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Played Character Avril Morselli

This character is actively played.


Jul 25, 2023
Reaction score
Right behind you
Roleplay Guilds
Regalian's Rogues, Crookback Clinic


Birth name: Celestine Amnon
Wild name: Weeping Lily Bell
Race/Culture: Ferlon Yanar
Age: One hundred fifty-nine
Gender/Pronouns: Female, She/Her
Occult: Mageborn (Exist Aligned)

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I am full of tears and hunger and the fear of death, although I cannot weep, and I want nothing, and I cannot die.
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Character Concept/No spoilers backstory summary
The last person you would imagine when asked to think of a yanar. Born in the outskirts of Rosendale to two unionist yanar parents, a rare combination indeed, Avril belives she has good reason to not consider herself properly yanar, and more so idolises the ideal of being Ailor. While bound by her physical traits and the makeup of her heritage, wildbirths brought on by delusional fits, and her dreamrealm seeking to hide her away, Avril believes she would be better suited as an ailor. This rejection of herself, as well as the further conflicts made from her religious background, and being born an exist mage made for a rather unstable young woman, haunted further by the events time would bring. Although a wretched and unstable mess upon arriving in Regalia to hunt down one of her escaped creations, Avril has eventually been brought back to a more docile and humane state. Now, whether or not this skittish and shy woman is truly Avril Morselli is left uncertain.

Avril was born Celestine Amnon, her family having joined an Ailor family in an attempt at "civilising" them. Something was wrong with Avril upon birth, but it wasn't her status as a mage born. In a simple course of nature, Avril could be noted of displaying the characteristics of several mental disorders, which were left completely unaddressed by her parents. With her behaviour and mannerisms dismissed as a side effect of being mage born, Avril would spiral in time, resulting in a development of multiple comorbid disorders. Due to both a genetic and environmental factor, Avril exhibits many behaviours and thoughts associated with clinical depression, which she has yet to acknowledge or understand. Treating her own disturbed thoughts as something normal, experienced by everyone. She is left under the assumption that everyone has the same problems she does, but to a lesser extent, they are simply better at handling it. This belief infuriates her, but she refuses to accept reality as well.
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Appearance Information
Once incredibly tall and lanky, hiding her status as a Yanar out of internalised shame and prejudice, after returning from death, Avril has grown a newfound appreciation for her existence as a Yanar. Even if she still believes Ailor bodies to be superior, she had found that being Yanar has its own perks. Having lost a bit of her imposing height, though still quite tall and clearly physically weak. She has thin legs and arms, which she keeps consistently covered by long-sleeved clothing and longer dresses and skirts, however she is growing more comfortable showing skin. Avril still leans towards darker colours thanks to her desire to remain warm, however her appreciation for pastels and more colourful clothing does shine through now and again.
Avril's death also brought forth a weakened ability to hide her Yanar appearance, though she still has her dark seaweed hair, chopped into a short, curly bob. Honeysuckle now peaks through. A large burn scar covers Avril's face, damaging an eye to the point of functional blindness as well as giving it a form of amblyopia. Upon closer inspection, one might note that the scarring isn't quite normal, skin shifting and changing texture and colour oh so slowly. Being incredibly self-conscious of the scarring, Avril tries to cover what she can of it, ashamed enough of her body as is. Avril's ribs are still visible when she contorts to what might be considered an unhealthy degree, Once this was due to her unique condition after her time in Genevaud, holding an overall uncanny appearance, especially when smiling. However, after her death, Avril proportioned into a healthier shape, more fat on her stomach, waist, and bosom, though she is still rail thin and rather flat. Lacking complete body consciousness, Avril's slightly warped expressions and tone give her an unnerving look at times, appearing rather dolllike, matched by large eyes and highly expressive ears.

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Quick Info for RP purposes:
Height: 6'10" ft in heels, 6'6" ft without
Weight: 145 lbs (disturbingly so)
Presentation: Feminine
Voice: Slight accent with slurred I's and A's as well as heavy influx with apical alveolar lateral vocalisations.
Sexuality: Demiromantic, bi, polyamorous (She doesn't know)

✧ Appears as a woman in her mid-thirties.
✧ Her hair is an odd combination of weeping willow leaves and Lily Of the Valley blooms
✧ Her hair is cut into a short curly bob of seaweed
✧ Eyes appear almost like obsidian glass, very dark.
✧ Cosmetically sharpened teeth
✧ Darker makeup
✧ Slightly larger than average mouth
✧ Long and thin neck
✧ Always looks somewhat exhausted
✧ A mysterious scar on the right side of her face, with unclear origins. The scar tissue shifts and rearranges overnight. One's best guess could be a burn scar.
✧ Avril's right eye, within the scar tissue, is droopy and unresponsive, pointing to signs of amblyopia
Current Visual References

Art by me!

Art by the lovely Spectriel

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᯽ Attack Stat: 17 (Magic)
᯽ Defence Stat: 15 (Magic)

Strength: 0/7
✧ "I'm too old to be lifting heavy things."

Constitution: 0/7
✧ "Just look at me. I'm not fit for indurance,"

Intelligence: 0/7
"I can't think in these conditions!"

Wisdom: 0/7
✧ Chem
✧ Technique Parry (freepack)
How terrified must she be.

Dexterity: 0/7
✧ "I can run around in heels, that's about it."

Magic: 14/14 (True Mage)
✧ Magic Bolts (1/14)
Best to keep well out of the way of combat, fragile thing

✧ Magic Curse (2/14)
Leeching into flesh and bone, staining their bodies with rot

✧ Magic Bolster (3/14)
Embracing ones flaws can be empowering

✧ Magic Warp (4/11)
To flee from battle, or rush into harms way

✧ Magic Revenge (5/14)
One must always have the last word

✧ Magic Shove (6/14)
Best keep your distance

✧ Magic Snare (7/14)
One can be bound by more than than ropes and chains

✧ Magic Cleanse (8/14)
Take a deep breath, dear

✧ Magic Revive (9/14)
Rise, if you would... For that is our curse

✧ Magic Reduce (10/14)
Game recognise game

✧ Magic Trip (11/14)
Just as pitiful as she

✧ Magic Disengage (freepack)
Run little coward

Adapt: Magic Variant
✧ Wardobe (12/14)
If it's good for one thing...

