Preserved Sheet Ayda Cajeil’ose

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Not a Robot
Sep 6, 2015
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Stardew Valley
Ayda Cajeil'ose
Ayda copy.png
Curious, Grumpy, Melon loving Avanthar
Art by @Bellarmina
Basic Information
-Name: Ayéa'thlín Ca'jéil'öse
-Nickname: Ayda Cajeil'ose
-Age: 42
-Gender: Female
-Race: Avanthar

-Main Ambition: Learn about the different cultures and lands of Aloria.

-Secondary Ambitions:
-Find a hobby or something to take up her free time.
-Become literate in Common

-Religion: Faith of Estel with the Old Gods pantheon
-Birthday: August 7th, 263 A.C
-At this point, Ayda has been in Regalia for almost two years. She originally came because she was curious about the city and liked it enough that she decided to stay. The Avanthar currently resides in an apartment in the harbor district and works as a house guard for the Peirgartens.

-Ayda immigrated over to the city from her old home, the Ularenn Hordelands. She was originally born into a tribe of Avanthar that resided on the plains, but has since spent a decent amount of time traveling around the continent of Daen to various villages and settlements. She was raised by her parents, Vüll'cje'éoi' and Cáj'ellö'áëia Ca'jéil'öse'oelló'ne, and her older brother, Llál'ëllo'ne. She also has a few uncles, aunts, cousins, and at least three nieces and nephews that she knows of.
Skill Information
Proficiency Points
Total: 42
Used: 22/42
-+25 Avanthar Axe (+10 from the School of Avant, +10 from Avanthar Racial Proficiency, +5 from Proficiency points)
-+20 Elven Recurve Bow (+10 from the School of Avant, +10 from Avanthar Racial Proficiency)
-+25 Horseback Riding (+10 from the School of Avant, +10 from Avanthar Racial Proficiency, +5 from Proficiency points)

Culture Proficiencies
-+2 Ship Sailing (+2 from Culture Points)
-+3 Dancing (+3 from Culture Points)


-Modern Elven: 10/10
-Native Language
-Common: 6/10
-Learned from traveling/Being in Regalia

Visual Information

-Eye Color: Light Blue
-Hair Color: Dark Auburn
-Hair Style: Mohawk
-Skin Color: Tan
-Clothing: Loose, layered, tribal themed shirts, pants, and a sash
-Height: 6'5"
-Body Build: Ripped
-Weapon of Choice:

-Dual Avanthar Axes
-Elven Recurve Bow

Ayda's face is a round shape with a strong jawline. Her eyes are an almond shape placed under an average pair of eyebrows with a single crescent shaped tattoo under her right eye. In between her eyes is her nose, which is a medium size with a slight inward curve. Under her nose is a thin mouth that is often pursued in thought or pulled into a frown. Finally, Ayda has two pointy ears that stick out nearly horizontal from the sides of her head. Both of these are thankful still in one piece and the right one has a single bronze earring through the top.

Standing at 6'5" with ripped body build, Ayda is on the average side for her race. Her body has a slight triangle shape, with her arms and shoulders having a bit more bulk than the rest of her because of her fighting style. Otherwise, there are only a few slight curves on the Avanthars body and almost no extra fat, but a decent amount of muscle. Her skin still retains its tan color from all of the time she spends outside and is covered in scars from previous accidents and fights. The only tattoo on her body is a sleeve tattoo covering most of her right arm in various tribal patterns.

Ayda's voice is on the lower side and has a rough, yet energetic tone to it. She has a slight Elven accent and tends to speak like someone without a formal education, seeing as she tends to simplify words, especially when speaking Common. It is also common for her to describe things she is referring to instead of saying what they are or stutter when she speaks this language, seeing as she still does not fully grasp how to speak it.

Personality and Abilities

As Perceived by Others- Ayda can seem like a bundle of fiery energy when people meet her for the first time. She seems to enjoy chatting with people, often asking them about themselves and generally trying to get to know them. The Avanthar appears to have a knack for noticing things that stick out, weather it be a person, commotion, a new thing. She often goes up and asks people about these, showing some good natured curiosity. Not all interactions with Ayda are positive, though, as the Avanthar has a short fuse that can be easily set off. Anything from a major insult to a minor annoyance can aggravate her, often causing Ayda to snap. This, combined with her stubborn and brash nature can make her a difficult person to deal with at times.

