Preserved Sheet Bastien Cyrille Celyreos

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Mar 3, 2017
Reaction score
Regalian Empire
Roleplay Guilds
House Norinn
Basic Information (Required)
  • Full Name: Bastien Cyrille Celyreos.

  • Age: Currently 25.

  • Gender: Male.

  • Race: Leutz-Vixe/Ithanian Ailor.

  • Main Ambition: Bastien wishes to help his family achieve wealth, power, and fame. He will do anything he can to expand their banner, he is a very ambitious character.
  • Special Permission: N / A.
Visual Information (Required)

  • Eye Color:Sea blue.

  • Hair Color: Sandy Blonde.

  • Hair Style:His hair sticks up in the front slightly, curving over to the right, and goes to the base of his neck in the back.

  • Skin Color: Lighter, fairly tanned in some areas as well, like his face, arms, and legs.

  • Clothing: Wool buttoned sweaters, and animal furs. He also at times would wear an orange scarf with his outfit, this being a representative of his House Colours.

  • Height: 6'1.

  • Body Build: Muscular.

  • Weapon of Choice: Bastard Sword and Heater Shield. No Combat school, just a lot of experience and his training had a lot of Lecgaen, Tenpenny, and Viridian influence from young age. He never attended any of these combat schools. He learned some tactics and trained with weapons related to the schools. For example: Bastard Sword, Heater Shield > Viridian. Pike, Heater shield, and various swords > Tenpenny. And unarmed fighting > Lecgaen. Therefore, he would have never lived at the castle and did not start at fourteen. He was mentored by private family tutors, specifically members of their House Guard that were capable warriors and knew methods of these Combat Schools. (I hope that clarifies better.)

    Skill Information: Bastien is capable in combat, especially skilled with a Bastard Sword and Heater shield. Though he also thrives with a pike, and in unarmed fighting. Bastien also is a great leader, especially when it comes instructing troops. Bastien also is skilled socially, as he isn't afraid to get out and talk to people. He can even be diplomatic at times. Due to living on a remote island for eight years, Bastien has also gained some survival methods that could prove useful. Such as knowing how to create a fire, how to make basic weapons out of raw materials, such as a bow, spear, and javelin. Bastien also learned how to skin and cook rabbits, deer, and wolves. This making Bastien a standard hunter, and tracker, and a fairly experienced survivalist.

    Personality and Abilities:

    Bastien is often very affected by other people, and can tend to be emotional. He has a good heart as times, but he can also be aggressive and vicious when he needs to be. He will respond to meeting strangers for the first time depending on how he is feeling at the time. Though he often tries his hardest to give everyone a chance.
    If someone were to hear of Bastien and not see meet him in person this would likely be because of his house's fame rather than his own. Though, it could also be of his previous exploits and the events he took part in, which would mean they would take note of his skill in combat, and in leading the small force that he did. They may also think of Bastien as untrustworthy, due to the events during the Nordmark, and may question his loyalty. If met in person, it would depend on Bastien's attitude of course. He can tend to be a stubborn and rude man at times, though overall, he tries to give everyone a chance and meet them with the respect they deserve, and show them kindness.

    Bastien relies a lot of other people, especially close friends and family. If it weren't for them he wouldn't be who he is. He is a family person and doesn't enjoy working individually on much. He wishes to go up every step in life with those he holds dearest, he desires them to be well protected, and taken care of over everything. Though he appreciates his family's support, Bastien also has self-motivations that he wishes to achieve, which also means he can be self-confident and independent when he has to be. But this is rather rare. He has the ultimate mind of a soldier, as he has had to act as one for a large portion of his life. He has also learned to be a leader, and how to think in other people's shoes. He can at times get depressed, this can affect his attitude around others.