Deathless Invocation (13/14)
What have we here?

✧ Monster Invocation (14/14)
. . .​

Faith: 0/7
✧ "They have all abandoned me,"
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Heritage Mechanics
᯽ Yanar can regrow or re-attach lost limbs over the span of 24 hours after they were lost, they cannot become Undead unless an Ordial Entity intervenes.
᯽ Yanar can become Marken/Urlan, but if so, the fur is replaced with plant-fibers/leaves/roots/flowers.
᯽ Yanar can manifest a dream realm where anyone who sleeps in their Region/Base/Estate can travel to.
᯽ Yanar can speak to plants and trees, and even encourage them to grow faster or hide, or change their appearance.
᯽ Yanar can even create new plants altogether in their own Region/Base/Estate, complete with fruits and flowers.
Invoke: Death Isldar can Transform into the Bone Horror Shift, a hulking monster made of bones and rotting flesh, which counts as a Disguise but is obviously a Death Isldar, and a Monstrous Transformation.
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✧ Native
Modern Altalar
✧ Fluent
Silmaan (Scratch n' Sniff)
✧ Native
᯽ Sign
✧ Partially fluent
✧ Native
✧ Novice (Actively learning)

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Friendship: ✦✦✦✦✦ []
Familial: ✿✿✿✿✿ []
Romantic: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ []

Neutral Positive: ●●●●● []
Neutral Negative: ●●●●● []
᯽ Enemy: ◆◆◆◆◆ []
᯽ ???: ▣▣▣▣▣ []
✧Zaidu-Played by Broskiis
[✦✦✦✦✿] "You're very strong willed."
⚝ Avril views Zaidu as a fucked up pet raccoon... (Her son)
⚝ She takes very good care of her pets (children).
✧Flora-Played by CoolHumanTempast

[✦✦✦✦✦] "We should talk more."
⚝ An employer/business partner, Avril is a key branch of Flora's business
⚝ A fellow mom, Avril appreciates her wits and strengths.
✧Ivenn-Played by isthatanEcho

[✦✦✿✿] "I don't see you often. I miss you dearly."
⚝ A strange little creature, Avril was attacked by him twice, and believed him to be feral, however after witnessing his vulnerabilities she developed a sense of care for him.
⚝ Ultimately, she sees Ivenn as a young boy, and her student.
⚝ Nicknamed: Oceloxochitl
✧Sihn-Xanthos-Played by Broskiis

[✦✦✿✿] "Please do not look at me."
⚝ He did the impossible managing to convince Avril to chill the hell out
⚝ Gave her antidepressants, which have been doing her well. But he also looked a bit too far into her life... don't mention dead spouses.
⚝ Grandpa :]
Ana- Played by Soggytonails

[✦✦✦✦✦] "I have told this to no one else."
⚝ Viewing Ana as a strong, confident, if stubborn, woman, Avril wishes to be friends with her
⚝ Due to Ana's status as a Crookbacker and someone involved with the Hostel, there is a sense of kinsmanship.
⚝ Nicknamed: chimalxochitl
Vivorian- Played by chalkedxprince
[✦✦✦✦] "Keep your demon in check, please."
⚝ Vio is a charming and clever person, as well as an inspiring mage, Avril was quick to grow fond of him
⚝ His desire to help the clinic and become a nurse was another point of connection, even if their morals don't aways agree
⚝ Nicknamed: Vio
Althea-Played by Ilyrana
[✦✦✦✦✦] "I trust you've been well."
⚝ There is a benevolent envy within Avril's heart for Althea
⚝ Avril finds Althea to be a wonderful person, and would happily assist her at a moments notice.
James Waters-Played by Jono_98
[✦✦✦✦✦] "Be kinder to yourself."
⚝ A friend of Althea and Lieven, hearing about what happened to James' wife earned Avril's sympathy and compassion right away.
⚝ Even if she is hesitant about James being a knight squire, Avril is still fairly open with him.
⚝ Avril also adores Jame's infant daughter. Who can resist a cute bebe?
Aster-Played by TheWizarddd
[✦✦✦✦✿] "Can I do anything to help?"
⚝ A fellow physician. Avril can easily bond with fellow doctors.
⚝ Their allyship over the mistreatment of mages and marken is new, but strong
✧Ryleth-Played by Kofu
[♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥] "Thank you for staying by my side,"
⚝ More desperate for approval and comfort than ever, Avril is constantly battling with her urge to run from or surrender to Ryleth's embrace.
⚝ Recently engaged.
⚝ Nicknamed: Dark-ling, love, my sea.
✧Variaan-Played by Francisparadis

[♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ] "Your cheek is cold."
⚝ Though Variaan refers to her as his wife already, Avril wishes for a proper ceremony
⚝ There is something to be said for those who will protect her.
⚝Nicknamed: Cepayahuitl (snow), my stars, Love.
✧Ziteng-Played by DMW_Rhenki
[✿✿✿✿✿] "Have you been sleeping well?"
⚝Surrogate daughter figure, projects Nakia onto her
⚝ Nicknamed: Little flower, my flower, bloom, sprout
✧Lady Vee-Played by DMW_Rhenki

[✿✿✿✿✿] "Don't look for trouble, dear."
⚝ Surrogate daughter figure, projects Aria onto her due to not understanding her as well as Ziteng, and thus projecting a person who never developed a personality onto her.
⚝ Nicknamed: Little flower, my flower, bloom, sprout
✧Viteng-Played by DMW_Rhenki

[✿✿✿✿✿] "You worry me."
⚝ Surrogate daughter figure, unable to really project either of her birth daughters onto Viteng due to how level headed she is.
⚝ Nicknamed: Little flower, my flower, bloom, sprout
✧The Prism-Played by Faunfire

