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Played Character Basuki

This character is actively played.


polite leech
May 20, 2023
Reaction score
the depths

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「I will stay with it and endure through suffering hardship, and once the heaving sea has shaken my raft to pieces, then I will swim.」
[art album]
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Full Name » Basuki Yatimcinta.
‣ Nicknames/Titles » Morvanqaarh, the Azure Tooth Demon
‣ Gender / Pronouns » Masculine-presenting. (he/him)
‣ Age » 23.
‣ Race » Dibawa Allar.
‣ Occult » Xeradon Godborn.
‣ Religion » Basuki is doggedly loyal to Xeradon. Though he does not speak of The Deep Will on dry land, worshippers of any other Deep Ones are quick to earn his disappointment and competition alike as a cult zealot.
‣ Languages »
∙ Pidato (P) [Native]
∙ Common [Fluent]
∙ Altalar (Alt) [Fluent]
∙ Ibeth (Ib) [Conversational]
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Core Concept
» At the center of his identity, Basuki is a stalwart and generally well-meaning individual. Basic respect and courtesy are presented to a majority of people he meets until otherwise proven undeserved. Some amount of unquenched thirst for adventure and violence always exists just beneath the surface, dredged up only by opportunities of challenge too good to resist, or moments where someone has managed to work his temper into an unsavory rage - though this would be rare.

» Perhaps slightly deranged in some ways not easily detectable at first, Basuki chooses to view life on the surface as a well-earned reward for a difficult upbringing. In his own method of maintaining a sense of control, Basuki (deludedly) believes that any bad thing that comes his way is merely a weight being placed on the scale of karma; that any injustice or loss slighted upon him will surely be followed by something just as rewarding. This unshakable self-righteousness leaves Basuki in an unsettling and seemingly permanent mindset where he is ultimately convinced he cannot ever truly "lose" in anything. This also means that anyone who gets in his way is automatically viewed as either an obstacle to destroy, or simply a future ally that needs some convincing.

» Though Basuki can cough up a business-proper gratitude for the reef-dwelling community that initially raised him, his sentiments are stiff and obligatory. If the early memories of alienation from the Paria Caste grate on his mind, he does not speak of it. On the topic of his orphaning origins and abandonment by the parent he never met, he is avoidant at best, and bitterly defensive at worst -- the type to insist that people with "easy" lives are soft and weak, and thus no mistake was made in fate forcing him to endure hardship. The inverse of this hatred is that Basuki is shiningly ardent when the topic of his status in Val-Karang arises. He considers his identity as a guard-marauder and fief-master integral to his sense of self.

» Untalkative of most personal matters and quick to distrustfully clam up when prodded, one would find that Basuki's lack of enthusiasm to disclose information is out of paranoid unease rather than disdain for conversation. At his core, Basuki is more naive and tactless than he would ever care to admit, eager to be of use and to impress, but wary of others' laziness and duplicity. A delicate dichotomy rises between intimidating power and its vulnerable holder; an outsider looking in, a Deep Crowned child enamored both by the light of the surface and the people that live under its sun.
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Background & History
» Born as a shunned mutant child that was promptly designated to the outer rungs of society, Basuki's early life served as a cautionary tale for what happens to any Dibawa-Allar touched by the unsavory hand of magic, and less obviously, the price a consort of Xeradon would pay for attempting to plant an heir into an Occult-scorning demographic. With no real memory of the Xerdonist parent that birthed him, Basuki proceeded in life as a community orphan alongside the other "undesirables" in his Caste, simply treated by most as a particularly unsettling Mageborn.

» If any recognized his pedigree as a child of Xeradon, it was certainly not addressed aloud. He was permanently held at arms' length by other Allar all the same, all the way up to his departure from those Hadarian shallows. Having never bonded with any singular parental figure, Basuki's attachments were negligible and easy to move on from. In bitter defiance of what his Caste shamed him for, Basuki would find himself spitefully proud of his magic capabilities. He opted to eventually follow the near-obsessive call of his birthright, traversing to the deeper sea in order to find likeminded cultists.

» Settling in a domain of his of his own thereafter in Val-Karang, a city of Xeradon in the waters of Tohsmaaq Venheer, Basuki was instantaneously welcomed. In his young adult years, he established himself as a confident and powerful presence in a deliberate effort to separate himself from his previous circumstances. Toiling his way into the role of head guardsman and eventually establishing himself as a feudal lord second only to Xeradon himself in the territory, Basuki is known to this day for his fierce dedication to his father and Val-Karang's borders alike.

» In equal parts, Basuki is notorious for his frightful brutality that is regularly exacted upon perceived trespassers and threats. One may note that he holds a particular disdain for the Maraya due to their trifling presence near Tohsmaaq Venheer. Those that dare to stray too close to the city or shunt away from the safety of their land colonies are quickly dispatched.
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» Standing at 6'6, Basuki boasts a wide and brawny form befitting of his original birth purpose as a fearsome combatant and powerful swimmer. Temperament and personality aside, one glance at him is enough to know he is a specimen built for both causing damage and enduring it - and the scars that litter Basuki's body suggest that he has indeed put his capabilities to good use, time and time again. Perhaps if not for his status as a Godborn, Basuki would have initially lived a life in the desirable Rama Caste.

» Blotches of pale, discolored scales dictate stories of old violence and grievous injuries. Numerous scars ranging from simple slashes to proof of brutally severed limbs mar Basuki's extremities. Perhaps most strikingly, Lichtenberg figures upon Basuki's shoulder blend with hypertrophic scars, indicating some manner of a horrific fight that involved electricity and deep-tissue marring.

