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tea gremlin
Staff member
Media 2
Oct 10, 2015
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| The Prince of Sticky Fingers |

{Basic Information}
» Full Name: Bep.
Alias(es): Bep. Full name unknown and never spoken.
» Age: 56 years old.
[24 May 252 AC]
Zodiac Sign: Gemini.
Other: Visually in his mid-20's due to half-Elven aging.
» Gender: Male.
» Race: Half Altalar - Velheimer Ailor.
Other: n/a.
» Sexuality: Money.
Primary Objective: Bep is a newcomer to Regalia amid the Clicker crisis, aiming to work his way into becoming one of the master thieves of the world.
Secondary Objective: Bep would love to find others of the Unions, as he's assumed the identity of one of the Union of Water.
» Affiliations:
Union of Water.

{Skill Information}
» Total Proficiency Points: 60 ( +56 from age, +04 from bonus, +10 from hobby.)
» School: of Thieves.
» Discipline: of the Unfaithful.
Proficiency Pool | To lift.

+18 Sorcery Spells (+18 from points.)
Binral Blink
Distant Discourse
E'xd'ella's Mask
+15 Dexterous Rouge (+15 from points.)
+10 Stealth Rouge (+10 from points.)
+10 Perception Training (+10 from points.)
+05 Fast Blade Combat (+05 from points.)
+02 Athletic Training (+02 from points.)
+10 Theatre Arts (+10 from hobby.)
Mutations | To differ.
Exist Flow
Exist Ocular
Exist Carry
Pagan Book
Pagan Touch
Body Shape | To run.
Athletic (7 points = 4 from Fast Blade Combat + [5/2=2.5 rounded up] 3 from Athletic Training)
Low Body Fat
Languages | To lie.
Common (Fluent.)
Modern Altalar (Father-tongue.)
Skodje (Mother-tongue.)

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{Visual Information}
» Eye Color: Pale blue-grey from [Exist Ocular].
» Hair Color: Dark brown-black.
» Hair Style: Cut short, swept to the side. Lightly curling.
» Skin Color: Pale, freckled and patterned with shifting tattoos.
Notable Visuals: Scar running across his nose to just below his left eye. Tips of the ears cut off and badly scarred.
» Clothing: Easy to move in, generally black or darker colors. Good walking boots.
Other: Covered in constantly shifting tribal tattoos that can be any color from [Pagan Book].
» Height: 6'3"
Weight: 155 lbs
» Body Build: Athletic.
Weapon of Choice: Engraved steel dagger with a worn wooden hilt.
{Visual Expansion}
» To be: filled in.
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{Personality and Abilities}
» Alignment: Chaotic Neutral. He acts for himself and himself alone - he's decided he can't really rely on anyone else. Whatever action helps him see another day is one he'll take.
» Personality Type:
The Virtuoso - ISTP - T.
» Religious Faith: 1/10 Old Gods. Bep's life has been single handedly brought to pieces by the influence of his parents' religions - his father mutated him and his mother turned her back on him to force him into becoming what she wanted. He struggles to believe in the gods he sees as turning their backs on him, but wants to believe in something, so he gives the Old Gods his mother raised him into worshipping lip service.

{Personality Expansion}
» To be: filled in.
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{Life Story}
252 AC | Birth.
Born to Eva Hjelm and Father in 252 AC. His father, an Estellian ritualist, finds himself drawn to a faithful, cheerful Velheimer woman in a merchant's town on the coastline of Noor Mirkal. A night of passion turns into a small three-person family, with a boy born with brown eyes and a warm smile.
259 AC| Absence.
His father stays with the two for a time, seemingly at his leisure. His father's touch quickly shifts his eyes to a pale blue-grey and applies further mutations over the years of his early childhood, of which he is largely unaware. Sometimes the man disappears for weeks at a time on mere accident, then comes home as if nothing had happened. He is too young to realize until later that his father was only a few years off of aging wildly quickly, and he had been slipping away and losing track of the time. At the age of seven, however, his father doesn't come back.
268 AC | Zealotry.
Evva becomes a zealot of the Old Gods faith in the absence of Father. She deludes herself into believing her now-absent lover to be the god Bep personified, and pushes her son to offer himself in worship to his father. Her son is wholly unimpressed, but finds himself forced into a lifestyle of thievery and crime as she spends her days at the temple, refusing to fetch him food and wasting away at the sides of the mirror pools to pray for Father's return. During this time, he refines his thieving skills and finds himself uncannily good at it. He steals what he can and what he must, his mother urging him over his shoulder to constantly seek bigger, better marks.
282 AC| Caught.
The breaking point is when he is finally caught; his hands carry fine jewels that his mother had deemed necessary to steal. His pride is wounded with every step he takes on the Trille-Skulle, his skin pelted by tomatoes. The merry-making marks his forgiveness, and he has the first 'good' night in years. Upon returning home, however, Eva begins to speak in tongues; she goes on at length about how he had finally passed his father's trials, and how he had succeeded in becoming the thief that his father wanted him to be. Being caught was only the beginning. In her madness, she presses her hands to his skin and enforces her own Faith's mutations. He is horrified at the sudden lights that pass over his fingertips and the ink that shifts over his skin, and leaves the house that night without so much as a look back.
284 AC| Abandonment.
That night, he cons his way onto a merchant's ship to sail far, far away from Noor Mirkal. In his desperation to forget his meager beginnings, he gives the first name that comes to mind when asked: Bep. He finds it fitting to assume the name of the god who had ultimately brought his life to pieces around him. It doesn't take long for him to fully abandon the man he used to be, shedding the identity like a snake shedding a skin.
286 AC| Fraternity.
They arrive in sunny Daendroc. Bep quickly falls in with the wrong crowd, learning secrets and tricks of the trade, including those of an arcane nature. First, the thievery is to survive; then, to secure himself; finally, he can't back out of the job until it's far too late. Before Bep realizes it, he's fallen into a gang. He can't slip his way out, so he's dragged into fights, turf wars, and bigger heists. It culminates in a big bust - there are guards stationed around the mark, and he's hauled off in handcuffs. Despite his best efforts, he can't force his way out, and his ears are cut as punishment. There is no path of nettles and thorns, and there is no forgiveness.
308 AC| Escape.
Bep steals away from Daendroc in the dead of night, slipping his way out of the jail despite the cries of his comrades and the chaos of the following morning, and again finds his way onto a new ship. This one sails directly to the Holiest City of all; Regalia. He needs to leave again, to start again.

app aesthetics | @onlyathot
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