Be Nice, Be Kind

One day, in her Bakery, Ke'wince was cleaning and a
poem came to her, though nothing written. It came
from her mind, her words came out fluidly and with passion and
filled with creativity. Anyone passing by could hear her words through
the quiet and warm evening.

When I was younger, a child of three, my dear mother came to me
"Be nice, be kind." she prayed and preached, her voice in my head would often repeat
As a naïve child, I did not understand, why she worried, her reasons bland
She rubbed my head, and hugged me tight. "You'll understand, when the time is right."
I shrugged and left, off to play, with my sister, a sunny day
I grew older, how time flies. In morals and magic, I grew wise
As I changed, so did times, most with neither reasons nor rhymes
Wars and plagues came to light, my eyes watched the horrid sight
My mother grew weak, her body ill
My father left weak, his mind ill
My sister was taken confused, too young to realize
I left, mother in my arms, who spoke through cries
"I am ill, your father has taken your sister
We can try Regalia, should they let us enter
Whatever happens, whatever shall unbind,
Please, oh please, be nice and kind."
I am grown, I understand the prayers
In wisdom and kindness, she showered me in layers
To be nice, I'd make friends and gain love
To be kind, I'd stay friendly, through push and shove
My mother, whose fate was sad and unfair
Sill lives with a smile, though an illness to bare
Her words motivate me, pushing each day
And I repeat them, each night I say:
"Ke'wince Gavenmore, you wondrous dove,
be nice, be kind, be full of love.
Should you ever stray from your path or endeavor
Your friends and I will remain here forever."
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