Preserved Sheet Barrulf Blackmyre

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Solemn and Sombre
Oct 20, 2015
Reaction score
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Barrulf Solomon Blackmyre
  • Age: 35
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Anglian Ailor
  • Main Ambition: command over a small infantry squad, Provided by the Empire.
  • Religion: Order of Domination
  • Sexuality: Straight
Basic Information Expanded
  • Describe your character's position in Regalia: Barrulf has recently acquired a stand of power, in the form of being a House Guard to the D'vaud's, after travelling to Regalia in search of work. He has been there for a number of years, and currently still resides within their estate.

  • Describe your character's upbringing: Born and Raised in the isles of OpperCalem, Barrulf lived with his Father, mother and uncle in a small village off the mountain range, where they worked a small blacksmiths, pushing out Orders for the Calemberg Army. He also has a younger brother, named Kahlout.
Describe any secondary ambitions: Barrulf's only secondary ambition to note is to make coin from his sword, much like his late uncle. He looks to him almost like a folk hero.


Skill Information
  • Proficiency points: 35
  • +20 Longsword (+10 from Feer-Drakken School, +10 from Points)
  • +20 Greatsword (+10 from Feer-Drakken School, +10 from Points)
  • +15 Battle Command (+10 from Feer-Drakken School, +5 from Points)
  • +10 Anglian Longbow (+10 from being Anglian Ailor.)

    Culture Points
  • +20 Forging (+20 from Points)
  • +10 Tailoring (+10 from points)

  • Common
  • Anglian

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Deep Blue
  • Hair Color: Coal Black
  • Hair Style: Wild, like a mane, Thick and bushy facial hair.
  • Skin Color: Light Tan
  • Clothing: simple, militaristic clothing.
  • Height: 6'
  • Body Build: Muscular
  • Weapon of Choice: Longsword
Visual Information Expanded
  • Describe the Character's facial features: Barrulf's face is that of a grizzled Military type, with leathery, battle hardened features. His eyes are slightly Gaunt, and his lips cracked from long treks and patrols. He bears a light dusting of freckles, and a "salt and pepper" colouring to his mane of hair. His facial hair is also equally wild-- making him look like a Lupen-human mix.. This likely is strengthened by the sharper-than-average teeth set into his jawline. He usually has a stoney exterior look to him, but has been shown to produce a number of emotions and expressions when not on duty. His left-most eye is also scarred and blinded, with a long scar line running diagonally from his forehead to the top of his cheek bone.

  • Describe the Character's body: Barrulf stands at an Average Height of 6' tall, with broad shoulders and thin hips, giving him an Oblong shape to his torso. His skin is lightly tanned on his arms and face from his days working and training in Calemberg, and his patrols in Regalia. Much like his hair, his body has a thin peppering of black and grey hairs, strongest on his arms, chest and legs. Much like his face, his body is covered in multiple scars and wounds from past battles, including his most recent missing middle finger on his left hand.

  • Describe the Character's fashion: Barrulf wears simple clothing, not really caring much for formalities in Attire. He wears a simple white cotton shirt, with a blue overshirt, grey pants, and black ankle boots. Essentially, he wars the equivalent of commoner clothes.

  • Describe the character's voice: Barrulf has a deep, Masculine voice, which one could call almost gravely. His tone differs from person to person, but usually settles into a militaristic sombreness. (much like this )​
  • DIV71sTIrc7b1XN-qfCRrSfayubT5eJgTq7dFjSr1xzOUrS2ReNyhgbFUmiZ4nbPXR97lK6vei3PjFdWxJCt7AjeIeRJyg4PPyB3U4QWN15BUIXXadXe3WtdxAvTZWQMmSlXGinV

Personality and Abilities
  • First Paragraph: Barrulf often comes across as quite a Hardy and Stubborn man, as most dont get to see past his stony militaristic exterior. Strangers could possibly see him as a bit of a Temperamental man, but that his choices are just and straight to point. He could also be described as a Quiet man, as he rarely speaks unless spoken to, or when curious about a certain conversation or interaction.

  • Second Paragraph: Despite his hardy appearance, and his kind mannered personality, Barrulf tends to have anxieties of whether he is doing the best he could be, or that he is simply not good enough to fulfill his dreams. This is likely due to him believing he has failed his country after being discharged from the Military. Despite this however, he feels confident in his ability to pull through tough situations, and as such, will push himself through fire before he admits defeat.

  • Third Paragraph: When it comes to Friends, Barrulf is few and far between. But those he does have, he values dearly, and would often risk his own safety to preserve theirs. He truly opens up, Showing a muchmore Kind and Forgiving man, than how he is perceived in his line of work. Family wise, Barrulf has grown distant from his parents and siblings, having to cut emotional ties back in his training days. While he is trying to tie the broken bonds back together, it is proving difficult for him to do so, giving him the air of Desperation whenever speaking to them.

