Ave's Ramblings Part 1 (the Bitter Half)


That small orc thats talks funny.
Apr 12, 2014
Reaction score
Somewhere in Ireland, with oft bouts to California
This is an assemblage of personal and non-personal views and statements gathered from a variety of sources, both known to the writer and not, that has been collected for the sake of a commentary and critique. This while pointed, is not an attack, merely direct statement and will be followed, with a "sweet half"
If a character never displays a flaw that honestly inconveniences a character, then the character is effectively flawless, pointless, and useless.
If a flaw is so minor that it is consciously unplayed do to immediate nullification, see above
If a character reads slowly, and as such chooses to not read, or have others read for them, that is not a flaw, that is a quirk
If a characters flaw can be turned to the characters advantage, such as intimidating posture, then it is just an additional benefit and is not a flaw.
Flaws that are more mixed, such as extra fat or no pain response, when played with full drawbacks, qualify as complex, minor flaws, and should be supplemented by heavier flaws.
Being incompetent with a weapon, and never using said weapon, is not a flaw.
An ailor, no matter how trained, cannot sprint for days. They'd collapse from exhaustion a while before that and die do to a mixture of cardiac and muscle failure.
If a relationship comes up in a characters story, especially in the case of a major one, and is never revealed, represented, or utilized regardless of drawback, or benefit, the relationship is pointless. Additionally if hte relationship is so exotic, elaborate or any such extreme event, this goes doubly so. Mary Sue backgrounds are dead weight in roleplaying. Unused backgrounds are wasted potential.
Nobles, especially princes, would suffer scandal if found in open combat without a heavy bodyguard and remaining at distance from combat
Ailor merely breed fast, that is the only benefit the ailor have
Nobles, if playing by realism, would most likely ,outside established fighting houses, be less physical, or powerful, albeit height is exaggerated so they'd probably have better leverage.
An elf, even a drow, is less sturdy and physically capable than an ailor
Muscle speed via elasticity, is not muscle strength via density, these are mutually exclusive without certain compounds of modern manufacture, sheer mass and expansion can contrast this to some degree
If you ban crossbows, ban all weapons as the same complaint shows up in general combat-
You must know your weapon realistically to use it, not just because its cool our exotic.
Archers were not hooded snipers that took out enemy commaders, nor is the bow an always effective assassin's weapon, the hand crossbow, crossbow, wheellock rifle, sling, dagger, and the like are weapons used by an assassin,if not poison or an intermediary event. Or ranger in some cases. Archers in war fired over the friendly melee troops in volleys.
Assassins rarely wore all black.
Most assassins infiltrated before making a kill.
Elven culture is not perfect, yet elves rarely suffer any negative stigma, even with justified reasons.
Unionism is so innately flawed that in any sane world it would have dissolved, the draining of imperial control and power could be associated with this.
Klien are innately innocent, lightly sociopathic little creatures with very diminished cognitive prowess. They have no real depth beyond trying to be cute, they are NOT intelligent, and couldn't survive on their own easily, most likely falling to the Crelin. Tiny cute animal people are a long used cliche, add some negativity to it.
The Vices and Virtues are so immoral as to be indistinguishable, the silveraills are the treat of certain people, and ultimately they shape the plot with even the most minimal of interactions. I have yet to see a Great Power suffer a flaw event of any sort. If you make a Great Power, give them a char app, give them flaws beyond the basic "Racial" set, use them more often. A check to power. Some have stated that the Great Powers are meant to check player power, if that is true, then no noble house or prince should've gained the power and summary control that has happened in the past.
If you split from a house, you are no longer of that house.
If you threaten a guardsman, or assault one, regardless of rank, you should be arrested and be put through the ringer. NO exceptions.
The people who play effectively npc forces, should not play relatives to those forces. At all.
Do to it's importance, religions need to be expanded deeply, some are just base shells without any explanation.
If an organization or event exists, people will know about it in some regard, whether the Black Order, or the escapades of the Emperor.
Corruption exists in all bodies at some point.
An army of levies leads to starved nations, the concept of mass peasant armies is a Victorian antiquarian myth, in reality, mercenaries, semi professional standing troops, and volunteers were the realistic norm. No one wants the labor force to die.
Elven arrogance, if it is their racial flaw, should be expanded heavily.
Arrogance in roleplay isn't a flaw as to some races it's expected and often praised.
Not every noble needs to be handsome
Inbreeding between a closed noble group inevitably leads to defects.
Qadir used to have a self maintaining economy that functioned, and even in some areas traded with Regalia. Now they're just pseudo-Muslim Pirates with no real economy. This is distressing.
[An army of mages will fail, it cannot replenish fast enough, mages can only fight for brief periods, require extensive training, and no amount of preplanning or ambush will stop a battlefield from changing.
\Wulong as written, are close to impossible to rp while still being unmistakably wulong.
Anthropologically they are amazing.
In practice, the most I've seen is someone sitting in the tavern with his friends attacking people and shouting wulong best nonstop. Fun fact- THAT'S GODDAMN RP DISRUPTION.
If someone likes a race, that's fine.
If someone prefers to play one race that's fine too
If someone makes multiple characters of one race, not very different, and critiques someone else for a similar scenario, while critique is fine, hypocrisy is not. If a character is obviously your avatar (And yes, it's very obvious when a character is an avatar) give them flaws, real ones, give them strengths, reasonable ones, give them a personality with both good and bad in equal measure. Accept consequences for that character, don't shield them so you can live in Nirvana, doing whatever you want without consequence to that character. Doing so shows the following- You demand special attention, nothing apples to you, you're special in general, you're better than everyone else, nothing can stop me ect. It's in poor tastes. This is terrible, this is the lowest bar of rp..