On the Inside- Even though she tries to carry herself with confidence, Ayda feels very insecure about herself. Her insecurities come from her struggles to learn new things, understand references and metaphors, and general mental slowness. The Avanthar tends to lash out at people when they comment on her slowness, often snapping and trying to get them to drop the subject. Her struggles have not been without their benefits, though, as they have caused her to develop a strong will and determination to never give up. She will try her hardest to achieve her goals, even if she runs into some obstacles along the way. She will never do something if her life is possibly endangered or if there is a significant amount of bugs involved, though, since Ayda has a fear of death and anything creepy crawly. Current events have also given Ayda a fear of entrapment and anything to do with whips.

To Family and Friends- When around family and friends, Ayda tends to show a more caring, compassionate side. The Avanthar often goes out of her way to help and protect them, sometimes even going as far as to defend them from getting attacked. She also tends to open up to her friends, often talking to them about things that are on her mind or just sitting and listening to them talk about their lives. Even her closest friends are not immune to her temper, though, as Ayda will still snap at them if they annoy or worry her. The Avanthar would act the same way around her family as her friends, yelling at them when they annoy her but generally caring for them.

Morality- Morality wise, Ayda sits somewhere around Neutral Good. She generally tries to follow laws and leans towards the side of good, but at the same time she has few qualms about breaking some law or another if there is a good reason. The Avanthar will go out of her way to help someone if she knows them and generally tries to not be cruel to people at first. Ayda could not be considered perfectly good, though, since her temper and prejudices against certain races often affect her actions.

Worldview- Religion is something that is fairly important to Ayda. She still follows the Avanthar denomination of the Faith of Estel, mostly because it is what she knows and is the most comfortable with. She likes the idea of having something to follow, not to mention it reminds her of her home and family. Politics wise, Ayda would be considered a Centrist, seeing as she agrees with both conservative and liberal ideas, but at the same time is not drawn to either side. This very rarely comes up, though, seeing as she generally tries to stay out of politics.

-At Random: Foot tapping or some other form of fidgeting
-When Thinking: Running a hand through her hair and sticking the tip of her tongue out of her mouth
-When Stressed: Running a hand through her hair or excessive foot tapping.

-Horseback Riding
-Basic Sailing Skills

-Color: Orange
-Food: Watermelon
-Drink: Juice
-Animal: Horses or cats
-Race: Cielothar
-Place: The Park

Least Favorite:
-Color: Pink
-Food: Oranges
-Drink: Anything alcoholic or tea.
-Animal: Spiders
-Race: Orcs, Shendar, or Wolathar
-Place: The underground parts of the slums or anywhere cold
Loved/ Family
-Vull'cje'eoi' and Caj'ello'áeia Ca'jeil'ose'oello'ne (@NPC)-Parental Units
-Llal'ello'ne Ca'jeil'ose'oello'ne (@NPC)-Missed Older Brother

-Shane Marth (@DolittleGuy)- Doctor Friend
-Inkeri Arud (@JennaLikesCoffee)- Skagger Buddie
-Vedrfolnir Berdalfs (@A_r_e_s) Other Skagger friend that she still likes even though he threw a chair at her
-Kiirion Fellmirr (@Tracenator1)- Smol Cielothar friend
-Keanu Hath (@Owiver_ )- Best friend
-Nevakko Talafi(@Tracenator1 )- Ularenn Pröta'll and fellow Avant who helps her train.
-Roesia Alaira(@Lutsu )-Ailor buddy who Ayda enjoys talking to.
-Seraphina Eroth(@Walnoodle )- Avant buddy

Neutral / Acquaintances
-Fawzi (@RightChat)- Cat
-Noelle El something (@MCMANN32)- Other cat that she's trying to get along with
-Alexander Stoneheart (@TheMoistestMan)- Annoying recruit
-Darcie Wodenstaff(@Walnoodle )-Ex-Ranger Ayda does not believe about hating bacon.
-Alexander Donsly (@TheMoistestMan )- Arrogant and distrusted co-worked that Ayda is trying to get along with.

-Abagail Tucker (@TheDongler)- Ithanian Acquantice

-Garth Viduggla(@BeashSlap)- Distrusted and disliked nobel.
Life Story

Ayda as a small child
Childhood (Birth-11)
-Ayé'ssöi'thl'lín'äola Ca'jéil'öse'oelló'ne was born on August 7th, 263 A.C into a small tribe of Avanthar who resided in the Ularenn Hordelands.

-Her childhood was mostly spent preparing for her future as a warrior, including being taught how to ride horseback and some basic survival skills. It was during this time that she grew close to her brother and started to show some curiosity, often asking questions about things in her tribe.

