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Benjamin La'grange


May 8, 2018
Reaction score
Basic Information

Name: Benjamin La'Grange

Age: 25
Race - Mix of Ithanian(Father) and Highland Ceardian(Mother)

Main Ambition - To become strong and one of the best (if not the best) unarmed fighter.


Skill Information

Proficiency 27 ( -10 School of Lecgaen )

Unarmed Fighting - 20 (+10 from Lecgaen, +10 )

Acrobatics - 12 (+10 from Lecgaen, +2)

Unarmed Wrestling - 10 (+10 From Lecgaen)

Commanding Speech - 5 (+5 proficiency )

Culture 27

Brewing - 10 (+10 from culture)

Dancing - 10 (+10 from culture)

Carving - 7 (+7 from culture)


Common - (Mother tongue)

D'Ithanie - (Fluent)


Visual Information

Eye Color - Light Brown

Hair Color - Blonde

Hair Style - A bit long, a bit unkempt. No actual style to it.

Skin Color - Beige

Height - 6'2''

Body Build - Muscular

Weapon of choice - His fists


Personality and Abilities

First Paragraph - When one sees Ben, they see a man with a smile and a positive attitude. He is friendly to mostly everyone and is easy to befriend. He is normally polite and well mannered. Despite this, in the face of injustment or cruelty he completely changes being more hostile and ready to defend those in need.

Second Paragraph - Ben is quite confident in his ability as a hand to hand combatant, this can lead to battles where he can be against people way above his own league. He is also not afraid of most people, and he will address most with a closeness that may seem as unprofessional to some. This is thanks to how his family raised him, teaching him to be kind to all. He despite this has his own anxieties such as failing, the times he faces adversity such as facing a strong opponent or just doing badly in an important task his heart starts faltering and it may lead to giving up.

Third Paragraph - Ben when around friends is extremely comfortable he tends to be a bit touchy, with pats in the back and arm over shoulders being often. He tends to get along with his friends well with few arguments, he also tends to drink more when in the presence of friends.

Fourth Paragraph - Ben is a Neutral Good character, he always strives to do good and help those in desperate need. This leads him to always fighting fair, despite the chances of losing if he doesn't. He will try to fight for those in need and actively help out his community.


Life Story

Benjamin La'Grange was born to Francois La'Grange and Aila Lahelm in Gallovia 279. He's father was always seen as an outsider thanks to being Ithanian, and unfortunately this outsider treatment passed on to his son. In an effort to try and bond with his fellow High Ceardians he joined the school of Lecgaen. Due to being mostly considered and outsider and ignored as a child, he hasn't adopted much of the High Ceardian dialect. This tendency to be left alone has also led him to try to be too friendly, in an attempt to not suffer past events. After graduating from the School of Lecgaen, Ben discovered a love for fighting unarmed, finding it "The purest and most honorable way to fight." this has led him to try and hone his skills as a fighter. Thanks to this he spends most of his time training to fight. He has come to Regalia to mostly obtain a job, one which will allow him to follow his love for fighting and protecting without interfering.