....your rank doesn't necessarily mean you're perfect or infallible.
Being an artist doesn't make you perfect, being an artist means you have a skill that can be used to convey, like being a writer, a critic, an engineer, or even a philosopher. Your talent, does not mean you are infallible
An army of sociopaths, is an army of traitors in waiting.
Genes, as stated by scientists over the ages and backed by basic rules of breeding, are a mixed bag that is usually random, and as such, must be artificially cultured to produce the same trait over and over, eventually leading to a breed, a true subspecies, and eventually a new species.
Elves are not pretty, they are pointy faced, racist, semi-genocidal slavers. A human should not be attracted to an elf or an orc, as they are not the same species, period.
Having a lifespan of centuries doesn't mean you don't have to upkeep skills, you don't use it, you lose it, end of story.
Prosthetics have existed since the late stone age, articulate examples can be found in Egyptian tombs or the remnants of store houses, often on commoner bodies.
Having a less articulate metal leg, or simple ferrum hand should not be antithetical to a technologically advancing world.
Drow should in all honesty be extinct on Drowda at least
Isldar should be suffering the serious drawbacks of inbreeding do to isolation.
If your isldar doesn't live in Ellador, you will be significantly weaker than one that does, lore states this, and you will in general be in significant discomfort most of the time.
Scimitars without inhuman force cannot cut living bone. I have tried this, I have seen this attempted with improved modern blades, you can chip it at best.
Most swords were stopped by bone, bones are hard.
A regiment of 1000 specialized and masterfully equipped heavy infantry would drain a significant amount of an areas economy. If the solution is infinite money, than the regal would be completely worthless.
Returning to the army of magi, a screening force of nonarcane troops is needed, swordsmen, pikemen, archers. This is basic strategy and realism.
If it can breed with humans, then it should be able to breed with all humans.
More fantastic elements in the hands of players never hurt anything.
If your character is BLANK trait but you never display the aspect of BLANK trait your character is NOT BLANK trait
If you have a crucial role in the outcome of something, or control over an aspect, manipulating something against the will of someone else, or with only minor consent in the case of a group, whether out of spite do to some matter relevant or otherwise, or in order to benefit and empower something under your control, is just being for lack of a better word, a festering, engorged, arsehole.
Aloria is not medieval at this point, as has been stated many times, anachronistic, or even Schizo tech elements could help further divide it from it's more earthly comparison
Magic is a science.
Golden eyes should not be the only Seraph trait, seraph power should be present in physiology, not just the eyes.
An albino qadir would make a very interesting character.
Accept all critique and if a reasonable argument can be given against critique, give it, but expect the resulting argument.
Solving a disagreement or critique through flat out bully tactics, character assassination, or the statement that a point of view is totally invalid, is a poor solution on all fronts.
The Chi'i should be extinct do to genetic collapse or sheer lack of resources.
If a bit of lore or explanation could be useful to a player or to explain a circumstance.POST IT DON'T EVEN HESITATE
Racism is tiring when it eventually falls to lunacy.
If Regalia is so mighty...
Why is it corrupted?
Your rank in or out of game will not shape an OOC interaction in regards to myself.
Dancing around a question with elaborate language and redirection without actually stating anything new to the conversation is not an answer.
To define what is evil and what is good in Aloria, is more or less a fool's errand.
Being an orc doesn't make you the greatest warrior.
Being an elf doesn't make you the master.
Being a drow doesn't make you powerful or skilled.
Being a dakkar doesn't make you a barbarian.
Being Chi'i doesn't make you clever.
Being a q'urebo doesn't make you cute.
A character that cannot grow outside of a little, predetermined scenario is not a character.
A character that is permanently stuck in one emotional spectrum with only the briefest and least common escapes, is not a character, it is a flat archetype.
In regards to combat, do not say, do not boast without being able to show.
Dual weapon wielding was uncommon, and disfavored outside the duel, or showfights.
An archer must aim, knock and then shoot, the action is not instant.
Talking is not a free action
Momentum is key
With leverage, some feats of strength are possible
Tissue resistant to puncture, displays some resistance to impact, this is a basic biological rule followed by vertibrates.
The mind continues to develop in response to telomere decay, thus, we think differently as we age. Tissue breakdown and alteration over time alters thought. These things require the other, they are not mutually exclusive.
If you don't feel pain or fear, you have no reason to block.
BLANK amount of eons of combat is irrelevant if you cant put it into practice.
Humans need air
An orc, is stronger than the strongest human
an elf, is more coordinated and perceptive than the most aware human
Adrenaline for many species, is used to flee
Elves are when you look at it, in their entirety, clever shapers of magic, horrific slavers and destroyers of history, fratricidal and prone to infighting, and science wise, glorified scavengers of the ancient cities.
The longer lived a species is, except for a species in constant danger, the less fertile they are.
Combat in medieval ages, was rarely thousand versus thousand, armies were broken down and distributed to areas in conflict in smaller doses, most combat was raiding, posturing, and skirmishing.
Dual daggers is a great way to die, especially when those same daggers get lodged in your head.
Plate gets cold in winter..
One handing a two handed blade, and not being a- Dakkar, Orc, Dhass, Orcman, (Rarely), Wulong, or Ur, will not go well, and most likely result in rupturing something in the arm and shoulder, or pulling a tendon.
Staff, Premium, player, novice- the wise will treat them all the same, as humans, indistinct in regard to rank.
....if a weapon exists, someone is going to use it in rp combat
The mountain egg men have rekindled my personal hope in the server.
The unpolitical noble is overdone
The bad royal, is overdone and very ineffective in many settings, it is a cliché, a bad one, a dying one in some cases.
If you are breaking the rules in some regard, I don't care who you are, I will notice and call you on it.
Expect rp to go out of your control every single time.
