Preserved Sheet Benjamin Journey

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You betcha
Oct 21, 2017
Reaction score
Basic Information (Required)

Full Name: Benjamin Cantrelle Journey (Benji)

Age: 30


Race: Ithanian-Velheimer Ailor

Main Ambition: Fame, Adventure

Special Permission: None

Skill Information (Required)

  • School: The School of Tenpenny

  • Proficiency: 20
    • +10 Shortsword (+10 from School of Tenpenny)

    • +10 Drixon Spear (+10 from School of Tenpenny)

    • +10 Small Shield (+10 from School of Tenpenny)

    • +1 Privisa Crossbow (+1 from points)

    • +1 Common Shortbow (+1 from points)

    • +5 Diplomacy (+5 from points)

    • +2 Forgery (+2 from points)
    • +10 Syndicate Contacts (+10 from points)

    • +1 Judicial (+1 from points)
  • Culture Points: 30
    • +18 Vocal Music (+18 Occupational Bard)

    • +6 Instrumental Music (+6 Occupational Bard)

    • +2 Musical Theory (+2 Occupational Bard)

    • +1 Ship Sailing (+1 Sailing the Archipelago)

    • +3 Stage Performance (+3 Occupational Bard)
  • Languages:
    • Skodje (Learned mid-life)
    • Leutz-Vixe (Learned later in life)
    • Common (Learned early in life)
    • d'Ithanie (Learned early in life)
Basic Information (Expansion)

  • Benjamin Journey is a battle bard enlisted in Hightower. He uses his singing profession to improve the morale of his companions on the battlefield! He came to Regalia in the search of fame and adventure.

  • Benjamin Journey moved to Regalia from his home in Ithania. Although part of the low-class, he became extremely specialized in reading and writing at a young age. His education as well as his mothers history of being a talented singer in La Portée du Paradis, gave birth to his love of song and poetry. He lives in a fairly low class home inside the city not far from the slums. However, he does maintain an exceptional imagine for his class as well as a steady enough income to afford a drink at the tavern here and there.

  • Benjamin is currently searching for friendship and companionship. He enjoys talking to others, especially those he hasn't met before. All he requires is a name and a face.
Visual Information (Required)

  • Eye Color: Jade Green

  • Hair Color: Light Brown

  • Hair Style: Undercut

  • Skin Color: Tanned white

  • Clothing: White tights, Long white buttoned up shirt, Crimson vest over buttoned shit.

  • Height: 5'10

  • Body Build: Athletic

  • Weapon of Choice: Drixon Spear, Arming Sword, Short bow
Visual Information (Expansion)

  • Muscular jaws seem to run in the Journey family, as such Benjamin's jaw tends to be square and toned as his cheeks are relatively thin. His eyes are oddly jade green but seem to bring a cheerful invitation to strangers. Due to his social class, his facial hair always contains a short stubble. However, he takes great care of his hairstyle by keeping it fashionably unkempt. (Shaggy but relatively styled)

  • Because Benjamin lived poorly at a young age, working as mostly a sailor on the seas, his build tends to be toned. His arms and shoulders are relatively broad, likely a combination of an appearance trait passed down from his Velheimer father, and his experience in training as a Tennypenny. Even though he has the strength of an average man, he only stands 5'-10". His body shape consists of a normal above average look aside from his most impressive aspect, his legs. Benjamin's thighs seem to be muscular and toned compared to his average build.

  • Benjamin has three scars which can be shown along his body. The scars include a unionist eye, harshly engraved along his forehead, a branded letter 'M' upon his palm, which stands for Maddis, and he is missing his foot entirely. His peg leg seems to attract unwanted attention. The bard shy's away from those who cast their eyes on his disability, seemingly embarrassed.
Personality and Abilities (Required)

  • As perceived by others, Benjamin may seem extremely obsessed with his looks, which is an oddity, being in the lower social class that he is. This explains his fashionably unkempt hair style. In terms of personality, even though he's had a bumpy past, he learned to make the best of what he had, and held dearly to the stories of his mother. In result Benjamin portrays cheerfulness and overconfidence. This may make him seem loud, prideful, and rude to others but his occupation in singing as well as some of his combat training, forces him to be loud when making announcements in front of large groups in order to attract attention. Although these characteristics make Benjamin seem rude and ignorant of others, he is extremely humble, very approachable, and quite charming, being Ithanian and loving culture.

  • Benjamin's refuses to hold grudges against others making him extremely forgivable. Once a person gets to know Benjamin, it may seem the man is in mostly good moral.