[✿✿✿✿▣] "Try new things. I promise no one will hurt you."
⚝ Da Baby
⚝ Reminds her so much of Nakia it physically hurts.
⚝ Nicknamed: Tonaka (Shining in Natl), Gem.
✧Blair-Played by Dellarosa (Burmice/Dellarosa)
[✿✿✿✦▣] "Please write."
⚝ Though not her own child, Avril attached herself to the spirited young marken right away.
⚝ The guilt she feels over Blair's chaining is immense.
⚝ Nicknamed: Tzicuēhuallotl
✧Rowi-Played by RandomlyXD

[✿✿✿✦✦] "It's not your fault. These things happen."
⚝ Rowi's quick connection to Avril had her bonded to him right away
⚝ He called her mom, and it was all over
⚝ Nicknamed: Cacáhuatl
✧Quinn-Played by Akusazero

[●●●✿] "Return to the dinner- or whatever it's called."
⚝He is a child. She will not feud with a child.
⚝ His association with Temple helps her positive leaning towards him, despite his hatred of her.
⚝ Nicknamed: The child
Nikta-Played by Speedl0rd
[●●●●●] "You're a bit better than him, but know that's not a high bar."
⚝ To say the beginning of their relationship was fucked would be an understatement. Yet, somehow, they managed to find some common ground
⚝ Mutual hatred for Temple
⚝ Nicknamed: Nikki
Hunter-Played by Sniperby2024
[●●✦✦✦] "I implore you to rest."
⚝ Finding Hunter to be an honest, if brash and violent person, Avril quite likes him.
⚝ She is scared of the rat
Lieven Gwentyr-Played by Trackedpilled

[✦✦] "You're confusing."
⚝ She finds him funny and appreciates his willingness to be vulnerable with her
⚝ Some things are best never said. If it is left up to her, he will never know
⚝ He is a constant reminder that she will never fit in
Nora Waters-Played by MightyElf90
[●●●●✦] "It's quite alright. I'll explain it to you."
⚝ An employee at Avril's shop, the Pahmictia
⚝ Due to Nora's connection to James and Althea, she enjoys the girl's presence
✧Myka-Played by Drahydra

[●●●] "I'm sure you can agree."
⚝ It's been a long time. Too much has happened. She feels nothing now.
⚝ With a bit of talk, maybe they are more similar than she would have admitted back then.
⚝ With Ryleth's encouragement, she's making an attempt.
Henry Windrocker-Played by Faunfire

[●●●●] "I can't keep doing this, Henry."
Newly acquired son. Adoption papers have yet to go through.
⚝ He's pushed her past her limit for such things. Avril has too much to lose now.
⚝ Despite it all, she still wants to protect him.
✧Yoel-Played by xx_oliveronly_xx

[●●●●] "Stop asking."
⚝Poisoned her on accident (maybe).
⚝ Used to lean positive towards him due to him, as he reminded her of Juin.
⚝ Still somewhat empathises with him, in a projecting sort of way.
⚝ Nicknamed: Rat, quack (Both insulting)
✧Tenfold-Played by Akusazero

[●●✦] "You wouldn't accept an apology anyway."
⚝His association with Cetas annoys her, as well as his frequent attacks on her.
⚝ Was conscious for most of Cetas and Tenfold's relationship, she dislikes third wheeling
⚝ Nicknamed: Baron (Insulting), Eric (Not a nickname, but uses it as one in reference to Cetas wishing to be close with Tenfold before their death)
✧Xavier-Played by Gambit29

[●●] "I'll do it for her. Not you. Her."
⚝ Sees him as essentially Ryleth's slightly more sentient than average pet, and she says as much.
⚝Don't lock people in your basement, don't mention dead spouses.
⚝ Nicknamed: Chevon (Insulting)
✧Gorm-played by itstimetotalk
[●●✦✦✦] "You should put chocolate in your chili."
⚝ Despite her general uneasiness around vampires, Gorm gets a surprising amount of trust from Avril.
⚝ He's proven himself to be an honourable person to the yanar
⚝ Nicknamed: "Guardian angel" (sarcastically)
✧Medea Ruya-Played by MasqueOfMelody

[●●] "I know."
⚝ Former fiancée
⚝ Views Medea as having essentially ruined her plans of immortality, however with hindsight, she now feels emense guilt over how she treated the blind ordvaanb
⚝ Nicknamed: n/a
✧Alton Rideford-Played by Akusazero

[●◆] "There is something deeply wrong with you."
⚝Fundamentally disliking knights, Avril hates Alton for a number of reasons, but him being a knight is a main one
⚝ Has killed her multiple times.
⚝ Nicknamed: Knight (Insulting) Parasite (Insulting)
✧Temple-Played by Speedl0rd

[◆◆◆◆◆] "Stay away from me."
⚝ To say that the relationship fucked with her would be an understatement.
⚝ Eerily similar to a certain dead bloodcast
⚝ Nicknamed: Nikki
✧Adagio-Played by Vulnyacura

[◆◆◆◆] "You're insufferable and I hope you trip. Preferably off a building, but stairs would suffice."
⚝ No matter how familiar, Avril views him as a vile and repulsive person.
⚝ Having Blair under his chains has turned Avril's every ire onto him.
⚝ Some mercy is still given to Adagio, despite her hatred towards him, Lieven has won him pity
⚝ Nicknamed: Carrot top
✧Uriel-Played by Broskiis

[◆◆●♥♥] "It hurt..."
⚝He's actually rather sweet once you speak with him for a bit.
⚝She finds him to be quite charming if you can get past his cocky attitude... maybe a little too charming.