A character that doesn't grow or change in both the negative, and the positive is not a character. They are merely a force.
PRactice and growth through rp can be very rewarding.
Chi'i samurai used to exist...why squander an opportunity?
We need more Ersin
Less Q'urebo
Rping with a few people, rarely, and only those people, isn't necessarily bad, but isn't worldy. Don't call yourself a master.
The elves are not good. The orcs are not evil.
Technology will grow through sheer innovation and desire.
Stagnancy is deathj
Runes were a glorious thing, allowing clever use of magic for all mages, glyphs would seem to be an elaborate discipline of rune use, but shouldn't be exclusive to that kind of magic alone.
The Black Order is totally irrelevant in almost all matters that a nonstaff player can interact with
The Tyrian Order was also irrelevant and granted pointless powers to those in it.
The Crimson Inquisition was a lapse in judgement.
They are tryoing to bring it back though
Rebellion should be what players feel they should be about, in the case of a racist empire, riot about that.
Growth is key to roleplay
Heroism should not be stifled into availability for a select few.
Evergrowth magic is far too powerful
Hex magic is also very powerful
The Regalian Empire's military tactics of wave of bodies, should've caused numerous rebellions.
Rare is it, when a soldier will slaughter his own family, no matter how much of a God his ruler declares that they are.
Orcs are useful
In a variety of circumstances.
Honourable, or even clever orcs should not be unknown.
Survival requires some form of brain power.
Elves have many cultures, do the same for the other races. Expanding one race too much, attracts players to that race, but at the cost of the others, the cycle self perpetuates.
Dwarves should still be experimenting
A culture (Regalisch and Orc) completely built around war never lasts.
Gods fall, empires collapse
If your character does evil things,
That character is evil
If your character wants to see the world burn
Your character is chaotically evil
Even in a world of gray, you may find spots of darkest black.
Three Great Forces draw my ire- Diligence in it's invulnerability, Justice and Pride in the godly control they have over effectively everything via magic, including what amounts to just making up magic on the spot.
Possession should be empowering in some regard, being a Silverail should not be.
Gold and Silver eyes...should just be fantastic eye colours.
That's it
If it's a story about humans, the other races have no point, make them NPCs, they're less relevant than ailor.
No one wants to be irrelevant
Your rank, does not make you immune to rules or consequence.
If you make an anime character, expect realism to hit like a brick.
Some characters are the epitome of Lawful Stupid
Being a guard doesn't make you a hero
Being Royal, or Noble doen't mean it's a good character
Ailor are too tall
Orcs, Dakkar, and elves, should be taller
Dense tissues weigh significantly more than less dense tissues.
Leanly muscled, is still muscled, and still has weight at the cost of power.
Every noble is muscular it seems
If in order to advance OOC I must kill my character, I will quit summarily.
Being a player doesn't mean everything must be handed to you.
Being a veteran doesn't mean you can ostracize the new.
Being staff does not mean you can do whatever.
People leave, people come back, new people come, no one has direct control of that but the individual.
You done? XD
The culverin is fine, gunpowder is fine, note that at some point it's going to be minuiturized and made portable.
Klien are innately innocent, lightly sociopathic little creatures with very diminished cognitive prowess. They have no real depth beyond trying to be cute, they are NOT intelligent, and couldn't survive on their own easily, most likely falling to the Crelin. Tiny cute animal people are a long used cliche, add some negativity to it.
While I sadly admit that the whole cuteness thing is overplayed by the depressing majority, this is kind of an unfair thing to say. Occasionally there's actually some depth, characters that aren't just 2D lolis. (I know some of you may not want to hear that, but let's face it, too many kleins are lolis.) For example, there was/is the Klein vampire mafia, which I like to think has some real depth and detail.
While I sadly admit that the whole cuteness thing is overplayed by the depressing majority, this is kind of an unfair thing to say. Occasionally there's actually some depth, characters that aren't just 2D lolis. (I know some of you may not want to hear that, but let's face it, too many kleins are lolis.) For example, there was/is the Klein vampire mafia, which I like to think has some real depth and detail.
I tried, the key word is tried lol I can't not make murderers of my characters it's just to much fun, to get away from my usual "Oml itz a psychopath and they be murdering everyone" kind of char with A'rlo. I do admit that at first he was just kind of a dumb kid that followed very dangerous people around. Some of his fingers were eaten by a Maiar and BAM char development. After that he became more wary of people, learned to flail and scratch and bite at people if they appeared dangerous. Of course he still is a little kid, being 10 and all. Now, even though I haven't RPed him that much recently, he actually has weapons. He carries around ribs to use as daggers, and has a femur bone club that he whacks people with. The little kid even has bone armor, which transforms a "cute" character into something to be feared.
Every noble is muscular it seems
Elves have many cultures, do the same for the other races. Expanding one race too much, attracts players to that race, but at the cost of the others, the cycle self perpetuates.
The Black Order is totally irrelevant in almost all matters that a nonstaff player can interact with
Chi'i samurai used to exist...why squander an opportunity?
Do to it's importance, religions need to be expanded deeply, some are just base shells without any explanation.
Not every noble needs to be handsome
Inbreeding between a closed noble group inevitably leads to defects.
Aloria is not medieval at this point, as has been stated many times, anachronistic, or even Schizo tech elements could help further divide it from it's more earthly comparison
I heartily agree with these things in particular.
Expect rp to go out of your control every single time.
And this. Honestly, I'm completely shocked when an RP scenario goes the way I want it to.
However, there is one thing that I'm going to ask you to elaborate on:
The Crimson Inquisition was a lapse in judgement.
Aside from the fact that vampire hunting could have been left to the Violet Order.
This just seems like emotional nit-picking over trivial aspects of other people's roleplay. If you have a such a problem with other people doing their thing, then why not speak to the person that's annoying you privately?

