Preserved Sheet Benedictus “the Silver Bear” D’vaud

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Benedictus "The Silver Bear" d'Vaud
Jun 26, 2017
Reaction score
Regalian Empire
Roleplay Guilds
Fighter's Guild
Basic Information:

Full Name: Benedictus "The Silver Bear" d'Vaud

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Race: Ailor - Leutz-Vixe

Main Ambition: To rise through the Regalian Military and become a respected nobleman, to honour the Stygian Line of d'Vaud.

Special Permission: None Required.

Skill Information:

Proficiency Points Avaliable:
  • 27 - 00 = 27
Proficiency Points:
  • +10 Mace (+10 from School of Command)
  • +20 Battle Command (+10 from School of Command, +10 Invested)
  • +12 Commanding Speech (+10 from School of Command, +2 Invested)
  • +5 Diplomacy (+5 Invested)
Culture Points:
  • +27 Smithing (+27 Invested)
  • Common
  • Leutz-Vix <L-V> (Noble First Language)
  • Alt-Regalian <A-R> (Noble Second Language)
  • Modern Elven <ME> (Learned Language - Used in current Nelfin Wars)

Visual Information:

Eye Color: Piercing Ice Blue

Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde

Hair Style: Fairly long, neatly brushed, with central parting forming two cows licks

Skin Color: Pasty Pale White

Clothing: A blue military jacket of the Cadar's Wing, a white shirt, a black sash, dark trousers and leather boots.

Height: 5'11

Body Build: Lean stemming from Military Education.

Weapon of Choice: Mace.

Position in Regalia.

Benedictus "The Silver Bear" d'Vaud is the current Patriarch of House d'Vaud, following the recent action of his cousin, Hamelin, retiring to private life. Benedictus, often shortened to Benedict around family and Ben among friends, has his interests in several places in Regalia. First and foremost, he is a student of the School of Command, working as a Lieutenant-Colonel & Field-Commander in the Army of the Cadar's Wing, acting as the aide to General Hamelin d'Vaud within all things military. Secondly, he acts as the manager of the Fighter's Guild in Regalia alongside Jared Kade, as the pair attempt to create a thriving community of soldiers for the Holy City. Lastly, he advises the Interior Peace Minister, Karhter, in his work to maintain the stability of the Regalian Empire.


He is the eldest, male member of the Stygian Line of House d'Vaud. He was born to a Emergart d'Vaud and Ignatius d'Vaud, both of whom served in the Regalian military. When he was younger, he was the epitome of an old gentleman; holding doors for girls to walk by first, learning the art of ettiquette eagerly & described as charming and respectful, but was as willing to get down in the mud as any other child. He took a great interest in the professions and was a huge admirer of his parents line of work and skills. He decided that he, too, would join the Regalian military one day, but perhaps not in the same role as his parents.

Secondary Ambitions.

Become Patriarch of the d'Vaud Household - COMPLETE - Within the last year or so, Benedictus had found himself growing a begrudging rivalry with his elder cousin, Hamelin d'Vaud. This has stemmed from the treatment of his mother, Emergart, whom was disowned and disgraced from the d'Vaud name by the majors within the Azure Line. Resentful over this, Benedictus decided to dedicate himself to surpassing his elder cousin, thus surpassing of the Stygian Line over the Azures, as the leading House Patriarch.

Gain a Noble Title - INCOMPLETE - As is prodominantly stated among some of his peers, Benedictus lacks any honourable or noble title of his own, forcing himself to derive authority from his cousin, Baron Hamelin. Therefore, Benedictus now strives to gain a noble title and gain equal footing with some of the nobility, but notably his own cousin.

Obtain a Leading Position in Regalia's Government - INCOMPLETE - Within the following months after the dissolution of the Consular Assembly, Benedictus was granted the position of Logistics Minister by the Privy Council, only for that position to be ripped away from him twenty-four hours later by His Imperial Holiness. From this, Benedictus feels that he must now prove himself up to the task of leading a Governmental department, thus attempting to gain His Imperial Holiness' approval.