⚝ "I don't understand."
⚝Nicknamed: Ghost
✧Erwin-Played by Beetrootsalad

[◆◆◆◆●] "If only we were both so lucky!"
⚝ A lothar like any other, though she feels an aching pity for him
⚝ Ryleth's desire to befriend him is his only grace.
⚝ Nicknamed: Blondie
✧Cetas-Played by MasqueOfMelody

[●✿▣▣] "I really am sorry..."
⚝ A twisted combination of viewing them as both her child, and seeing Juin in them. The existence of Lamiya (Faux) doesn't help.
⚝ More of their relationship will be revealed in RP
⚝ Nicknamed: Lamiya (???), The golem (Old), My arkenborn (Insulting and endearing)
✧Yeva-Played by Akusazero
[▣▣▣▣✿] "I think you're a good person."
⚝Can't help but see Juin and Nakia in him.
⚝ Is actually somewhat soft on Yeva due to his attempt at empathising with her, but views him largely as a child in need of guidance, despite him being older than her.
⚝ Nicknamed: Refers to him as "Boa" in private as an endearment, referencing his serpent epithet, Priest (Insulting)
✧Juin-Played by MasqueOfMelody
[▣▣▣▣♥] "It's easier to see now."
⚝ A recently returned spouse. Avril is too attached, and too conditioned, to see the flaws of her darling Juin.
⚝ Till death do us part. Still married.
⚝ Nicknamed: Love.
✧Khenari-Played by Cipherition

[●●●✦] "Why thank you!"
⚝ A charming aelriggan squire, she views them as an honourable and thoughtful person
⚝ She's honoured that they feel comfortable around her

⚝ Autism meets autism
✧Asmita-played by Futureteller

[●●●] "I thought you were simply wishing to appear docile to me."
⚝ Although she can admire pragmatism, Asmita feels too cold
⚝ No doubt a back will be stabbed, or maybe lightly poked
✧Pyra-played by Mightyelf90

[●●●] "Please believe me."
⚝ As much as Avril respects Pyra, she knows better than to trust archon, much less nobility.
⚝ They can be cordial, but Avril has been close to snapping on a few occasions
✧Annabelle-played by Andluc1

[●●●✦] "Mundane healing isn't going anywhere."
⚝ A fellow doctor!
⚝ Annabelle's quickness to question, shame, or devalue magic makes her uneasy.
✧Amelie-played by Andluc1

[●●●] "There's nothing evil about it."
⚝ Witnessing Amelie summon a wyvern brought something new to Avril's eye.
⚝ Avril thinks of her as a very strong, competent, and funny woman.
✧Bancroft-played by igutthemidastouch
[●●●●] "Please do not grant me forgivness."
⚝ There is a key sense of guilt, but convicition, that drives Avril when it comes to Bancroft.
⚝ She cares enough about herself now to know better than to take a curse lying down
✧Anicetus-played by Snapped_Fingers
[✿✿✿✿] "You're a person."
⚝ Perhaps it is Avril's previous failures and regrets which draw her to show so much affection towards the chimera
⚝ There is little she would not do for "Ani" which may worrisome
She quite desperately projects her desceased daughter, Aria, onto the chimera.
⚝ Nicknamed: Ani, Blossom
✧Amadea-played by Canaaa
[] "Your company is a blessing."
⚝ After Amadea's kidnapping and with Lieven's words, Avril has gone to blame herself in whole for the event
⚝ Amadea is one of the few devout who respects and adjusts for Avril's visible discomfort with all means of religion. It's a rare thing.
Her love of Amadea as a friend encourages her to put her affections for Lieven aside and champion for the priestess and scoundrel to be together.
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Plot Hooks/Avril's life timeline
WARNING: Spoiler heavy
᯽152 AC to 164 AC
✧ Born as Celestine Amnon
✧ Forced to wild birth immediately upon being found to be mageborn
᯽164 AC to 179 AC
✧ Made disillusioned by the Regalian empire thanks to the duel deaths of Emperor Henri III and Lilienmar II
᯽179 AC
✧ Meets Sera Juin Morselli for the first time, and joins the Skagger wars as a war surgeon.
᯽183 Ac to 185 AC
✧ Juin and Celestine are married, and Avril takes on her new name and surname as a declaration of leaving her family.
᯽185 AC to 214 AC
✧ Avril is widowed and returns to Rosendale
᯽214 AC
✧ Makes a deal with an ailor friend of hers to have a baby in Juin's memory
᯽215 AC
✧ Nakia Juin Morselli is born as a half yanar half ailor
᯽219 AC
✧ Nakia and Avril are publicly revealed to be practising mageborn by Nakia's father in an attempt to protect them. Avril physically attacks him for this, and the local a local bloodcast knight of the Penn Craig chapter offer to dismiss her charges if she joins their chapter. Avril refuses, and accidentally kills her former friend in the ensuing skirmish, before fleeing.
᯽220 AC to 224 AC
✧ After being on the run for a year, Avril joins a caravan moving across Vixhall, becoming a singer and hostess as a means to earn money.
᯽224 AC
✧ Avril gives birth to Aria at the Vixhall border, and ends up forcing the caravan to leave early due to the stress of the birth, encouraging a fight with a travelling group of Blackmark and Villiers
✧ The caravan moves into Genevaud
✧ Coqueluche begins to spread across the caravan as they enter the alps
᯽225 AC
✧ Nakia catches coqueluche
✧ Avril separates Aria and Nakia, placing Aria under the care of an ailor woman in the caravan while she cares for Nakia
✧ Nakia sneaks in to see Aria, and gives her coqueluche.
✧ Aria begins exhibiting symptoms of coqueluche, and Avril finally speaks with a doctor
✧ Ailor supremacy established
✧ Aria loses consciousness and Avril attempts to use magic to heal her, as well as help with her other responsibilities in the caravan.
✧ Avril gets into a fight with the caravan leader, which escalates into her accidentally killing him.
✧ Avril, Aria, and Nakia are chased into the alps.
✧ Avril picks Nakia over Aria, and is implied to have used Soulsave on the infant.
✧ Nakia succumbs to hypothermia
✧ A search party of Blackmark are sent out by the caravan, Avril kills three, with the rest of the group returning.
✧ The local legend of The Witch of the Alps is born
᯽226 AC to 267 AC
✧ Avril roams the Alps as the witch in a dissociative episode prolonged by being half way stuck in her Dreamrealm
᯽267 to 300 AC
✧ Avril rediscovers Aria's body, and exits her Dreamrealm.