I'm going to be blunt. The more I read through this, the more I'm under the impression that you're channeling a bunch of accusations and assumptions that you can't back with sincere insight.
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there's so much to go through and comprehend and a lot of what I see is you (and others?) just being really angry about character things. can you compile it into a smaller list? something easier to go through?

a pinch of sugar can be better than a mountain of salt, man.
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when a minecraft roleplay server gets that much more serious
The real question I'm left with is: What do you want to do with these points? As said before, there's the feeling as if this is being directed to a specific person/group of people, but without an actual constructive way to overcome these "stereotypes".
But pft maybe I'm reading this all wrong. I'm just going to wait until the second half comes out.
This is just a collection of mainly negative critiques with a follow up in a completely format, a positive follow up.
to be honest theres a big line between critiques and downright salt directed at certain roleplayers/groups/etc. i look forward to the follow up and really do hope it'll be a lot more positive than this one
This is an assemblage of personal and non-personal views and statements gathered from a variety of sources, both known to the writer and not, that has been collected for the sake of a commentary and critique. This while pointed, is not an attack, merely direct statement and will be followed, with a "sweet half"
If a character never displays a flaw that honestly inconveniences a character, then the character is effectively flawless, pointless, and useless.
If a flaw is so minor that it is consciously unplayed do to immediate nullification, see above
If a character reads slowly, and as such chooses to not read, or have others read for them, that is not a flaw, that is a quirk
If a characters flaw can be turned to the characters advantage, such as intimidating posture, then it is just an additional benefit and is not a flaw.
Flaws that are more mixed, such as extra fat or no pain response, when played with full drawbacks, qualify as complex, minor flaws, and should be supplemented by heavier flaws.
Being incompetent with a weapon, and never using said weapon, is not a flaw.
An ailor, no matter how trained, cannot sprint for days. They'd collapse from exhaustion a while before that and die do to a mixture of cardiac and muscle failure.
If a relationship comes up in a characters story, especially in the case of a major one, and is never revealed, represented, or utilized regardless of drawback, or benefit, the relationship is pointless. Additionally if hte relationship is so exotic, elaborate or any such extreme event, this goes doubly so. Mary Sue backgrounds are dead weight in roleplaying. Unused backgrounds are wasted potential.
Nobles, especially princes, would suffer scandal if found in open combat without a heavy bodyguard and remaining at distance from combat
Ailor merely breed fast, that is the only benefit the ailor have
Nobles, if playing by realism, would most likely ,outside established fighting houses, be less physical, or powerful, albeit height is exaggerated so they'd probably have better leverage.
An elf, even a drow, is less sturdy and physically capable than an ailor
Muscle speed via elasticity, is not muscle strength via density, these are mutually exclusive without certain compounds of modern manufacture, sheer mass and expansion can contrast this to some degree
If you ban crossbows, ban all weapons as the same complaint shows up in general combat-
You must know your weapon realistically to use it, not just because its cool our exotic.
Archers were not hooded snipers that took out enemy commaders, nor is the bow an always effective assassin's weapon, the hand crossbow, crossbow, wheellock rifle, sling, dagger, and the like are weapons used by an assassin,if not poison or an intermediary event. Or ranger in some cases. Archers in war fired over the friendly melee troops in volleys.
Assassins rarely wore all black.
Most assassins infiltrated before making a kill.
Elven culture is not perfect, yet elves rarely suffer any negative stigma, even with justified reasons.
Unionism is so innately flawed that in any sane world it would have dissolved, the draining of imperial control and power could be associated with this.
Klien are innately innocent, lightly sociopathic little creatures with very diminished cognitive prowess. They have no real depth beyond trying to be cute, they are NOT intelligent, and couldn't survive on their own easily, most likely falling to the Crelin. Tiny cute animal people are a long used cliche, add some negativity to it.
The Vices and Virtues are so immoral as to be indistinguishable, the silveraills are the treat of certain people, and ultimately they shape the plot with even the most minimal of interactions. I have yet to see a Great Power suffer a flaw event of any sort. If you make a Great Power, give them a char app, give them flaws beyond the basic "Racial" set, use them more often. A check to power. Some have stated that the Great Powers are meant to check player power, if that is true, then no noble house or prince should've gained the power and summary control that has happened in the past.
If you split from a house, you are no longer of that house.
If you threaten a guardsman, or assault one, regardless of rank, you should be arrested and be put through the ringer. NO exceptions.
The people who play effectively npc forces, should not play relatives to those forces. At all.
Do to it's importance, religions need to be expanded deeply, some are just base shells without any explanation.
If an organization or event exists, people will know about it in some regard, whether the Black Order, or the escapades of the Emperor.
Corruption exists in all bodies at some point.
An army of levies leads to starved nations, the concept of mass peasant armies is a Victorian antiquarian myth, in reality, mercenaries, semi professional standing troops, and volunteers were the realistic norm. No one wants the labor force to die.
Elven arrogance, if it is their racial flaw, should be expanded heavily.
Arrogance in roleplay isn't a flaw as to some races it's expected and often praised.
Not every noble needs to be handsome
Inbreeding between a closed noble group inevitably leads to defects.
Qadir used to have a self maintaining economy that functioned, and even in some areas traded with Regalia. Now they're just pseudo-Muslim Pirates with no real economy. This is distressing.
[An army of mages will fail, it cannot replenish fast enough, mages can only fight for brief periods, require extensive training, and no amount of preplanning or ambush will stop a battlefield from changing.
\Wulong as written, are close to impossible to rp while still being unmistakably wulong.
Anthropologically they are amazing.
In practice, the most I've seen is someone sitting in the tavern with his friends attacking people and shouting wulong best nonstop. Fun fact- THAT'S GODDAMN RP DISRUPTION.
If someone likes a race, that's fine.
If someone prefers to play one race that's fine too
If someone makes multiple characters of one race, not very different, and critiques someone else for a similar scenario, while critique is fine, hypocrisy is not. If a character is obviously your avatar (And yes, it's very obvious when a character is an avatar) give them flaws, real ones, give them strengths, reasonable ones, give them a personality with both good and bad in equal measure. Accept consequences for that character, don't shield them so you can live in Nirvana, doing whatever you want without consequence to that character. Doing so shows the following- You demand special attention, nothing apples to you, you're special in general, you're better than everyone else, nothing can stop me ect. It's in poor tastes. This is terrible, this is the lowest bar of rp..
....your rank doesn't necessarily mean you're perfect or infallible.
Being an artist doesn't make you perfect, being an artist means you have a skill that can be used to convey, like being a writer, a critic, an engineer, or even a philosopher. Your talent, does not mean you are infallible
An army of sociopaths, is an army of traitors in waiting.
Genes, as stated by scientists over the ages and backed by basic rules of breeding, are a mixed bag that is usually random, and as such, must be artificially cultured to produce the same trait over and over, eventually leading to a breed, a true subspecies, and eventually a new species.
Elves are not pretty, they are pointy faced, racist, semi-genocidal slavers. A human should not be attracted to an elf or an orc, as they are not the same species, period.
Having a lifespan of centuries doesn't mean you don't have to upkeep skills, you don't use it, you lose it, end of story.
Prosthetics have existed since the late stone age, articulate examples can be found in Egyptian tombs or the remnants of store houses, often on commoner bodies.
Having a less articulate metal leg, or simple ferrum hand should not be antithetical to a technologically advancing world.
