Preserved Sheet Bajo

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Ugly Bastard
Sep 21, 2016
Reaction score
In your shoes.
Basic Information (Required)

  • Full Name: Bajo'stallado Feollei, Bajo, Banjo, Isldar

  • Age: 70

  • Gender: Male

  • Race: Kathar, Variant of Lightburning

  • Sexuality: Doesn't discriminate.

  • Preferred Weapon: Arming swords or daggers.
Skill Information (Required)

Total Points: 60 - 60 spent

  • +30 Fast Blade Combat Skill (+10 from racial boost, +20 from points.)

  • +5 Unarmed Combat Skill (+5 from points)

  • +10 Magical Knowledge (+10 from racial boost.)

  • +10 Athletic Training (+10 from points)

  • +7 Rogue Training (+7 from points)

  • +10 Marshal Training (+10 from points)

  • +8 Parlor Magic (+8 from points)
Body Shape

  • Slim Body Shape

  • Low Body Fat

  • Common- Free Language

  • Kathar Elven Dialect
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations

  • Callia's Grace Spell

  • Battle Grace Spell
Vampirism (when infected)
  • Wald Obscuring
  • Wald Hunting
  • Wald Familiar
  • Wald Reading

Visual Information (Required)

  • Eye Color: Blue

  • Hair Color: Platinum Blonde (dyed white)

  • Hair Style: Medium length, messy and held together by a purple bandana.

  • Skin Color: Pale

  • Clothing: A dark coat over any color shirt. All outfits are accompanied by a purple headband.

  • Height: 6'6

Personality and Abilities (Required with Choice)

Option One: The Question List

  • How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
Bajo usually expresses these emotions through small gestures of good faith to other people, from holding his sharp tongue to occasionally buying someone a meal. Either that, or he'd simply go out and drink himself silly, more than likely making a fool of himself in front of others.

  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
Fear isn't something that affects this Kathar all too much, having experienced many things at least once. When something unexpected does happen though, he does one of two things. He either removes himself from the vicinity as quickly as possible, or sarcastic remarks are made to try and look at the thing making him afraid with contempt, rather than fear.

  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
His response is usually to find whatever is causing the emotion, and squash it. If stress leads to anger, he strikes out at everything around him, turning into a completely different person than before. He more than likely would not share his problems with others, not trusting them to not spread his secrets.

  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
Bajo couldn't care any less about the law, regularly stealing from taverns and taking possessions from people without asking. He generally has a more anarchist view of the world, believing none should really be higher than another, also believing that the law is holding society back as a whole. As such, he usually mocks those that believe in guards coming to their rescue, and mocks guards themselves, as long as he'd be in no danger doing so.

  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
Bajo sees race as something to divide people, which is why he usually is indifferent to another person's race, seeing others as individuals first. Although, he's not much fond of Ailor, or his own race, Kathar. He views Ailor as simple minded heathens bent on oppressing others, while being savages themselves. Bajo views Kathar in the same light, hating them for their oppressive nature and ridiculously evil tendencies.

  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
Believing strongly in individuality, Bajo believes that gods may be alive, but shouldn't be worshipped. He will usually mock those who are zealous in their faith, usually getting him in trouble.

  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
Bajo sees magic as a tool more than anything. He usually treats those with magical ability with barely restrained curiosity, questioning them heavily on what they can do and their limits. Wishing for his own powerful magic, he will usually watch for ways to obtain magic, by any means necessary.

  • How does your character feel towards their family?
He treats family with a certain aloofness, not wanting them to be attached and therefore put in danger by his own acts. Bajo definitely loves his family, though. Even his wife that left him and took his kids.

  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
His ability to handle situations with calmness and foresight is one of the things he's proud about, the skill being useful to him many times. The other thing he's proud of is his ability in blades, he's very confident in this, usually trying to best his opponent as humiliating as possible.

  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
Despite not believing in authority, he subconsciously longs for power and riches. Most of what he does is either to bring down others from power and live in a non-hierarchical society, or bring himself to power and spread influence. This annoys him to no end.

  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
His appearance. Bajo has a burnt left hand, a neck that's scarred from burning, and eye bags. He's insecure because of this and tries to keep himself with nice hygiene and clean clothes.

  • What is your character's biggest fear?
His biggest fear is being forgotten or huge infernos. He wants to have a legacy that lives on when he dies, and feels he doesn't have much time left, although he has plenty of time. Fire is self-explanatory.

Life Story (Required)

  • (0-15) Bajo was born in Paärthalaär deep within the slums to Lightburned parents, Gaelira and Laiex Feollei. In this time, nothing much happened. He simply was raised and taught how to read and write, with small lessons in defending himself.

  • (16-25) By this point, Bajo had tried assimilating himself into Saivale society, dressing up and adopting their mannerisms. He went about learning behaviours and how to know when someone was lying, and things of that nature. Not being found out just yet, Bajo worked as a simple merchant, selling whatever he happened to get his hands on.

  • (26-40) At about 30 years old, he joined the military, determined to try and change it from the inside. This was however his downfall, as he was much too anti-authoritarian, eventually being kicked out for being insubordinate. At age 38, he became a violent revolutionist, killing a couple of people and preaching against the government, to no avail.

  • (41-60) At age forty-five, he fled his home as he'd been pinpointed as the upstart in the large city. Taking a ship to Daenshore, he blended into the criminals there, even further strengthening his jacobinism like ideas. Within two years, he was married and had two half-bred children, twins. By the time he was fifty-two, he had adopted a heavy drinking problem, causing his wife to leave. Angered by this, he spent the next couple of years drinking more and hurting those who lived in his community.

  • (61-75) A few more years passed of him being a nuisance before he was attacked by a gang he formerly affiliated himself with. They beat him and burned his flesh, leaving behind awful scarring. Taking the hint, the Kathar caught a ship to Regalia arriving there and placing himself within yet another slum.
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Hello I will be claiming this for staff review, expect a response within the next 48 hours, I'm a bit tired right now but will get to it soon!