Preserved Sheet Avo'llei Fenrallis

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The Flesh is Weak, the Machine is Strong
Apr 2, 2016
Reaction score
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Avo'llei Fenrallis
    • Nicknames: Avo
  • Age: 90
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Lesarra Altalar
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Fire
Skill Information
70 Points Total
  • +30 Altalar Forging Skill
  • +20 Sorcery Spells
  • +10 Blades Combat Skill
  • +10 Athletics Training
Body Shape
  • Physical Stat = 30
  • Musculature = Ripped
  • Body Fats = Low
  • Combat Rolls:
    • Attacking = 1d18
    • Defending = 1d13 or 1d15 vs Blades
  • Modern Altalar (Parental)
  • Common (Given)
Special Traits / Abilities
  • Sorcery - 7
    • Elemental Sorcery - 4
      • Elemental Branding
      • Elemental Influence
      • Elemental Orb
      • Mage Empowerment: Atronach
    • Spirit Sorcery - 3
      • Overwhelming Force
      • Your Will is Mine
      • Mage Empowerment: Empower by Power
  • Altalar Spells - 3
    • Arcanomancy
    • Memorymancy
    • Powermancy
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Sapphire Blue
  • Hair Color: Blonde
  • Hair Style: Long braid
  • Skin Color: Altalar tan
  • Clothing: Nightsilver Scale hauberk, elegant Altalar robes.
  • Height: 6'7"
Personality and Abilities
  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Chaotic Good
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • INTJ
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • Faith of Estel - 7/10
Life Story
  • 0-30
    • Avo'llei was born to Are'llei and Meyusa'nath Fenrallis on the year of 217AC in their smallholding in the coastal Altery lands.
    • From a young age Avo'llei, alongside his younger sister were taught the art of Sorcery by their parents, he took particular talent to Elemental and Spirit Sorcery much like his father, and chose to specialise in those fields.
    • Being dragged along by his younger sister, Tera'shinth, Avo'llei learned the arts of the Altalar forge from their town's armourer, specialising in the craft of more militaristic Elven supply.
    • At the age of 30, he made his pilgrimage to stand under the patron deity of Sca'elle.
    • Towards his later youth, Avo'llei learned basic combative skills from his father to defend himself and his sister when the need arose, and following his selection of patron deity, he served his fellow Altalar as a spellsword.
  • 31-70
    • Avo'llei continued to develop in his craftsmanship of Altalar forging, learning from books and the words of other Altalaan smithies, though he chose to specialise himself purely into Altalar design and function, disregarding the study of Metallurgy for it's unrefined and crude nature.
    • During this period Avo'llei similarly refined his skills when using Sorcery in tandem with a blade, he served to aid in defending their town and holdings from raids from the surrounding regions.
    • Around his sixtieth year, Avo'llei had began to gain renown even amongst his Altalar peers for his specialisation into the crafting of weapons and armour from Nightsilver.
    • Through the following years, after his sister's departure for the Farah'deen, Avo'llei set off for Merkars'arh and the Daen landmass to further his own skills and to discover deeper traits of his trade.
  • 71-89
    • Avo'llei resided and trained in Merkars'arh for the pursuing years, reuniting with his sister during his Eighty-seventh year.
    • Avo'llei, however did serve in the Ranger Crisis of 295AC, travelling to the Altalar border regions to aid in supplying and bolstering their position against the Regalian and Orcish onslaught.
    • Avo'llei served in a small role during the Elven War of 302AC, both as a footsoldier and a smith to supply and repair the equipment of his fellow soldier.
    • The years in Merkars'arh were fairly uneventful, he operated a small military-supplying Smithy in the heart of the city, up until the Dread Conflicts arose in 306AC.
  • Current (90)
    • With the Dread Occupations of Merkars'arh, and recent Regalian Liberations, Avo'llei travels to the City of Lights.
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