Shelved Character Avael Daalsein, The Knight In Broken Armor

This character has been shelved and is no longer played.


Oct 4, 2020
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
House Daalsein



"There are those who die with honor, and those who live in disgrace."


Full Name: Avael Froz'vann Daalsein Eimaraic Bel-Solmarse
Nicknames/Alias: Avael Daalsein
Race: Half Teledden Half Solvaan (Teledden Leanient)
》Culture: Sollerian
》Subrace: Azureborn
Age: 208
》Birthday: December 4th, 102 AC
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Blue-Eye whites with a light blue limbus
Titleage: Count of Eimarse, Wydd-Knight of The Aelrrigan Order, Lord-Protector of the Regalian Empire.


An Aelrrigan, a Silven of Justice, and a descendant within the mainline of the Daalsein Family, Av'allis remains a survivor from the Azure Order's reign, and operates as a shaken knight who's devout to his cause. Resenting his bloodline to The Justice Arken, yet still bound to inherit similar traits.

Avael is a worshipper Dogmatic Unionism. Holding true to its tenets and gospel with his patron being the Lady of Rivers, Elen.

❂ Total Points: 14/14 Used

❂ Strength - 7
》Bruiser Feint Pack
》Frenzy Pack
》Bruiser Slam Pack
》Duelist Pack
》Bruiser Tackle Pack
》Hunter Pack
》Bruiser Flurry Pack
❂ Constitution - 2 (+2 when fighting enemies with higher than 5 Str (Primal Only))
》Counterplay Pack
》Ironheart Pack
❂ Wisdom - 0
》Dimenthist Pack (Teledden Special)
❂ Dexterity - 0
❂ Magic - 3 (Exist)

》Custom Exist Mage
》Disruption Magic ( Fire Element, Cold Immune, Heat Immune ) (Teledden Special)
❂ Charisma - 2
》Empire Linguist Pack
》Charger Pack
》Diplomat Pack (Teledden Special)

❂ Teledden Racials
❂ Exist Mage Abilities (x) (Greater Mage)
》Bloodhound - Primal Focus
》Trial of Arms
》Link Disrupt
❂ Justice Silven Abilities
》Master Avenged
❂ Melee Combat Abilities
》Concussive Strike
》Berserker's Fury
》Technique Parry
❂ Bruiser Combat Abilities
》Bruiser Feint
》Bruiser Slam
》Bruiser Flurry
》Bruiser Tackle
❂ Defensive Point Buy Abilities
》Rage Counter
❂ Training Point Buy Abilities
》Endless Endurance
❂ State Point Buy Abilities
》Forced Truce
❂ Faith Manifest (Dogmatic Unionism)
》Ritualistic Manifestation
》Ritualistic Scripture
》Ritualistic Crafting
》Light the Path
❂ Cavalry Point Buy Abilities
》Cavalry Summon
》Cavalry Charge


Avael does not have any known abnormalities minus a bright blue tattoo of a Sollerian fashion, and his silver-blue eyes. A cost for being a Arkenborn.

Avael is a 6'7 Half-Breed of Teledden and Solvaan. Pale skin with blonde hair, long enough to touch his shoulders. Avael is usually sported in plated armor, or within formal attire should the time need it.

|| Avael's main Reference. ||


|| Avael's Armor Reference, Credit to eriklyart ||



Avael was born within the lands of Solmarse during the early ages of the new-forming Regalian Empire. Sired to the Solvaan Ey'smarana and the Teledden Altalar himself, Justice. Born as the heir to the lands of Eimarse, and left with the lingering curse of an Arkenborn by his departing parent.

Upon the age of seven, Avael would be sent to Kintyr by his mother to take aid in relations with the Aelrrigan Dathonair. And as such, Avael would soon become a Page and Squire amidst the order, learning of his born magic during his stay, and with the help of the Elders, understanding the responsibility he held.

After he graduated from the Order, Avael would take aim to give aid back home. Admitting himself into the Mistwardens as a method of finding Renegades, while mantaining peace within the lands he would soon acquire.

During the time of the Azure Order's rise, Avael would be within the Evernac to help teach the newly made squires of his order. Though tragedy struck when they topped the castle he trained those under. Left as a survivor from the collapse. Avael would go into hiding, seeking refuge within his homeland as a Warden to keep himself out of the Azure Order's Watch, while still ushering those along the Mage Tunnels when given a chance.

With the collapse of the Azures, and the rise of the new Aelrrigan Order, Avael would take part of the newly reformed Knight Order, never forgetting those he once lost. Indoctrinated officially as a Ward-Knight in recognition for his former duties.

Avael would soon gain the title of Count upon his days spent within the Evernac. Spoken by his family members to urge him to travel to Regalia to take aid in securing peace within the capital, Avael would oblige, heading to the Holy City in haste.
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Couple changes!