    Around family and close friends, along with lovers, Bastien tends to open up a bit, as he is indeed more comfortable. If you can really enter Bastien's heart you can discover all of his secrets, and his opinions on whatever the topic. He will show you a different side of himself that those that don't know him, or don't know him well enough have not seen. Bastien has always acted in such a way, it is merely his nature and how he was raised. His father was an intelligent man but often stayed in his office at work, while his mother tended to be more social, she taught him how to behave around people and that over all things, he should trust family first. Concerning friends, Bastien over a long period of time will begin to treat close friends as he would family, therefore trusting them about the same. Though if he were forced to choose between a family member and a close friend, due to what he's been taught all of his life, family would need to come first. With lovers, Bastien has no issue with bending the law a bit, and having multiple lovers. Though this has always been kept a secret and as he wishes to keep his body in one peace he'll never reveal the secret. Bastien craves attention from as many beautiful females he can get. Though he is not a true fool, and doesn't always fully trust them. With family, they will always come first and he trusts them entirely, unless of course they have betrayed his trust in the past, or if he suspects them to do so.

    Bastien would lie more neutral. He is very opinionated on several topics. He can be cruel at times, especially with those that have terribly wronged him. But in his mind, this is merely justice. He will defend what he believes to be right, and he will not tolerate those that wish to sink his beliefs. He also can be kind, and generous with those he believes deserve it. He thinks himself an honest judge of character.

    Bastien is a character that believes himself to be able to one day rule the world. He has the heart of a soldier, and mind of a leader. Bastien will slay void-demons to achieve his goals, he seeks fame.

    Warrior: Bastien is also a warrior when it comes to his combat capabilities. He grew up with a sword in hand, he has been able to overcome several challenges throughout his life, slowly earning the respect of his peers. He has learned to endure through hard times, and to appreciate days of harmony and luxury.

    Vigilant Judge of Character: Bastien seeks friends worthy of his affection. He tries his hardest to find the battles worth fighting, despite his mistakes in the past. He will take a first look at a scenario and already be debating on how he should respond, who the cause is, and what the outcome will look like. He usually looks for the big picture, and who will help to draw it.

    Thinker: Bastien is not one to jump into conflicts or arrangements right away. He takes his time to consider his options, and to plan out the outcome of what he is agreeing to. It is often that he will be wrong, and his plans devastated. Though he is still a planner nevertheless, and refuses to make blind decisions.

    Sociable: Bastien is not one to hide away in his chambers all day. He has no fear of people usually. He is willing to get out there and have a chat, and expose himself to the public. He seeks action, and activities to help his day go by.


    • Emotionally dependable on others: Bastien is highly affected by what others think of him. This is something he may need to further learn to improve on. He is able to ignore insults from unfriendly strangers. Though close friends and family's opinions of him he cannot resist to take note of.
    • Stubborn: Bastien is a truly stubborn character. If he believes something to be true, or correct, there is a very small chance of convincing him. This he may need to improve on. He is very opinionated.

    • Life Story:
Bastien Cyrille Celyreos was born on February Tenth in the year 280 A.C. to Lord Cyrille Celyreos-Blaise and Lady Adrienne Celyreos.

Since young age, Bastien has had to learn to master the art of combat. He was trained by his Uncle, Natasha's father, and his family's Sergeants. Since this time he has been prepared and equipped to lead the La tempête née, The Stormborn. At the mere age of Sixteen, he was granted the position Captain of the Guard, and he helped to defend the many members of his family.

When he was seventeen, Bastien had a heart for true adventure. He summoned a small company of his men, and had plans on exploring Aloria, starting his quest for fame young. But right after they departed from Vixhall their ship was caught in a horrid storm, the next morning only half of his men were with him, washed up on a remote island. They had no clue of where they were, and for eight years he was trapped there, watching as two of his loyal men died of starvation, and frostbite. Finally, a passing cargo ship heading for Regalia rescued him and his lot, and agreed to take them with the cargo to Regalia.

When Bastien arrived, he was then 25, and still ready to continue what he had set out to do. He learned that his cousin Natasha was the matriarch of his family there in Regalia, and he was already interested in helping his family out. He then was reinstated the position of Captain of the Guard. He recruited and organized nearly twenty-five house guards. When the Nordmark's conflict came into play. Bastien at first had plans of assisting them, as he felt this would be an opportunity to become achieve power, and win a name for himself. Though with the Nordmark making plans to surrender, he quickly withdrew such plots, and went to again, side with the Empire. Due to playing it the way he did, he was able to escape political harm in the end, and shut down those that believed him to be a traitor.

