Archived Bad Roleplaying Prevensions: Bitta's Solution

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My profile pic is cute af.
Oct 23, 2013
Reaction score
South Louisiana
Roleplay Guilds
Cirq De Frek
Suggestion: A way to discourage bad roleplay.

Everyone would have a numerical score visible on their tag. Ranging From -25 to 25

This would represent their RP competency based on peer-review.

The gauge will go up and down with votes from a command.

When their score is 20+ however, their RP char (Nick) can be spotlighted over broadcast tips.

("You should chat with ______ sometime, they're <Insert random compliment>!")

And their local chat is highlighted in a color different than the usual white.

A second scale is visible on their /seen page. It can exceed |25|, but has no effects.

The second scale will serve to help the player attain place on the server's toplist/Scoreboard.

-Everyone starts off at +5.
-They are unable to Downvote untill they reach +10
-They aren't able to vote when their score is 0 or below.
-When the score is below 0, they'll be given helpful hints to go read lore on login.
-Once someone votes, they cannot vote for another Hour and it spends 30 Regals.
(To discourage abuse)
-A person needs to give 2 Upvotes for give 1 Downvote.
-No ones vote can never exceed |1| in relation to another individuals scores.
FINAL NOTES: Abusing the system, (Begging for Upvotes, downvoting to troll),
would result with actions from the moderators.
-Changed the scale to make ranks a bit more challenging to get.
-Changed Requirements regarding voting.
-Removed Cycles and Bad RP penalties entirely.
-Added 2 Benefits for trying to maintain a high score.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I totally wanted to be funny and click the last option! But I resisted. XD I really DO like that idea, perhaps put that instead of the odd Power levels?

Edit: The mute should only last perhaps for 1 MC day.
I can imagine huge abuse with power like this. Considering how badly pink cloud is used already, what would happen with Noobs who can't even find the forums or people who just dislike someone got a hold of this power? I don't think the result would be pretty at all; I think simply having some kind of approval system for people with approved characters would be a better alternative, I would find it much easier to find good Role-Players if they were marked for having a approved character. Or if the bad rper's were marked by Role-Play staff, rather than regular players.
I think rating/voting should be restricted to the forums. There has already been a mass of complaints about ratings inside the forums and I don't want that to carry over to the streets. Imagine the arguments that would brake out once someone gets angry over a single rating. Flaming happens more on the server then it does on the forums.
While this is a neat idea in theory, I think this has a lot of potential for abuse/detriment.
  • There are a ton of scenarios where a group of people could gang up and downvote a person to get them muted. Perhaps they spitefully dislike this person, or perhaps there's a roleplay where someone wants a certain outcome, but it involves another person not being involved (e.g. If someone was saving another life IC and they got muted by the killers). Both of these would be abusive -- and while moderated, it's still dangerous enough to really screw with things.
  • This could also be discouraging for people. Massive rewards prolific roleplay, but this would be like punishing bad roleplayers. How would you feel if you were new to the rp scene and got muted for terrible roleplay? How are you supposed to know how to get better if not by experience? Sounds incredibly discouraging to me.
  • People with low scores will likely be ignored more, making it more difficult for them to get immersed in roleplay.
Again, affluent roleplay is encouraged while not-so-prolific roleplay is meant to be honed upon and improved. If you give people a number that rates their roleplay abilities, it has a strong potential for abuse and discouragement. Instead of punishing people with terrible ratings for 'under-par' roleplay, we should work with them to improve their skills and create a better scene all around.
I disagree with this idea.
Massive is an open community, and instead of lashing out at bad roleplays, you should help them improve their roleplay, or put them on your ignore list. Also this can be abused in many ways,
  • A rich or powerful person can higher people or scare people into boosting their vote.
  • If someone has a grudge they can simply downgrade the person to a mute with the help of their friends.
  • What if a noob was muted because they didn't know the rules of roleplay, then went to the wilderness out of frustration or to look for a faction? They wouldn't be able to communicate with anyone except via Global, Trade and Help (And private message but then again there is a possibility of being surrounded or needing to talki to more than one person, which would mean they'd need local chat to communicate.). Noobs get yelled at plenty for spamming all three of those chats and this would just increase it. Local chat is for everyone, there are plenty of other uses for local chat then just roleplay.
  • People could have their friends boost their stats as well.
  • It would be more then likely that desperate people would even offer Regals in Trade so their mute or bad rating would be lifted by other players votes.
All in all, whilst its a nice idea, it is VERY easily abused. Moderators have plenty of other things to worry about without players abusing a system like this.
A better solution would be for the mods to update the server wide Announcements, seeing as most of them are out of date and give false information now, or for new players to spawn with a simple 10-15 page Rp guide book that would tell them to visit the forums, website, and read all the lore.
I was rethinking over it, and yes I do suppose the measure is a bit extreme,

Though I myself would only save down votes for the worst of the worst, for say, one time I heard someone announce:

"Server Lore? I don't want to be bound by that bull----! I'm doing my own thing!"

I guess I wrongly assumed other people would as well,

Maybe make the 10-scale score invisible and New players have a grace period 'er something?
Something like this sounds pretty good, the only problem is the possibility for abuse. In the case of this one, the possibility of abuse is less then the marginal benefit, so I support it.

And to prevent buying votes...perhaps one can not vote if they have accepted any money from anyone else within the past day?
Interesting idea, very different from the thread I recently posted, particularly because it is player run.
I really like this idea, it's quite unique, and sounds like a fun way to gain status and respect. I myself am not nobility, yet I spend nearly half my time RP'ing conversing with nobility. And then comes along a brand new noble who says "Get out of here you filthy pleb!". While I am not nobility nor claim to be so, I am very well known amongst nobility and I am nearly always shown much more respect than any average citizen.