✧ Leaving Genevaud, Avril travels from Lorhaus to Tirgunn.
✧ Avril is taught how to shoot and hunt in Tirgunn, as well as developing a finalised hatred for knights
✧ Anti-imperialist radicalisation
᯽300 AC
✧ Receiving a call home by her mother, Avril returns to Rosendale, meeting her infant step-brother, a child of Caan.
✧ Avril unknowingly converses with the happiness arken, who gives her the idea to craft Cetas using her younger brother's soul
✧ Meeting Medea, Avril exploits her social isolation to convince her to marry her, planning to use her as a caretaker for her original body
᯽310 AC
✧ Medea and Avril are engaged

✧ Avril completes Cetas, and goes through with her plan to transfer her soul.
✧ Medea interrupts the process, and she is killed, while Avril is displaced.
᯽311 AC
✧ Modern day (Current RP)

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Character Principles:
Rejection of the gods:
✧ "I have seen the beauty and hatred of this world, and I now know no beings worshipped by man could ever be craftsmen of its splendour."
✧ Nature (the act of living and the state of the world) is the only inalienable and infallible truth, anything that claims to be beyond it is a fool.

˚ ✦ . . ˚ . . ✦ ˚ . ★⋆. . ˚ * ✦ . . ✦ ˚ ˚ .˚ . . ˚ . ✦
Hatred of the emperor:

✧ "No matter the status of one's body, their mind is of equal merit. Rulership can only function if the ruler is a servant of the people. A king lives to serve his citizens, they eat before him, drink before him, laugh before him, and stand as his judge. There are no true kings in Regalia, and there are no true kings in Aloria."

˚ ✦ . . ˚ . . ✦ ˚ . ★⋆. . ˚ * ✦ . . ✦ ˚ ˚ .˚ . . ˚ . ✦
Ailor supremacy:

✧ "A body of survival is the perfect kind, durable but not long-lasting to the point of moral entropy. The ailor have perfect bodies, they withstand and adapt, as is the nature of living. Ailor also have the perfect life spans, enough to embrace existence and its thrall, yet limited so that they have no choice but to cherish their time in comparison to other races. Their bodies are the perfect vessel for a perfect society, the building blocks for peace. Despite this, they are still weak creatures. Their species is still in its cradle, yet to walk amoungst its fellows. As a Yanar, it is my duty to overlook the development of this race, and allow them to florish so that one day they might bring in a new era of prosparity."

˚ ✦ . . ˚ . . ✦ ˚ . ★⋆. . ˚ * ✦ . . ✦ ˚ ˚ .˚ . . ˚ . ✦
The use of magic, the equaliser.

✧ "Asking me not to use my magic is akin to asking me not to breathe. It is innate to me, both as a yanar, and as a mage born. Those who refuse to acknowledge the power of magic are fools, and those who seek to suppress it fall into the same trap. Magic is the next step in the rhyme of evolution, thus, why anyone can learn. To reject magic is to reject the very air. The only solution to its strength is eradication or consumption, but many will refuse to eat, and thus, I must destroy my grand feast with the very fire that cooked it."

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Character Epithets:
The Madonna
✧ "An epithet of The Virgin, My Lady. The virgin mother, Theotokos."
᯽ The Witch/The Crone
✧ "Wisdom, repose, death, and endings represented by the waning moon."
᯽ The Apostate
✧ "Formal disaffiliation from, abandonment of, or renunciation of a religion by a person. It can also be defined within the broader context of embracing an opinion that is contrary to one's previous religious beliefs."
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Fun facts: This contains spoilers
᯽ So traumatised by her time in the alps that Avril now actively seeks out fire, and enjoys the company of Suvial, despite still being racist. Though she finds great comfort in fire, Avril is now more keen on shying away from the tongues of its flames. She recognises the fact that Suvial can't help being the way they are, if she is burned it is her own fault. That being said, having fire too close to her body will result in a meltdown.
᯽ She has an inverted fear, is unfazed by fire, but is terrified of ice and snow.
᯽ Avril is even more of a stickler for unwanted touch, skin on skin contact, compared to other yanar. Anything she doesn't fully consent to is bound to end in a meltdown, and a sure fire way to be screamed at.
᯽ Fascinated by souls, thanks to her time being accused of being souless by ill-informed people in the caravan, as well as her newer "experiences" going through a pseudo death, Avril is now doing a great deal of research on all Mystech.
᯽ Avril hates all religion and gods equally, although she is devout to her idea of "The natural order" and reveres it similarly.
᯽ Avril likes bugs, somewhat, because she sees them as her servants, or parts of a machine. She still dislikes touching them, however she is more than happy to use them to create ideal ecosystems for her plants.
᯽ Having hunted for sport in Tirgunn, she now has an affinity for horses and dogs, specifically sight hounds and farm horses.


-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Additional Art & Memes

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Screenshot 2024-01-08 011340.webp Screenshot 2023-12-26 003753.webp

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Screenshot 2024-08-25 165658.webp Screenshot 2023-12-13 190725.webp