He recently has joined several members of his family in the Vigilant Shield, and wishes to befriend the Howlesters as his cousin did. He has also been appointed the position as Patriarch of his family in Regalia. He intends on restoring his family nobility there in Regalia, as it was recently lost.

Bastien is the oldest of Seven: That order being Bastien, Enzo, Lydia, Adeline, Wilfrid, Nadia, and then Yvette. Bastien is a member of House Celyreos. This family is of noble status and hails from Vixhall, they are highly wealthy due to their production of weaponry. They are also landowners that would be able to receive income from those living under their protection. For these reasons, House Celyreos is able to equip and raise levies as well. Bastien was appointed Captain of the Guard at such a young age for a few reasons: He was close in age with Natasha and grew up closer to the First Line than the second. Natasha's Father put a lot of time into Bastien teaching him everything he knew about combat and managing an army. He believed Bastien was ready to maintain such a position at that age, it was also a good way to test what he knew.
Last edited:
Snagging this for staff review!
Expect a response within 48 hours.

wanna change this for me please? thank u @HydraLana
Let's get rollin'!
Whatcha gotta do: ( Required )
  • Skill Information: If any skills are present, this automatically becomes a required category.
  • Visual Information - Clothing: Is this clothing appropriate for a member of a noble family like the Celyreos?
  • Weapon of Choice: Any and all training that would lead him to be skilled in an area like combat must be listed under the Skill Information category. Twenty-five also seems a bit young to have been able to take advantage of three different combat schools, so I would recommend you consider aging him up a bit.
    • While a combination like this is interesting in theory, without any formal training listed in the skill section or Life Story there is no way he would really be able to have a grasp on them.
    • Keep this excerpt from the Viridian Wiki Page in mind: "Viridians are very proud and adhere to the Order's disciplines, which also includes keeping the ranks and the School pure by not teaching some bastardized version of the fighting technique to outsiders. In fact, teaching this school outside of the Viridian Castle is considered a state crime."
  • Personality and Abilities:
    • First Paragraph: Add two sentences here. If someone were to hear about him, what would they think? Also, when someone meets Bastien for the first time what to they think?
    • Second Paragraph: This is really good!
    • Third Paragraph: Add two more sentences. Why is he like that? Is it something that happened during his life that caused him to behave like this? How is he different among the three groups of friends, family, and lovers?
  • Talents: Go ahead and fix the formatting on this section for me, as I am currently a bit confused overall.
  • Weaknesses: This is it's own category, and should be placed in a spoiler! This can be done by using [ spoiler ] text [ /spoiler ] ( and removing the spaces )!
  • Life Story:
    • Any and all training must be mentioned based on school, location, and age of starting and graduation. Furthermore you may want to consult the wiki for places of training and minimum ages.
    • Ensure that you state his family's financial status, as well as any siblings he has!
    • Why would a sixteen year old be made captain of the guard? Also, consider that when training for Viridian it starts at age fourteen, and students cannot leave the castle until they graduate.
    • I would consider adjusting the other parts of your character application, and the perhaps rewriting this as it will need to be changed anyway.
An interesting character overall! Make the edits in a color of your choice and make sure to tag me when you're done!
@Percuriam Hey I have finished editing it. I'm glad you're putting time into this and helping me out. To be honest, this is my very first application as I have really disliked writing them up, which is why I've only tried to go for the minimum (Just everything that said (Required) hehe). So I tried fixing it up a bit sorry if it still looks messy. Everything I edited I put in Dark Red. Again thanks!
Bumping this. As we discussed the direction of this character privately I would like you to get on to making the edits as soon as it is convenient for you.
Due to the number of edits necessary and per our personal discussion on the direction of this character I am going to go ahead and reject this application.
Bastien is dead so I will not be finishing this app sorry.