Archived Battle Plugin/ Territory Control

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Big Guy
Oct 19, 2013
Reaction score
Just going to say right off the bat, this is a suggestion for what would basically be an addition to the Factions plugin(in the same way factions tax is for example). Meaning it would require coding and likely won't see the light of day for a long time even if it gets good reception.

So, this is an idea I thought up that may address some of the problems that factions gameplay has had for a while, namely the lack of motivation to raid people and the lack of profit gained from doing so, as well as the lack of incentive to defend. The idea consists of two small plugins that work together with each other and the factions plugin to create a more fluid system that encourages raiding and makes it have meaning.

Currently, raiding a faction consists of going to someone's base and expecting them to come out and fight you. If they don't, nothing is gained, nothing is lost, and everyone is bored.

This plugin would give the ability to use a command (/raid or something similar) to challenge another faction. The faction being challenged must have at least 3 members online and be of enemy relation, and the attacking faction must have at least one member on the defending faction's land when the command is used. This can be done by each faction to each faction only once a day. How this works is when a faction challenges another faction, for a 30 minute period, all deaths from both of these factions are tallied. Note that this is deaths, not kills, meaning that trap kills count, as well as members that aren't even participating in the fight dieing to mobs or other environmental causes. The death counts, as well as other things, will affect the win conditions of the battle, and rewards are distributed when the 30 minute period has ended. The conditions at the end of the battle are as follows:

Defending Faction wins if:
-The Attacking Faction had more deaths than the Defending Faction.

Attacking Faction wins if:
-The Defending Faction had more deaths than the Attacking Faction.
-Neither Faction had any deaths and the Attacking Faction had at least one member on the Defending Faction's land at all times throughout the 30 minutes.(This is to give incentive to fight back, so you'll lose if you simply sit inside and the attackers don't leave right away; you have to at least chase them away if not kill them)

The Battle is a Draw if:
-Neither Faction had any deaths, but the Attacking Faction left the Defending Faction's land during the battle(this is to prevent abuse, by challenging someone and then running for the hills or teleporting away and getting a free win because the defenders can't get you).
-There is a tied death count of 1-1 or higher.

Rewards are as follows:
-If Defending Faction wins, they gain two 'Territory Points'(These pertain to the second part of this thread) and the Attacking faction loses one Territory Point.
-If Attacking Faction wins, they gain two Territory Points, and the Defending Faction loses one Territory Point.

Note that even though the time period for a battle is 30 minutes, this is not suggesting any changes to the current raid time allowed by the server. Raiding normally would still be perfectly allowed, just not controlled by a plugin. Using a bunch of alts to simulate a fake raid and generate Points would be considered abuse and punishable.

This idea is less PvP oriented and more Faction oriented, however, it is largely supported by the Battle Plugin concept.

This plugin would allow factions to take ownership of territory. You might be thinking that's what factions already does. Well, this is on a more global scale. To make this thread less confusing, 'land' refers to faction claims, 'territory' refers to the new concept discussed in this thread. Each survival world would be divided into quadrants, so there would be 4 territories per world. These territories would be named adequately, either through compass directions(eg. NE Jorrhild, SW Hyarroc) or some more creative geographical ones(eg.Fendarfell Dunes, New Ceardian Mesa).

The way to take ownership of territory would involve the 'Territory Points'(name is up for debate) hinted at in the Battle Plugin idea, a new kind of currency used only for buying territory. Each territory would have a bank, in which all factions can pay Points towards via a command done only by faction leaders. The banks are open for a month long period. When the month ends, the Points are tallied, and each territory is granted to whatever faction had the most points invested into it. Sort of like an auction, just they're all open for a month, there's plenty of them, and which ones you care to participate in is completely optional. Once the territories are granted, all Points are wiped clean(even ones not spent), the banks open up again for another month, and the new owners get to enjoy the benefits of their territory until the next month ends, and the cycle continues. There is also a second way to get territory. At any point, a faction can sell a territory to another faction if they please. So even if you don't care for the benefits of owning territory, it could be a profitable business to go for them.

