Preserved Sheet Bänkarr Irkath

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Scribma Male
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Sep 4, 2013
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where the elf things are
Bänkarr Irkath

Basic Information
  • Full Name: Bänkarr Irkath.
  • Age: 135 years.
    • Born: 17th January, 171AC.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Race: Kathar; Disciple of Saivale; Clan of Mëdorr.
  • Main Ambition: Dominance and material; to rule over others and to gain earthly possessions in such an amount that he can no longer keep track of them.
  • Special Permission: Magic.
Skill Information
  • Total Proficiency Points: 10 points. (+20 from Kathar Racial Bonuses, -50 from 7 Spells.)
    • +10 Dagger. (+10 from Racial Bonus.)
    • +10 Void/Exist Knowledge. (+10 from Racial Bonus.)
    • +10 Mastigo Whip. (+10 from Proficiency Points.)
  • Total Cultural Points: 60 points.
    • +30 Weaving. (+30 from Cultural Points.)
    • +15 Sculpting. (+15 from Cultural Points.)
    • +15 Painting. (+15 from Cultural Points.)
  • Languages:
    • Modern Elven | 10/10. (Native Tongue.)
    • Empire Elven | 10/10. (Taught by Magic Tutor.)
    • Common. | 7/10. (Learned over time; illiterate.)
    • Shellaq | 5/10. (Taught by Mother; used only for ritual purposes.)
  • Spells:
    • School of Demon Magic: 4 Spells.
      • Natasm: Shadow Phase.
      • Malear: Corrupt Form.
      • Daguon: Shadow Dagger.
      • Dourva: Doppeldemon.
    • School of Kathar Magic: 3 Spells.
      • Book of Trickery: Shard of Sight.
      • Book of Trickery: Shard of Senses.
      • Book of Trickery: Shard of Being.
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Light-blue irises ringed with red limbuses; near-black sclera.
  • Hair Color: Pure white naturally; greying due to Demon Magic mutations.
  • Hair Style: Kept loose at jaw-length, with a considerable amount of hair falling over the right side of his face.
  • Skin Color: Alabaster-white naturally; grey-white due to Demon Magic mutations..
  • Clothing: Black and red Kathar-made clothing, styled with the emanation of power in mind.
  • Height: 6'9".
  • Body Build: Lanky.
  • Weapon of Choice: Mastigo Whip.
Personality and Abilities
  • External | Joyous Greed: Bänkarrisn't a stingy man by any means; in fact, his generosity is prodigious, spanning from providing food for a feast, or giving expensive clothes as gifts in return for gratitude and a small favor. However, this has one caveat; Bänkarr only gives to those races he deems as 'suitable', like other Kathar, or particularly enterprising Altalar. To those outside of his circle of favored races, he simply seems picky about who gets what. However, this doesn't stop him seeking out those who may make him laugh, or provide him with entertainment of any kind. His desire for entertainment often reveals his cruelty to the casual observer; he particularly likes interacting with those who struggle in life, usually from disability or mutation, and takes great enjoyment from making their lives even more difficult.
  • Internal | Entitled Pride: Bänkarr's generosity stems from one thing; his belief that what he has now doesn't matter, since he'll always have more of it in the future. After all, Bänkarr truly believes that great wealth is simply his birthright, and is something he has always deserved. His view on power is even ensconced by this belief; he sees a position of power as something that he invariably owns, that he shouldn't have to work to obtain, even if he must work to maintain it. Bänkarr's failure to insert himself into a position of power in Regalia as yet provides him with a plentiful well of irritation and anger, something that eats at him daily because of this.
  • Close Ones | Appreciative Wrath: In spite of his cruelty, to those he holds close, Bänkarr is uncharacteristically pleasant. Almost as if opening his heart to them, Bänkarr demonstrates a nearly-parental level of understanding and patience, and a willingness to not only listen to their various complaints and issues, but also to assist in solving them. However, those closest to Bänkarr's 'good' side are also closest to his 'bad' one. If a loved one goes against Bänkarr's wishes, either directly or accidentally, his treatment becomes incredibly abusive. Typically, his response to a betrayal is to use one of his spells to 'show' them the error of their ways, and to deter them from trying again in the future. In particular, Bänkarr uses Bleste and Shard of Senses spells to torture his loved ones in to assuring him that they won't go against him again.
  • Morality | Slothful Observance: Bänkarr's sense of morality is almost non-existent; to him, morality is simply a barrier on the way to achieving true power. Nothing is too much, when it comes to climbing the political ladder, even including murder or acts of great destruction. Bänkarr recognises the importance of this ruthlessness in Kathar politics, and only wishes to adhere to it on his journey to the top. Because of this, Bänkarr will never object to the interference of others in his plans, it being just a fact of life for those who seek power in Kathar society. Instead, Bänkarr only responds in kind.
Life Story
Birth & Childhood

