Beautiful Blossoms & Drink


Jul 4, 2019
Reaction score
In the corner with flowers.

We're looking for workers!
Located at: Le Scofier Bottom

You MUST (DO/DO NOT) the following / Rules
1) A application for the character
2) Must not be Kathar/Manathar
3) Must be active
4) You must not bring drama into the Inn - even if you have a scaffold with one of the patrons/matrons
5) Do not color your forum with anything besides black, use times new roman font, and bold the questions.
6) Any regals you make are yours to keep. You will recieve no payment in regals from me OOCly or ICly. First come first serve.
8) If you are any form of Caretaker/Nature related you must have high prof's in Nature Sciences. Anything above 5+ If you are a caterer you must have +10 in visuals as well.
9) The above applies to Food & Drink, you must have above 10+ however as we don't want to poison our guests with a roll of 1.
10) D20 is our rolling system with +prof's.
IE: Roll 25 - that is +5 in Nature sciences so you roll 25. Basically 20 + #Profs
11) If you are a Tea-Tender, or another form of a role - you must stay in your area.

Rosana Aerwynn & Faerith Daejor (RoseRP)
Na'vos Eldarin Novath (Ynzy)

Na'vos, Rosana, and Faerith run the boutique & lounge, while Faerith and Na'vos are the head caretakers for the Boutique, Rosana runs the Tea-Lounge side - mind you these are your boss and we have the right at any time to fire a person /. someone we deem unacceptable. If you make a application - you agree to these terms. If you break a law, or a rule within the Inn and Boutique such as our no-weapon policy. We will not hesitate to fire you. You were warned. We will also call the guards regardless of how high and mighty you think you are.

How active you are from 1-10:
Why should you be hired:
Reason to join:
Letter to the Owner:
Application (Of your character.):

Tea-tender (Tea-Lounge)
-- 2 positions available --
Function: You will be taking care of the making of the tea - and if no Waitress's are available - Selling it!
Outfit: (No Armor!)

Caretaker (Boutique)
-- 2 roles available --
Function: You are the caretaker/tender of the nature and life inside of the Boutique
Outfit : (No Armor!)

Waitress/Waiter (Tea-Lounge)
-- 3 roles available --
Function: You are the ones that bring the Patrons/Matrons there drinks after getting them from the Tea-Tenders.
Outfits: Will be in the discord.


The shops function
As both a Boutique and Lounge we sell a variety of tea's, and floral life. We also cater to big events!
Our menu is:
(Tea Menu)
Green tea - 3 regals (Unlimited refills) - Hot (Comes on the side with Sugar and Honey - Can add a mint if wished.)
Black tea - 2 regals (Unlimited refills) - Hot (Comes on the side with Sugar and Honey - Can add a mint if wished.)
English Breakfast - 2 regals (Limited to 2 refills.) - Hot (Comes on the side with Sugar and Honey - Can add a mint if wished.)
Chamomille Tea - 2 regals (Limited to 4 refills) - Hot (Comes on the side with Sugar and Honey - Can add a mint if wished.)
Lavender Tea - 3 regals (Unlimited) - Can be served either way
Iced Tea (Specify Sweet or Unsweet/Unlimited) - 2 regals - Cold
Fruitful Tea (Specify flavor: Lemon, Strawberry, Blueberry, Mixed fruit, or Raspberry) - Can be served either way - 3 regals
Cinnamon Tea - 2 regals (Unlimited) - Can be served either way aa
Water - Free - Cold (A additional cost of 1 regal will be added for mint, or lemon addition.)

(Boutique menu)
(All of these are per bush, smaller plants such as Allium come in pairs, and tulips come in triple. Rarer more luxurious plants will only come as a Single.)
Rose Bush - 3 regals per 1 bush
Daisies - 2 regals per 2
Dandelions - 1 regal per 4
Poppy - 1 regal per 2
Allium - 4 regals per 2
Tullips of any color - 3 regals per 2 [Can mix and match!]
Peonies - 2 regals per 1 bush
Blue Orchids - 4 regals per 1
Sunflower - 1 regals per 2
Mushrooms [Of either color] - 2 regals
Lavender - 4 regals per 1 bush

(Catering Service)
Weddings are 100 regals (This does not include a After-party, a After-party + wedding will be 120 regals.)
Mainstream events (Below Wedding size.) Are 50 regals.
Parties are 20 regals
Birthday Parties are 15 regals

Catering service notes
* Weddings have the option of choosing up to two flowers from our menu free of additional cost, a third-fourth flower type will be a additional 20 regals each flower you chose.
* Mainstream Events may choose up to one flower - otherwise it is a 20 regal charge for each additional flower type you have us add to your event.
* Parties/Birthday Parties may choose up to ONE flower type, the reason it is cut short is because we will not stay for the event afterwards. Unless you buy our time which at that point you should have buy the Mainstream Event - Birthday parties are shortened in price to give our Patrons/Matrons have a good evening with a low cost of regals.

20 regals will be charged for any additional flower types added to your Catering Service. 10 regals will go to Ynzy (If he is on the site.)

Scones - 2 regals
Biscuits - 2 regals

Who will bring the flowers and cater: Na'vos, and either Rosana or Faerith will attend to cater the wedding. We charge 100 regals because of time required - while catering to a wedding or mainstream event we will stay - that is why it's so costly. Parties/B-days are only 15-20 regals because we do not stay - you can have us stay longer by paying a extra 50 regal fee. The reason Mainstream is 50 regals instead of 100 is because they can only choose up to one flower.

Who are the owners? Why did they want to build this shop: Na'vos, Rosana, and Faerith are the (co-)owners of the shop. Rosana and Faerith will never be seen in the same room together as they work in different departments. As well as they tend to butt-heads at times. We wanted to build this shop as to offer a multi-service that includes a aesthetic area where you can gaze at beautiful things while sipping tea. We also want to bring a catering service to provide that aesthetic luxury to your weddings.

Do you guys do Discounts: As of the moment, we do not. Perhaps sometime in the future we might - but while the shop is being built. Afraid not.

Do we actually get a item when we purchase: This depends - this is a good question I should probably ask the Staff, but as far as I know. Maybe not - though with our catering service we will add floral (Via build - Do note you have to get perms for this.) to your wedding site. With our wedding service we do provide a bouquet for the bride. Which will be a IC item.

Does the catering service apply for floral houses: No - I'm sorry dear, our catering is for events only. Perhaps in the future we might add Decora for houses. Until then - No.

Feel free to ask questions in the thread and I will add them to the Q&A


Applications Open/Closed: OPEN AND HIRING!
Last edited:
IGN: automagicals
RPname: Synnove Dahl
How active you are from 1-10: 9/10
Timezone: EST
Why should you be hired: I would like to better our relationship, due to the fact we haven't always been the nicest of people to one another.
Reason to join: I would like to experience more RP.
Letter to the Owner:

Dear Ms. Rosaniya,
I would like a job. Please, give it to me. I can do the following, Wash dishes, clean, and serve food.

Hoping I'll be accepted,
Synnove Dahl.

Application (Of your character.): Google doc link [WIP]