Archived Beauty Contest

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High Council member of The Algorian Empire
Jul 17, 2012
Reaction score
It comes to my attention that there are a few messy factions with little theme....
so why not start a best themed faction contest (theme being best medieval looking faction accoding to its biome), have the prize 100 silver and let all enter by starting a forum thread and entering through that.

My idea here is that it will encourage better builds and more themed factions if it was a regular thing. It would provide incentive for newer players to build more creatively and make more extravagant builds.

could narrow it down to the top ten on the server put up some pictures and have a mod nominated to judge for one night :)

if popular could have a small entry fee and have every faction pay 2 silver and let the winner get the pot ?[DOUBLEPOST=1352763962][/DOUBLEPOST]*according
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I would like this. Of course Zion would lose 100% of the time, but it will inspire us to try harder on our buildings, and probably would give inspiration to newer factions, or would completely crush their souls :D
I don't think I would participate. Although this is a good idea, it would be extremely hard to get around to each and every faction in a short amount of time. Along with the judging, unless some of the mods/admins voted for the whole of the server, the voting would probably be biast towards one another.
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