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Bancroft Chancellery: One Last Time


Jul 16, 2012
Reaction score
Viva La Republic!


On this day March the 13th, 309 AC, I, Bancroft I Lord Chancellor of Regalia, make the following proclamations.
  • On the Subject of the Violet Order, a final proclamation is necessary in the temporary absence of the Lord Commander.
    • Specifically, the current accusations levied at House Keen will be processed by the Judiciary and responded to by tomorrow afternoon at the latest.
  • The Bancroft Chancellory is now over. The following summation of the Chancellory was written by the Finance Minister Madelyn de Azcoissia.
  • It is prudent to, when brought to the end of a tenure or 'era' of time, allow oneself to objectively reflect upon all that occurred during that time period. To compare the sentiments of a time period can often be contradictory to the factual records of that time. It is to my relief, and pleasure, to share that this cannot be the case in regards to the tenure of the Honored Duke Bancroft. When he approached me to compile this retrospective, I knew I would be faced with the task of putting into paper and words a number of great deeds and efforts. After an evening's hours of time, I present the following records and retrospective of the Bancroft Chancellory, and all noteworthy actions taken by its relevant Ministers. Ending this Decree, I have made note of the Chancellory's promised future projects, and final changes
Initial Intent in Review
  • In his first 'decree,' the Duke Bancroft listed a set of statements he proclaimed to be his "Intent" as Chancellor. They are, as follows.
    • -Expansion of the Foreign Affairs Cabinet, to include a sub-cabinet of diplomatic officials.
    • -Expansion of the Finance Ministry, with a singular Minister working towards the goals of the Peerage & Local Businesses.
    • -Increased priority of the War, to the state.
    • -A marriage of the Duke Deitrich von Drachenburg's Conservative policies with more Liberal views on Technology and the Arcane for the betterment of the realm
  • Factually, the first and second promissory expansions are a success. The Foreign Affairs Cabinet, now Ministry, is the largest and most well-rounded it has been, with a number of experienced Diplomats and experts. The Finance Ministry, while remaining small as planned, has been functioning to the fullest extent of its current capabilities and powers. The Sendrassian War has come to the forefront of the State's attention, unable to be ignored, and with increased Tax rates, the full Support of the state has come to see this conflict to its end. The latter point is a more subjective claim, and the relative level of "Conserative" one might rate Duke Deitrich von Drachenburg varies wildly from Noble to Noble, person to person. The expansion of investment into technology and the Arcane is an objective metric, however, and has been shown in the creation of the nostalgically named "Silverhand Lab" and "Azure Order."
Policies & Actions Taken during Tenure

  • The following is the bulk of his decrees, policy changes, and notable actions taken during his tenure, recorded in one place and without comment:
  • Swiftly responded to the burning of both Petalcourt and Crookback, instituting arrest warrants for all those involved in the burning of Petalcourt, and disseminated information on the refugee camps open for those displaced by the fires. Decreed the Mercenary Keep open for Refugees.
  • Allowed the Military Cabinet to make use of Airships on the Sendrassian Front.
  • Expanded upon his intent as Chancellor in the following tenants:
  • To create a lasting state of the Empire, to empower and control the Occult, to arm and wield the Finance Ministry, to expand the Logistics Ministry, to ensure communication and cooperation between the Military and the State, to Solidify the position of the Whip, and reassure the Commoners of the realm that the State cares for and supports them, and to prove that State-Workers have the capacity to lead the realm, regardless of political differences.
  • Oversaw the capture of the individual 'Cal' and the individual 'Oldritch' for their hands in the burning of petal court and the Magestorm, respectively. Kept his word that none would be executed once captured, but re-iterates no further Mercy would be shown, and thanked the Crookback Council and the Violet Order for their hands in the capture of aforementioned individuals.
  • Created Regalian Noble Law 14, which states, "To repeatedly avoid paying one's legal taxes to the Regalian Crown, State, or Military, is illegal."
  • Made the following adjustments to Civil Status Law:
  • Isldar, Yanar, Varran, Avanthar, and Sihndar are moved from Protected to First Civil Status.
  • Manathar remains Protected Civil Status. They are joined by Ka- and El-Maraya, rising from None Civil Status.
  • Kathar and Haat-Maraya remain Outsider Civil Status.
  • Half Races with two First Civil Status parents become First Civil Status, Half Races with one First Civil Status parent become Protected Civil Status. Half Races with no First Civil Status Parents become None Civil Status.
  • Created Regalian Low Law 11, which states, "To repeatedly avoid paying one's legal taxes to the Regalian Crown, State, or Military, is illegal"
  • Re-Instated the policy of a State Registry on Artefacts, in the name of State Security.
  • Instated a "Non-Cruelty and Excellence" Legal code for the Violet Order, which states the following: City Guards shall not torture First or Second Rank Citizen prisoners unless in the most urgent cases of State Security, and approved by the Lord Chancellor beforehand. City Guards may issue light public displays of punishment to facilitate prisoner reformation. City Guards may not kill unless actively defending the life of another. Maiming is strictly disallowed as a punishment. Executions and long sentences in Krakenburg are to be the highest deterrents used for extreme offenders.

