Preserved Sheet Berdalf Ulfmaerr

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King of the Gingers
Jul 1, 2017
Reaction score
Berdalf Ulfmaerr

Basic Information
  • Full Name: Berdalf Ulfmaerr
  • Age: 35
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Ailor (Velheim)
  • Main Ambition: To unite and improve the velheim community within the city and become a renowned feer-drakken warrior and battle commander.
  • Special Permission:
  • Languages: Skodje, Als-Tunge and common.
  • Religion: Old Fayth
Basic Information (Expansion)
  • Berdalf has only recently arrived in Regalia from Drixagh with his family. He's here due to a letter he received from the patriarch of his family, his cousin Eske urgently calling for Velheim to aid him in reclaiming their familial honor. He's also in Regalia to further the ventures of his family and for his personal gain.
  • Berdalfs mother is Altrig Ulfmaerr and his father is Reinhilde Ulfmaerr. He's the eldest of four, he has two sisters Kaldi and Abigael and one brother Torrilde. The patriarch of his family Eske Ulfmaerr is his cousin and Thorald is as well. His aunt is Cerridynn Ulfmaerr.
  • A second ambition of his is to eventually settle down and have children to pass on his knowledge of boat building and his fighting style.
Skill Information (Required)

Total Proficiency points: 35 points (from age)

Proficiency points:

  • Greatsword: 30 (+10 from school of Feer-Drakken, +20 from points)
  • Longsword: 10 (+10 from school of Feer-Drakken)
  • Battle Command: 15 (+10 from school of Feer-Drakken, +5 from points)
Cultural points:

  • Architecture: 30 ( +30 from cultural points)
  • Ship Sailing: 5 (+5 from cultural points)

  • Skodje (10)
  • Als-Tunge (10)
  • Common (9)

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Pale blue
  • Hair Color: Dirty blonde
  • Hair Style: Shaved at the sides, messy and loose at the top.
  • Skin color: Velheimer pale
  • Clothing: Black bear fur coat, underneath loose wool shirt, brown trousers and boots.
  • Height: 6'6
  • Body Build: Strongman
  • Weapon of Choice: Zweihander, Longsword
Visual Information (Expansion)
  • Berdalf head is oblong and carries a powerful square jawline, he has a large fluffy mountain beard, tied at the chin. His eyes are round and his eyebrows are full. His nose is medium size and his nostrils are a broad tip. He has a recent scar along the right side of his cheek from a recent fight with a mugger. He carries a plain serious expression his face.
  • Berdalf is 6'6 carrying a strong man build he is quite pale. He has medium levels of body fat and high levels of muscle. He has medium amounts of body hair. He has broad shoulders and large arms, his hands are not that big as you would suspect. He has powerful and muscular legs which gain him power when swinging his greatsword. He has a large scar on his chest which he received from a bear.
  • You can usually see Berdalf wearing his black bear fur coat which he received after killing a bear in the wilderness with his blade. Underneath he usually wears loose wool or cotton shirt. He wears brown trousers and brown boots. However, in combat situations, he wears his Armour, tough mix of plate and chainmail allowing him defense when swinging his greatsword.
  • Berdalf has a strong velheimer accent, his voice is deep yet relaxing, like his cousin Eske he has a strange Ulfmaerr centric style of speech. The languages he knows are, Tunge, Skodje and common.
Personality and Abilities
  • Berdalf is seen as the strong and assertive type, whose vigorous and powerful when speaking, he's not afraid in voicing his opinions. Strangers would see him as bold and commanding and rather forceful when chatting. When people meet Berdalf for the first time he comes off as loyal and trusting, who'd do anything for his kin or friends. They'd see him as strong-willed and determined who can be rather bossy.
  • Berdalf is confident and ambitious, he aims and high and works towards his goals in life. Berdalf has a massive urge to make his mark in the world and to be well known. An anxiety point of his is smaller beings who are able to attack him, he finds it hard to fight them and finds them extremely annoying, this is mainly due to him standing 6'6 with a strongman build. Berdalf is certain that he'll accomplish his goals you could say that he's very optimistic.
  • Third Paragraph: Towards family Berdalf is completely loyal, he puts his kin above all else. He tends to open up more to him than his usual serious assertive self, he fights with them, he drinks with them, Like most family's. Berdalf treats his friends the same as his kin, he shows them great respect. Berdalf's not much of a lover due to the fact he spends most of his time down at docks or he's out training with his blade. However to the lady who Berdalf loves more than his ships you are indeed lucky.
  • Fourth Paragraph: Like most members of his family Berdalfs morality is biased when it comes to his family, he's extremely loyal to them. No matter if they did a bad thing he'd always see them as good in his eyes and would always stand up for them. You could say his morality is neutral, he doesn't really care for people he doesn't know and wouldn't intervene over justice. He believes that the government system works as a self-supplying industry whereas Drixagh ruling style is much more akin to his views