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Edits Log:
Sept 26th 2023
Rearranged point buys.
Added Enchant protect, removed Command chase.
Removed Sinistral Break/Corrode, added Radiant Shield.
Added category Epithets
Adjusted Relationships category for rp
Xavier and Henry were removed from Friend category, added to enemies
Ryleth was removed from romance category, added to enemies​
October 3rd 2023
Adjusted character relationships​
October 17th 2023
Chem Enrage added due to Yanar update, Falling removed​
November 10th 2023
Grammatical errors​
November 24th 2023
Added images
Adjusted character relationships​
December 2nd 2023
Adjusted character relationships​
December 13th 2023
Changed Avril's occult status to fit current rp​
December 19th 2023
Added Avril's death status
Updated character relations​
December 21st 2023
Updated character status (in preparation)
Fixed proficiencies for update​
January 22nd 2024
Updated lore​
March 27th 2024
Updated character relations​
April 6th 2024
Realised I never traded out my cringe strength stat for my chad dex stat until mid rp​
May 31st 2024
Updated character relations, appearence, and prof points to fix magic feather removal​
June 23rd 2024
Changed magic point buy to trade for Invoke​
July 9th 2024
Updated profs for Amontaar arc Guild Mechanic
August 9th 2024
Updated art
August 12th 2024
Updated art
August 16th 2024
Updated relationships
August 17th 2024
Updated stats and formatting
August 19th 2024
Updated card
August 20-28 2024
Adding images​
September 6th 2024
Updating relationships​
September 16th 2024
Updating relationships and formatting​
September 24th 2024
Updated profs​

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Out of Date Appearence Art <3
Avril dipping back into her psychosis, Art here comissioned from Faunfire!Avril during psychosis before her arrival in Regalia. Art here comissioned from Tanblanque!
faunfre Avril (1).webp Screenshot 2024-08-16 170728.webp
Avril before her death. Art here comissioned from Alianon!
avril beloved.webp

Avril before her death. Art here comissioned from Alianon!
᯽ Avril's Character Playlist
᯽ Avril's Character Romance Playlist (Everwatcher save us)
Body Language Guide (Rabbit lady)


