Preserved Sheet Avilio Desidario

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As Useless As SupremeCripple's Legs
Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
New Zealand
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Avilio Desidario
  • Age: 34
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Daendroque Ailor
  • Main Ambition: To use his knowledge of Viticulture to open a successful vineyard.
  • Special Permission: School of Horticulture - Expert
Skill Information
  • School: School of Horticulture - Viticulture
  • Level: Expert
  • Source: La Riviere Academie de Vinification
  • School: School of Horticulture - Floriculture
  • Level: Learned
  • Source: L'académie de Raffinement Floral
  • Languages
    • Common - Fluent
    • Daendroquin - Fluent
    • D'Ithanie - Knowledgeable
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Hazel
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Hair Style: Pompadour
  • Skin Color: Droque Tan
  • Clothing: Merchant Garbs, waistcoat.
  • Height: 5'6
  • Body Build: Average
  • Weapon of Choice: While he never carries a weapon, he keeps a ceremonial dagger on his mantle.
Personality and Abilities
  • To Others, Avilio is perceived depending on his status. If he is interacting with someone as a friend, acquaintance or someone he's trying to impress, he'll try to appease their likings to form a better friendship by acting more friendlier or concede with their actions. Under this, Avilio is stubborn, self-absorbed and corrupted, focusing on what's best for him than what's best for all.
  • Deep down, Avilio feels lost. In this new city, there is a lack of friendships or allies, which keeps him watching his own back. With little knowledge of his father's whereabouts or origins he lacks someone to look up to and admire. All through this, Avilio tries to remain confident as he tries to put himself out there, relying on his own belief in himself that he can achieve.
  • To those he interacts with, Avilio is often the same. With friends he trusts he can relax, knowing that he's in a safe space. His friends are more approachable than an outright stranger, but Avilio has little trouble with them either. A simple question can spark a full on conversation, usually about his occupation. In the presence of a potential customer, he is more serious and tends to focus on customer service rather than a casual conversation. Avilio finds true comfort when around true friends or by himself.
  • Morally, Avilio is generally seen as Lawful Neutral. While not an outright plotter, he tends to keep the company of honorable men and shady characters alike. He usually acts out of desire or his own need, likely to put himself first than care about a stranger or acquaintance. He has faith in his own actions and believes what he does is right and just. He has little comprehension of his own corruption and assures himself his morals are always right.
  • Horticulture Intellect - After studying so many years, it comes as no surprise that Avilio is a skilled winemaker. Avilio can detect the flavours that have gone into a bottle and what sort of grapes have been used. He has an expertly refined palette and is known to make beverages with intense body and striking flavour. Avilio also practiced in Floriculture and has the knowledge to find suitable soil for planting, how to take care of plants and how to make beautiful flower bouquets.
  • Goal Driven - Avilio is not one to give up so easily. He can be persistent to get what he wants and is always determined. On occasion he will step over his own boundaries if he desires something,
Life Story


