Magical Guild Beldam Society


haeksen van regalia
Jun 22, 2016
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
Circa March 311 AC


"Jason and Medea" | John William Waterhouse

I. PERSONAGE | who runs the beldam society

Formed by the collective interest of the twin mages, Gwenfrewi and Cadwyn Mhártain, the Beldam Society exists as an opportunity for up-and-coming Mages to harness and empower their skillset. Fueled by the ideals of the common witch and an Aelriggan Knight, there are few that will be turned away from seeking apprenticeship and education.
II. CABAL | what is the beldam society
The Beldam Society is an unofficial tutorage circle for those wishing to excel in their magical capabilities. Lessons will be held weekly on Saturday or Sunday, schedule allowing; some lessons will be held with both Mhártains, while others will have students split into groups pertaining to their interests. All students should expect to train in defensive spellswordery, fundamental incantations, and rudimentary studies. There will be a balanced mix of hands-on, metaphysical, verbal, and literary training, with the expectation of doing one's best towards all points.

There will be those that fly past their peers without struggle, and others that need a helping hand; additional support will always be provided. Nonetheless, those that disregard their studies, following warnings, will be removed without bias.

THERE WILL ONLY BE 8 STUDENTS AT ANY ONE TIME, EACH ACADEMY LASTING ONE MONTH (4 WEEKS, 4 LESSONS). (Additional applicants will be put on the wait list for the next academy!)

Following the 'graduation' of each academy, students will still be checked up on occasionally, as well as mentorship available as needed. This is not a long-lasting education program, but rather a beginner's course to practical, safe magic-casting. Additional resources can always be inquired on.
III. REQUISITION | where is it held and how do you join
Meetings will be held at the Regalian Lecture Hall (/tp Scholar Academy).

Applications should be mailed to either Sera Cadwyn or Witch Gwenfrewi, although all interviews prior to acceptance will be made in person.

Applications are currently [OPEN].

Information required for application [OOC TEMPLATE]:​
Username/Discord Tag:
Date/Time: Put your availability for an interview here - choice of days are either Saturday, Sunday, or Monday! Thanks
Character Name/Application:
Character Race/Age:
Letter of Application: Include why you are interested, level of magical know-how, and any other information deemed important, as known.
Interviews start: 11 MARCH 311
Currently Taking Applications...