Preserved Sheet Azazel, The One Fallen From Grace

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Jun 18, 2019
Reaction score
The Ninth Circle of Hell
Roleplay Guilds
Viridian Order
Character Information
  • Full Name: Azazel (Hatharal Morthana being his birth name)
  • Race: Solvaan Altalar
  • Age: 28
  • Gender: Male
  • Eye Color: Ordial Green
Core Concept
  • Azazel is a Geist tempered by exposure to a resilient Shade, having changed from a meek people-pleaser to a flippant persister. He opposes the machinations of the Void and Exist demons, as well as the Malefica, in any way he can. It is for this reason that he worships The Hunter, the Ordial Entity that defends the living and dead from the Malefica and the Terror.
  • OOCly, his purpose as a character is to be a rival for Void/Exist-aligned characters, Demonologists, and Necromancers.
14/14 Points Spent
  • Strength: 4
    • Blades Pack
    • Large Blades Pack
    • Blunt Pack
    • Axe Pack
  • Constitution: 3
    • Resilience Pack
    • Ironheart Pack
    • Tradeoff Pack
  • Wisdom: 0
  • Dexterity: 3
    • Marking Pack
    • Backup Pack
    • Knocking Pack
  • Magic: 3 (Ordial)
    • Deathly Vanguard Pack
    • Graven Horror Pack
    • Phantasmal Stalwart Pack
  • Charisma: 1
    • Stupid Luck Pack
  • Solvaan Altalar Abilities
    • Weapon Summon
    • Arcane Ranged
    • Area Detection
  • Altalar Specials
    • Ageless
    • Arcane Mastery
    • Magnificent Hands
    • Magnificent Tools
    • Elder Voice
  • Geist Base Kit
    • Weapon Summon (Backsword)
    • Geist Body
    • Death Speech
    • Sight of the Dead
    • Phantom Limb
    • Eidolon Form


Common (Free)
Modern Altalar (Native)
Deathspeech (Geist Base Kit)

Appearance Information
  • Azazel lacks any form of mutation, aside from the white hair and green eyes of Geist Body.
  • Azazel is 5'10, on the shorter side for an Altalar (especially a Solvaan). While without the litheness that many Altalar bear due to his Solvaan heritage, he also lacks their stockiness: he is, in fact, rather gaunt. He has stark white (slightly metallic) hair in a loose, messy arrangement and Ordial Green eyes that shimmer. His skin color is pinkish, but has an unusual pallor to it.
  • Eidolon Form - Azazel's transformation forms a pair of skeletal wings from his back, tipped with hand-sized talons. His skin hardens into a grey, bone-like shell with glowing green veins running through it, hair shifting from a full-white to a jet-black. The clothes he wears change as well, fabric becoming a variety of pelts that all seem held together by some invisible force. His voice becomes modulated and a little deeper, akin to his Elder Voice tone. Lastly, his Geist weapon changes as well: it splits in the center, revealing a verdant core of pure Ordial energy.
Life Story
  • Hatharal Morthana was born in Teled Varren, and was known for not much else than his kind-but-soft personality and the fact that he was descended from a great Altalar hero. Everyone talked about how he would have no trouble building up accomplishments between two lifetimes because of them, though his family berated him for not living up to the name of Morthana. So he lived, striving to find a way to prove who he was to them, once and for all.
  • That opportunity would come, in a way, during the night of a grand party to commemorate the deeds of his ancestor. A family friend (Tannatar Dalynn) was invited, but in an attempt to get rid of the Morthanas they lit the house ablaze. Everyone else evacuated, but as Hatharal followed he witnessed Tannatar ensuring that there would be no evidence. In a blind, bloody rage Hatharal summoned a blade, violently attacking them and chasing them outside. As Tannatar barely had a chance to defend themselves, to everyone else it seemed Hatharal was removing any witnesses - so the fire was blamed upon him as well. As both the burning house and the betrayer's life slowly snuffed out, Hatharal fled into the depths of the woods.
  • He had long since come to his senses, realizing now that he couldn't ever return. Desperation and depression overwhelmed him, though as he wandered for days and reached the brink of death he came across an interesting sight. An old Ordial ruin, crumbled after decades of disuse. "In strange aeons even Death may die…" And so Hatharal entered it, figuring it to be a good place to die if nothing else. What he found there, though, changed his life - a strange blade, radiating echoes of power and promises of renewal. With no real sense of self-preservation, Hatharal laid his hand upon it. It was there that Hatharal died… it was there that Azazel was born.
  • The Shade had retained one key trait throughout millenia in the Bintaar, that being an unbreakable resilience. This tempered the newly-christened Azazel's personality from one weak and fragile to one that was more than willing to bend - but never break. Drawing on his heritage and culture led him to display this as a form of warrior-poet: yet never too serious, as willing to deflect verbal assault with humor as he was strikes with parries. Though he concluded that he didn't need his family's approval to live as he pleased, he still wished to make his ancestor proud. As such, he venerates the Hunter: the protector of natural life and death from undeath and even fear incarnate. Azazel made it his mission to hunt down those who disrupt the natural order: whether they be mere necromancers furthering the Malefica's goals or the very demons that invade the Binral. It was this that took him to Regalia, the hotspot of so much demonic activity.
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You shouldn't name your characters after real life fallen angels or things from modern media. Please try to stick more within the naming customs of the race you play. Equally there's a lot of odd lore discrepancies with this character. Solvaan are from Solleria. I would recommend reading through their cultural page and customs. It's fine for them to be a Geist and more ordial leaning though.