- Azrael's name changed to better reflect Sollerians

- Now engaged in Nobility (The App is currently ticketed in, it's just a waiting game for the approval after the changes that were needed)

- Swapped over to Absolution since it's more mainline for Solvaan. Especially with Estellions.

- Switch around of profs with the new update since it looks dope.

All changes done in blue minus the redo of the Life Story!
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Decided to give a switch back to Justice originally due to how the character's progressed and acted.
@BiBiBirdie With the new Silven changes, Azrael is now a direct Silven of Justice, and is deemed as a Half-Teledden Half-Solvaan child. All changes are made in Blue!
Alrighty, couple things to add!

- Switched Azrael to more of a Mage than an ordinary Mundane Meat-head who just happens to have Magic with him, as with the new Magic stuff. Removed some a point from Strength and distributed it to Constitution for this change.

- Replaced Shadow Magic with Fire Magic to better adhere to the Justice Arken's aesthetic.

- Added that Azrael was born an Exist Mage as it makes 10x more sense for him to be due to him being a Silven.

All changes done in Blue minus the backstory part.

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Looks good. Approved.
Hey, so, looking back at this sheet, there is one thing @RainAxe .

We generally do not allow names like 'Azrael' with such close ties to IRL media figures/characters/mythology. I'm going to recommend you change this to something else, or just use Az'raillis.
@ezalB I'd really like not to change the name, as this has been his established name for several months, and was a name under the Breizh Naming Customs before the Ailor-Rework.
We're still going to ask you to change it for now.

I'd suggest just picking out a similar Regal/Breizh name since that seems like it would fit with your character. Perhaps something like Amadeus or Auridian for full Regal, or Allesael(Allest+ael suffix)/Aseiael(Aseia+ael suffix) for a larger Breizh influence if you want to stick with this. I also do not believe that Altalar generally uses 'z' and 'r' in their naming customs, given that they are harsh sounding characters.

In the end, we just do not want characters to have the names of fairly clear biblical angels.
I suppose that switch will work for now, but, it's heavily associated with pop culture, and not that far off from just a corruption of Azrael. I am really going to recommend just choosing a Regal, Breizh, or Altalar name at this point that doesn't follow the word structure of Azrael to a T, but I will mark this sheet approved for now.
Changed and checked it to make sure It wasn't based off of anything specific, hopefully this may work? I did my best to make it as Altalar while somewhat resembling his old name.
@ezalB Updated proficiencies with the Spell Point Buy. All changes done in Blue
Re-approved. Also, I didn't catch that message about the name change, but I like it!
@ezalB Hello hello! I wasn't exactly fond of having Avael being this huge melee powerhouse, so I dropped a point in strength to slap it into Ancient Speech so he can get more involved in progs. Also decided to age Avael up to 200 because I want him to be around during the beginnings of The Azure Order. Changes done in blue!

Edit: with the new proficiency packs out, i decided to instead switch up the packs, and drop 1 in con to make up for the Ancient Speech. Changes are still done in Blue.
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Looks all good. I saw you had updated last night, but figured I would wait for the BigChangeTM.

@ezalB Updated to Teledden Racials, we get one more Spell ability wooo
@ezalB with the new profs and ability reworks, I decided to drop one in magic and get Bastion Pack

Changes are done in Blue!
Something unneeded for a ping, but I've done a redux to his aesthetics on the sheet since he's been having this new blue-phoenix aesthetic for some time and I think it was a good time to finally solidify it.

Edit: Spoke to some folk, we switched it to swords because a set of wings made out of magic blades sounds badass
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@ezalB with the new plugin, it's time to Thranduil larp. Removed Wisdom and added it into Cavalry. Zoom zoom.
@ezalB WOOOO AVAEL CUSTOM KIT, Redid his points to work with this as a test drive, and replaced Pursuer pack with Unyielding. RIP to Judiciary Pack since the avenue I was wanting for it seemed to always grow null.
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@ezalB givin one more notif to see if it gets seen
@BiBiBirdie Replaced Pursuer and Bastion Pack in exchange for two packs that came from the Bruiser and Tanking Point buy. All changes done in Blue!
@BiBiBirdie New changes made to reflect with the new updates to proficiencies, all done in Red
Apologies for the delay, approved! Though you may want to remove your calvary abilities as you have no points invested into them anymore.
@RaggedyGrace I DID IT, AVAEL GOT A FULL blown rework to his story to incorporate a connection with the Mist Wardens. He's also a menace with mage shenangians
@RaggedyGrace due to the Arkenborn's new guidelines, Avael had to return back to ye ol' ways. Story remained the same but proficiencies were swapped back for a final time (i swear)