Drow should in all honesty be extinct on Drowda at least
Isldar should be suffering the serious drawbacks of inbreeding do to isolation.
If your isldar doesn't live in Ellador, you will be significantly weaker than one that does, lore states this, and you will in general be in significant discomfort most of the time.
Scimitars without inhuman force cannot cut living bone. I have tried this, I have seen this attempted with improved modern blades, you can chip it at best.
Most swords were stopped by bone, bones are hard.
A regiment of 1000 specialized and masterfully equipped heavy infantry would drain a significant amount of an areas economy. If the solution is infinite money, than the regal would be completely worthless.
Returning to the army of magi, a screening force of nonarcane troops is needed, swordsmen, pikemen, archers. This is basic strategy and realism.
If it can breed with humans, then it should be able to breed with all humans.
More fantastic elements in the hands of players never hurt anything.
If your character is BLANK trait but you never display the aspect of BLANK trait your character is NOT BLANK trait
If you have a crucial role in the outcome of something, or control over an aspect, manipulating something against the will of someone else, or with only minor consent in the case of a group, whether out of spite do to some matter relevant or otherwise, or in order to benefit and empower something under your control, is just being for lack of a better word, a festering, engorged, arsehole.
Aloria is not medieval at this point, as has been stated many times, anachronistic, or even Schizo tech elements could help further divide it from it's more earthly comparison
Magic is a science.
Golden eyes should not be the only Seraph trait, seraph power should be present in physiology, not just the eyes.
An albino qadir would make a very interesting character.
Accept all critique and if a reasonable argument can be given against critique, give it, but expect the resulting argument.
Solving a disagreement or critique through flat out bully tactics, character assassination, or the statement that a point of view is totally invalid, is a poor solution on all fronts.
The Chi'i should be extinct do to genetic collapse or sheer lack of resources.
If a bit of lore or explanation could be useful to a player or to explain a circumstance.POST IT DON'T EVEN HESITATE
Racism is tiring when it eventually falls to lunacy.
If Regalia is so mighty...
Why is it corrupted?
Your rank in or out of game will not shape an OOC interaction in regards to myself.
Dancing around a question with elaborate language and redirection without actually stating anything new to the conversation is not an answer.
To define what is evil and what is good in Aloria, is more or less a fool's errand.
Being an orc doesn't make you the greatest warrior.
Being an elf doesn't make you the master.
Being a drow doesn't make you powerful or skilled.
Being a dakkar doesn't make you a barbarian.
Being Chi'i doesn't make you clever.
Being a q'urebo doesn't make you cute.
A character that cannot grow outside of a little, predetermined scenario is not a character.
A character that is permanently stuck in one emotional spectrum with only the briefest and least common escapes, is not a character, it is a flat archetype.
In regards to combat, do not say, do not boast without being able to show.
Dual weapon wielding was uncommon, and disfavored outside the duel, or showfights.
An archer must aim, knock and then shoot, the action is not instant.
Talking is not a free action
Momentum is key
With leverage, some feats of strength are possible
Tissue resistant to puncture, displays some resistance to impact, this is a basic biological rule followed by vertibrates.
The mind continues to develop in response to telomere decay, thus, we think differently as we age. Tissue breakdown and alteration over time alters thought. These things require the other, they are not mutually exclusive.
If you don't feel pain or fear, you have no reason to block.
BLANK amount of eons of combat is irrelevant if you cant put it into practice.
Humans need air
An orc, is stronger than the strongest human
an elf, is more coordinated and perceptive than the most aware human
Adrenaline for many species, is used to flee
Elves are when you look at it, in their entirety, clever shapers of magic, horrific slavers and destroyers of history, fratricidal and prone to infighting, and science wise, glorified scavengers of the ancient cities.
The longer lived a species is, except for a species in constant danger, the less fertile they are.
Combat in medieval ages, was rarely thousand versus thousand, armies were broken down and distributed to areas in conflict in smaller doses, most combat was raiding, posturing, and skirmishing.
Dual daggers is a great way to die, especially when those same daggers get lodged in your head.
Plate gets cold in winter..
One handing a two handed blade, and not being a- Dakkar, Orc, Dhass, Orcman, (Rarely), Wulong, or Ur, will not go well, and most likely result in rupturing something in the arm and shoulder, or pulling a tendon.
Staff, Premium, player, novice- the wise will treat them all the same, as humans, indistinct in regard to rank.
....if a weapon exists, someone is going to use it in rp combat
The mountain egg men have rekindled my personal hope in the server.
The unpolitical noble is overdone
The bad royal, is overdone and very ineffective in many settings, it is a cliché, a bad one, a dying one in some cases.
If you are breaking the rules in some regard, I don't care who you are, I will notice and call you on it.
Expect rp to go out of your control every single time.
A character that doesn't grow or change in both the negative, and the positive is not a character. They are merely a force.
PRactice and growth through rp can be very rewarding.
Chi'i samurai used to exist...why squander an opportunity?
We need more Ersin
Less Q'urebo
Rping with a few people, rarely, and only those people, isn't necessarily bad, but isn't worldy. Don't call yourself a master.
The elves are not good. The orcs are not evil.
Technology will grow through sheer innovation and desire.
Stagnancy is deathj
Runes were a glorious thing, allowing clever use of magic for all mages, glyphs would seem to be an elaborate discipline of rune use, but shouldn't be exclusive to that kind of magic alone.
The Black Order is totally irrelevant in almost all matters that a nonstaff player can interact with
The Tyrian Order was also irrelevant and granted pointless powers to those in it.
The Crimson Inquisition was a lapse in judgement.
They are tryoing to bring it back though
Rebellion should be what players feel they should be about, in the case of a racist empire, riot about that.
Growth is key to roleplay
Heroism should not be stifled into availability for a select few.
Evergrowth magic is far too powerful
Hex magic is also very powerful
The Regalian Empire's military tactics of wave of bodies, should've caused numerous rebellions.
Rare is it, when a soldier will slaughter his own family, no matter how much of a God his ruler declares that they are.
Orcs are useful
In a variety of circumstances.
Honourable, or even clever orcs should not be unknown.
Survival requires some form of brain power.
Elves have many cultures, do the same for the other races. Expanding one race too much, attracts players to that race, but at the cost of the others, the cycle self perpetuates.
Dwarves should still be experimenting
A culture (Regalisch and Orc) completely built around war never lasts.
Gods fall, empires collapse
If your character does evil things,
That character is evil
If your character wants to see the world burn
Your character is chaotically evil
Even in a world of gray, you may find spots of darkest black.
Three Great Forces draw my ire- Diligence in it's invulnerability, Justice and Pride in the godly control they have over effectively everything via magic, including what amounts to just making up magic on the spot.
Possession should be empowering in some regard, being a Silverail should not be.
Gold and Silver eyes...should just be fantastic eye colours.
That's it
If it's a story about humans, the other races have no point, make them NPCs, they're less relevant than ailor.
No one wants to be irrelevant
Your rank, does not make you immune to rules or consequence.
If you make an anime character, expect realism to hit like a brick.
Some characters are the epitome of Lawful Stupid
Being a guard doesn't make you a hero
Being Royal, or Noble doen't mean it's a good character
Ailor are too tall
Orcs, Dakkar, and elves, should be taller
Dense tissues weigh significantly more than less dense tissues.
Leanly muscled, is still muscled, and still has weight at the cost of power.
Every noble is muscular it seems
If in order to advance OOC I must kill my character, I will quit summarily.
Being a player doesn't mean everything must be handed to you.
Being a veteran doesn't mean you can ostracize the new.
Being staff does not mean you can do whatever.
People leave, people come back, new people come, no one has direct control of that but the individual.
You done? XD
The culverin is fine, gunpowder is fine, note that at some point it's going to be minuiturized and made portable.