You also should probably veer away from making this character too closely associated with the themes of Dante from Devil May Cry. Characters on massive should be your own unique OCs, we don't accept plagiarism.
You shouldn't name your characters after real life fallen angels or things from modern media. Please try to stick more within the naming customs of the race you play. Equally there's a lot of odd lore discrepancies with this character. Solvaan are from Solleria. I would recommend reading through their cultural page and customs. It's fine for them to be a Geist and more ordial leaning though.

You also should probably veer away from making this character too closely associated with the themes of Dante from Devil May Cry. Characters on massive should be your own unique OCs, we don't accept plagiarism.

Sounds good! I just found the part of the wiki that talks about Solleria, and I was wondering if you thought Erlen would work. The prevalence of Dragon Worship with the Lower-Heere Group and the fear of Kathar migrants could definitely fit as other motivations for Azz to hate demons (along with following the Hunter and the natural aversion from Geisthood).

And when it comes to themes- yeah, I agree. Maybe I could key him more against Necromancers? He hasn't run into many thus far, but I could definitely make that a more principal part of his character.

Also, when it comes to names, do you think just 'Azz' or 'Azzy' would work? I'm trying to figure out how exactly to play someone who moreso fused with the Shade or gave into it, and I think going by another name would be a start. Maybe the Shade itself has a vague memory of its original name, and said name was 'Azzy' in part?

I do need to revamp him, he was an older character idea that I put into flesh here. At this point, I'm more throwing ideas against the wall, so please let me know if any of these seem like good ideas to you!
Sounds good! I just found the part of the wiki that talks about Solleria, and I was wondering if you thought Erlen would work. The prevalence of Dragon Worship with the Lower-Heere Group and the fear of Kathar migrants could definitely fit as other motivations for Azz to hate demons (along with following the Hunter and the natural aversion from Geisthood).

And when it comes to themes- yeah, I agree. Maybe I could key him more against Necromancers? He hasn't run into many thus far, but I could definitely make that a more principal part of his character.

Also, when it comes to names, do you think just 'Azz' or 'Azzy' would work? I'm trying to figure out how exactly to play someone who moreso fused with the Shade or gave into it, and I think going by another name would be a start. Maybe the Shade itself has a vague memory of its original name, and said name was 'Azzy' in part?

I do need to revamp him, he was an older character idea that I put into flesh here. At this point, I'm more throwing ideas against the wall, so please let me know if any of these seem like good ideas to you!
I think you're kind of trying to fit a circle into a square hole here in a kind of way. If you're going to play a Solvaan then you should probably play it with respects to Solvaan lore, the Estellon faith and how the niche of elves on massive are portrayed as a whole. Solvaan are less serious than some other flavors of elf on massive and a bit more loose but they still have a unique cultural identity. Sinnavei is a pretty big part of it as a whole and they're an Exist deity for example. I think you might want to consider playing a Half Solvaan or an Ailor as it offers you a lot more room for writing without having to really think on the reasons why your character is doing x thing that might be in opposition to their racial lore.

If you want reasons to hate demons, the Estellon faith which Solvaan follows actually has a natural hatred for void demons specifically and there's an entire keywatcher cult who wields keyblades and hunts down demons. They're fine with exist demons though to an extent.

Though as far as the name goes, Azzy is kind of a bit too comical and especially so for an altalar. It should probably be something much more elven and unique.