    • Feer-Drakken prowes
      s: Berdalf is a talented and furious warrior due to his training in the school of Feer-Drakken, his years of training makes him skilled with large two-handed especially with a Zweihander. He has fought in two wars for Regalia making him experienced in battle. He's always trying to hone his skill with two-handed weapons, practicing daily.
    • Efficient Battle Commander: Berdalf spent ten years at the Feer-Drakken academy during that time he learned battle command. Over the years Berdalf has grown into an effective leader in battle gaining experience from the wars and battles he's fought for Regalian Empire.
    • Talented architect: Though Berdalf sees architecture as a hobby he is talented in the art. He used the skill in ways such as overseeing and building structures for his Family and in his town along the coast of Drixagh. He takes pride in the construction of a Ulfmaerr Mead hall.
Life Story


Berdalf was born the first child to Reinhilde and Altrig Ulfmaerr in the year 270 AC. He was born into a warrior class family, that has some Noble perks. He was raised as the eldest of four in a town on the coast of Drixagh.


The at the age of three his sister Kaldi was born. 5 years later Berdalf now meets Eirik an Architect who takes him on as an apprentice after he catches him admiring one of his works seeing determination and ambition in him. Around this time his father would teach him and his brother's basic hunting and combat techniques, he was taught a basic education, learning to read and write, he enjoyed learning of velheimer history and lessons in the old fayth, he'd learn Als-Tunge and common throughout his childhood, als-tunge being his main language. He also would partake in the ulfengthal, a ceremony where Ulfmaerrs would join together in a single war band annihilating all competition and burning offerings to the gods. At 8 he'd often go on raids not particularly fighting but seeing and learning warfare, he'd learn how to sail from the other men and his father when adrift on a raid.


Berdalf now 9 spent his days learning architecture which his father saw could come useful, Berdalf saw it more as a hobby, he did enjoy it but he was more eager to go out to battle. He would hunt and fight with his brother sometimes teaching his sisters a thing or two. Berdalf would finish his learning from Eirik at the 10, his father saw it time for him to attend a combat academy, due to his height and developing muscle his father decided to send him to the school of Feer-Drakken. He'd attend the academy for 10 years graduating at age 20, during his time Berdalf gained the strongman build and grew to the height of 6'6. He'd learn how to wield two-handed weapons he'd take a liking to the Greatsword. He was taught battle command, learning how to give commands on the frontlines of battle delivering the General's orders to the soldiers.


Berdalf returns to Drixagh at the age of 20 he'd participate in raids with his clan utilizing his knowledge of battle command and his Feer-Drakken prowess, he'd participate in the Chyrsant war for a year serving as an officer in the war. It wasn't till 302 AC when Berdalf fought in his next war when he was 30, during that period of ten years Berdalf spent his days helping his family grow in the velheim community, he'd also learn the many languages of the velheimer people mainly Skodje and would improve on his common tongue. When he fought in the war he serves as a battle commander directing soldiers in battle, he'd wield his trusty zweihander in battle slicing down enemies with the blade. He'd also partake in the Hadravian war and in the bone horror crisis.