  • On the inside, Benjamin is split between being psychotic, meaning he lacks morals and can kill without feeling anything, and being cheerful and kind. He is typically at war with himself, calculating his options between good and evil. Typically his good side wins on the outside. It does this by relying on his good memories in life, to keep him distracted from his bad. In other words, Benjamin forces himself in an unhealthy cheerfulness to keep others around him safe. A ticking time bomb, as his good side occasionally loses every so often. He manages it in secrecy, retreating to his secretive room at the top floor of his home. Several locks and chains keep this door shut. His bad side conjures itself when he experiences anger, or sadness to a degree. This bad side lashes out at Benjamin, putting him down a long path of temptation with no moral boundaries.

  • Towards friends, Benjamin seemingly acts comfortably and easy going. He is not afraid to be loud in crowds and does not shy away from attention. Around female friends Benjamin is soft spoken and charming while around male friends, he tends to lack personal space by being physically inviting such as pats on the back or grabbing an arm for attention. If a friend goes through hardships however, he will avoid them. He cannot risk his fragile mind to such thoughts, therefore, Benjamin is no therapist.

  • Regarding Morality, Benjamin is Chaotic Neutral. He may seem like a cheerful fellow on the outside, but he is desperately trying to keep his dreadful thoughts at peace. Occasionally wondering to thoughts with no filters, rapid and chaotic.
  • Pride: Pride can be a terrible thing, and in this case, it is for poor Benjamin. He can be insulted on his combat, but when insulted on his voice, a lot of risk comes with his attitude. It also makes him competitive against other bards as he sees them as a threat to his local fame.

  • Missing Right Foot: Benjamin lost his right foot to the Devout Few. They lobbed it off after he had attempted to help friends rescue Vivienne Harhold. He was captured by the cult, and brought in for torture and questioning.

  • Negative Thoughts: Benjamin is vulnerable to negative thoughts. If too much, they can easily send the bard down a path of anxiousness. He typically speaks fast, and of outrageous things. To calm himself, he desperately searches through his mind for good thoughts.

Personality and Abilities (Expansion)

  • Tone of Voice: Benjamin's tone of voice is attractive and rhythmical. Much of it being from his experiences as a bard and song earlier in life. However later in life, his voice became more disciplined when considering his years in combat school. He also received his attractive voice from his mother-who was renowned for singing in La Portée du Paradis, his birth place.

  • Lying: With his sharp tongue and deceitful goals, Benjamin is an excellent liar. He only chooses to do so if the time seems appropriate. When he lies, his face reveals nothing, the only way to tell if Benjamin is lying, would be by observing his foot. If he softly taps his foot, he is most likely in the process of lying.

  • Music: Benjamin has a love for music as it soothes his mind, and realizing the difficulty in just performing alone with vocals, he uses a lute to his advantage with a learned skill level. This provides his voice to float along the waves of the instrument's notes, forcing the attention of those around him. With all the years he has spent in the School of Music, and all of the practice he has had, he is able to string the instrument as he sings.

  • Speech: Benjamin's tongue is well trained and adaptable to social situations. He is clever when speaking. He knows when to lie, when to tell the truth, how to speak to someone, as well as how to talk himself out of risky events. He is good at obtaining information from others through conversation as well as his ability to control others emotions through his speech. He knows just what to say to get someone angry, sad, or happy.

  • Literature: Benjamin worked at a library, early in age. As a result he is knowledgeable with poetry and stories, he also is fairly skillful in reading and writing and with such he attended the School of music in Regalia for five to six years.

  • Music: Benjamin Journey is extremely passionate when it comes to rhythm, song, and tone. Music typically deafens his negative thoughts, and soothes his madness. It also reminds him of the cheerful days he had in the school of music.

  • Honey Brew Mead: Typically drank this at the age of 13 as it was the only beverage available while he worked. Grew an acquired taste for the golden liquid.

  • Adventure: Whether it is his last name that gives it away, or his travels to Fandarfell. He enjoys adventure and travelling. Each event gives him a new story to document. In which case he eventually turns into a song.

  • Battle Songs: Whether the tapping of a soldier's drum, or the trumpets conjuring inspirational music. He is very attractive to singing and listening to songs of battles.

  • Cooking: An additional skill Benjamin processes is cooking. His work in the library at a young age required him to cook for the old scribes and scholars. Due to this experience, he obtained a moderately impressive cooking skill.

  • Word Combat: Something Benjamin dominates at; Battling with insults and jesting with words to poke fun. He uses that sharp tongue to his advantage here by flying quick ones towards others in a friendly duel of words.

  • Names: He loves asking for names and memorizing faces. This provides him with two fantasies to ponder on. Either he holds onto the figure with a surreal love and companionship, or he seeks vengeance and lashes out on the others who have wronged him.