  • Bänkarr Irkath is born to two wealthy Clan of Mëdorr Saivale Kathar, on the 17th day of January, in the year 171AC.
  • Bänkarr is raised in the Kathar capital, Paärthalaär, as part of a wealthy family of mages, who live lavishly and spare no expense. As such, the cutthroat politics become normalised to him, and cease to surprise or shock him after long.
  • His parents teach him from a young age of Kathar supremacy, and of his entitlement to power and wealth. He drinks in this praise and, truly believing what he is told, begins to gear himself towards his position of power in later life. His relationship with his parents is strong, and he rarely argues with them.
  • He takes advantage of the admirable wealth attained by his parents, frequently buying gifts not only for himself, but for those he calls friends. When he realised people may be taking advantage of him for his wealth, he becomes much pickier with his social circles.
Teenage Years
  • Aged 14, Bänkarr is introduced to his first mage tutor, who begins him on his path to magical power by teaching him the School of Demon Magic. He learns Natasm, the Shadow Phase spell, first.
  • He continues learning Demon Magic through his teenage years.
  • Bänkarr is 'blessed' with a number of siblings during this period, all of whom he comes to adore and care for greatly. He decides he'd like to have plenty of children of his own, some day.
Early Adulthood
  • Aged 22, he ceases his education in Demon Magic, instead seeking out the books required to learn Kathar Magic. He chooses the Book of Trickery.
  • He learns all three spells of the Book of Trickery, and decides to end his magical self-education there, beginning to train in the use of a Mastigo Whip so as to make the most of his new magical skills.
  • He spends the next fifty years in and around the Dread Empire, taking up various high-end jobs. In one such job, he finds an affinity for slaving, and for securing possible slaves. He also discovers that his skill with the Mastigo Whip enables him to control slaves that much better.

Later Adulthood & Present Day
  • Seeking to taste the world outside of the Dread Empire's expansive territories, Bänkarr leaves the lands held by the Kathar to explore what goes on outside. Taking a considerable chunk of gold and Shard Tablets with him, he goes outwards.
  • He begins with Daen, trekking across the jungle landscape, and partaking in as many parties and celebrations as possible. Discovering that his Shard Tablets are nigh-worthless outside of the Dread Empire, he seeks a way to exchange them for the common regal. Speaking to a Kathar merchant, he manages to barter his way into gaining nearly equivalent regals out of his Shard Tablets.
  • Bänkarr leaves Daen to explore Aloria proper, learning of the Regalian Empire. He elects to leave its capital til' last, deciding he'd like to see its wealth after exploring the territories it holds.
  • After bouncing between Essalonia, Hadaria, and the Regalian-held Fendarfelle lands, he decides he should now turn his eyes to the so-called Holy City. He begins his journey, wondering exactly what he might find at the Regalian capital.
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Here's my review.
  • Bold personality traits in the personality paragraphs.
Make the edits in red and tag me when you're done.
Approved. Thought I did this days ago, sorry about the wait.