» Basuki's face itself has mostly piscine features, with the likeness of a coho salmon and alligator gar combined. An ever-fearsome snarl of sharp teeth and fanned fins serve to make him appear almost draconic in nature. Autumnal browns and greens fade from his neckline and disperse into blood-red scales over swathes of his body, where one would note large claws, webbed feet, and a beefy, finned tail.

» Eerie, glowing-white irises and slitted pupils glare out listlessly from murky black sclera, the signifier of his status as a child of Xeradon. Basuki makes an effort to sound less frightening than he looks, fairly kind-spoken and even-toned through the guttural roll of his voice.

» Preferring darker-colored, loose fabrics for the sake of practicality and comfort, Basuki dresses himself in simple opulence in the form of seaweed-teal robes decorated by a bronze trim pattern. Compression bandages loop around his torso and extremities beneath the rest of his clothing, robe sleeves kept tied up and out of the way for labor. A twine-belt decorated with jewels of sea glass, shells and other suggestions of Basuki's ocean-dwelling identity hang around his waist.

» When in his truer Deep-Sea Terror form, Basuki appears as a monstrous aquatic beast coloquially titled as Morvanqaarh ("Azure Tooth Demon"). He has six pairs of eyes beset in a ferocious wyvern-like face, and each armored side of his body is lined with fan-postured fins and armored scutes. Swathes of sturdy ganoid scales cover his colossal body to ensure streamlined durability. They hold the same likeness of autumnal colors of Basuki's Allar form, and it's more than likely that his namesake originates from the tropical waters he can be found patrolling.

» In Morvanqaarh's jaws lie trident-shaped tricuspid teeth comparable to that of a leopard seal. They are large, sharp, and ideal for shearing apart flesh and equipment alike. He moves frighteningly fast through the water for his size, leaving behind either nothing but a jet of pressurized tide or a mess of smashed coral, depending on his aggressive haste and the shallowness of the reefs he traverses.
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Proficiencies & Abilities

Strength » 7
- Bruiser | Slam
- Bruiser | Flurry
- Bruiser | Feint
- Bruiser | Agony
- Bruiser | Rampage
- Athletic | Force Toss
- Athletic | Steady Body
- Melee | Weapon Throw (Free)
- Melee | Diving Tackle (Free - Allar)

Magic » 5
- Magic | Summon
- Magic | Bolster
- Magic | Snare
- Magic | Warp
- Magic | Cleanse

Constitution » 2
- Training | Rage Counter
- Training | Iron Will

Wisdom » 0
- Chem | Technique Parry (Free - Allar)
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- Athletic Hobby. (Excellent swimmer and bulwark alike with a natural inclination towards fishing, brawling, and physical labor.)
- Magical Talent. (Capable of magically manifesting weaponry for combat; prefers a two-handed anchor and a one-handed harpoon. To note, Basuki's God magic is flavored as bioluminescent algae tides for buffs and red algae bloom for harming effects.)
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Relevant Mechanic References

Allar Heritage Traits:
  • Allar are immune to any (non Magical) disease or illness, such as viruses or bacteria, though they can become asymptomatic carriers.
  • Allar bodyparts regrow over the timespan of 24 hours when lost, though scars can be left behind if desired.
  • Allar have sensitive taste, their tongue capable of deeply analyzing anything they taste, what the ingredients are, and whether it has alchemical functions.
  • Allar have perfect sight at night and in dark environments, capable of seeing in the dark without needing any external light source.
  • Allar can breathe underwater without any Abilities, and can also see perfectly underwater without it blurring their vision, allowing them to stay submerged indefinitely.
Xeradon Godborn Mechanics:

Mechanic 1:
Xeradon Godborn can Transform into Deep-Sea Terrors, nautical horrors with claws and teeth and other appendages. While size can be a factor, it should remain roughly reasonable in roleplay in Regalia, while it is fine to write backstory/lore stories with large transformations. This counts as a Monstrous Transformation and a Disguise, though they Transform back to normal if they are KO'd in Combat. (Monstrous Transformations are illegal in Regalia).

Mechanic 2: Xeradon Godborn can always breathe underwater without any Abilities, and can always see perfectly underwater. They can move with great speed and grace, and even transform only parts of their body permanently or temporarily more fish or ocean-mammal-like, for example, dolphin fins or a shark's lower body. They can also extend this Mechanic to their "favored", so long as their favored are within Emote Range of them.

Mechanic 3: To Xeradon Godborn, water is like a permeable resource from which to make things. Even if to other water has no substance, Xeradon Godborn can change water into anything, from luxurious liquors, to fine foods, to even clothes for themselves or furniture to sit on. They can be made to look like water frozen in time with texture or color, or have entirely different material compositions, and broken down later back to water.

Religious Mechanic: All worshipers of The Deep Will are granted the gifts of the Deep Ones. These gifts mainly aim at overcoming losses. Any Deep follower who participates in an Event-Calendar noted Tournament that involves Combat Roleplay, and should lose, gains +2 Attack Stat (breaking cap up to 11) for the next Event-Calendar noted Tournament. This effect can stack (increasing the cap by 2 each time also), until they win, after which it is removed. Secondly, the Deep Ones allows all Deep followers to breathe and move quickly underwater but does not grant them underwater Combat Roleplay Mechanics or Abilities. The faster movement does not make them faster than those running on land, it just removes the drag from aquatic movement.
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