Position Changes

  • The following is a list of the changes made to Ministry Positions, including the creation and dissolution of Ministries and Commisions.
  • Instated Madelyn de Azcoissia as Finance Minister, replacing Maximillian Black.
  • Instated Klaus Typhonus as Secretary of the Whip, replacing Himself as he ascended to Chancellorship. Later dissolved the Ministry of the Whip.
  • Dissolved the Chancellor's contingent. Later re-instated it, recruiting from those elite warriors hand picked by himself.
  • Later made the Advisory Cabinet members an undisclosed group, though did offer notices
  • Appointed Amelina Peirgarten as the Foreign Secretary, with a Diplomatic Core, and a Vice-Secretary Augustin Reinard. Later appointed Lithuandir Telarel as the Foreign Minister, replacing Amelina Peirgarten.
  • Named Leufred du Triege Occult Commisioner.
  • Created the "Alms Ministry" and appointed Sivrid Sorenvik. The Alms Ministry has expanded rapidly since its introduction, and now operates out of both its Safehouse and Ministry House for the good of the common people of Regalia.
  • Created the "Privy Ministry" and appointed Claire d'Agennes. Later dissolved the Privy Ministry, rolling many of its duties into the Alms Ministry.
  • Re-insated the "Azure Order," under Occult Commisioner Leufred du Trige and Arcane Minister Vivana Avalorn, and with a new, more measured intent-- including White Mages, Purists, and Witch-Hunters alike. Later created The Arcane Bureau, which encompasses the Arcane Ministry, the Occult Commisioner, and the Azure Order, under the Grand Vigil.
  • Created the "Defense Ministry," shuffling the Logistics Ministry under it, including the acting Minister. The Defense Ministry's duties involve all defense of the State and Empire, and thus heavily involve the Regalian Military Core Leadership, with the Duke appointing himself as acitng Minister.
"To be done" by the New Chancellor
  • The reconstruction of the old "State House", within which former Arch-Chancellors once resided and used as a residence, will be put into effect after the ongoing reconstruction efforts are finished across the city. It will be refurbished and made the primary residence of the Lord Chancellor during their tenure moving forward, as well as an open house for Nobility and Commoners alike, where political matters and socialization can be had freely. It will be placed within the Capital following the ongoing reconstruction efforts.
  • Further, the refurbishing of the Salvation Church and and the funding of Capital-centric Military Research Labs is committed to by the State and paid for, to be implemented when appropriate (post v6).

  • Finally, and on a personal note...
    • It has been my sincere honour to serve as the 33rd Chancellor of the Regalian Empire. I could not have done so without the wise example of the 32nd Chancellor von Drachenburg, @FireFan96 nor the constant support and competency of Duchess Madelyn de Azcoissa, @Birdsfoot_Violet nor the teamwork from all members of House Sorenvik, Viggo the Lord Commander, Sivrid the exemplary Alms Minister, and Kaya the exceptional Guard Commander. @SupremeCripple @MrsCripple @AlphaInsomnia. I would have been naught without the wise counsel of Markus Delmotte, @Arhbi nor the invaluable friendship of William Howlester and Genevieve Howlester. @SpunSugar @BillyTheScruffy. Nor the careful planning of Valarosta Ino-Female @Athelois, nor the worldly wisdom of Lithuandir Telarel @sundreamer, nor without the perspective given by the honorable Reeve Tirioc @MonMarty, nor the quiet consideration of Ser Erwin @BeetrootSalad, and the capable leadership of Leufred and Valerie du Triege @fantuinn @WaterDruppel. And most of all, without my dearest companion in the Matron Gwenyth Zylmoira, @MantaRey who I cherish more than another, and her invaluable contributions to this Chancellory.

      To the 34th Chancellor, to the Realm at large. May the Imperial Spirit bless you all. I anticipate with pleasing expectation this brief rest to come, in the midst of my fellow Regalians.
The rulings of this decree take the full effect of State Law.

His High Eminence I by the Grace of the Spirit
Lord Chancellor of the Regalian Empire
Dragon Knight of the Imperial Dragon


OOC Notes

  • So long, and thanks for all the fish.
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((Thank you for everything you did Jared - it was a joy RPing with you as Chancellor!))
A group of dressolini share a drink three blood brothers and a brother in law.

"Brothers we have survived another day and more specifically I have survived a chancellory. All of us have talent and tactic intact without a murmur of opposition to the Cult. Praise Eternius, Praise The Song, May the next Chancellory see reason expand and freedom reign," quipped Alucard.

"Set an eye upon expansion dear brother. One noble student is to little there will always be more students. Teach them well," advised Emilio taking a drink.

"A good bye to Chancellor Bancroft," Alucard toasts, "and a hello to the next. May our plots be fruitful and may music of the dark become the new tune of all."

"<Ib> Raise a drink Brothers and Sister!", roared Captain Biriq raising his glass in the crow's nest.

"<Ib> May the Chancellor and all Nobles who voted for our proper respect go down as friends to Asha kind. May they all live bountiful lives and may they stand beside us when the Allorn dogs come to be slaughted! For the Herons, the Empire, and Freedom to all bound in Chains!"

The Asha and Feka Asha roared in agreement to their Captain as they took hearty drinks.

(It was fun Jared thanks for the RP it was always fun)
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