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Played Character Azraedryl Lothiirn

This character is actively played.


Magic? More Like Mag-ick, am I right, purists.
Sep 6, 2013
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Azraedryl Veani Lothiirn
    • Pseudonyms/Nicknames: Azrael, Eva Von Kettler
  • Heritage: Kathar
    • Culture: Divine Cult Kathar, Heavy (Old) Allorn Empire/Teledden Influence
  • Age: 50
  • Gender: Female
  • Religion: Evolism ( Ravaal & Apotheon Focus )
  • Occult: Yes
    • Corruption Arkenborn
    • Mageborn - Void
  • Character Occupation: Mercenary, Monster/Mage Hunter

Appearance Information:

  • Eye Color: Gold Irises with a Red Limbal Ring

  • Skin Color: Light Medium Grey

  • Hair: Medium Length Bone White

  • Height: 6'0"

  • Body Type: Varied though always appearing idealized.

  • Additional Features:

  • Monstrous Transformation: A visage that's expected of an Allorn battlemage, standing anywhere between 7 and 8 feet tall, skeletal features glimmering through her flesh in a sickly green ordial tint. Engulfed in flames that grow and falter with each cast, often forming shapes resembling extra sets of arms or wings.

  • Deathless Invocation:
    A product of a botched ritual, her existence lingers between worlds, her soul is tied to her ancestral tomb and its contents.
    When Azraedryl would receive a lethal wound, the ritual restarts itself, to everyone around her this would appear to be her limit-breaking as it essentially is. She is forced to desperately stabilize and maintain the ritual until completion.
    Scenario #1: Abject failure - Failing to complete a feat started by a mage far above her both in rank and experience, her body simply bursts into a mixture of voidal and ordial flames, dropping whatever anchoring piece she has on her.
    After a nondescript period of time, her body will fully reform within 2 miles of the nearest anchoring item, assuming no other conditions are met.
    Scenario #2: Inert Corpse - Managing to stabilize but not to properly continue the ritual, her body simply goes limp like it should and lays dormant until regenerating any wounds, her head is separate from her body, she will regenerate from there, if her body is fully destroyed (Misted by an arken or mage) it will regenerate the "hot spot" of all its parts or rough center if spread equally.
    Scenario #2.1: Good intentions - Rather than a different result, this is an alternative condition for the 2nd scenario, when a bystander or mage without sufficient knowledge of the original ritual attempts to treat it like a limit-break ( suppressing any magic being cast ), the ritual partly fails and results in Scenario #2, alternative causes may involve any antimagic, if her body is further magically suppressed, proceed to reanimation or Scenario #1 with the nearest unsuppressed anchoring piece.

  • Scenario #3: Blessed By The Gods - by far the rarest scenario, she manages to fully complete the ritual ( most likely while being actively hacked to pieces ), she simply refuses to die, instead shrugging off any wounds, snapping limbs into place and either reforming or reattaching lost appendages. ( She can however be considered 0HP for CRP reasons, in which case she either gives up, is knocked out or otherwise disabled). The effects of this scenario persist for some time, meaning if she takes lethal damage, she will simply stay alive rather than roll the dice again and risk bursting into flames.

  • List of anchoring objects:

  • 6 Complete Kathar skeletons and accompanying burial dress

  • 5 Rings of various makes and material, she currently possesses 1.
    A simple steel ring inset with 3 soul shards ( her great-grandfather and his 2 acolytes)

  • 1 silver amulet depicting the unionist eye

  • The stonework making up the floors, ceiling and walls of her ancestral tomb (individual pieces not whole structures).
Skill Information:

  • Hobbies and Talents: Magic Talent, Athletic Talent
  • Mechanics:
    • Corruption Arkenborn
    • Kathar Racial
    • Lanlath Racial 4
  • Languages: Katharic, Common, Calem, Altalar, Ibeth, Vasar


  • Born into a kaahl that could be described more as an Allorn than modern day kathar, perhaps attributed to the fact that many of the members were born before the collapse or their lineage as a long line of mages.

  • Though showing talent, during her youth, she was preoccupied with trawling the slums of Rhokaval for a fight, be it in a pit or would be skirmish as a battlemage. She still remains unsure whether this senseless slaughter was out of religious fervor for Apotheon or fear of meeting the same end at the hand of her father like some of the other less promising heirs.

  • Whether out of envy or legitimate fear, she drunkenly stumbles into her father attempting to achieve a ritual, it was over before he knew it, a golden stinger through his heart. However, not fully thinking through whether or not killing a mage actively engaged in a ritual has its consequences, as quick as he died, her body was engulfed by wild uncontrolled magic, barely maintained by circles and inscriptions in a long dead tongue. A blessing from Apotheon, a twisted curse from Ravaal or just dumb luck, she wakes with the feeling of unease and an inability to die.

  • The feeling of unease and strange memories growing, she spends the next decade or so doing what she knows, traveling her ancestral homeland or whatever remains of the Allorn after all these years, trying to understand her existence. Picks up a "minor side hobby" of hunting down whatever beast or mage is menacing the locals, while she claims it's for atonement, it's odd that all of them end up as mummified husks.
    But whatever she once was, is not gone and in its place a collage of parts, more calm and collected than the hot headed battlemage.
Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: 7 | Magic |
Defense Stat: 5 | Magic |
[14/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
  • Strength: 0
    • [Ability Name]
  • Constitution: 0
    • [Ability Name]
  • Intelligence: 0
    • Shapeshift Pack | Magic |
    • Mindcontrol Pack | Magic |
  • Wisdom: 0
    • [Ability Name]
  • Dexterity: 0
    • [Ability Name]
  • Faith: 0
    • [Ability Name]
  • Magic: 14
    • Magic Bolster | Free | Kathar |
    • Magic Summon | Free | Kathar |
    • Magic Bolts
    • Magic Disengage
    • Magic Warp
    • Magic Revenge
    • Magic Revenge
    • Magic Revive
    • Magic Shove
    • Magic Snare
    • Magic Trip
    • Magic Curse
      Monster Invocation
    • Deathless Invocation