Archived Bachinor - Natures Gift

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I'm tempermental, deal with it.
Jul 2, 2012
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United States, East Coast
Roleplay Guilds
Emerald Alliance
So, I was bored and wanted to see how well I can draw a map on Paint (I enjoy mapmaking with pencils and stuff, but never used Paint for it before) and came up with Bachinor. Bachinor is made up of two continents - Bachi Minor and Bachi Major - and is considered by many to be the most beautiful place in Aloria. Called "Natures Gift" by simple folk and "The Land of Natures Beauty" by learned people, this vast, mostly uninhabited area of the world is divided both between the two continents and the regions within them.

Bachi Minor:
Bachi Minor is a sunken continent. In an age long before human or even Maiar settlement of Bachinor the vast region was a continent with a temperate or taiga environment. It was edged on the northern coast by mountains that, once, were the tallest in Aloria, and the mainland was made up of large, tall plateaus that stood as much as a mile above heavily forested lowlands with many small rivers, creeks, brooks, and streams. These plateaus were often snowy, always windy, and worn flat and treeless by the endless high altitude winds, but they were also home to a number of massive freshwater lakes which fed rivers that became streams and creeks in a sort of reverse watershed. However, all of that was lost when the continent sank into the ocean, leaving only the massive mountain range piercing the ocean and the sky with sheer cliffs along their coasts (along with many ocean carved caves at sealevel) and the once cold and airy plateaus as now warm, low-lying, sand bordered landmasses covered in grasses. The region never got a lot of rain (the forests were watered by the rivers) and so have become vast plains home to many herding animals like horses, boids, and giant spiders (the dominant predator).

Bachi Major:
Roughly three times the size of Bachi Minor, Major is so vast they needed to divide it into 4 regions, 3 of them as big as all of the remaining Minor combined. When people speak of Bachinor and its beauty, they are generally speaking of Bachi Major.
Isles of Sunset:
The Isles of Sunset are three massive islands, as large as any of Minor's plateaus, that enjoy an endless tropical temperature. For reasons unknown, the natives to these island died out ages ago - but they did chop down all the trees, so it makes sense. Occasionally ruins can be found of this rat-like species, temples to strange gods and monuments dedicated to forgotten wars. The Isles of Sunset are called this because the sunsets there are both beautiful and somehow sad, as if even the sun morns the forgotten people who lived there.
Forest Watershed:
The Forest Watershed is a vast forest with every kind of tree imaginable. From mighty jungle trees bigger around then a large house to small pines that grow in the branches of larger trees, this region is lush and filled with wildlife. It's said that every tree hides a new species of bird and that every branch can house 100 species of beetle. The region's most defining and impressive feature is not, however, the jungle, but rather the river. Named "The Mother River" by people who rely on it for travel and food, the widest expanse of the river is so massive one cannot see from shore to shore, and the fish are said to grow larger then the boats that sail the river. The Mother River splits into two rivers after only a short bit, each of those rivers can be seen across, barely, and continue to flow for many thousands of miles in opposite directions until they reach their many tributaries and springs.
Mountains of White:
Named such because most of the peaks are snow-capped year-round, the Mountains of White are considered the largest continual range of mountains in the known world. Their peaks aren't the tallest but the sheer number of mountains is terrifying. They could swallow up the entire continents and empires. It is for this reason that some people theorize that the Sunset People are now residing somewhere in the midst of these snowcapped mountains, though why no one can think of. In the heart of the mountains there is a lake, vaster then any other in Aloria, from which the River Hjagar is born. Along the Gulf Major coastline, in between the mountains and the ocean, is a bone-dry desert where almost nothing lives. The only water to be found along the entire stretch is ocean water, which only the dune grasses and coastal dwelling creatures have learned to survive on. This region is desolate, even compared to the icy wastes of Ellador or the great desert of Ithania, and is utterly inhabited.
Northern Badlands:
The Northern Badlands are a beautiful but difficult terrain made of deserts in the southern reaches and forested islands and wetlands in the north. Often home to large, ocean driven storms, the northern reaches seem to be following Bachi Minor into the ocean depths, and Bachi Major ends with Fallen Isles on its northern shore. The River Klap is the only notable waterway, and floods once every 2 years, creating a large fertile region around it, even in the desert. Few, if any, people attempt to live in this cold region, where is it either too dry or too wet for comfortable habitation. This has led to the region being mostly unexplored and mostly untouched by the hands of civilization over time.

Maps of Bachinor:

Just Landscape/Biomes:
Bachinor - Plain.png
Biomes, Rivers, Key, and Information:
Bachinor - Detailed.png
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
The main land looks like a bird talon, awesome.
*puts down the phone*. Sweet mother of god.....
(headbang) Why does this have to be so awesome?!
Yeah, hey staff, make this!
I like it. Perhaps you should do an RP on it? Like open a private server, invite a few people, and RP like a distant colony with periodic updates on the forums?

Regardless of what you do with it, I certainly think that its a work of art. Bra to the vo.
I'll move this to Feature and Idea Discussion since this looks like a world suggestion.
It's not... I just drew it out of boredom and decided "what the hell" and posted it here :P
Well, it seems to be treated from the rest of the others like a world suggestion idea, so that's why I moved it here. If there is any problem with my judgment, contact MonMarty or another forum admin so that they can move this thread back to its former area as anything in this section is out of my forum staff capabilities and jurisdiction.
Meh. It wasn't meant to be a world suggestion but hell, if something I designed became part of the server... :P
I think it would be cool if this small world become the replacement for Kelmoria. I know Kelmoria was just because they needed to implemenet qaurtz into MassiveCraft, but I think another small world would be cool.
I think it would be cool if this small world become the replacement for Kelmoria. I know Kelmoria was just because they needed to implemenet qaurtz into MassiveCraft, but I think another small world would be cool.
Also the mountian on this map looks like one of the big mountians in kelmoria.
That "mountain" is supposed to be the size of Ellador (aka, a mountain range). Although, making this a mini-world would be cool, though maybe a tad bit larger then Kelmoria lol.
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