Archived Beginner's Handbook

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Shboop (finners4444)
Dec 14, 2012
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Empireless (???)
Roleplay Guilds
A beginners hand-book.

This is an idea I've been pondering about for a while, and would serve simply to gently educate beginners into roleplay should they want to pursue it.
It would not push, but point beginners in a position where they can catch up with the happenings, slargon and the basics. This may exist already...

It would be a written book in the game, that can be read at any time, and include:

- Basics of roleplay
- How to use e: l: etc to add to your roleplay
- Basic rules: No god roleplay, metagaming.

- Commands
- Nicknames
- Factions in roleplay

- Chats
- Explain the use of each chat
- Explain how to use the chats
- Explain the rules of the chats
- Slargon

- Basics of the story:
- General explanation of the lore
- General information of the continents
- General information on races
- General information on large events

- Names of helpers
- This would list the usernames of staff and helpers that would give extra information

+And any other that is suggested below that would work

This would be obtained when someone joins the server for the first time, at roleplay spawn. It could also be obtained through a command at any time. It would serve
as a reference new players as they progress in the community, and check it before making a decision.

A new player gets in to a combat roleplay, to ensure something complies, he quickly flicks through his handy beginners hand book and checks if its all legit.
If a new player sees something they themselves know from the book is a bit off, they can tell each other and improve.

I may be over excited about this xD - I just imagine it as a simple way to improve the distance of the step from beginner, to exprienced player. What do you think? :/
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Very nice idea. If I remember correctly, custom books can be created and handed out using the quest plugin. MassiveCraft already has a quest that new players get when they first join the server, so this book could be handed out right at the start, or at the completion of the quest, whichever is more preferred.
I've thought about this myself actually, and I will say something like this would have helped when I was a noobasaurus rex on the server, trying to be a Tigran/Alien. Don't worry that's fixed now. <3
I've thought about this myself actually, and I will say something like this would have helped when I was a noobasaurus rex on the server, trying to be a Tigran/Alien. Don't worry that's fixed now. <3

That's what I'm thinking will result ^-^ - A reduce in noobosaurs. Though everyone needs one insanely OP character to learn from >-<.
-Gentle Bump-
Not forcing this idea down anyone's throats, just want to develop it further, and since people voted in the pole for development some out there see it can be added on. I'd also really like to see this in game, so want to raise it up a bit more ^-^.