  • Negative People: He hates negative people, as his negative mind feeds off of these. He can only withstand so much, otherwise he descends into an episode of madness. These episodes can be simple freezing in place scenarios, or pauses as he rapidly speaks of outrageous things.

  • Attacks on his pride: Because Benjamin is prideful of his voice and how well he sings, he typically gets offended when booed off the stage or asked to stop singing.
  • Squirrels: Due to an Arken encounter, the bard is absolutely terrified of the small rodents. Memories of how he was mauled by a diseased ridden squirrel on his neck flash to his mind if any of the rodents near.
  • Making Enemies: Making enemies tends to take the fun out of his chaotic fantasies. He want's to see the hurt betrayal in others as he lashes out on them. An enemy would not have such a surprised expression.

Relationships (Optional)

  • Silver Valentine (@skullpanda90 ): "We make a cute couple huh?" Silver is a sweetheart. Someone he can lean to whenever he isn't strong enough to hide his emotions. He also likes to converse with her as well as drink and play jests. He DOES NOT like her bad side however.

  • Urijah Jamesson (@Pellaeon): "Good lord, please control yourself!" Benjamin just wants Urijah to behave. He cares for the fellow Northerner, yet he also cringes as the man makes mistakes and refuses to hold his tongue.

  • Evalynn Bree (@EuphoricEcho): "There is no eligible woman, I couldn't seduce." Benjamin likes Evalynn. She has proven herself to be strong and resourceful. To add, she is very stoic and confident.

  • Leufred Reginal (@Masterman120): "A youngster! I wish he could read." Benjamin loves Leufred. He feels concerned of his friends crippling situation and loss of a friend. He tends to instead watch the boy from a distance, with sad eyes of pity, yet hopeful that Leufred with gain his confidence back.

  • Bronwyn Cuffburt (@Miss_Confined ): "My dear Wyn, how I regard you with a love that does not come to me. A complicated relationship we have due to my maim of the heart, however I know if I could love, I'd feel it for you undoubtedly. Take care of our son and know that I'll be waiting in the next life."

  • Maddis Corshaal (@Rochelle_): Whether Maddis chopped off Benjamin's foot or not, he entirely blames his crippled situation on her. He was bagged and heard her voice when the incident happened. To add, she carved a unionist eye along his forehead, and a letter 'M' on his palm, making him feel powerless to her, as if he were her property.

Life Story (Required)

Childhood | 1 - 10

  • Mother died during labor as Benjamin was born in Ithania.

  • General nursing during infancy by his older brother and Velheimer father.
  • Held his first instrument, the lute, which was passed down from his mother. The stories of her musical talent inspired him at a young age to follow in her footsteps.

  • His father eventually abandoned Benjamin and his brother, though Benjamin did learn some Skodje from the relationship.
  • Was considered an odd child who smiled too much.

  • Had developed bruises and black eyes mysteriously while at home.

  • Continued to live his days in Ithania, working in a library part time at the ages of 7 - 10.

  • Learned to read and write, developing a love for poetry, and song.

  • He would develop a foundation to being a scribe boy, learning law.
Tenpenny Years | 10 - 20

  • Once he reached the age of ten, his abusive brother sought out to tutor him as a Tenpenny using harsh combat training styles and tactics.

  • This would slightly scar Benjamin as he was abused into a disciplined soldier, with no incentive to be a soldier whatsoever.

  • Would learn necessary combat survival skills on the battlefield, advanced formations, and how to use the shield, sword, and Drixon spear.
  • Once he reached the age of 20, he motioned to escape his abusive brother by running away from home.
Early Adult-hood | 20 - 24

  • Eventually joined traders on the docks of Ithania.

  • On the seas, he would bond with the sailors and join in sea shanties. As a result, his cheerfulness returned.

  • Sailed along the seas for two years, mostly as the captains scribe, though he did learn a few naval skills.

  • This is where Benjamin's adventurous ambitions developed, and the man became a explorer of the seas.

  • He sailed to Nordskag and joined a band of skalds. This band would teach him northerner songs and help the bard strengthen his Skodje.

  • The band would also help strengthen Benjamin's lute playing.

  • Eventually, the rumors of riches in the forest of Fendarfell, would persuade the bard to take a turn of fate.
Mid Twenties | 24 - 25

  • Ran across a trading ship setting sail to Fendarfell. It had one purpose, to acquire the lumber, and then return to Regalia. He'd hopped aboard, making a risky decision, though the thought of riches and adventure were far more attractive then settling down in Nordskag.

  • As they landed, he set off to work in Camp Henri, and make a living as a woodcutter.

  • Along the way, he stopped upon a tavern. Once inside, he'd run into a band of adventurers. This company grew fond of Benjamins singing and would recruit him to their band, growing close and becoming a trusted companions.

