Preserved Sheet Bairavi

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Sep 3, 2022
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    • Full Name: Bairavi of Namakkal, Nara Arei
      • → [ Nicknames: Spellsword, Firedancer, Sunslinger, Demonslaver]
    • Race: Suvial-Sihai | Dominant Suvial
    • Age: 26
    • Sex: Female
      • → [ Gender: Female ]
      • → [ Pronouns: They/Them, She/Her ]
    • Sexuality:
      • → [ Preference: ]
    • Eye Color: Green
  • 《 ❖ || CORE CONCEPT 》
    • Religion | Bairavi follows Estelloor and in specific, the Fire Queen Avinla.
    • Identity | Born from a middle-class family of merging bloodlines, the young Theurgist shares a plethora of traits from both the Vadyalocaï and Kattumakkal people. As with all Suvial, she holds a distinct advantage over the Demonic presences that make their way into the Binraal, and she exercises this feat with extreme pride. Curious but not naïve.

« TOTAL POINTS » 14/14

  • Magic: 7
    • Arcane Knockback | Displacing |Fire, Lightning, Cold Immunity
    • Pocket Dimension | Materialism | Sanctum Vessel, Health Call, Rune Smithing
    • Arcane Attraction | Casting | Dueling Brand, Life Wall, Emote Infuse
    • Healing Hands | Blessings | Prison Break, Chain Break, Arcane Sight
    • Reflection Strike | Illusionism | Pocket Scan, Evil Tongues, Thanhic Therapy
    • Saving Grace | Protection | Guardians, Wraithwalking, Echoes of the Past
    • Magic Throw | Spellsword | Sparkwalking, Airwalking, Dressage Cleanse
Greater Mage: Magic Blink | Magic Blade | Knight Summon
  • Constitution: 3
    • Shield Block
    • Bunker Down
    • Counter Play
  • Charisma: 4
    • Empire Linguistics
    • Demon Hexlord Pack
    • Anchoring Hex
    • Life Leech Pack
      • Bidden, Vested, Anchored.
    • Racials | Suvial -
      • → [ # of Abilities: 1 | # of Specials: 13]
        • Ageless, Arcane Mastery, Elder Voice, Fireform, Firerage, Magic Coalescence, Spirit Coalescence, Void-out Revenge, Reject Fanaticism, Destroy Barbarism, Fiery Lifebreath, Karamat Masters, Karamat Expulsion, Flames Unending
  • 《 ❖ || LANGUAGES 》
    • → [ Common: Free ]
    • → [ Agasi: Native Tongue ] | Only understands little of Wai-Lan, for story purposes.
    • → [ Empire Linguist Pack: d'Ithanie, Calem, Altalar, Dressalo ]
    • Mutations | No mutations.
    • Appearance | Green-eyed Suvial woman that dresses like that of her homeland; colors reminiscent of fire and the Sun, a mix of decorative armor, garb and shawl.
  • 《 ❖ || LIFE STORY 》
    • A Suvial Karamatologist met a River-guard warrior-woman from Dexai and raised a single child under two names, Bairavi and Nara Arei. Many controversial hurdles were climbed that led up to her birth.
    • In their early childhood, the little fire-starter was sternly pressed to behave and study just as well, from early morning to the beginning of dusk.
    • Over the years, the parental guidance softened, to circumstance and spiritual revelations, Bairavi had a more flexible budget to spend her time in, and besides practicing Theurgy, she devoted a good time in the outside world, learning through books and the occasional tourist. This is where she gained a proficiency for different languages.
    • Rather than the physical might a majority of her Father's family were, she was empowered far more in the mystical arts, often winning local competitions, and given the opportunity to get real-world experience on the battle-field against the invading Akula on a prolonged and habitual pilgrimage toward the Jade Wall.
Credit to Qoll's Aesthetic Guide for the format!
Credit to phobs on deviantArt.
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