  • Fourth Paragraph: Barrulf believes that justice and loyalty are needed within daily life-- but they are only the exception. He wouldn't be loyal to one whose actions he feels are ill-advised or wrong, giving him a Lawful Neutral approach to his actions. He creates his own set of rules and justifications, and will follow them to the letter, should they please him.
  • DIV71sTIrc7b1XN-qfCRrSfayubT5eJgTq7dFjSr1xzOUrS2ReNyhgbFUmiZ4nbPXR97lK6vei3PjFdWxJCt7AjeIeRJyg4PPyB3U4QWN15BUIXXadXe3WtdxAvTZWQMmSlXGinV
Life Story

271AC - 283AC, Birth and childhood: Barrulf was born in the end of the winter solstice; a healthy young babe, and well looked after by his mother and father. His mother cared and looked after him till he was 10 years old, raising him into a respectful and kind-mannered young boy. He received most of his teachings from her, and very rarely struggled to make new friends around the village. For his last two years, he began to interact with his father on a much more personal level-- taking any chance he could to go hunting or just watch him work. Barrulf very much enjoyed learning from his father, as he considered it 'more fun to survive.' out in the wilds at times.

283AC - 290AC, Teenage Years: Throughout most of his teenage years, Barrulf helped out around the forgery; giving his father and uncle a helping hand in whatever orders they had to fill out, as well as going hunting in the woods with his peers and friends. It was around this time that Barrulf began to take an admiration in his uncle-- Of course, his father was the better smith by far, but his Uncle was the one who introduced him into swordplay, and proceeded to teach him in simple techniques he'd learned from his time away at war. Barrulf looked up to his Uncle almost like a folk hero-- and would always pester him to spar and train with him. Safe to say, the two had a very strong bond between the two of them.

It wasn't until he was 19 that Barrulf truly put those skills to use. One day, a passing group of foot soldiers came to the shop to have their weapons repaired. One claimed he'd only had the sword a few days, and its handle had begun to rattle. Barrulf looked at the blade, and proclaimed that the man had simply not taken enough care with his swings. Bemused by this teenagers protests, the man said that the families steelwork was the problem. Shoddy workers. To this, Barrulf responded in anger, insisting on a duel between the two. To manys surprise, the Duel swung almost completely in Barrulfs favor; so much so the Foot soldiers blade snapped in two, leaving him with a broken weapon. After seeing this, His uncle marched forward and proceeded to praise him for his skills, and even said he'd be willing to enroll him in the Feer-Drakken school with the spoils from his wars. Barrulf always remembers this moment, not only for its grandeur, but for the pride he felt that day.

290AC - 301, Adult years: Not long after his accident, after a brief adjustment period to his lesser sight, Barrulf applied for and was accepted into the school of Feer-Drakken. Taking after his Uncle, he bid farewell to his Parents and uncle, and went off to Magnamere. years passed, with Barrulf flying through the lesser ranks of his schooling, and truly impressing his Tutors with his firm grasp on swordplay, and even his more agile move set, which they never really considered to be useful for the School. When he finally graduated at the age of 28, he spared no time in applying for the Calemberg Army, and swiftly gained a spot as a frontline Levie.

Unfortunately, Barrulfs pride and disregard for the rules would cost him dearly; he'd been praised for his creative thinking and reckless behaviour throughout his achievements. Why stop now?
Boldly he charged into battle, headstrong and reckless. He came up against a Blacktank on the Enemy forces-- and was swiftly beaten back with a wide shot at his head, causing him to fall to the ground incapacitated. What happened next was a blur for Barrulf-- He blacked out, and fell in and out on consciousness before finally awaking back at camp. When he questioned what had happened, people informed him that his Uncle had charged in to save him, and while successful, later died to the injuries he sustained. Feeling it was his fault, Barrulf left the Army on a discharge, and returned home to work the forge with his father, despaired about the loss he had brought about.

301AC - Present Day, modern years: For 4 years, Barrulf Worked in his fathers Smithery, every day churning out more and more blades with each passing war. It was only in 305AC, when his father finally told him that this wasn't what he wanted-- He was a warrior. He told Barrulf that he had to find himself, and learn to accept his mistakes and push forward. Fuelled by his fathers words, Barrulf left his home once more, heading for the Regalian Holy City of Regalia. Here, He met with the head of the D'vaud family, Hamelin, and was very quickly given a job in his guard, and has recently been promoted to Second Lieutenant of the Oppercalem section of the Regalian army; the Cadars wing.
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Barrulf Blackmyre, a name I enjoy and a humble character. I look forward to seeing him flourish in the city.

May he have his platoon in due time. Good luck, Ser Barrulf.

Barrulf Blackmyre, a name I enjoy and a humble character. I look forward to seeing him flourish in the city.

May he have his platoon in due time. Good luck, Ser Barrulf.

Its funny you say this when hes been offered the role of 2nd lieutenant in an army. but thank you for reviewing this character for me.
@Jonificus Changes occured!

- Profiency for 'Acrobatics' has been removed. Unnecessary for what I'm going to be using this character for. Those points have been added to Greastsword, to further show his focus on using bigger weaponry.