More may come with development

Facial features

Benedict's eyes are set hard, and often adorns a nonchalant expression upon his face, as if he doesn't care about you nor anyone around him. His nose is centred and is slightly crooked, though not hooked nor long. Curling slightly at the end, Benedict's strawberry blonde hair flows down to inline with his upper neck, perfectly groomed and well brushed, forming two cow licks splitting either side of his crown. Everything else about him is fairly nondescript and average; his ears, lips, and forehead all bearing average sizes. He carries no physical scars, having not faced true combat during war, and his eyebrows often drift inwardly making him look somewhat angry, even if he isn't.


Benedict stands at a respectable 5'11 however only flaunts an average body shape, not spending vast amounts of time in physical training, but enough to maintain his current weight. While his athleticism keeps his body shape from deteriorating, it doesn't do much beyond that as it has never been a primary focus. His skins is a pasty pale white colour, not common for many, but common amongst his relatives. His bones are all still in perfect condition within his body, never so far breaking one throughout his life, and his muscle to fat ratio remains at a standstill stalemate.


In keeping with his Leutz-Vixe & Opper-Calem upbringing, Benedict is very fashion-conscious, often wearing dark-coloured, military uniform that exhibis the colours of the Cadar's wing & d'Vaud family. However, one will always find the jacket of the uniform undone, revealing a white shirt and a silver-trimmed black sash, displaying the Stygian Line of his House subtly. Below, he wears dark trousers with a black leather belt and matching boots. Fashion is a compelling message of his fervour for duty and honour, as befits a soldier and commander, a message to the common folk and nobility alike. While he believes practicality is more essential than expense, his Leutz-Vixe vanity often compells him to look his best, though wouldn't consider a piercing nor wearing any form of jewellery other than ring to show a bond of matrimony or trinket of centimental value.


Benedict doesn't slur, and always speaks clearly and concisely, often with a hint of arrogance. His voice tends towards going low, and usually is described as authoritative and collective. He doesn't stutter, unless extremely nervous or panicked, though this is an extremely rare occasion and doesn't happen on a daily basis. Unlike his facial expression, his voice is always easier to read, if he is annoyed, disappointed, excited or angry, you can always tell, which is in complete contrast to his constant nonchalant facial expression. He can speak the common tongue, Alt-Regalian and Leutz-Vixe, as per his noble upbringing. However, in recent years, he has been compelled to learn Modern Elvish, as without it, he wouldn't be able to understand the enemy he currently fights.



When percieved by the world around him, Benedictus comes off as a rather stuffy individual, found in the tea-houses of the Holy City. His dark-blue uniform of the Cadar's Wing gives off a simple message, he is one who would attempt be dutiful and honourable in his endeavours, whilst the open jacket also displays some openness to his character. His facial features may be perceived as fairly pessimistic in manner, despite his age, being of grim disposition. However, he is not incapable of smiling nor of hearty conversation among the correct company, though such occasions often only display in pleasure or need. If someone were to examine his person carefully, they would be able to note a couple of peculiarities; notably a small bracelet that he often keeps stuffed beneath the right wrist. Why he has this, you'll have to find out.


Internally, Benedictus is fairly controlled individual, as he has already developed a very stoic mentality. He find this mindset useful to bring him back down to realism, for some of his loftier ambitions and wishes. As is likely typical of a man who has been in military service, Benedictus places a high value on Order, as without Order, a society can fall into disarray and discord. This gives him basis to believe in many aspects that aid Order; Law, Faith & Monarchy. However, Benedictus understands all too well that Order is difficult to maintain and fragile to those who would seek to corrupt the system for their gains, and thus Benedictus will often preach of the virute of Stability. He believes firmly that Stability needs to be maintained, for the benefit of society, and for this he believe he must gain power within the government. However, Benedictus suffers from an internal, mental ailment; Acute Stress Disorder, created by a situational anxiety and agoraphoia, thus creating shock-like symptoms. Currently, he has found no cure to this ailment.

