Bad Character Designs

Discussion in 'WIP Character Sheets' started by Saaber, Jan 15, 2022.



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  1. Saaber

    Saaber Isldork Staff Member World2

    May 9, 2016
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    Basic Information

    Birth Name: Valimar Aerzail Virdrina
    ◆ Regalian Alias: Luden Filarion Damaris
    Race: Zolathar Kathar
    Age: 33
    Gender: Male
    Sexuality: Yes
    Eye Color: Black with red specks.

    ◆ Blue when in Abyssal Body 2.
    Core Concept

    [⚔] Luden was raised to place his faith in the Cult of Evolution and is a devout follower, firmly believing in becoming the most powerful version of himself. However, he worships privately, putting on the facade of an Estel Worshipper in public.

    [⚔] Luden is a Crimson Witch with an insatiable thirst for power and knowledge, typically donning the disguise of a mundane Altalar as he cunningly inserts himself into private circles to obtain information.



    Proficiency Information
    Total Points: 50 Proficiency Points plus 10 Hobby Points.

    Core Group Proficiencies

    +8 Dagger Combat
    Special Training Proficiencies
    +6 Bodycare Training
    Hobby Group Proficiencies
    +10 Theatre Art [10 from Hobby Points]
    +6 Instrument Art
    Point-Buy Proficiencies
    +12 Sorcery
    +9 Linguistics
    +9 Roguery
    Physical Stat: 16.
    ◆ (8 Dagger Combat) + (10 Theatre Art + 6 Bodycare Training) / 2 = 16.
    ◆ Body Shape: Athletic.
    ◆ Body Fat: Average.

    Ability Information

    Zolathar Kathar Racial Kit

    Crimson Witch Affliction Kit

    ◆ Element Control II [Sorcery Skill 1]
    Bodycare Training
    ◆ Skin Purge 1
    Sorcery Spells (Void Sorcerer)
    ◆ Darkness 2
    ◆ Darkness 3
    ◆ Element Control III
    ◆ Element Brand III
    ◆ Government Forgery Pack
    ◆ Guard Forgery Pack
    ◆ Rogue Gift 3


    ✤ Common (Free)
    ✤ Katharic (Learned from upbringing)
    ✤ Altalar (Linguistics)
    ✤ Sulvaley (Linguistics)
    ✤ Saan (Linguistics)



    Visual Information

    [⚔] Luden is Void mutated to have two pairs of backwards-bending horns on his head, his sclera are pitch black, and his blood flows black when it bleeds. Aside from the blood, these mutations are not present when he is using Abyssal Body 2.

    [⚔] Luden stands at 6’4 and has an athletic build with some visible muscle. He has long, raven black hair, the tips of his hair being a crimson color, and black irises with specks of red within them. His arms and chest are heavily tattooed with intricate patterns, and he has a few piercings in his ears. He prefers to wear long coats, gloves, and boots, generally disliking revealing clothing.

    Alternate Appearance: Abyssal Body 2

    ◆ More often than not, Luden will use this disguised form, in which he appears to be a mundane Altalar with long blonde hair and blue eyes. His skin transforms into a peachy color that is characteristic of most Altalar. In this form, his sclera are normal and he lacks the horns typically on his head, but his blood will still appear black if he is bleeding.




    Life Story

    Childhood | Luden was the eldest of five children born to Alzena and Rocran Virdrina, a pair of well-off Zolathar living in the city of Döthenfor. With both of his parents being part of the Cabal, he was groomed from a young age to become a Crimson Witch.

    Adolescence | Even as a child, Luden did not receive much affection from his parents, and instead spent his days training both his mind and body, while learning the ways of Odella. He was an eager student who wanted to unlock the secrets of the Cabal and obtain a share of their power.

    Adulthood | Luden continued to study magic, language, and subterfuge so that he would have the potential to seamlessly blend into other societies and acquire whatever knowledge he sought. Upon reaching adulthood, he was formally initiated into the Cabal.

    Later Years | For the next decade and a half, Valimar traveled beyond his home, primarily infiltrating communities in Daen, gradually moving northward. He became skilled in manipulating and deceiving others to acquire information. He willingly underwent mutations at some point during this time.

    Arrival to Regalia | By 309 AC, Valimar set his eyes upon Regalia, journeying there in order to unveil more arcane secrets for both himself and the Cabal. He arrived at the Crown City in 310 AC, and now aims to further his selfish goals under the guise of a charming Altalar.




    Thanks for reading this far! Feel free to drop some feedback if it looks like anything should be improved on this sheet! :)
    • Winner Winner x 2
    #1 Saaber, Jan 15, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2022
  2. Saaber

    Saaber Isldork Staff Member World2

    May 9, 2016
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    Basic Information

    ♆ || Full Name:
    ♆ || Race: Fin'ullen Altalar
    ♆ || Age:
    ♆ || Gender: Female
    ♆ || Sexuality: Yes please
    ♆ || Eye Color: Blue

    Core Concept

    ♆ || Religion
    ♆ || Core concept

    Proficiency Information
    Total Points: 50 Proficiency Points plus 10 Hobby Points.

    ♆ || Core Group Proficiencies
    +15 Spear Combat
    +5 Fist Combat​
    ♆ || Special Training Proficiencies
    +5 Bodycare Training​
    ♆ || Hobby Group Proficiencies
    +10 Vocal Art [10 from Hobby Points]
    +10 Instrument Art​
    ♆ || Point-Buy Proficiencies
    +12 Sorcery
    +3 Linguistics​

    Physical Stat: 23.5
    (15 Spear Combat + 5 Fist Combat) + (5 Bodycare Training / 2) = 23.5
    Body Shape:
    Body Fat:​

    Ability Information

    ♆ || Altalar Specials [5 Abilities]

    ♆ || Fin'ullen Altalar Racial Kit [3 Abilities]

    ♆ || Bodycare Training
    Skin Purge I
    ♆ || Sorcery Spells [Exist Sorcerer]
    Super Self I
    Element Control I
    Element Control III
    Element Brand I​


    ♆ || Common (Free)
    ♆ || Altalar (Learned from upbringing)
    ♆ || ???


    Life Story

    Progression Information

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