  • Avril's ears are in an "even" state when she is not feeling an overwhelmingly positive or negative emotion. Her ears will still twitch in response to noises and flick when asking questions or when curious regardless of emotion.
  • When happy or excited, Avril's ears will perk upright, as well as bending outwards slightly. In some instances, they may also "bloom" mainly lily of the valley, from behind the shell of her ears when she attempts to suppress her emotions or reactions.
  • Nervousness or fear can be indicated by ears being bent backwards, or tilted down. The same can be said for sadness, though this holds a more droopy motion, with the ears bent inwards.
  • Avril already has unusually large pupils, as well as dark eyes, making it hard to tell from a glance how she may appear. For the most part, her eyes are relatively balanced, if a little large.
  • If excited or extremely happy, her eyes will dilate to an impressive amount, in some instances overtaking the pupil.
  • Fear and anger have the opposite effect, creating constricted pupils to near pinpricks. Avril already has rough eyesight, so when combined with anger her vision literally blurs, explaining her poor aim.
  • Due to Yanar biology, Avril doesn't tend to blink much, only doing so at personally timed intervals which she counts to appear more Ailor esque, or she is surprised or confused in some manner.
  • You may notice that Avril "thumps" and taps her legs quite a bit. One part of this is anxiety, which is a given for her, but another is a subconscious draw for attention. It is not strictly negative, Avril may thump her leg on impulse when surprised while near friends, with the thumping being an unconscious way to warn them. Other times, it is to draw attention to her anger or distress, if the negative stimuli is unchanging.
  • The twitching of the nose is also a frequent sight for Avril, also a neutral gesture, implying she is paying keen attention to whatever is happening around her.
  • Due to Yanar having particularly sensitive noses, Avril's nose will also twitch when reading Silmaan, or when smelling something particularly pleasant or unpleasant.
  • Trimming and caring for her nails on the regular, Avril generally has sharp painted nails, not too long as to avoid disturbing her work. Despite the attention she gives her hands, Avril often wears gloves as Yanar dislike skin on skin contact, however her hands still tend to match her body language.
    • Knitting her fingers for Avril indicates for the most part dominance or confidence. The exception to the dominance display being if she is looking at her hands while doing so, or is cracking her knuckles, in which it is a sign of anxiety or submission.
    • Steepling her fingers is always a sign of confidence, and she mostly does so after she believes she has won an argument.
    • Rabbit Periscoping (T-rex arms) is a very rare sight from Avril, as she does her best to avoid it. However, when spaced out or in a very good mood, Avril tends to do mock "T-rex arms" (holding her hands near her chest and letting them lay limp.)
  • The bowing of the head towards the ground is always a sign of submission or retreat from Avril.
  • The raising of a chin has two meanings. If Avril continues to look down at someone while doing so, it is a display of mockery or dominance, whereas if she closes her eyes it is done so as a show of trust or vulnerability.
  • Head tilting is hard to discern, and is largely context based, however, some physical signals can still be interpreted. If the neck bends too far to be comfortable for the average Ailor then Avril is either too focused on another task or person to keep up the imitation, or she is purposefully displaying her resilience compared to another. If the head tilt is normal and paired with quick blinking, it is just a sign of confusion or expression of a question.
  • Purring is a sound that Avril can and does produce, however unlike a cat, she does so with her teeth. Gently tapping her molars against each other to create a purring noise. Avril sharpened as many teeth as she could to avoid being able to make this noise, however, she can still produce it, only it is now far fainter than it would be with normal teeth.
  • On the opposite end of the spectrum with teeth, Avril can also produce a hissing noise using the same method as purring, this is always a sign of aggression or warning.
  • Humming or making small noises akin to a note of a song is a sign of acknowledgment, however, if these notes are followed by circling around someone it is generally an expression of interest, specifically a romantic kind.
  • Best described as a whimpering or whining noise, Avril's damaged throat sometimes results in more of a shriek. This noise is only made when scared or in pain.
  • Avril only prescribes scents to people she considers important enough to deserve them. An even higher place of honour would be Avril scenting someone with her own Silmaan name, claiming them in a sense. This is done through her biting, rubbing her ears, or neck, against someone. When desiring comfort, Avril may generate the name scents of those she is close to as a way to calm herself.
    • Ryleth, Water lilies
    • Xavier, used to be Pine
    • Alex, Cherries
    • Zaidu, Moss
    • Henry, Oak or wood smoke/campfire
    • Xanthos, Grapes
    • Lieven, Citrus (orange leaning)
    • Yeva, Cinnamon
    • Temple used to be Rosemary
    • Ziteng, Lavender and dogwood
    • Uriel, Hazelnut
    • Ivenn, Crushed acorns
    • Prism, Dandelions
    • Variaan, Chrysanthemums
    • Briar, Freeasia
    • Ana, Sunflowers
    • Aster, Tatarian honeysuckle
Avril's Garden
᯽ Petstiixpolotl, Suneye Flower: A large golden bloom with small white specks on the tips of the petals. When in contact with something living or heat producing, the petals of the Suneye Flower will glow, varying in intensity depending on the pressure applied. When planted, the flower takes on vine like behaviour, crawling up towards any source of light at a rapid pace. When the blooms are picked, the broken off area of the plant will also glow until a new bud is formed. On average, the blooms keep their glowing properties at full strength for two days, and begin to waver directly after. Conveniently, the Suneye Flower needs very little dirt or water, and can be grown onto armour, arms, and ceilings as an activating light source.
(Disney's Tangled.)
᯽ Kuali tlamantli, Darling Pea: A plump green herb with small bulbs on it. Most often consumed, it stimulates various endorphins in the body in small doses, creating a calming, happy feeling. During this time, it is harder for the person under influence to make difficult or complex decisions, however their physical response time is not lessened.
᯽ Uikpa Notlasohtlalis, Lover's Bloom: The perfect gift for a spouse, or someone special. When watered with tears and blood by the person wishing to gift the bloom, the flower will begin to take on an aesthetic appearance similar to how the person sees their beloved, feeding on the memories stored within. Interestingly, the blooms give off a pulse of Ordial energy, despite being living things. It could be speculated that the Lover's Bloom was made with the genetic implanting of a geist, allowing to it divulge in the memories of what feeds it. Due to its transforming nature, the Lover's Bloom has no consistent form, beyond a notable trait that they always have a curl to their leaves, which forms a heart shape unless trimmed.
᯽ Sekkan Yolotli, Little Blessing: A fascinating genetic splice between Theomar's Fungus and Ruby Flowers, Little Blessings are tiny fungi with small blooms flowering from a node in their caps, appearing similar to a hydrangea with deep red colouring. Little Blessings are incredibly potent and addictive to make for their immense healing properties. A single bloom from the fungus is distilled to create a kombucha of sorts, which a healer then activates with minor healing magic and has the wounded person drink. Because Little Blessings pull from the wounded person's own healing capabilities to help direct where its effects should be applied, too much can cause tumours to grow in a wounded individual if not applied correctly.
Hydnellum peckii my beloved
Nemilistli Pitzoa, Life Kiss: Bright pink and lush, this bloom releases clean air at a rapid rate, with enough in one area risking oxygen poisoning. Lacking a smell, the flower is ideal to keep in areas with high levels of air pollution, as it thrives in such environments. Fireproof in nature, the bloom flourishes in smokey atmospheres, such as near volcanic activity, machinery, or kitchens. Beyond serving as an air freshener of sorts, the Life Kiss is most often used to treat those with harsh cases of smoke inhalation, or to protect those dealing with mass scale fires or thick smog.
Teixnemamikistli, Painimst: Tiny orange flowers with swelling basis full of spores, the Painimst is a blooming reed grown in dry environments. When crushed, the Painimst releases its internal spores, which, when inhaled, induce a sense of panic in the person subjected to it. The Painimst can also cause minor hallucinations, given that it is a splice of Bloodthorn Vine. Due to the chemical nature of the Painimst, it is possible to overdose on it, with no more than two flowers to be crushed per person. The spores released by the Painimst are nearly invisible due to their small size, however their smell is deeply potent, akin to dogwood, it smells of rotting corpses or meat, something which likely adds to its panic inducing effect.
᯽ Yoliliskaxitl, Grandroot: Avril's most feared creation, the Grandroot is a towering tree grown from a combination of a Lightmare Ash, Wyld Wood, and Singing Syprelle. Although it is a tree, the plant itself is similar in behaviour to a parasitic vine, feasting off of soul energies and rooting itself into spirits when it can manage. Its alignment is hazy, and wavers depending on how it was grown, a vessel for soul magic.
✧ Chipaktik Yoliliskaxitl, Glass Grandroot: The Primal aligned or unaligned Grandroot is referred to as the Glass Grandroot, and gains its title for the translucent bark covering its branches and roots, leaving the phloem visible, despite the protective sheath. Glass Grandroot is the least aggressive of the subspecies of Grandroot, happy to simply choke out other plants, and grow into whatever areas have high concentrations of people. The phloem of Glass Grandroot is a pulsing purple colour, with a mild red sheen.
✧ Uakalo Yoliliskaxitl, Hollow Grandroot: Hollow Grandroot is the Void-aligned subspecies of Grandroot. The largest of the subspecies, the Hollow Grandroot is heavily contorted and colourful, having a slight glow and multicoloured sheen on its bark and leaves. Underneath the bark of the tree, however, the Hollow Grandroot is completely empty. Appearing to lack a phloem, the Hollow Grandroot instead houses pure void magic and void aligned souls inside its trunk, which it slowly digests using various fungi and moss as a symbiotic relationship.
✧ Okachinepa Yoliliskaxitl, Inverted Grandroot: Ordial aligned, an inverted Grandroot is only made when a Grandroot of any kind is exorcised, in which it becomes Ordial aligned. The Inverted Grandroot is quite passive, tending to grow in graveyards once exorcised, it serves as a safe haven for Ordial beings. Given that their leaves and branches are heavy and droopy, the Inverted Grandroot creates a solid curtain that is hard to push or cut through unless they are Ordial, its whole body thick and solid with a greyish colouration.
✧ Kokolli Yoliliskaxitl, Expanded Grandroot: By far the most hostile and aggressive of the subspecies of Grandroot, Expanded Grandroot is the Exist aligned version of the Grandroot tree. The Expanded Grandroot grows the fastest of its siblings, and tends to overtake whatever it grows on, adding anything from buildings to animals and people to its being. There is technically only one Expanded Grandroot, with every other tree being an offshoot of the first tree, one massive forest composed of one being, stretching through the Exist plane to remain connected. Pitch black, the Expanded Grandroot is overwhelming to be near, its colouration overwhelming the eyes, and faint whispers akin to that of the Singing Spryelle adding to its ominous and foreboding atmosphere. The Expanded Grandroot is the most likely to force its fruits into spirits and mages alike, either harming them through planer differences, or siphoning off of their magic to feed itself.​
Short Stories/Drabbles
Animal Motif: The Rabbit (SPOILERS)
Is it so horrible to be equated with an animal? Perhaps the Asha may think such, given their representation, and yet it is so fitting. To quote Watership Down by Richard Adams, "Animals don't behave like men,' he said. 'If they have to fight, they fight; and if they have to kill, they kill. But they don't sit down and set their wits to work to devise ways of spoiling other creatures' lives and hurting them. They have dignity and animality."
Despite her insistence on plotting, Avril does wish for animality. As much as she may claw for her personhood to be recognised, a wretched thing, the ability to succumb to something beyond her nature would be a blessing. Even the witch, in all her mania and rage, is still, by some horrid miracle, a person, and Avril does not wish for it. In too many ways, Avril is a rabbit in a hawk's shroud. Flighty, twitchy, and full of tricks, for that is what a rabbit must be, no? If she is to be a rabbit, then all the world is her enemy, as Richard Adams wrote, and his words, unspoken in her world, echo in Avril's mind. "And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you; digger, listener, runner-"
A runner, yes, Avril could run; why not? She's good at it. Running is her nature, flee and hide, little rabbit, and if you cannot, bear your teeth. If not for her oh so real pride, she would make the perfect rabbit, that Avril would. Easy to feast upon, digging into her still beating heart, you will find it abundant in flavour and content. She is quite the meal. Something that may just be worth catching, if not for the bite. For what good is a cornered animal? When there is so place to run, what shall it do? Bite of course. Wearing claws of cats, teeth of wolves and eyes of hawks, the rabbit is well adorned for battle with all manner of beast. She may walk among them yet, among those with bloodier hands and crueller intent, and she too can match such a thing with ease. And yet. She is still but a meal.
Ponder the thought, how her body contorts is not a trait of a predator. Limbs bending and snapping at impossible angles, if only to fit her snugly inside a burrow. Her eyes may face forwards for pursuit, yet her pupils are massive things, absorbing her surroundings at all times in the hopes to catch what may predate upon her while she too hunts for her meal. A carnivorous rabbit, is she? She already has a taste for her own flesh, what is the addition of another? What great sin would it be for her to join the ranks of foxes and hounds? I would think not.
So which is it, then? What is the little rabbit? A predator born into soft fur and softer flesh? Or could it be that, when a rabbit is left without its kin, it changes. A taste for blood is not the only morbidity of a rabbit. If she does not sink her maw into flesh then her own teeth may bite into her mind, the only choice is to consume; devour and destroy. Is that not what a rabbit is? They consume, and they breed. Perhaps that is what separates her from her kin. She tried to beget kits, cared and nursed them, but there is a reason rabbits bear so many. They are weak. They cannot protect them. She knows she is not intended for more. Not as a rabbit.