Though to be honest, if you're not completely grounded upon the character being a geist or an active part of an ordial whole. You might find more opportunity for the character just switching over to playing an exist mage or a member of the keywatcher cult who hunts down enemies of the Estellon faith. There's a pretty decent Estellon community for you to get engaged with as well. You could reach out to probably Bahmboozled or FutureTeller to get involved there. They have a lot going on and infact have a raid sometime today.
I think you're kind of trying to fit a circle into a square hole here in a kind of way. If you're going to play a Solvaan then you should probably play it with respects to Solvaan lore, the Estellon faith and how the niche of elves on massive are portrayed as a whole. Solvaan are less serious than some other flavors of elf on massive and a bit more loose but they still have a unique cultural identity. Sinnavei is a pretty big part of it as a whole and they're an Exist deity for example. I think you might want to consider playing a Half Solvaan or an Ailor as it offers you a lot more room for writing without having to really think on the reasons why your character is doing x thing that might be in opposition to their racial lore.

If you want reasons to hate demons, the Estellon faith which Solvaan follows actually has a natural hatred for void demons specifically and there's an entire keywatcher cult who wields keyblades and hunts down demons. They're fine with exist demons though to an extent.

Though as far as the name goes, Azzy is kind of a bit too comical and especially so for an altalar. It should probably be something much more elven and unique.

Though to be honest, if you're not completely grounded upon the character being a geist or an active part of an ordial whole. You might find more opportunity for the character just switching over to playing an exist mage or a member of the keywatcher cult who hunts down enemies of the Estellon faith. There's a pretty decent Estellon community for you to get engaged with as well. You could reach out to probably Bahmboozled or FutureTeller to get involved there. They have a lot going on and infact have a raid sometime today.
Alrighty! Over the course of today I'll try to find a way to reconcile him with the elven niche, and I'll get back to you on it. Thank you!

Alrighty! I've looked through a bunch of things (and its now the weekend so I have more time to work on this), and I think I can fit Azz further into the Solvaan niche via expanding upon his ancestry.

The 'two lifetimes of achievements' part of Solvaan culture was a large reason for picking the race, and I wanted to come at that in a literal sense too: the death of Hatharal and the birth of Azz. Not only has he inherited the deeds of his ancestor, but he has become something new himself.

His notable ancestor - perhaps I should give said ancestor an actual name instead of just referring to them vaguely - may have been involved with fighting the Void, giving him a reason to hate it (and perhaps the Exist too). One of the more scrapped ideas I had early on was for the ancestor to have venerated the Hunter in some form, with Azz's discovery of this shaping who he would be post-fusion.

I dunno, though, what do you think?
Alrighty! I've looked through a bunch of things (and its now the weekend so I have more time to work on this), and I think I can fit Azz further into the Solvaan niche via expanding upon his ancestry.

The 'two lifetimes of achievements' part of Solvaan culture was a large reason for picking the race, and I wanted to come at that in a literal sense too: the death of Hatharal and the birth of Azz. Not only has he inherited the deeds of his ancestor, but he has become something new himself.

His notable ancestor - perhaps I should give said ancestor an actual name instead of just referring to them vaguely - may have been involved with fighting the Void, giving him a reason to hate it (and perhaps the Exist too). One of the more scrapped ideas I had early on was for the ancestor to have venerated the Hunter in some form, with Azz's discovery of this shaping who he would be post-fusion.

I dunno, though, what do you think?
Sorry I ghosted this for so long. Feel free to ping me if so. That's fine, although Solvaan are due an update that might make them maybe focused on fighting monsters that dwell in the mists or something. You'd probably have more fun on the character just sticking with Solvaan lore and benefiting from the update whenever it comes. Although the name Azazael being a demon is still problematic.
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Sorry I ghosted this for so long. Feel free to ping me if so. That's fine, although Solvaan are due an update that might make them maybe focused on fighting monsters that dwell in the mists or something. You'd probably have more fun on the character just sticking with Solvaan lore and benefiting from the update whenever it comes. Although the name Azazael being a demon is still problematic.

Sounds good!- And don't worry about it, I'm sorry I didn't see your response until now.

I'll try and come up with a better name or such over the next little while, thank you!
Sounds good!- And don't worry about it, I'm sorry I didn't see your response until now.

I'll try and come up with a better name or such over the next little while, thank you!
Alright just tag me whenever you're ready. I don't mind if you @me if I forget to respond after like a day.
I'll need to set the app to Rejected due to inactivity. Feel free to resubmit the application whenever you want to or just @Caelamus on the new one. Don't wait around for the Solvaan update.