Friends & Family:

Around his friends and family, Benedictus acts sincere and stalward, though this can often come over as niavity and stubbornness. Nonetheless, he attempts to make sure he maintains a bond with all of his relatives, to keep the family strong, as well as to aid him in situations where he is not enough. Despite trying to be more friendly towards his family, he can still be reasonably standoffish, and will not shy from disagreeing with them, if his personal views clash with that of his relatives. He doesn't usually try to cause fractures amongst his own kin, however he maintains a minor rivalry with the Azure line of the Household, as he attempts to out-do them and make the Stygian line more pronounced in the collective consciousness of House d'Vaud.


Benedict doesn't truly fall anywhere on the scale of morality other than that of being lawful. His moral compass is likely to be in certain situations to be evil, and at other moments good, but to him all his decisions are the same and how others view it is up to them, considering his morals to be incredibly justified. The law and justice intertwine into his basic moral code, with every finite decision manifesting itself from those two pillars in which he holds more dearest, the only thing that can even attempt to force him away from those factors are his family, and even that would take some doing.

Benedict follows the Unionist ways in both name and practice, observing all of the tenets and beliefs of the faith, often travelling to either the Chapel in the Northern District or the Dockyard Church. This is in Tandem with his strong beliefs in the supremacy of the law. He believes the law holds men to account on the Temporal plane of existance, whilst Faith in the Creeds of Unionism hold men to account in the spiritual plane of the afterlife. He is an avid supporter that the nobility and commoners are different, and that the divide exists to serve different purposes in to the greater society; the nobility have more to deal with than the common folk and that the world is exactly how it needs to be, stemming mainly from his current position as a nobleman and tactician himself.

Additional Personality:


A number of quirks come from Ben's personality:

  1. Ben is unlikely to be the instigator of a conversation, unless it is required of him. However, if he is talked to, he will naturally observe the formalities before commencing.

  2. When faced with a puzzling scenario, Ben will start to probe for information, wishing to know more and more about the problem at hand. In this regard, he can often be found asking multiple questions, aggravating some of those around him.

  3. Solitary in his habits, Benedictus can go for hours at a time away from his work, either walking around the gardens, examining fights in the guild, or confining himself within his own room at the Milais Palace.

Skills & Abilities

Benedictus has a number of skills and abilities that may prove useful to others, such as:

  1. Stoicism - Benedictus is more likely to see the worst-case scenarios of events than the best, even if he strives for the best. But given that the Regalian Empire has not as stable, with rebellions and conflicts among nobility, this pessimism is not unfounded. This leads him to become more perceptive and expect harder knocks for him to bare.

  2. True Grit - Ben's superiors have stated that he has a 'True Grit" about him. A trait of perseverance. Grit enables an individual to persevere in accomplishing a goal despite obstacles over an extended period. When compared with the construct of persistence, grit adds a component of passion for the goal.

  3. Perceptive - As a result of his Stoicism, Benedict has a knack for finding flaws in plans or problems in the way someone is speaking. He thinks critically of what someone is saying, and how it will likely end up bad for him and others. IRP Application: Benedict is not likely to be fooled by the lies of others, and will often notice when something is wrong.


Benedictus enjoys undertaking one of the following activities:

  1. Drinking Tea - Benedictus's favourite beverage, if he happens to be anywhere other than the Golden Willow Tavern. It must be a strong tea, however, with a splash of milk and a single sugar.

  2. Peace and Quiet - Not so much in the bookworm sense, but more so in a manner that may allow Benedictus to rest without disturbance. No one wants to awaken a sleeping bear.

  3. Working out difficult problems - Benedictus likes to ponder over problems and solving them, as this gives him a sense of accomplishment, especially if he does so among peers and friends.

