Preserved Sheet Azrhael Gomorrha

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Dec 27, 2016
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
Basic Information

  • Full Name: Azrhael Zacharias Gomorrha

  • Age: 40

  • Gender: Male

  • Race: Jendaskeas Ailor ( Dorkarth Brood)

  • Sexuality: Heterosexual

  • Preferred Weapon: Longsword
Skill Information

Total Points: 40 from age + 5 from Ailor + 10 from Hobbies = 55

  • +14 Blades Combat Skill | 14 from Points

  • +9 Unarmed Combat Skill | 9 from Points (19 with +10 Dorkarth Bonus WHEN active.)

  • +5 Musical Arts | 5 from Hobbies

  • +5 Visual Arts | 5 from Hobbies

  • +6 Linguistic Knowledge | 6 from Points

  • +4 Spirit Sorcery | 4 from Points

  • +12 Elemetal Sorcery | 4 from Points

Body Shape

  • Physical stat: 10 Unarmed + 14 Blades = 24

  • Body shape: Ripped

  • Body fat: Extreme low fat

  • Common

  • Jendee (native tongue)
  • Modern Altalar (linguistic knowledge - 5 points)

  • Dorkarth Brood
  • Vampirism = Dorkarth Bloodline (Active)
- Auld Vexxing
- Auld Beastlording
- Auld Catharsis
- Auld Steeling

  • Beastly Connection (Spirit Sorcery)
Azrhael will summon an Imperial Hawk, the size of a domestic Dog. He has a strong bond to that Animal as he had one as a pet in his Childhood.
  • Elemental Bending (Elemental Sorcery - Fire)

  • Elemantal Orb (Elemental Sorcery - Fire)

  • Elemental Branding (Elemental Sorcery - Fire)
Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Crimson Red with black eye whites, blind on right eye

  • Hair Color: Black

  • Hair Style: Currently he has Short hair, undercut.

  • Skin Color: Daendroque tan

  • Clothing: Clothes change very often

  • Height: 6'3
Personality and Abilities

  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Lawful Good
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • The Protagonist
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • Unionism 8/10

Life Story

Azrhael was born 268AC on the continent of Daendroc in a Jendaskeas community. His mother was a vampire and his father an Ailor. Because of this his childhood was not the safest.

Azrhael spent almost all of his childhood indoors where he learned more about the more dark and criminal actions of the world from his parents.

Azrhael had little actual education due to being so sheltered and kept away from the community in fear he may be hurt. Because of this he also knew little of life outside of his walls.

Around the age of 8 Azrhael was allowed to leave the house for only an hour or so at a time and was only to stay on their block. One day Azrhael strayed off of their block and into the small church that rested in their community. Instead Azrhael was given many nasty looks by those praying and attending mass but the Curates running the church sat Azrhael down and had him attend mass. They showed a kindness the rest of his community refused to and treated him as if he were any other person.

Azrhael told his parents about the kind Curates that looked after him when he left the house and they were both happy and scared. Because of Azrhael's speaking around the community it was clear he was a Brood meaning a vampire resided in his house but the community did not know which parent the vampire was. Making the family outcasts instead of recluses.

Around the age of 12 Azrhael's home was attacked and lit aflame by panicked members of the community who felt that the vampire in the house would be the death of them while he was off at mass and spending the day with one of the Curates. He returned home to only the burning house that had already collapsed on itself from its lack of structural integrity.

Azrhael immediately returned to the church and Curates crying and scared about what was happening. The ignorant bigots of Azrhael's community still expression hatred towards Azrhael and even tried to enter the church to get to him to remove him from their village. Because of this one of the curates took Azrhael in secret to a ship and left for Basta where the Curate knew he would be safe.

Basta was far more open to the child Brood as he was still Ailor and simply a victim of Vampirism with nothing he can do about it.

Azrhael spent his next couple years in a Almshouse where the Curate that brought him to Basta constantly visited him and took him out for days at a time. At fourteen this Curate took Azrhael to the Carainthais Monastery after taking him to a Cathedral and having him go through the Sacrament of Entry. The Curate took him to this Monastery to join the Order of the Villiers-Eclaire. Though he was rejected due to Brood status.

Azrhael was excited for a chance at a new life and being rejected was a hit, though another Villiers-Eclaire knight agreed to teach Azrhael in private, though he would never be a knight of the Order. Azrhael made sure to attend ever lesson offered to him and picked up the teachings well.

As years passed Azrhael befriended a few more of the knights and went on a few unofficial training missions to truly test his skills. Upon graduate of the other knights he tried to keep up with the Villiers training Azrhael in private ceased their lessons and had him go out into the world and spread Unionism. Starting with becoming a Helerian on Basta.

Azrhael spent about 5 years on Basta where he guarded any Reverend or Cathedral that needed a escort. He acted as a shadow to the members of Synod but very rarely had to actually fight.

Around twenty nine Azrhael met a beautiful woman, a red haired Altalar named Cornelia, who accepted him for who he was as a Brood. they fell in love. The two of them quickly got married and had a child. Azrhael cared for his family while working as a knight. Azrhael sadly though lived on the outer edge of the island where people were not quite in tune with the knowledges and acceptance of Brood people. His neighbors thinking that a Brood truly was a vampire and that all in his house were a coven in disguise. Because of this ignorance, his neighbor set flame to his house. Azrhael saw what remained of his home, he ran up to the house, just to be attacked by said neighbour. His neighbour would slash at his face, causing him to be blind at one eye. A curate came to help and stopped the neighbour, but after that unfaithful night, Azrhael returned to the cathedral. There he prayed and prayed before coming to comfort by a reverend. This reverend sending him off to Regalia for a fresh and new start. Being thirty two an in a large city with no friends he knew with the fear of persecution Azrhael took refuge in the slums and sewers. Still he uses lots of sarcasm and jokery to hide his past and present pains.
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HELLO, grabbing this for staff review! Expect a reply within the next 24 hours.
Hey there! I accidentally overlooked a part of your application, and I apologize from the inconvenience on your part. I'll be switching this to Re-Review until it is fixed! So here we go for round #2:

  • Villiers Knights are generally considered the lapdogs of the Synod, which means that they most likely would not take in a Vampire Brood due to the Brood being seen as a Voidling (by the Synod at the very least). Even though Broods are considered by organizations to be the unfortunate aftermath of Vampires, the Villiers Knights would most likely not accept a Brood for the fact that this specific Knights group is very involved with the Synod.
    • You can either: A) Remove being a Brood so that you can remain in the Villiers Knights, B) Remove being in a Knight organization as a whole.
Again, apologies for the inconvenience on your part, @Lewis_McEnd
i have removed the part that he has become a knight again, is that enough?
i removed rogue training and marshal knowledge and switched them with Musical Arts and Linguistic Knowllege, just so you know
@Katiesc changed stats to 10 blade combat, 5 unarmed combat, 5 musical arts, 10 cavalry combat, 5 linguistic knowledge and 5 visual arts, along with edit of the Lifestory, he became no knight but was trained by a Villiers Knight along said knight's training
@Katiesc Major Changes:

  • Azrhael is aged up to 40.
  • Removed Cavalry, updated the Points and stats.
  • Added four Sorcery Spells:
  1. Primal Design
  2. Elemental Bending
  3. Beastly Connection
  4. Elemental Influence
  • Changed height to 6'3
Needs Re-Review asap <3
@Katiesc In need of Re-Review! Updated the points and possible mutations, all changes made in red.