harder when she grew ill and faded. At her wife's grave Bernadetta resolved to never allow another loved one to be lost. She resolved to entirely leave her old life behind and travel to regalia hoping it might provide her peace.
Last edited:
I will be picking up this application for Aspirant Review!
  • The hyperlink for Kathar seems to be broken, need that to be fixed. In addition, format the Kathar abilities with the same Spoiler format that you did for Mutations and Mivver.
  • Add some explanation in Life Story about how she became a Mivver.
Make these changes in Green and tag me once finished.
@KrakenLord01 Re-review in preparation for possible Unshelving and Ritualism Update.

(As in removing Ritualism and not seekinf it for this chr)
Approved, just remember to include which Proficiencies specifically are going into Physical Stat calculation.
Approved, just remember to include which Proficiencies specifically are going into Physical Stat calculation.