  • On his adventures, Benjamin ran into wonderful yet disturbing creatures of Aloria.

  • Such examples would be the Haurmann. A annoying creature that made its company around the groups campsite, oddly throwing rice into fire whilst it annoyed them.

  • The band continued deeper into the forests of Fendarfall, singing, camping, and hunting along the way. Thus, Benjamin grew a slight skill set in utilizing the short bow.

  • As they continued along the way, the band would draw too close to swamp lands, resulting in the death of half their company due to a Kyanprat attack. The band unfortunately had found themselves between the mother and it's babies, causing it's sudden aggression.

  • Due to the death of most the company, Benjamin would slow his approach to Camp Henri, to mourn over his lost friends.

  • The next day, the company camped inside the forest for the night. All would be quiet, until a Giant spider would conjure forth and feast upon the remaining warband.

  • Benjamin the bard happened to use his Tenpenny skills to escape the massive beast, following his footsteps back to the docks he had landed upon.

  • Along the journey, the bard found himself alone, and thus, his psychology took a toll. This would lead to Benjamin's frequent personality attacks. The bards mind in other words, would lose the ability to understand morals.

  • At the age of twenty five, the bard returned to the docks as a wounded man, both in mentality, and in physical appearance as his body now contained many lashings from creatures such as the gargantuan spiders, and Kyanprats.
Recent Times | 25 - 30

  • At the age of twenty five, the bard set sail to Regalia. His tongue was sharp, thus common was easy for him to learn.

  • Once there, he made a living working in the taverns, finding it as the only occupation he was good at. Thus he starting to make his living.

  • Eventually, the bard realized the importance of his combat training. Rather than grudge it, he used it to his advantage. He enlisted into the Violets as the first Battle Bard, using his vocal talent to motivate the soldiers upon the battlefields and city streets.

  • Eventually was moved to Hightower.

  • Time has eventually healed the bards loss of friends. However he is still clingy to his companions, afraid of losing them as well.

  • The mental state of the bard would be rather complicated. Between being cheerful and clingy, to having episodes into a psychotic state due to the scars on his mentality from the losses he experienced in a early life.

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Review time!
  • The likes and dislikes should be inside of a spoiler, while the skill section if used should be outside of a spoiler.
  • The school of music takes a minimum of eight years of vocal training to reach expert, so either he must be bumped down or his age bumped up.
  • Any expert skill should be listed in the special permissions section.
  • The piano skill also takes three years to complete. I reccomend bumping his expert skill down, maybe a notch or two as experts usually devote their entire lives to their skill.
Make these edits in a new color and tag me once finished!
@Rochelle_ Sorry for the extra work, but I made a few changes, I bumped his vocal skill down, upped his age, changed his life story, added some family, and created an about average combat skill.
@Rochelle_ Sorry for the extra work, but I made a few changes, I bumped his vocal skill down, upped his age, changed his life story, added some family, and created an about average combat skill.
Bumping this back into review!
The school of Viridian is very strict and due to that students are only allowed to enter at the age of 14 and leave at the age of 20 without exception. Please change this application accordingly before I continue with the review. I highly reccomend reading through the entire Viridian page if you plan on using this school.
@Rochelle_ Done, I changed his school to the School of Bloodcast, changed his life story, and improved the format to be more appealing.
@Rochelle_ Done, I changed his school to the School of Bloodcast, changed his life story, and improved the format to be more appealing.
Hi! Just a couple of things I noticed!
  • The vocal skill isnt needed as a special permission now that he isn't an expert, please remove this.
  • The cooking skill should be included in the talents or bumped down into the likes section.
  • In his life story, it says he wants to be a warrior within the year. Becoming a warrior from student level takes two years.
Make the edits in a new color and tag me once done!
Talents must be three sentences minimum.
Tone down his musical skill as expert would take too much time out of his combat training.
Changes made in Red.
Basically I developed Benjamin into a more interesting character to me. I wanted to master his cheerful attitude before moving to develop him into basically a serial killer. There may be mistakes.

Ahh, sorry for the late review, currently on finals week!
  • While I do love a good character with murderous tendencies I do feel including murder in his life goals is a bit much. I would reccomend removing this bit, as to not shove it in everyones faces that he is in fact prone to homicide.
  • Also, be forwarned that portraying someone with a mental illness should be done with the utmost respect! Please do not make this into a joke (Not that I think you will)!
Things I've added, (Changes made in RED)
  • Peg leg disability in the weakness section and expanded visual information.
  • Added a few relations.
  • Added the letter 'M' for Maddis on his palm.
  • Added the Unionist eye carved harshly on his forehead.