I think this idea should be changed In the following ways, in my opinion:
- There is no down voting, except perhaps by lore staff
- This is purely a reward and symbol of status; it cannot be used against players (restricting a party to 100+ votes)

As for how often players can vote, and how they vote, will require more thinking.
Staff have a good point as well; we do not want people begging for votes.
I think a score 7 is when you can downvote, because then to the community you are already known as a pretty good roleplayer, except for a mistake only here or there. 5 is just such an easily achievable goal, but even with everyone starting at 3, how can anyone vote?
Edit- Ryciera's post has it all, I will give no support to this idea.
~No support.
I think a reward system for good role-play would be better then a punishment system for bad role-play. That said, we already have that system in place, nobility and permissions items.
Alrighty, made new Edits and rebalancing and whatchumihugus.
I belive that rather than blocking votes from anyone who has recently recieved money, the staff should make sure to have anyone begging for votes muted straight away.

I support this idea. Maybe you could also gain rp points for your skin? It annoys me that a Human-looking dude dissapears in the lava without dying... Or if someone walks with a rideculous skin like the trololol-skin or something. It also annoys me if you need to talk with someone with a headset. There would also be given points if your skin fits your character's description. Just throwing out some ideas... All by that:

-Greetings, Theboomyfly.
I support this, as most of the ways to abuse this are solved, and it actually helps bad roleplayers by showing the good ones in the server chat (random messages) and directs them to lore pages when they reach 0. there is no punishment like muting or anything, it's just a number, like a mark in school. I don't think a number could discourage a person to rp that much, and if it did, i assume that person would try to improve, if that person really cared about this rating at all, and this person's roleplay quality.
Why are most of the suggestions on role-play these days just ways to discriminate and segregate the 'bad' role-players? What we really should be doing is helping these people understand how the role-play system of MassiveCraft works. Not "You have a bad rating so I am going to ignore you." I'm sorry but it is unfair on the people who want to learn but can't because people just disregard them.
As I said before, BURN BABY BURN!!!!

Coming from someone who is barely seen in role-play, I think you have no right to judge people.

....I don't RP in the tavern or such places, I RP in my faction normally so unless you spy on me, then you don't know if I do RP or not and where I do it or not you silly man. :)
Why are most of the suggestions on role-play these days just ways to discriminate and segregate the 'bad' role-players? What we really should be doing is helping these people understand how the role-play system of MassiveCraft works. Not "You have a bad rating so I am going to ignore you." I'm sorry but it is unfair on the people who want to learn but can't because people just disregard them.

You are missing the point of this system, which would not be to discriminate and segregate players. sure, maybe some people would choose to ignore others, but doesn't that happen already, based on reputation and conversations between players?
This system would help those unexperienced people by providing helpful hints if someone was bad at roleplay (links to lore etc). If somebody wanted to learn I'm sure they could ask a better roleplayer for help, if they really wanted to learn more. Who better to ask than those people that the server itself broadcasts in chat as "you should roleplay with this person"? Plus people would want to be better roleplayers if they compared their scores and noticed they have a lower score.
Everything can be abused, anywhere.
This time there are more pros than cons, and this system is harder to abuse than any others proposed before.
Why are most of the suggestions on role-play these days just ways to discriminate and segregate the 'bad' role-players?

I'm going to quote this again. Administration isn't a concentration camp where you can send off your cattles of unwanted for the slaughter house.

A better roleplay community starts with you, instead of badmouthing or downrating/ignoring someone for bad roleplay, attempt to help them improve. Exclusion of Roleplay by the staff has only happened to 3 people on the server ever, and our actual punishments for bad conduct are ludicrously low as we have roleplay staff to help people get better.

....I don't RP in the tavern or such places, I RP in my faction normally

This still means you are not contributing to the roleplay community, so his point still stands.
You are missing the point of this system, which would not be to discriminate and segregate players. sure, maybe some people would choose to ignore others, but doesn't that happen already, based on reputation and conversations between players?
This system would help those unexperienced people by providing helpful hints if someone was bad at roleplay (links to lore etc). If somebody wanted to learn I'm sure they could ask a better roleplayer for help, if they really wanted to learn more. Who better to ask than those people that the server itself broadcasts in chat as "you should roleplay with this person"? Plus people would want to be better roleplayers if they compared their scores and noticed they have a lower score.
Everything can be abused, anywhere.
This time there are more pros than cons, and this system is harder to abuse than any others proposed before.
You do not need a "system" to be helpful. All you need is a good community. A community that I think MassiveCraft has.

Also, if players need help with Lore all they have to do is create a ticket for the Lore staff to answer. It's as simple as that.
I think rating/voting should be restricted to the forums. There has already been a mass of complaints about ratings inside the forums and I don't want that to carry over to the streets. Imagine the arguments that would brake out once someone gets angry over a single rating. Flaming happens more on the server then it does on the forums.
Look its not forum wise, and anyway removin' forum votin' will cause people to run in people there bad posts etc.
You do not need a "system" to be helpful. All you need is a good community. A community that I think MassiveCraft has.

Also, if players need help with Lore all they have to do is create a ticket for the Lore staff to answer. It's as simple as that.
If i RP i do it fairly good, but look people pvpers like me don't Rp alot, so this would encourage people to speak to unknown Rpers... If they RPed good they get a upvote so if they get into the tavern and go sit on a chair they might have more chance tp RP withs strangers...
You know that almost everyone chosed this one too just because... Its funny... Haha... Ha... H...
-Dodges Blade 20 times in a row then decapitates you with a roundhouse kick-
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