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Barricades, Ballistas, And Investigations

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In the days proceeding the most recent dragon attacks, men were seen milling about the streets, some in partial Violet Order armor. Pieces of lumber and stonework were transferred from the now ruined Mercenary Keep and soon the reasoning was plain. Barricades went up blocking off the entrances to the Isle the Bastion Keep lay upon. Hired Mercenaries were seen milling about the walls and rooftops surrounding the Bastion Keep, attacking any who came over them. For those within, it seemed to get in and out of the Keep was getting more difficult by the day.

After this, a few notices came directly from the Grand Commissioner's office.

1. Houses d'Ortonaisse and Harhold are currently under investigation. The Violet Order will be working in conjuction with the State to assist in reviewing the cases against both houses. The d'Ortonoaisse are yet being investigated over the untimely demise of Reverend Gewittermen. Vivienne Harhold stands accused of kidnapping multiple noblewomen and leading illegal forces throughout the city, and then fleeing to the Bastion Keep through secretive means. All members of both families will do well to report and speak with members of Law Enforcement to cooperate with these pending investigations.

2. The Imperial Chancellory, Black Tower, and multiple points across the city are being outfitted with canons and ballistaes in the event of another dragon attack. These weapons have proven to be a deterrent at the very least, and will remain in use until the dragon threat is no more. The barricades put up around the Bastion will be manned by all members of Law Enforcement, as well as hired Mercenaries as the need arises.

3. The Arcane Task Force will be named and its exact role detailed within the coming days. The Public Library of Common Saints will serve as its partial Headquarters for the time being, as members of the Order are put together and announced. Those feeling their own skills may contribute to this organization should visit the Grand Commisioner personally, or write to his office.

4. The Grand Commisioner wishes to clarify to the public that the Consuls have restricted the rights of House Guards for some reason as opposed to expanding them, and that the meaning of such will be put under scrutiny in the coming dangerous days.

5. Finally, the Mercenary Registry has been established to ensure a steady stream of employment and wealth flowing through the Empire at these costly times. The tax Mercenaries must pay to the Empire montly has doubled, but the freedom in their work allows them to take in more jobs and more coin with less legal restriction. Those wishing to register as a Mercenary need only submit their request to the Grand Commisioner's office.
May the Imperial Spirit keep you Wise and Walking.
- Luchs Kade

Grand Commissioner of the Regalian Empire
Lord Commander of the Violet Order
Inaugural Winner of the Imperial Duelist League
Crown-Winner of the Elven War of 302
Agronak the Strong of the Orc Clan Ironmonger
And Law-Brother to his Imperial Holiness.

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Juliette gave a nasty little laugh as she read over the message, lounging on the couch with her dog resting heavily on her legs. She crumbled the note of the latest announcement taken by her chambermaid up soon after and tossed it towards her cousin's head, saying to Leonzio after, "Seems that b-tch will get what's coming to her."
Charles gazed over the message, "Cannons over the city? They sure are pushing the financial side to defeat this dragon." He went to spin around, "Brother, why can't they afford hates I me-" but as he finished the spin and realized his brother was still gone his snide remark dwindled and he went back to his position of guarding the barricade. "Why can't they afford to bring my brother back is an even better question."

Hate = Hat
Those feeling their own skills may contribute to this organization should visit the Grand Commisioner personally, or write to his office.

Lazaruz would read this, maybe it was a good use of his time while the Vigilant was on it's partial hiatus.