Benedictus will respond negatively if one of the following happens:

  1. Bullies - Having had to fend for himself whilst he was younger, Benedictus will be quick to scold or put down a bully in his midst, whether one against him or another. A good example of this would be when he challenged Archduke Harhold to a Duel, earning him his current nickname.

  2. Corruption - Benedictus has a firm belief in the need to maintain stability in the realm, so that Order may constantly prevail. He sees corruption as the greatest weapon against his love for stability, and will often challenge any action of it publically.

  3. Being reminded of his parents - Whilst he has fond memories of the pair of them, their own lives have resulted in Benedictus feeling rather hurt. He will be quick to either leave a conversation relating to them, or changing the subject matter.


  • Hesta d'Vaud - Aunt


  • Quick-Thinking: Benedict has a knack for thinking on his feet as a result of his hidden desire to be accepted by others. He is always thinking of how he can show off the good things he is doing. IRP Application: He tends to find a solution to a problem fairly quickly, and can easily think of how to put it in motion.

  • Resilient: In tandem for his grit and tenacity, Benedict is likely to take more punishment under stress than most, turning any adverse situation into renewed passion to meet out his own goals. IRP Application: Benedict is likely to respond well under stress, dependant on the circumstances, making him more likely to take more blows than most physically or mentally.

  • Measured: As a result of the torrent of emotions after the death of his father, Benedict has found it easier to control his emotions. Even in the toughest of situations he finds it easy to keep a level head and straight face. To the point where it would take something personal and shocking to break his concentration. IRP Application: Benedict is unlikely to be fazed by surprises, and more than likely to be able to think clearly.


  • Distrust of magics: In his experience, Benedictus has shown to be rather hesitant to engaged with an unknown enemy that wields magic, since he does not know enough about them to accurately combat such a threat. Off of the battlefield, Benedictus has a distrust of anyone who practices magics, even if they are wearing the standard Azure mage collar. IRP Application: Benedictus is not likely to attack a magical foe, nor is he likely to trust anyone magical.
  • Blue-Blooded Arrogance: Benedictus is an believes that the nobility and commoners are different, and that the divide exists because the nobility have more to deal with than the common folk and that the world is exactly how it needs to be. As such, he will often appear arrogant in his views and snub the views of the commoners, should they conflict with his. IRP Application: Benedictus is proud of his mother & father, proud of his house and proud of his work. This pride turns into an arrogance over these matters, and will stand-off against any who opposes his views.
  • Acute Stress Disorder - Benedictus suffers from an internal, mental ailment; Acute Stress Disorder, created by a situational anxiety and agoraphoia, thus creating shock-like symptoms. Currently, he has found no cure to this ailment. IRP Application: When hit by this ailment, Benedictus' heart-rate will increase and he will begin to display symptoms of shock, which include light-headedness, sweating, flushing and thirst. He is likely to attempt to abate these symptoms until the ailment passes.

Life Story:

Benedictus d'Vaud, known as Benedict to those close to him, was born to a Emergart d'Vaud and Ignatius d'Vaud, both of whom served in the Regalian military. When he was younger, he was described as charming and respectful, but was as willing to get down in the mud as any other child. He took a great interest in the professions and was a huge admirer of his parents line of work and skills. He decided that he, too, would join the Regalian military one day, but perhaps not in the same role as his parents.

Benedict spent a lot of time following his mother and father around, urging them to teach him everything he would need to serve the Emperor. They first taught him the laws and customs of the Empire; how he would be expected to behave, what he would be expected to do. The idea of an Imperial culture greatly interested him, and he was eager to learn further knowledge of battle and ways of warfare. Begging day in day out to be able to study the art of tactics at the School of Leadership, his parents finally agreed to let him attend.

Around the age of 13 he took an interest in the Joining the State Army. His parents were encouraging of his interests, and in his mind he was following their footsteps and would do great honour to the family name through it. He excelled at being able to command groups of soldiers in numerous scenarios, proving to be rather capable of leading by example and imposing am Opper-Calem sterness into those who worked with him.