The inciting incident: (BACKSTORY SPOILERS)

"You mentioned you were a surgeon, Ms Morselli?" The doctor had asked, his voice as raspy and scratchy as his beard appeared to be. Tired eyes betrayed his doubt as the doctor glanced up from the fussy infant held before him to stare at its mother.
Rubbing a soothing thumb against the baby's soft cheek, the mother nodded, refusing to make eye contact with the ailor doctor. "I wanted a second opinion," She muttered, cooing under her breath as the infant squirmed in her arms, the baby's face flushed and moist from sweat. "Every other child recovered quite well. It's coqueluche, not commmon, but not so..." She struggled to find the right word. "But not so troublesome."
Pursing his lips, the doctor shifted his gaze to the little girl splayed out on her bed a few feet away, eyes squinted shut. One would think she was sleeping if not for the violent coughs that would shake her body, jolting her eyes open every so often. "Plant people are rather delicate," The doctor noted, standing from his seat and straightening out his coat. "You mentioned they were only half?"
"Yes. Both half Ailor," Avril nodded, adjusting her hold on the baby, laying the infant's head against the spit cloth on her shoulder and patting a hand against her back.
The doctor made a noncommittal grunting noise, pacing over to the little. "What's this ones name again?"
"Nakia," The yanar replied, getting up from where she had been seated on her bed, wedged into the corner of the cramped room, continuing to rock and pat the fussy baby. "She recently reached her tenth year, and has yet to catch anything like this before."
"And the babe?" The old ailor grumbled, pressing the back of his hand to Nakia's forehead, eliciting a hiccuped sob from the little girl. "You said, what was it, five or six months?"
"About six," Avril sighed, pressing a kiss to Aria's head. "Is there any explanation, Doctor? Some additional illness."
Pulling his hand away from Nakia, the doctor shook his head. "Unless you consider the status of their birth an illness, no."
The yanar paused her rocking of the whimpering baby to stare at the Ailor, raising a brow. "Just what do you mean by that?"
"I don't mean it in any insulting sense," The doctor huffed, waving Avril off. "But - of the few I have observed, plant people are, eh, delicate. Yes. It's why the Allorn looked after you, no?"
"The Allorn are not integral to yanar culture you know," The yanar huffed, before going back to soothing the baby. "But, yes. We were considered sacred in some way," She relented.
"Exactly, your bodies are too squishy, and dependent on temperature and light compared to an Ailor," The doctor grumbled, going to poke Avril's arm. "The other children in your caravan are ailor. Their bodies can handle the temperature and altitude change of Genevaud while sick, unlike your little flowers."
Pressing Aria closer to her chest, Avril bit down on the inside of her cheek. "We can't ask the caravan to stop and wait for us constantly. And we don't have a home in Genevaud. No one here would accept us as neighbours," She sighed "What am I to do then?"
"Pray," The doctor replied.
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