Great rant!
the variety between points in that wall of text basically negates the idea of this being directed to a specific person or group, if not multiple. As he said, he didn't make this by himself. He took various points and clips from here and there, from various people, and assembled them into this rant, which is to say this is a rant created for the sake of ranting and exploiting defects, or criticizing certain aspects of Aloria and Massivecraft that really do deserve some criticism. Despite everyone claiming this to be salty and directed at someone, it's hard to argue against the fact that most of the points included in that rant are true. +1 support from me @avemechanicus
I used to be the kind of person who criticized people for engaging in too much menial activity, without character development or just plain troll-ish roleplay.

Then I sort of came to the conclusion that I didn't want to be an asshole because ultimately we're not here to hold people to a certain standard we can't adhere to ourselves. MassiveCraft is Massive Entertainment. You do not have the right to impose on someone else's entertainment if it doesn't infringe on you. The general concept of laissez-faire is that you leave others in their value. That includes not using passive aggressive means to nail them to the cross publicly like some god damn Luther with the ninety five thesis against the Church. Sure. People still talk shit in private I'll criticize someone spamming their character app with frilly pink shit as much as the next person, but I have no right to tell them to roleplay "more realistically", because this is how they want to entertain themselves.

I have a quote for you. Some of the information is severely outdated, but the core concepts hold true:
This post is dedicated to you (hug)

There is currently 21 people working on MassiveCraft! These people are the MassiveCraft Team (http://www.massivecraft.com/team). The combined efforts of these 21 people is slightly above 4 people working as full time employees.

That's a lot of effort. Many of you are under 18 and have not had a real full time job yet. Full time means you work monday, thuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday. Each of these days you work efficiently and non stop for 8h.
  • MassiveCraft is a pretty great minecraft server.
  • MassiveCraft didn't "just happen".
  • MassiveCraft has been created over the course of 2 years and 9 months. Loads of effort has been spent.
What you perhaps aren't realizing is that it's completely amazing MassiveCraft even exists.
How is it even remotely possible you can play on such a server for free?
How often does 4 people come home to you and say:
Hi there! We never met you before! We just felt like being your slaves! You pay us nothing! Yet we spend 8 hours daily building an amusement park in your back yard! :)

Now you might be thinking "LOL Kayor U insane. That's just to good to be true. No slaves would ever randomly appear to build an amusement park in my back yard".
  • You are right.
  • It's to good to be true.
  • Yet MassiveCraft exists.
It is with frequency that someone tells me they've been dragged into a skype call with you where you spend a full half an hour complaining how terrible of a person I am, how all my characters are dumb and how I'm propagating the "issues" of the server. I don't really care for that though. I don't ostracize you for disliking me. I don't publicly criticize your character even though half the things you said in post above apply doubly to you. When you start pinning entire player groups against the wall for supposedly offending or irritating you with behavior that doesn't even remotely affect you however, you become problematic.

You should leave MassiveCraft. "Oh my god Marty! You're terrible, how can you actually tell a player to leave???!?!!?oneoneleven". It's really quite simple. People often do not realize how well structured and implemented MassiveCraft is compared to other servers in terms of functional plugins, fair administration and the most expansive Universe of any roleplay server, ever, period. If you leave MassiveCraft and wade waist deep into other servers, you will come to realize how terrible it actually is out there. You appreciate that which you do not have more once it's gone, and maybe it presents you with a new perspective on things. The perspective I hope you will pick up is to leave people in their value if their actions don't affect you at all. You will find life is a lot more worth living if you aren't such a spiteful ball of salty negativity. Maybe people would find you a bit more permitting and approach you instead of avoiding you.

I've read your sweet half, and while I suppose others might be convinced that it's a good way to redeem the negativity of this thread, I am not. I think it's just your attempt to salvage your reputation as a not completely terrible person by saying "hey guys, I know I was critical, but then I totally said something sweet and that makes everything alright!"

No. It really doesn't.
I used to be the kind of person who criticized people for engaging in too much menial activity, without character development or just plain troll-ish roleplay.

Then I sort of came to the conclusion that I didn't want to be an asshole because ultimately we're not here to hold people to a certain standard we can't adhere to ourselves. MassiveCraft is Massive Entertainment. You do not have the right to impose on someone else's entertainment if it doesn't infringe on you. The general concept of laissez-faire is that you leave others in their value. That includes not using passive aggressive means to nail them to the cross publicly like some god damn Luther with the ninety five thesis against the Church. Sure. People still talk shit in private I'll criticize someone spamming their character app with frilly pink shit as much as the next person, but I have no right to tell them to roleplay "more realistically", because this is how they want to entertain themselves.

I have a quote for you. Some of the information is severely outdated, but the core concepts hold true:

It is with frequency that someone tells me they've been dragged into a skype call with you where you spend a full half an hour complaining how terrible of a person I am, how all my characters are dumb and how I'm propagating the "issues" of the server. I don't really care for that though. I don't ostracize you for disliking me. I don't publicly criticize your character even though half the things you said in post above apply doubly to you. When you start pinning entire player groups against the wall for supposedly offending or irritating you with behavior that doesn't even remotely affect you however, you become problematic.

You should leave MassiveCraft. "Oh my god Marty! You're terrible, how can you actually tell a player to leave???!?!!?oneoneleven". It's really quite simple. People often do not realize how well structured and implemented MassiveCraft is compared to other servers in terms of functional plugins, fair administration and the most expansive Universe of any roleplay server, ever, period. If you leave MassiveCraft and wade waist deep into other servers, you will come to realize how terrible it actually is out there. You appreciate that which you do not have more once it's gone, and maybe it presents you with a new perspective on things. The perspective I hope you will pick up is to leave people in their value if their actions don't affect you at all. You will find life is a lot more worth living if you aren't such a spiteful ball of salty negativity. Maybe people would find you a bit more permitting and approach you instead of avoiding you.

I've read your sweet half, and while I suppose others might be convinced that it's a good way to redeem the negativity of this thread, I am not. I think it's just your attempt to salvage your reputation as a not completely terrible person by saying "hey guys, I know I was critical, but then I totally said something sweet and that makes everything alright!"

No. It really doesn't.
my hairs frilled
As far as I have noticed, there's an underlying concept missing.

Define 'Why am I roleplaying?'

