Archived Banning Of Werewolf Suggestions

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That guy who dissappeared for a while
May 24, 2013
Reaction score
somewhere in Ohio
Exactly how it sounds. There have been an excessively large amount of werewolf suggestions even though the staff have made clear that they will not except them. Making a werewolf suggestion thread would have no repreccusions other than thread deletion.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Well some people like Werewolves so its just going to keep on happening until the staff add it or they make this a rule.
I'm aware they will continue to be suggested against the staffs' wishes, that's why I suggested the rule Warren Kippa
People have rights to suggest things for this server just like you had the right to suggest this. If you don't like what people are suggesting then simply ignore it and allow it to drift away or simply disagree. If it happens again do exactly the same thing and repeat.
Wouldn't it be easier to have a thread listing ideas which have been repeatedly suggested? Sometimes people don't bother to read back. I know I've suggested something before which had been suggested in the past unknowingly.
There have been an excessively large amount of werewolf suggestions even though the staff have made clear that they will not except them.

Also, I would like to see a staff member saying that they will not accept any form of werewolf plugin into the server. I know staff members including myself have disagreed with the idea, but to my knowledge none have ever announced the concept as a complete no.
OH MY GOD YES PLEASE I CAN'T TAKE ANY MORE oajnhfoahsd[ciojacsonjaosdnf

+1 Support
Spartan Ok, I see your points with that, and as Clumsy said, maybe there should be a thread with ideas that have been shot down and suggested not to be suggested again so there isn't extra clutter on the feature and ideas page.
Isn't there a race like a werewolf? Just be that. Werewolves are awesome but it doesn't have to be in every game or server.
I support this idea, even though I'm also like, you need to hear people their voices too. So I support this 70% - 90%. I find it annoying that so much people try to get an unbalanced, OP, ridiculous and annoying dissease/race again like Vampires their bloodlust. This would only make all the people become Werewolves just to be able to kill people who aren't. If someone is even capable of making a balanced Werewolf, which probably won't happen, I would be glad to see it get implemented. Not a Werewolf with 101 buffs that makes them OP, and trust me, I haven't seen much of those suggestions (maybe because I'm not that active on the forums and because I'm just a lazy reader xD). But I think that Bloodlust suggestions should get this rule too, because they're mostly just asking to implement the old Bloodlust. Why do you think it was removed?? Probably not because it was too OP...
Well, I think I have said everything that was on my mind at the moment... :P

-Greetings, Theboomyfly.
I agree with idea, but on the other hand I don't. People are allowed to post on the forums what they want to post about. The thing is, is that you choose to look at it. Although, the idea of the werewolf plugins and such are one the most common seen threads. You and everyone who agrees with this idea of yours doesn't need to look at them. All they need to do is ignore them as well as every time the word werewolf/werewolves appear do not click on it.
The only way they can make a balanced werewolf in my opinion is by using iron weapons in place of silver ones, as silver weapons are known to have great effect on werewolves. That'd just make it a vampirism clone, however, so I support this.
Golden_Dragon We have not "made clear" that we "will not except them." We have merely not accepted the suggestions made so far. Though I appreciate the attempts to cut down staff work load, cutting off freedom of speech is not the way to go about it. Especially claiming that these threads are "against staff's wishes".

Copy and pasted from how I commented on the latest werewolf suggestion thread:

"I would like to clarify that this server does not per say have a 'strict no werewolf policy', it is just that nobody has ever argued the case well enough to outweigh or solve the negatives that it could bring. Which is why I disagree with the 'Banning of Werewolf Suggestions' thread that just popped up. I have an intense fondness for werewolves myself, and I do hope they are implemented at some point in time, but I sincerely hope - and thankfully know - that they will not be implemented until solutions are found."

This server prides itself on listening to the community, and personally I think that any suggestions that are not downright ridiculous for one reason or another, should be welcomed with open arms.

This is not to say that I believe there should be free reign on 'lol werewolves' and various other repeated suggestions. My personal encouragement would be to make sure that there is expansion, or that the player has read through the other posts on the matter first, in order to make their suggestion more cohesive. Unfortunately, there is no real way to combat this before the post is made. Therefore, my suggestion would be: Instead of commenting on every repeated thread with a message such as 'LOL NOPE THIS HAS BEEN SUGGESTED 1001 TIMES', perhaps more sensible members of the community could find some links to the previous threads, and post them as a response for further reading.

The problem is not making the same suggestion, the problem is making the same suggestion with no improvements. Unconstructive comments which merely state 'nope', do not help anyone, and are just as repetitive as the threads themselves. The only difference is that the people responding with it should know better.
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