Preserved Sheet Bendlin Klavdiyra

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Jun 29, 2014
Reaction score

Basic Information
  • Full Name: Bendlin Vorfandushniydom Klavdiyra Tsaplinovich.
  • Age: Fifteen
  • Birthdate: February 27th
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Half-Human, Ailor/Saivale (Mëdorr)
  • Culture: Vladno
  • Main Ambition: To forge a life where he is comfortable and surrounded by those he loves
Skill Information

  • Proficiency: 15
    • +5 Diplomacy (+5 from points)
    • +5 Quick fingers (+5 from points)
    • +5 Commerce (+5 from points)
    • +5 Commanding Speech (+5 from Vladno culture)
  • Culture: 15
    • +15 Literature (+15 from points)
  • Languages:
    • Mirnoye: 10/10
    • Common: 8/10
Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Pale green irises, with black sclera
  • Hair Color: Auburn
  • Hair Style: Loose and messy
  • Skin Color: Fair
  • Clothing: Low-income outfits
  • Height: 5'8
  • Body Build: Skinny
  • Weapon: Non-Combative, He'll usually just run from fights.
Personality and Abilities

  • First Paragraph: He generally greets strangers with the utmost politeness, showering them with flattery, and generally trying to appear like a nice person. Though there is an ulterior motive to this, the boy possesses a compulsion to scam and steal from people, because he has been dependant on what he could take from others, for a period of his life. As such, the politeness is often undertoned by requests, often for things like money or food, or anything he needs at the moment. However, his polite facade has massive weaknesses. Ben is very sensitive emotionally, and it is very easy to cause the boy to break down. He may cry over small insults, or become immensely frustrated if people don't give him exactly what he wants. As such, how he deals with strangers is actually very dependant on how they deal with him.
  • Second Paragraph: Since childhood Bendlin has been plagued by schizophrenia. His grasp on reality is a fleeting thing with the threat of it slipping away being ever present. The majority of the time, the symptoms are small and inconsequential, regulated to paranoia over seemingly random but not nonsensical things along with the occasional hearing of a sound nobody else has witnessed. However, there are occasions where the half breed's psychosis is much stronger, episodes in which his mind becomes thoroughly divorced with reality. Often times these episodes result in intense fear over completely nonexistent threats, and these delusions are aided heavily by strong hallucinations, ones that go beyond the auditory and assault all of the boy's senses. Although these occurrences are infrequent they are inescapable, they mirror reality so closely that he can't be convinced of their inreality, and thus he can find no comfort. Even when they have ended, he'll always fear the threat that his mind had woven for him.
  • Third Paragraph: There is nothing Ben cherishes more than the people he is close with. It's a little rare for the halfling to find somebody that he feels genuinely connected to, but once he does he becomes attached very quickly. Though the way he acts around his friends is not dramatically different than how he acts to strangers. He is still fakely polite, but for a completely different reason, he's not trying to get anything from his friends, instead, he's just trying to ensure that they continue to like him as much as he likes them. He's very careful about what he says to his friends, and he could be considered very reserved around them, secretive, not wanting anything to leak out that he fears will make somebody less endeared towards him.
  • Fourth Paragraph: His morality is centered around what is good for him and what's good for those close to him. Though there is a part of him that is skittish about truly hurting people, this is the only line that is drawn. Everything else is fair game for him, anything to ensure his comfort.

Life Story

Bendlin is the product of an Ailor father and a Saivale mother, neither of which he was close with. There was a short period of his life where Bendlin was carried around by his mother. Though he was an active drain on the woman during this period, and it was only a matter of time before she left him so she could travel unhindered once more. The site of this abandonment was a small orphanage in Vorfandu, the first one that would take her son.

The orphanage was headed by a Vladno aristocratic woman named Viola, although she was an aristocrat she had no livelihood of her own and relied solely on her husband, who knew nothing of the orphanage. The place was a passion project, Viola could not bear children of her own, and her marriage was utterly loveless. So, the orphanage became her sole light. However, the conditions within were barely better than living on the streets, the children had a roof and beds, but often little food. The place was the sight of many deaths, as a result.

Bendlin, however, survived, and he was one of the few within the orphanage who was as fond of Viola as she was of them. He'd always cling closely to her. He was one of the few who was taught to read and write by her, many of the other children did not care for it. Reading became one of Ben's greatest pleasures, during that time. The good times did not last forever though. Viola's trouble with her husband, Tsaplin, heightened throughout the years, and it concluded with her dying after a particular confrontation with the man. This left a void within the orphanage, nobody within knew of Viola's demise, but, as she never came back, the children within scattered. Bendlin was one of a small group who waited the longest, but even he left eventually.

He did not stay with the children who had waited for Viola, they all scattered. And for a period of time he was alone, trying to keep himself alive by any means, often through stealing or begging. It was the first time that he really experienced the problems that came from being mix-raced, such problems never really existed under Viola's watch, but, he now encountered the brunt of it. Most of the time this showcased itself as a lack of charity, though other times he faced direct hatred, sometimes even violence. He was eleven years old at the start of this period, and he was thirteen when his psychosis first manifested. He remained in Vorfandu for a long time, but being so close to where Viola had died began to wear on him, as, by this time, he had realized that was what had happened. He wanted to forget, to be far from the memories. And so, at Fifteen, he stowed away on a ship heading to the crown isle, never to look back.

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  1. Add the proficiency boosts from being Half-Orc (+5 Smithing, +5 Black Powder, +5 Improvised Weapons)
  2. I find it pretty unlikely that a half-orc would be skinny. I'm going to say increase the body build to at least athletic/muscular.
  3. You haven't made mention of one of the largest issues that plagues half-orcs, namely self-doubt and internalized struggle over not fitting in. Add this in your app.
Make the above edits in RED and tag me when done.
Is it possible I could change Bendlin to an Ailor/Mëdorr Saivale mix? While keeping his physical characteristics? (Aside from changing his gray sclera to black sclera).

Asking because I'd really, really like his body build to not be bumped up. And I need his dark sclera to stay cause his skin looks pretty bad without it.
If you want to do that you'll need to go over the whole sheet again and practically start from scratch. The amount of detail required in the half-elf mixes is completely different to half-orcs. Is this still something you want to do?
I honestly don't think it would really change that much. His mother was completely absent from his life, so he has no cultural or personal ties to her race. It would really only change some of the terms I used in the app. So, yeah.
If that is the case then perhaps the character should not be a half-breed. Half breeds are a unique type of character design intended for players who wish to play out multiple aspects from two different races. If making a switch from Half-Orc/Ailor to Half-Elf/Ailor (especially Kathar) doesn't make a difference, I'm going to ask that you play a non-mixed character and instead pick a single race to portray.
I don't think that would really work for me though. There is no single race that fits into what I want for this character. I want him to be mixed, I don't want him to be a single race. The reason it wouldn't change much is that his mother had no real involvement in his life. And to change that part of him would be altering his character in a way that is much larger, and completely destroys the original vision I had for the character. However, I don't think that should be a reason that I'm suddenly barred from playing a mixed character.
If you really want to go with that then the character will be a half-Ailor, not a half-Elf. As such, new changes that need to be made:
  1. Specify the Ailor culture, add the cultural bonus as decided by the Proficiency information on the wiki.
  2. Fix all mentions of being a half-orc, replace these with Kathar or elf as you intended to do.
  3. In the life story, I want you to flesh out the repercussions of being a half-breed, its not something that is widely accepted in the world of Aloria.
Make these edits in RED and tag me when done.

Made the changes, I hope. If there are any other proficiencies related to the Vladno I don't know about them.