-At the age of 10, Ayéa'thlín started her formal training in the school of Avant. Her training went slowly, the Avant always a few steps behind her peers because she was slow to grasp most concepts and as a result often struggled.
Teen Years (14-18)

-Around the time she turned 16, her tribe briefly left the Ularenn Hordelands and ventured into Daendroc. Seeing the different forests and towns spiked the Avanthars curiosity and she began to wonder about the different places they visited.

-She approached her tribe's elders with her questions, which they welcomed at first. But after a while, they began to tire of her excessive inquiries

-The elders decided to let her go out on scavenging missions, hoping that would stave her curiosity. It didn't, since seeing all the old ruins only caused the young Avanthar to come back with even more questions.

Tribe Life / Travels (20-39)
-At age 24, Ayéa'thlin was deemed proficient in the School of Avant, being able to hold her own in combat. Her tribe now considered her an adult and she was allowed to partake in Orc raids and trading with the Cielothar.

-After reaching that milestone, the Avanthar's life became a steady stream of raids, trading, and scavenging. She also continued to train, achieving the level of warrior in the school of Ularenn in her 30th year.

-When she was 31, the Ranger Crisis broke out. Ayéa'thlín tribe took part in it, mostly fighting against the Orcs.

-While she survived, her brother was killed during one of the battles by an Orc Berserker.

-Ayéa'thlín was heavily affected by the loss of her brother. The normally outgoing Avant retreated into herself and became much more hostile, often getting into fights and generally grieving for her brother.

-The hostility eventually faded, but she still remained distant from her tribe. So much so that Ayéa'thlín would venture off on her own, often going to nearby Cielothar villages or just riding through the plains by herself.

-After hearing multiple stories from Cielothar and the occasional traveler that she ran into during her solo expeditions about the outside world, Ayéa'thlín curiosity peaked once again.

-She decided that she wanted to go experience the outside world for herself. So at age 35 she packed up and set off to travel Daen.

-Her travels mostly kept her in Hyarroc and Daendroc, interacting with Cielothar villages and other settlements she stumbled across. It was during this time that she received the nickname of "Ayda" and also learned a bit of Common from other travelers she met along the way.

-After a while, Ayéa'thlin, now mostly known as Ayda, heard about the city of Regalia. Her curiosity got the better of her again, so she decided to move to the city, where she still resides today.
Regalia Shenanigans (40-)
304 A.C​
-Arrived in the city.

-Mostly did odd jobs to support herself while getting into the occasional sewer fight.

-Was hired by the Laveer Company as a deckhand in November.

-The Dark Queen Freya Lo takes over the city a few days after Ayda joins Laveer. She mostly kept her head down during the crisis, only taking action during the loyalist assault to take back the city.

-She played a minor part in the assault; only distracting deathling guards by taunting them and leading them on a wild goose chase through the ruins of the old poor district.

305 A.C

-Was briefly infected with the Dulo Disease

-Resigned from the Laveer company in August and became a house guard for the Wodenstaffs.

-Later joined the Safeguard Rangers and the Regalian Boxing Organization.

-Was arrested during faith program, being whipped and generally mistreated while imprisoned.

-Returned to Hordelands to recover shortly after being released.

306 A.C

-Returned to the city a few months later and got caught up in Dragon Crisis.

-Became a houseguard for the Perigartens after the Rangers were disbanded and the Wodenstaffs left the city.

-Joined the reformed Regalian Safeguard Society.
Last edited:
-11/12/17: Posted
-Added to the second paragraph
-Added to life story
-Changed hairstyle
-Added new art
-Edited Relationships
-Edited expansions
-Put Regalia shenagigans in a spoiler since it was getting big​
-Updated to new format
-Edited life story to reflect this​
-General grammar edits all over
-Changed full name to something shorter
-Edited Main Ambition​
AydaArt2.png AydaArt3.png AydaArt4.png AydaArtt1.jpg
By @Betterer, @WildRoze , @Samfari, and @sparrowstew
Ayda in 304 A.C
chib.png CyberMoo's char ref.png PicsArt_06-23-10.16.01.jpg maybe1.png
By @Bellarmina, @Annju, @svnflower, and @uo00x
Ayda in 305 A.C
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  • Minor edit here, though in the fifth paragraph it says Estle when it should be Estel.

That's all I could really find. Please make the above edit in a different colour and tag me once you're done!
Updated the app to reflect current events, all changes made in this lovely shade of reddish pink
Review time!
  • I see nothing wrong with this application, Approved!
Updated to new format, also changed some things in the life story in this color to reflect this and changed her main ambition
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