Preserved Sheet Bankarr Irkath

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Scribma Male
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Sep 4, 2013
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where the elf things are
Bankarr Irkath; Faï'llir Swordsman


Basic Information

  • Full Name: Bänkarr Irkath.
  • Age: 73.
    • Born: 19th June, 233AC.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Race: Kathar; Disciple of Shenath; Clan of Käyth.
  • Sexuality: Undisclosed.
  • Special Permission: Magic, Silven.

Skill Information

  • Skill Information
    • Total Points: 40. (-20 to Cap from Magic Spells.)
    • Combat Proficiencies: 40 points.
      • From Race: 20 points.
        • +10 Daggers.
        • +10 Void/Exist Knowledge.
      • From Points: 40 points.
        • +10 Longsword.
        • +10 Greatsword.
        • +10 Unarmed Fighting.
        • +10 Acrobatics.
    • Cultural Proficiencies: 60 points.
      • From Points:
        • +20 Weaving.
        • +20 Tailoring.
        • +10 Drawing.
        • +10 Body Care.
    • Magic Spells: Spellweaver-level.
      • School of Elemental Magic:
        • Wellen: Firewave.
        • Laksma: Weapon Brand.
        • Bondale: Formetal Weapon.
      • School of Kathar Magic:
        • Book of Pride: Ghost Control.
  • Silven Muters:
    • Muter One: Growth Muter.
      • Bänkarr has grown to 7'2"; four inches above Shenath Kathar maximum height.
    • Muter Two: Strength Muter.
      • Bänkarr has gained the Strongman Body Build effortlessly.
    • Muter Three: Deterring Muter.
      • Bänkarr has gained an array of horns on his body; these include horns on the head, elbows, and spine.
  • Languages:
    • Modern Elven. (Fluent, literate.)
    • Ritualistic She'llaq. (Fluent, illiterate.)
    • Imperial Elven. (Fluent, literate.)
    • Daendroquean. (Fluent, literate.)
    • Common. (Fluent, literate.)

Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Gold iris, with red sclera.
  • Hair Color: White.
  • Hair Style: Swept back, kept around shoulder-length.
  • Skin Color: Grey.
  • Clothing: Formal styles, central around the colours of black, red, and gold. Always incorporates black hardened leather.
  • Height: 7'2", or 218cm.
  • Body Build: Muscular.

Personality and Abilities

  • External Perception: Bänkarr's outward image is generally one of a utilitarian, if not narcissistic, warrior-type, shaped largely by his preference for self-serving practices, cheap clothing, and insistence on doing things in the most efficient, crushing way possible. As a result, Bänkarr surrounds himself largely by people who either match his ideals of a powerful person (largely other mages, Silven, Kathar, Altalar, or Isldar), in the pursuit of creating a 'circle of power'. On the reverse, Bänkarr generally refuses to keep so-called 'weaklings' (weaker beings or races like Cielothar and Chi'en-ji) in his circles unless they submit to him. Bänkarr absolutely refuses to keep races such as Orcs or Avanthar in his presence, with only the slightest tolerance of bestial races like Varran or Allar given if the individuals are under somebody else's control.
  • Internal Feeling: Bänkarr's internal perception is one of absolute confidence and desire to gain wealth and dominance. After all, his Faï'llir status in his homeland has offered him the unique status of being seen as almost a demigod; the child of those the Kathar worship, showered with gifts and advantages in comparison to other, less fortunate Kathar. As a result, Bänkarr holds himself in such a high regard that his greatest fear, that of loneliness, is entirely self-inflicted, wishing only to find equals in other Faï'llir or, in the very least, Üwell.
  • Friends & Family: Bänkarr's closest ones often receive much the same treatment as one another; not quite his equals, but certainly valuable to him. This could be seen as much in the same way that one inflicted with the Sanguine Curse may view their loved ones as belongings over social peers. Bänkarr is fiercely territorial over his friends, picking and choosing who may enter his circle of affection, and proceeding to treat all intruders to his relationships with these people with great jealousy and suspicion. Indeed, while this may push away prospective friends and loved ones, this does lead to him creating a stronger, if significantly smaller group of people with whom to apply his time.
  • Morality: Much like other native Kathar, Bänkarr's moral code is scarce, and dependent on one central factor: strength. Strength of will and strength of body are the two most important factors to Bänkarr, pushing him to fall on what could be conceived as the more 'evil' end of the moral spectrum; after all, his belief is that the strong should use their power to remain strong. Whether this involves the politically strong destroying opposition to remain on top, or the magically powerful disabling any potential rivals to their skill, Bänkarr's morality simply revolves around the maintenance of strength by any means necessary.

Life Story

Birth & Childhood
  • Bänkarr Irkath is born to an unmarried Shenath Kathar woman in the Shadow Isles, the result of a Birthing of the Faï'llir festival, in the year 233AC. Being the result of such a festival, Bänkarr is Faï'llir, or Silven.
  • Bänkarr's childhood largely consists of borderline worship, being the child of an Arken and a full-blooded Kathar. For this, he receives a number of boosts and benefits in life, resulting from being seen as a blessing from the Arken.
  • Aged 10, Bänkarr undergoes his first Silven mutation, the Growth Muter. As a result, he grows rapidly, eventually reaching the height of 7'2".
  • Over his childhood, Bänkarr is taught skills of literacy and mathematics, granting him a step above normal Kathar in life. He is taught in the languages of Modern Elven, Imperial Elven, and the She'llaq ritual tongue.
Teenage Years
  • Once reaching the age of 14, Bänkarr's Faï'llir status gains him a fast path to tutorship in Magic. He chooses the School of Elemental Magic. Over the next four years, he is taught the Firewave, Weapon Brand, and Formetal Weapon spells. To supplement these spells, he is tutored in the Longsword and Greatsword weapons.
  • He also picks up skills in Unarmed Fighting and Acrobatics, enabling him to better partake in combat. With this, he intends to compete in the Carnage Feast of Thräl'laniir in the city of Paärthalaär. However, he never ends up competing, instead feeling the call of exploration.
Adulthood & Present Day
  • Aged 20, Bänkarr undergoes his second Silven mutation, the Strength Muter. Suddenly, he finds himself able to sustain a Muscular body build with minimal to no effort spent in its maintenance.
  • Over the next years, Bänkarr explores the Dread Empire's territories, finding a particular affinity for the tribal living of Shenath and Wolond Kathar. He hones his Bone Singing ability, as well as his skills in weapons and Acrobatics, as well as spending another six years learning the Ghost Control spell from the Book of Pride.
  • Aged 30, Bänkarr undergoes his third and final Silven mutation, the Deterring Muter. Over the next months, he finds himself growing horns along his spine, on his elbows, and on his head.
  • The next 30 years of Bänkarr's life are spent wandering, eventually passing into the borders of the Regalian Empire in Daendroc. Here, he learns the languages of Daendroquean and Common.
  • Hearing word of the so-called Holy City of Regalia, Bänkarr begins his journey, landing in the City's walls and seeking to explore the capital of the Unionist faith and Regalian Empire.
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