If your answer is to maximise realism, then you may be better off with another medium. Minecraft can't really provide the degree of realism, nor can you expect lore staff to do everything according to history and hard-drawn facts.

In a way, I think there's a fine golden mean between 'fun' and 'realism' that should be met. You can complicate this by adding personal freedom, but let's count that within both.

If you write up a utility function where utility gained depends on any factor of fun and realism, I can guarantee you that the maximum utility gained will be a well-done combination somewhere in the middle. A golden mean, perhaps.

The question is, can you find this golden middle? No. It's not tangible, you can't use my pesky maths to get a definite combination of realism and general fun, because it's subjective to each of us.

However, there is another principle in economics called the trial and error. This means that due to complaints received and market research done, the actual state will converge towards the equilibrium. Just like in market prices.

What does this mean? That with enough time given, massive will reach an almost-perfect mix of realism, fantasy, player creativity freedom and fun.

This all depends on community feedback, of course. That's why you are encouraged to post such things as suggestions, and let people discuss it. I have read most of your lines, and while I disagree with a lot, and I find a lot to be false information or information that are false because you may lack necessary knowledge around the subject, there is quite a few that are true.

Community, I said. Because this isn't an equilibrium that fits the needs of everyone, but what fits the needs of the /average/ player. Thus, if you have needs that are different than the average, you can either swallow it and play along, attempt to suggest changes and see the community's reaction, or leave, to state bluntly.

I'm an 18th century fanatic, some may know that. I love the clothes, the warfare, the culture, the philosophy, the politics of that century. Yet there isn't any 18th century roleplay server out there, so I looked for something that allows for my quirks to materialise. And I found massive, here I have to swallow that I can't have cannons, linemen, tricornes and such, but generally speaking, the amount of player freedom allows for enlightened ideologies, most of the clothing, politics and many more.

As I have noticed, Massive gives quite the leeway for people to form their own RP environments. I don't think stomping on realism can help much, really. It'll just ruin the fun of more than those who'd enjoy it.

I am one of those who'd enjoy it. I'm one such who could RP without magic, without races other than human. But in a sense, people enjoy those, and in the end of the day it's much better to RP with lots of people who love the environment than with a few of my 18th century whizz friends.

Your rant though, is much alike a rant from the old Greek Anaximander. While it may contain controversy to be dismissed, there are some actual points raised that are noteworthy of attention.

If a character never displays a flaw that honestly inconveniences a character, then the character is effectively flawless, pointless, and useless.
If a flaw is so minor that it is consciously unplayed do to immediate nullification, see above

Minor God-RP, in a sense, that's why it's true in your rant. While one shouldn't be forced to RP weaknesses, overpowered characters in any sense may ruin the fun for others.

The people who play effectively npc forces, should not play relatives to those forces. At all.

This is actually an RP rule in a lot of RP games, and as far as I'm concerned, people tend to respect it. Never the less, finding players to RP out NPCs is far more rewarding.

Not every noble needs to be handsome

Not every character needs to be handsome, for one reason: handsomeness isn't RP-d out in /any/ way. Really. Nobody is going to look at your app to check whether your character is handsome or not. Remarking that a character is handsome or beautiful in a character app just means a wish to RP someone closer to perfection.

If a character is obviously your avatar (And yes, it's very obvious when a character is an avatar) give them flaws, real ones, give them strengths, reasonable ones, give them a personality with both good and bad in equal measure. Accept consequences for that character, don't shield them so you can live in Nirvana, doing whatever you want without consequence to that character. Doing so shows the following- You demand special attention, nothing apples to you, you're special in general, you're better than everyone else, nothing can stop me ect. It's in poor tastes. This is terrible, this is the lowest bar of rp..

Author Avatars can lead to great issues, and you /could/ in fact suggest the lore staff to add a paragraph or two about it to RP rules and the RP guide on the wiki.

The unpolitical noble is overdone

I only quote this because of one reason: in the question of RPing, an un-political noble isn't any different to an aristocrat. So technically, it's a special permission for specialty's sake, not for utility's sake.

Rping with a few people, rarely, and only those people, isn't necessarily bad, but isn't worldy. Don't call yourself a master.

Take F as aggregate fun gained from roleplay

F = f1+f2+f3+...+fn, where fn is the individual fun gained from the RP situation

Using the formula for sequences

F = n*fm, where fm is the mean individual fun gained from the RP situation

Let's equate a base equation with a factor to a base equation with one more roleplayer:

k*n*fm = (n+1)*fm


k = 1 + 1/n

(you need to improve the average fun gained to k percent of the original to raise the aggregate fun gained by the same amount a new player's addition would).

Meaning that by mathematics, as long as your RP scene contains less than around 10 people, you are /far/ better off concentrating on involving more people than trying to increase the fun of each.
There's a reason the first half is disjointed and often sharp, read the second half.
Not every view here is mine, that's stated in the beginning, these are clipped from Skype and lightly edited to remove names.

In that case, I would request that whomever holds that specific view with regards to the Inquisition come forward and state their concerns. Otherwise, I shall continue as planned.
I used to be the kind of person who criticized people for engaging in too much menial activity, without character development or just plain troll-ish roleplay.

Then I sort of came to the conclusion that I didn't want to be an asshole because ultimately we're not here to hold people to a certain standard we can't adhere to ourselves. MassiveCraft is Massive Entertainment. You do not have the right to impose on someone else's entertainment if it doesn't infringe on you. The general concept of laissez-faire is that you leave others in their value. That includes not using passive aggressive means to nail them to the cross publicly like some god damn Luther with the ninety five thesis against the Church. Sure. People still talk shit in private I'll criticize someone spamming their character app with frilly pink shit as much as the next person, but I have no right to tell them to roleplay "more realistically", because this is how they want to entertain themselves.

I have a quote for you. Some of the information is severely outdated, but the core concepts hold true:

It is with frequency that someone tells me they've been dragged into a skype call with you where you spend a full half an hour complaining how terrible of a person I am, how all my characters are dumb and how I'm propagating the "issues" of the server. I don't really care for that though. I don't ostracize you for disliking me. I don't publicly criticize your character even though half the things you said in post above apply doubly to you. When you start pinning entire player groups against the wall for supposedly offending or irritating you with behavior that doesn't even remotely affect you however, you become problematic.