So how are Points obtained? As mentioned in the battle plugin, they are awarded for winning raids, and lost if you lose on defense. So, claiming territory through PvP dominance is an ideal, and is the quickest way, to get Points. There would be other methods as well. Ways I can think of would include transferring a specific amount of enchanting EXP into one Point(I'm thinking 80 levels, can be debated), as well as being purchasable through regals, though it would be made deliberately pricey to discourage it unless necessary(probably 200-300r for one Point). Other methods that are fairly balanced relative to the others can be thought up as well.

So what even are the benefits to owning territory? Lets first get it out of the way that it is completely different from claiming a chunk of land. Owning territory is very much more of a trophy with slight benefits than it is a land claim that only you can touch. Factions that do not own the territory that they are situated in would be very slightly affected if at all. This also does not make the wilderness uneditable or anything like that. Some potential benefits of owning territory I've thought of include:

-Having faction taxes halved on any claimed chunks in territory that the faction owns. If all of a faction's land is in one place, it could be a huge economic benefit for them to take over the territory that they are situated in.
-Faction members recieving double regal drops and McMMO EXP from mobs killed in territory that their faction owns. If you have a good darkroom, owning the territory it's in would be a huge bonus. Whether this would stack with the Double Drops and Double EXP donation perks or not is up for debate.
-Setting a permanent tier one potion effect of the faction's choice that all members always have when in their territory, similar to a beacon.(ones that are deemed too OP in PvP can be disabled)
-The ability to use a command and see what players are currently in a faction's territory/an alert system that tells members of the faction when a player enters their territory.
-It looks good on your resume
-More can be thought up later.

So, let me know what you think, or things you'd change(please state why). The general purpose of both ideas is to give more meaning and depth to the things we typically do in factions, as well as provide win conditions instead of just do stuff for fun, while also not affecting the people who are uninterested in all of this. This would of course require coding, so no hopes on ever getting something like this soon. But just wanted to throw out a detailed example of what I'd like to start seeing.
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I gave a quick skim, and essentially it's similar to the overclaiming feature already in factions. If a factions power is smaller than the land they own, then any faction can come and claim it over. This also assumes claimnear is true as well.

Most faction servers run this way, which is why you see claims like this:

I guess I'd be against this idea, since overclaiming isn't really how Massive does factions. You lose your land and then people can grief it (since they own the territory now)
I gave a quick skim, and essentially it's similar to the overclaiming feature already in factions. If a factions power is smaller than the land they own, then any faction can come and claim it over. This also assumes claimnear is true as well.

Most faction servers run this way, which is why you see claims like this:

I guess I'd be against this idea, since overclaiming isn't really how Massive does factions. You lose your land and then people can grief it (since they own the territory now)
Wat. There's no overclaiming involved in this.

But anyways... I usually really don't care for stuff like this. But this would be really, really cool.
I gave a quick skim, and essentially it's similar to the overclaiming feature already in factions. If a factions power is smaller than the land they own, then any faction can come and claim it over. This also assumes claimnear is true as well.

Most faction servers run this way, which is why you see claims like this:

I guess I'd be against this idea, since overclaiming isn't really how Massive does factions. You lose your land and then people can grief it (since they own the territory now)

No over claiming involved. It's completely different from owning somebody's faction claim. Being a faction in another's territory would have no negatives whatsoever other than the simple lack of benefits that you could have if you owned it instead. Your faction claim would still be yours and that would not change. Owning a territory would NOT give build access to all the factions in that area. Benefits would be economic/player buffs and nothing else.
I like it. My understanding (and correct me if im wrong) is that the territories are, kind of overlayed on top of factions. Just because I have a faction in territory that has been won by Raptum doesnt mean they control me. But THEY get benefits in territory they control.

I love this idea and while i agree it sounds very... time consuming to code.. i hope it does get added to the agenda
I like it. My understanding (and correct me if im wrong) is that the territories are, kind of overlayed on top of factions. Just because I have a faction in territory that has been won by Raptum doesnt mean they control me. But THEY get benefits in territory they control.

I love this idea and while i agree it sounds very... time consuming to code.. i hope it does get added to the agenda

Correct. It's a means of competition that isn't too intense and doesn't affect those that do not want to be involved. The only catch is that if you do want to be involved, either through earning your points through mob grinding, mining lots of ores, paying for them, or beating other factions in raids, you have to be able to defend yourself so that you do not lose your points.
Noted as a feature suggestion and added to the list of growing suggestions we have on improving Factions.