  • Avilio was born to a man named Moysei and a baron of Lloriesta's daughter, lady Freyla Desidario. Moysei left shortly after the child was born, his whereabouts becoming unknown.
  • Avilio's childhood was rather peaceful. Behind the scenes his mother was to remarry to further his family's alliances and her father was outraged at the siring of the bastard Avilio. However Freyla maintained a vision of peace for her child. Freyla married Ser Kaldric Horst, an Anglian farmer who wished to farm crops in Andalon so they moved.
Teenage Years
  • Kaldric turned out to be the father Avilio wanted, and began to teach the young boy the basics of plants and care, how to grow the wheat and harvest the grain. Avilio ended up spending months tending to crops, while persuing his own hobbies in the meantime.
  • During his early teenage years, Avilio began to slowly unfold the truth about Kaldric. Freyla would constantly hide her bruises with beauty products and long sleeves, while Avilio wore his openly as he worked, and others came to the realization that Kaldric was an abusive drunk. The income that came from the fields was quickly turned into bottles of mead.
  • Wanting an escape for himself, he made plans to leave home as soon as possible. He pleaded with his mother to allow him to travel to Ithania so he could pursue a school in agriculture. She was more than happy to have him away from Kaldric, though Avilio had a constant worry for her wellbeing.
  • Soon Avilio had arrived at the La Rivière Académie de Vinification to begin a pursuit in Viticulture. Over the first few months, he was tutored on the basics of plant care and management. Following his few months as an acolyte, he went on to the vineyard to begin learning landscape management and the different sorts of grapes and their uses.
  • Over the next few years, Avilio would learn much on the process of making fine wines, though spend a fair amount of time in the yard, managing the trellises and pruning the grapes. He also began to study at the partner academy, L'académie de Raffinement Floral. Alongside winemaking he began to learn more on plant biology and how to take care of gardens. He began to develop a keen sense of smell for flowers and plants, which came in handy when smelling grapes.
Adult Years
  • Soon Avilio was learned in Floriculture, while he was about to begin his scholarly tuition of Viticulture and left the his floriculture studies. With only one barrel of wine to his name, he desired to make more. This process took over the next seven years of his life, as he worked to perfect a refined palette of wine. A few barrels later and he had successfully graduated.
  • Avilio had decided to stick around at the Academy, practising in his own personal section in the vineyard, trying to perfect his own personal wine. One day, he received a letter from an old friend back in Andalon, stating that his mother had died and Kaldric had inherited her father's wealth. Filled with grief, Avilio made the journey back to Andalon to attend her funeral. During the service the rumors began to float about that Kaldric beat her to death in a drunken rage. Outraged, Avilio returned to Ithania to exact his revenge.
  • Avilio began to put together a recipe for a few barrel. First, he began to grow his grapes out, then began to ferment them after a plentiful harvest. As the process continued, he began adding other ingredients to the mix. Cloudberries, Dagruhn's Clove and the juices of Dragonet Apples. He allowed the wine to age as he prepared to meet with Kaldric, being granted to partake in a feast with his step-father.
  • Bringing his barrel to Kaldric's hall, he was greeted rather coldly by Kaldric's peers. When the man finally made his appearance he began to question Avilio's intentions, if he had come back to inherit his mother's titles. After denying such, Avilio presented his casket to the feast, quickly offering samples out to various members of the small court. They quickly began to comment on the exquisite flavour and texture which perked the interest of Kaldric. He demanded a cup, which Avilio quickly gave. They performed a toast to the late Freyla and drank. Taking an extreme liking to this new taste, Kaldric demanded more and more. As he continued to pass drink after drink, Avilio decided it was time. Using a hidden bottle of Jīnyú dú he spiked the last cup, which his uncle gladly drunk. After this he took his leave. Only a few hours later when the bells rang out did Avilio know the vile man was dead.
  • Avilio returned to Ithania for the next few years to perfect his studies, earning the title of wine connoisseur.
  • 302AC - Following the death of the Ivrae dynasty and the declaration of war on the Elven States, Avilio began to do his part by supplying the Empire with cases for the Regalian nobility. During the war he received several letters from various noble houses about their satisfaction with his product.
  • 303AC - Avilio witnessed Mershell's Dance with several other winemakers. They decided to celebrate this rare occurrence with a new wine. Putting together their ideas and using the finest ingredients they perfected a godly new wine. Later in the year, as the Daendroque rebellions rioted away in Lusits and Ithania Avilio decided to return to Andalon. A fatal mistake as the Anahera family surged into power in Regalia and Daenshore. With the rest of the Empire looking upon this family with ill looks he found it best to get on the downlow. This turned to be the best decision as hundreds were slaughtered in the purges that followed, with any who practiced 'Andrieuism' labeled as traitors.
  • 304AC - The Bone Horrors were spawned from the world, which did little to affect Avilio in Andalon. However at the academy in Ithania they suffered hard with attacks on the countryside. With his rather large income he sent donations to keep the academy alive.
  • 305AC - With the Military in Daenshore pulling out of the area following the Second Elven War, Avilio decided it was time to leave incase the Avanthar invaded. Upon his arrival into Regalia, he was met with Dragon's fighting over the city. Unsure if this was the right decision he ventures deeper into the city, looking for a way to start his business.
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  • Hair Style: Pompadour

Whatcha Gotta Do: ( Required )

  • Personality:
    • All Personality paragraphs should have at least 4-5 sentences. What you've got looks good, just go ahead and add in a bit more for each.
  • Talents: Make sure to mention both Disciplines of Horticulture under this section.
The rest is fantastic. Make the edits in your color of choice, and tag me when you're done.