You should leave MassiveCraft. "Oh my god Marty! You're terrible, how can you actually tell a player to leave???!?!!?oneoneleven". It's really quite simple. People often do not realize how well structured and implemented MassiveCraft is compared to other servers in terms of functional plugins, fair administration and the most expansive Universe of any roleplay server, ever, period. If you leave MassiveCraft and wade waist deep into other servers, you will come to realize how terrible it actually is out there. You appreciate that which you do not have more once it's gone, and maybe it presents you with a new perspective on things. The perspective I hope you will pick up is to leave people in their value if their actions don't affect you at all. You will find life is a lot more worth living if you aren't such a spiteful ball of salty negativity. Maybe people would find you a bit more permitting and approach you instead of avoiding you.

I've read your sweet half, and while I suppose others might be convinced that it's a good way to redeem the negativity of this thread, I am not. I think it's just your attempt to salvage your reputation as a not completely terrible person by saying "hey guys, I know I was critical, but then I totally said something sweet and that makes everything alright!"

No. It really doesn't.
As far as I have noticed, there's an underlying concept missing.

Define 'Why am I roleplaying?'

If your answer is to maximise realism, then you may be better off with another medium. Minecraft can't really provide the degree of realism, nor can you expect lore staff to do everything according to history and hard-drawn facts.

In a way, I think there's a fine golden mean between 'fun' and 'realism' that should be met. You can complicate this by adding personal freedom, but let's count that within both.

If you write up a utility function where utility gained depends on any factor of fun and realism, I can guarantee you that the maximum utility gained will be a well-done combination somewhere in the middle. A golden mean, perhaps.

The question is, can you find this golden middle? No. It's not tangible, you can't use my pesky maths to get a definite combination of realism and general fun, because it's subjective to each of us.


Take F as aggregate fun gained from roleplay

F = f1+f2+f3+...+fn, where fn is the individual fun gained from the RP situation

Using the formula for sequences

F = n*fm, where fm is the mean individual fun gained from the RP situation

Let's equate a base equation with a factor to a base equation with one more roleplayer:

k*n*fm = (n+1)*fm


k = 1 + 1/n

(you need to improve the average fun gained to k percent of the original to raise the aggregate fun gained by the same amount a new player's addition would).

Meaning that by mathematics, as long as your RP scene contains less than around 10 people, you are /far/ better off concentrating on involving more people than trying to increase the fun of each.

You've already got like, half the equation.
As far as I have noticed, there's an underlying concept missing.

Define 'Why am I roleplaying?'

If your answer is to maximise realism, then you may be better off with another medium. Minecraft can't really provide the degree of realism, nor can you expect lore staff to do everything according to history and hard-drawn facts.

In a way, I think there's a fine golden mean between 'fun' and 'realism' that should be met. You can complicate this by adding personal freedom, but let's count that within both.

If you write up a utility function where utility gained depends on any factor of fun and realism, I can guarantee you that the maximum utility gained will be a well-done combination somewhere in the middle. A golden mean, perhaps.

The question is, can you find this golden middle? No. It's not tangible, you can't use my pesky maths to get a definite combination of realism and general fun, because it's subjective to each of us.

However, there is another principle in economics called the trial and error. This means that due to complaints received and market research done, the actual state will converge towards the equilibrium. Just like in market prices.

What does this mean? That with enough time given, massive will reach an almost-perfect mix of realism, fantasy, player creativity freedom and fun.

This all depends on community feedback, of course. That's why you are encouraged to post such things as suggestions, and let people discuss it. I have read most of your lines, and while I disagree with a lot, and I find a lot to be false information or information that are false because you may lack necessary knowledge around the subject, there is quite a few that are true.

Community, I said. Because this isn't an equilibrium that fits the needs of everyone, but what fits the needs of the /average/ player. Thus, if you have needs that are different than the average, you can either swallow it and play along, attempt to suggest changes and see the community's reaction, or leave, to state bluntly.

I'm an 18th century fanatic, some may know that. I love the clothes, the warfare, the culture, the philosophy, the politics of that century. Yet there isn't any 18th century roleplay server out there, so I looked for something that allows for my quirks to materialise. And I found massive, here I have to swallow that I can't have cannons, linemen, tricornes and such, but generally speaking, the amount of player freedom allows for enlightened ideologies, most of the clothing, politics and many more.

As I have noticed, Massive gives quite the leeway for people to form their own RP environments. I don't think stomping on realism can help much, really. It'll just ruin the fun of more than those who'd enjoy it.

I am one of those who'd enjoy it. I'm one such who could RP without magic, without races other than human. But in a sense, people enjoy those, and in the end of the day it's much better to RP with lots of people who love the environment than with a few of my 18th century whizz friends.

Your rant though, is much alike a rant from the old Greek Anaximander. While it may contain controversy to be dismissed, there are some actual points raised that are noteworthy of attention.

Minor God-RP, in a sense, that's why it's true in your rant. While one shouldn't be forced to RP weaknesses, overpowered characters in any sense may ruin the fun for others.

This is actually an RP rule in a lot of RP games, and as far as I'm concerned, people tend to respect it. Never the less, finding players to RP out NPCs is far more rewarding.

Not every character needs to be handsome, for one reason: handsomeness isn't RP-d out in /any/ way. Really. Nobody is going to look at your app to check whether your character is handsome or not. Remarking that a character is handsome or beautiful in a character app just means a wish to RP someone closer to perfection.

Author Avatars can lead to great issues, and you /could/ in fact suggest the lore staff to add a paragraph or two about it to RP rules and the RP guide on the wiki.

I only quote this because of one reason: in the question of RPing, an un-political noble isn't any different to an aristocrat. So technically, it's a special permission for specialty's sake, not for utility's sake.

Take F as aggregate fun gained from roleplay

F = f1+f2+f3+...+fn, where fn is the individual fun gained from the RP situation

Using the formula for sequences

F = n*fm, where fm is the mean individual fun gained from the RP situation

Let's equate a base equation with a factor to a base equation with one more roleplayer:

k*n*fm = (n+1)*fm


k = 1 + 1/n

(you need to improve the average fun gained to k percent of the original to raise the aggregate fun gained by the same amount a new player's addition would).

Meaning that by mathematics, as long as your RP scene contains less than around 10 people, you are /far/ better off concentrating on involving more people than trying to increase the fun of each.
No no no. The first one would be U(x,y) = xy, C = x+y

That's a different one. The one I wrote down is the aggregate fun gained from a roleplay scene.
Pliz speak not math for us less smarterer people.
Lel, but rally, you lost me with fn. XD
dang looks like Baba's 10 steps ahead of me why I am I even surprised