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Played Character Belle

This character is actively played.


Mar 12, 2022
Reaction score
Belle Auclair
Daughter of Armas
  • Basic Information
    • Name - Belle Marsalle-Terrois Parfaite Coeur Auclair Cygne de Chamoix
      • Belle Auclair
    • Age - 28
      • March 19th, 284 A.C
      • Pisces
    • Race - Ailor
      • Ithanian
        • Burdigalan
    • Gender - Female
      • She/Her
      • Pansexual
    • Religion - Evolism
      • Devotion mainly to Armas & Apotheon
    • Occultism - Void Mage
      • Armas Godborn
      • No Afflictions
    • Weapon of Choice - Rapier or Pistol
    • Guild - Hoterie Order
  • Core Concept
    • Belle is an Armas Godborn, keen on following in the way of her father albeit secretly from everyone around her, up keeping the visage of a Red Blooded Noble.
    • Belle is a very skilled martial fighter, perfecting her body with combat training as to upkeep the tenants of Apotheon.
    • Belle's only goal is to find many lovers and get herself as rich as she can, while also trying to make friends with everyone around her.
  • Appearance Information
    • Eye Color - Prismatic Rainbow (Armas Godborn).
    • Hair Color - Most often blonde.
    • Hair Style - Most often in a long ponytail.
    • Skin Color - Pale.
    • Clothing - Dresses and other such expensive attire.
    • Height - 5'10
    • Tattoos - Apothem's tail as a tattoo along her back that can turn into the real thing.
    • Miscellaneous - Belle wears a lot of rings, though strangely, usually no other jewelry except for the odd necklace here and there.
  • Proficiency Information
    • Strength - VIII | Armas Godborn Mechanic I
      • Technique Parry
      • Pinning Throw
      • Diving Tackle
      • Bruising Strike
      • Knockback Sweep
      • Shrug Off
      • Steady Body
    • Constitution - II
      • Shield Deflect
      • Shield Snare
      • Familiar Disrupt (Ailor Buff II)
    • Intelligence - 0
    • Wisdom - 0
    • Dexterity - 0
    • Magic - V
      • Magic Cleanse
      • Magic Reduce
      • Magic Resist
      • Magic Shove
      • Magic Summon
      • Magic Disengage (Ailor Buff I)
    • Faith - 0
    • Languages - VI
      • d'Ithanie
      • Altalar
      • Common
      • Pannarokh
      • Sehraq
      • Sign
  • Life Story
    • Belle's mother was a Sinistral Arkenborn mage living in Burdigala, safe to say, nobody really wanted anything to do with her. So, she turned to Armas.
    • After all was said and done, Belle was born, however, her mother ripped herself apart with Sinistral magic, leaving her horribly mutated and disfigured. She died when Belle was three.
    • Belle was taken in by a very rich family, Red Bloods of the Augur Order, giving Belle a proper education, sending her to Collége de la Rouusette in Vauxhall when she was of age.
    • Belle learned how to be a proficient army commander, however she settled into the role of a frontline commander much better. However, she also joined the Hoterie Order, also taking a slight diplomatic role on the battle field
    • While in school, Belle would learn of her father, and rediscover her god magic, also discovering the rest of the Evolist pantheon in secret.
    • Belle would go to Altalei late into her adulthood, joining an Armas cult for a small period of time, while also taking on many lovers, tempting them into Evolist ideology.
    • After some time, Belle decided to try much the same in Amontaar, moving there very recently.
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