At the age of 35, Berdalf would be helping in improving the Ulfmaerr strength and influence in the velheim community using his skill as a warrior in Battle and as an architect to improve his family name. It wasn't until his cousin Eske his patriarch called him to Reglia to help with the familiar honor, and so he left with his family eager to help his family and gain a name for himself as a talented Feer-Drakken champion and an experienced battle commander. During his time in Regalia, his cousin would be executed.

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I am claiming this very beautiful application for staff review!
Expect a response within 48 hours.
Alright, let's get this party started!
Whatcha Gotta Do: ( Required )
  • Personality and Abilities: I will ask that you make each section four to five sentences.
    • First Paragraph: This first bit seems to be a bit contradictory. Strong and Silent type is also a bit of a trope, especially since he is physically imposing. While it's up to you I would suggest maybe going with strong assertive type instead of strong silent type because it may present you with more roleplay opportunities. A strong and assertive strongman Feer-Drakken is going to be listened to!
    • Second Paragraph: There should usually be at least on thing here that the character has some sort of anxieties about, but other than that it's pretty good.
    • Third Paragraph: What about lovers? You did a good job explaining how he acts towards friends and family, but how differently does he treat someone who is his friend over say, his brother or sister?
    • Fourth Paragraph: Add two more sentences here. How does he feel about the current system of government? How does he react to things the government does?
  • Talents: Because he is of the strongman body build, you will need to remove great endurance as the incrase in physical strength comes with a loss of energy and endurance. This is for balance and logic purposes. You should also add one to two more sentences under each category.
  • Life Story:
    • Make sure to discuss the kind of economic/social class he was born into.
    • Why would a tribe of cannibals choose to save a four year old over adults? It seems a bit unrealistic and you may want to reconsider this. Especially as cannibals ambushing a caravan of most likely finely built Northerners would come with a lot of risk.
    • How would a child of fourteen be able to pick up and kill someone with a greatsword?
    • I would consider aging him up, as you are at the very bare minimum for Feer-Drakken, but this is just a suggestion.
Make these edits in the color of your choice, and feel free to tag me when you're done!
Talents: Because he is of the strongman body build, you will need to remove great endurance as the incrase in physical strength comes with a loss of energy and endurance. This is for balance and logic purposes. You should also add one to two more sentences under each category.
Isn't this a major part of Feer-Drakken though?
  • Posting is permitted on the thread while a review is ongoing, but as a spectator, you may not argue or debate the content of the review.
Keep this in mind going forward. Criticism is appreciated but potential problems should be brought up by the owner of the character sheet.

After some inquiry the distinction made for Strongman on the wiki is going to stand over what is said on the Feer-Drakken page, so the edit will still need to be made. Hope this sheds some light on the situation!
  • I would go ahead and remove the part about cannibals, as the lack of interest in speaking seems to no longer be relevant.
  • If he has proficiency in sailing you will need to add that into the skills section, alongside information on that in the life story.
@Percuriam I didn't completely remove the whole cannibal part in Berdalf's life, just the whole cherishing his tongue. Added in sailing to his life story, also how will i add it into the skill section? What's the format?
  • Format is just like the one used for your combat school. A link to the school required can be found here.
  • I'm asking you to remove the part about cannibals as it doesn't seem logical and doesn't contribute anything to the character. Please do so.
I removed the cannibal part in his life completely.
I added in new parts to his childhood to make up for that.
A major edit i did and i hope you don't mind, I aged him to be a champion in Feer-Drakken.
Also I removed sailing and added in talented hunter, also adding in hunting aspects to his life.
Also new extra parts to his adult years.
Age him up a few years, I would recommend to late thirties. Being at the minimum number to master a skill is usually something we are against, especially as he is a master shipwright.
@Percuriam Aged him up two years, i didn't want to age him up to the later thirties, as i wanted to keep him younger than his cousin and patriarch of his house.
Edits made to complement the new combat/intellect system, therefore BUMP!
@Percuriam I've decided to put this character up for a re-write as I feel the character isn't fleshed out so i'll be basically creating an entirely new character application. So I request it to be rejected.