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Bartenders, Mixologists, And Shop Owners Wanted For Work!


Mithrilian Navy and Knight Of Mithril
Sep 23, 2013
Reaction score

The sound of horse shoes clattering against the floor seemed to latch to your ears, and the constant hustling and bustling around the tavern made it out that a large event was soon to be happening - but among all the loading and unloading of material, you really couldn't put your tongue on it. The sounds of several people yelling orders and commands filled your ears, yet your body never reacted to them - almost as if you were very aware they were not meant for you, but for the many workers running about. The oh so familiar voice rang in your ears once again, "Come one, come all! I, Warren Howlester, have wonderful news for the ears of any up and coming clerks and bartenders alike! I've invested in stalls littered around the Golden Willow tavern, a prime spot for any and all to get a drink, or for those looking to find a spot on the merchants' ladder. As Grand Proprietor, I offer any and all who wish to pen letters to me if you feel even the slightest bit interested in owning a stall. Do remember, the stalls are limited, and are first come first serve!" The Howlester continued on a few more times, allowing the crowd to explore the area. What one might find was an entirely new design in front of the tavern, including six new stalls scattered in and outside of the building. One of the stalls seemed to be half set up. Along with the empty stalls, there is also what appears to be a large restaurant of sorts at the top of the stalls, an investment which would almost guarantee profit in such a prime location.

The tavern has received some new additions, that being a few small and large stalls, as well as a restaurant. If you are interested in one, please pen me (the Grand Proprieter) a letter, and I will go over the applications and hand out the stalls as I see fit. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and happy hunting!
A young man in a red hood would leave the letter in the desired location...

"Dear Grand Proprierter,

I have been in the business of tea transporting as well as other goods for a few years now and would take an
interest in having a place to sell and trade these products..
If you would allow me to have one of the spaces you are offering I would be very grateful.
Might we ever meet in person, if you are to accept my proposal I could allow you to try
some of these extracts..

. . .
*On the envelop of the finely appointed letter reads "Directed to the Grand Proprietor"*

"Dear Grand Proprietor,

My name is Elliya Nyin, I am a confectioner whom sells sweets to the citizens of Regalia, It has come to my recent attention that you have been penning out tavern stalls within the grounds of the Golden Willow Tavern and I would much wish to obtain one. I have done my research into the area and taken a fancy to the restaurant above the stalls and would love to be able to expand my business to this location, or if not to at least one of the lower stalls. I also am fully able to speak to you about such a location and about my business if needed. I look forward to your reply,

Elliya Nyin,
Founder of Elliya Nyin's Sweet Treats and Confectionary"

*Tied to the letter is a small fabric bag of fudge cubes, tied shut with a crimson ribbon*
Dear Grand Proprietor,

My family and I would like to invest in one of your stalls and/or the restaurant. We are willing to pay ten-thousand Regals initially if you require so. Our business is in noodles as well as various unique cuisines from the Yang-Tzu Isles. If needed, I will be able to talk in person for further details. I do hope you consider us.

Sakura Matsumoto

Too Grand Proprietor

Aye saw this and thot this a perfekt oportchunity. Aye have long been thinking off having a pubb, and aye would very much like too open up a plase in the willow. Aye want too add summ northerne drinks too the tavern. Aye have been saving up and hav the money too run a plase now, and aye woold like too have a tchens too run the restorant or a indoor stal if availabel.. Thank you forr your taym.

Spirit Bless,
Anton Storbjorn.
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To the ever admirable Grand Proprietor,

My family would like to invest in the upper restaurant that sits alongside the Golden Willow. Although our company harbors a location of business, the venue is cramped and secluded, which has proven an issue during the events we've hosted there prior. If granted, the Rosendahls plan to make eager use of the space by providing seafood, Leutz beverages, and communal events for the public to enjoy. Regardless of your decision, I appreciate your time, and wish you all the best.

Jamie T. Rosendahl

I didn't specify, and I am terribly sorry, I got a lot of letters in Private Conversations, as I had hoped everyone would of, But I didn't specify, nor did I get any alerts for this thread. All but 1 of the stalls is left. I will be replying to letters though, so if you do wish for the Stall, or the Restaurant at the top, please do send me a letter!!
I will be sending you all letters back, don't fret, I'll attempt to work something out. I just had a ton of letters in PMS and I just started filling. ))
I didn't specify, and I am terribly sorry, I got a lot of letters in Private Conversations, as I had hoped everyone would of, But I didn't specify, nor did I get any alerts for this thread. All but 1 of the stalls is left. I will be replying to letters though, so if you do wish for the Stall, or the Restaurant at the top, please do send me a letter!!

so do we re-send a letter oe just wait?
I mean we already wrote letters, are you asking for another one? :P
To the esteemed Grand Proprietor,

I would like to formally state the interest of the Typhonus family, through my own person, in running the restaurant area located near the Golden Willow. Our interest lies purely in acquiring the entire upper floor property to bring a sense of what my grandfather would call "good old Calemberger hospitality" to the good citizens of Regalia. The property will be managed by myself and my brother, General Kolton Typhonus, but the day-to-day business will likely be handled by a later to be named employee.

We are certain that our good standing and years of loyal service to His Imperial Holiness assure our name to be at the top of the list, should there be any other interested parties.

May the Spirit guide you,
Jaecar Typhonus
To let everyone know, none of the stalls are open, everything has been passed out already.