When News of the death of his father reached him, and he was released to go visit his family, to return when he was ready to continue his education. He grew dour, grim, and adopted a pessimistic outlook on like. He grew increasingly standoffish as time went on, and eventually returned to the school, finishing off his training with flying colours, as he only looked for the worst in the battle strategies, allowing him to decipher how good the plans truly were. Later he heard of his mother's shaming and disownment from the family, and due to his now negative outlook, took very dim and reactionary view on the Azure Line of House d'Vaud, particularly to his elder Cousin, Hamelin. He dedicated himself to a begrudging rivalry with the d'Vaud Azures, promoting his own Stygian Line with a silver-trimmed, black sash over his chest.

- From December 305 AC to Present -

Upon entering the city at the behest of his Cousin, Hamelin d'Vaud, who needed the young man to act as a commanding officer within the Cadar's Wing, Benedictus left no time to any real waste. He travelled to greet his family within the city, creating renewed familial bonds with them, before going to confront Hamelin. Within the Offices close to the Merchant's Guild, Hamelin and Benedictus brokered a deal on how they would move on with their supposed rivalry; Hamelin would renounce the disownment of Ben's Mother, Emergart, and in exchange recieve Ben's services in the Army. It was the beginning of an uneasy truce between the pair.

Benedictus then began to attend the Consular Assembly, which was in the throes of it's final moments, as His Imperial Holiness attempted to dissolve the legislative body. Aligning himself publically with the wishes of the Emperor and that of the Grand Commissioner, Jared Kade, Benedictus delivered two speeches to the Consular Assembly, garnering him a level of exposure among the nobility. Empowered by this new sense of politics, Ben attempted to create a political society called 'The Open Forum', which would allow the nobility to hammer out any issues they had and allow him to practice his own oratory. However, he came into conflict with the Archduke, then Consul Hengest Harhold, after he showed a lack of manners to his cousin Czylle and their home.

Kicking a chair out from under the arrogant Archduke, forcing him to hit the ground with a tremendous thud, he was challenged by the Archduke to a Duel of Honour. Admittedly, Ben was nervous of such a proposal, for it was against his interests in garnering stability among the nobility, even though his honour and pride were noticably damaged. After speaking to his peers and the Grand Bellator, Gerold the Steeljaw, Benedictus went out to meet the Archduke at the Golden Willow. There, he accepted the duel, provided Harhold resign his Consulship if Benedictus won, unless Hengest was willing to drop the demand of a duel. To his credit, the Archduke renounced his demand, but offered a plain duel, with honest bets placed on the pair of them. The victory of subsequent duel at Belfort Castle has earned Benedictus the nickname "The Silver Bear".

Not soon after, Benedictus was granted a position in the Regalian Government as Logistics Minister, but this was a short-tenure of twenty-four hours, as the acting government was quickly dissolved by His Imperial Holiness. As such, Benedictus began to throw himself into the Cadar's Wing & the Fighter's Guild, before being asked to operate as an advisor to the Interior Peace Ministry, as he was ever watchful of the developing political situation. As luck would have it, Benedictus would be awarded the oppotunity to be House Patriarch by his Cousin, as the Baron Hamelin would be taking leave from the public eye to concentrate on his new-born child. Where will he go from here?
Last edited:

I do not buy "too detail oriented" as a proper weakness here. Add a new one, if not two weaknesses, to replace this.

That is all. Tag me when you're done.

Weakness section has been reworked.

Thank you for your time in reviewing my application.
Requires Review to match the new Proficiency System.
Taking this review over.
  • Leutz only gain tailoring proficiency +10 if they put 10 points into tailoring beforehand.
  • Remove mention of Discipline of Battle Command. School of Command is learned through hands-on experience in army service, so update your life story accordingly.
Mark your edits in red and tag me when you've made the appropriate changes. @MarquisAlex