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Played Character Aveilen Merividia

This character is actively played.


Archangel of Warfare
Jul 25, 2018
Reaction score
the Exist
Character Information
  • Full Name: Aveilen Merividia Bel-Amasan [x]
  • Heritage / Culture: Allorn Teledden [Lanlath Stats until Teledden Update]
  • Age: 78 (DOB: 7/7/234 AC)
  • Gender / Pronouns: Male / He/Him
  • Occult: Exist Magewise
  • Character Occupation: Freelance Contractor
Appearance Information
Aveilen looks like a regular young Teledden although ever so slightly visibly younger due to his age. He has moderately light brown hair, stands at a height of 6'4, and has moderately tanned skin with minor facial hair. Aveilen is non-traditional amongst his Teledden peers, for he does not dress opulently, having hailed from the land of Amontaar, wild diversity and exchange of opinions shaped the elf to be independent and a culture rebel.
  • Eye Colour: Verdant Emerald
  • Skin Colour: Brighter on the tanned side
  • Hair: Ashen blond hair with tones of small blond
  • Height: 193cm
  • Body Type: Average/Slender
  • Additional Features:
    • Aveilen will wear a mask to conceal his face when he's undergoing covert operations for his own contracts. Having a history of thievery and criminal behaviour to attain knowledge that would enhance his arcane skills and ambitious - the Teledden is well-used to bending and breaking the rules and therefore will take care to adjust his attire appropriately to match a variety of circumstances.
    • Aveilen wears modest clothing, and practical clothing; he attempts to avoid bringing attention to himself and to try and operate as discreetly as possible to fulfil his contracts to fulfil his income. For many assignments, Aveilen tries to mitigate the use of magical skills to stress-test himself.
    • After about two years of living in Regalia approximately; Aveilen has adjusted well to any environment, therefore his appearance is well concealed and/or modest or appropriate to the gathering context(s).
Skill Information
  • Hobbies and Talents:
    • Athletic Hobby
      • Aveilen's Athletic prowess comes from his training and upbringing as a young, rogue mage who stole books from an outskirts Teledden magical academy in Amontaar. Therefore he had to develop his body in order to practice his sleight of hand and stealth. He spent a few years seriously training himself before entering that academy, and does what he can do to maintain his form even if the strain of the Exist limits him.
    • Magical Talent
      • After stealing the arcane books from the academy; and aligning with the Exist, Aveilen signed a spiritual covenant between himself and that foreign extraplanar dimension at that moment that was unbreakable for him. Thus, it is a living, breathing and way of life for Aveilen to express his magical talents. Often using airstreams and glimmers of light to aid him in small utilitarian tasks - though, he tries to refrain from overusing his magical talents in order to avoid neglecting his physical condition which is strained by the latent flowing energy of the Exist.
  • Mechanics [Lanlath-Borrowed]:
    • x2 Magic Point Buy Packs [Free]
    • Sealing Point Buy Pack [Free]
    • Unaligned to Lanlath Dimension [Teledden]
    • May operate on low sleep/and/or meditative state to satisfy rest
    • High-level of perception from a long distance away
    • Challenging to impair with substances
    • Inability to use God Magic
    • Alignment with the Exist Dimension over Lanlath
  • Languages:
    • Common [9/10]
    • Altalar [9/10]
Core Concept
Aveilen is ambitious, carefree and pragmatic—his nature leads to a way of life involving reckless hedonism without regard for the long term. Mildly spiritual, the elf follows Estelley with great reverence of the Exist and Estel, although he does not favour any members of the Pantheon exclusively. Aveilen's ultimate goal is to hone his connection with the Exist to the greatest order by any means necessary; for him, the ends always justify the means. Some of his goals are as follows...
  • Purchase a large mansion or facility by forming an organization of individuals who exclusively devote to the Exist and the revival of the Allorn Empire in secrets. This would represent Aveilen's cardinal goal as from his upbringing it is the most likely pathway to his success for his following goals...
  • Arrogantly, as a Teledden, become the strongest magical user in Regalia no matter the cost. Though some morals exist in his mind to hold him back, Aveilen - in his backstory would demonstrably show little remorse in stealing powers or knowledge that does not belong to him, such as the incident at the academy in his youth when he finally gained the tools required to become Magewise.
  • Share magical powers and his studies, as well as insights with the Exist with a collective willing to embrace the unknown of the outer-planar dimensions surrounding Aloria, study them, enhance them, and increase their influence on Aloria despite the consequences - even if angering the 'gods' or 'dragons'.
Proficiencies [True Mage; ATK: 7 DEF: 3]
Strength: 0
  • N/A
Constitution: 0
  • N/A
Arcane: 10
  • Magic Point Buy:
    • Bolts
    • Snare
    • Trip
    • Smog
    • Resist
    • Cleanse
    • Bolster
    • Disengage
    • Barrier
    • Warp
Wisdom: 0
  • N/A
Dexterity: 4
  • Roguery Point Buy:
    • Disguise
    • Fleet Footed
    • Sharp Reflexes
    • Escape Artist
Faith: 0
  • N/A
Racial: 2 [Free]
  • Magic Point Buy:
    • Shove
    • Summon

Life Story / Plot Hooks / Backstory
Aveilen was born to Avararil and Nyenna Bel-Amasan in his small hometown of Amasan which is located on the outskirts of Amontaar in Westwynd. As a young child, he was taught about Estelley and the faith structure of Teledden as well as his culture and language. Having been raised in the perfect intersection of Allorn and Regalia, the elf grew up in adolescence living a very independent life from social norms, and having friends of Ailor and Teledden origin, unfortunately his adolescence was spent in delinquency, rarely at home and learning roguery.

Aveilen's parents were largely absent for his adolescence, as they were diplomats and were highly preoccupied by their duties. During his early adulthood, he applied use of his roguery to enter into a library closely affiliated with a magical academy for Teledden. Through this, he managed to steal several books on the arcane. To avoid paying for his crimes, the elf left Amontaar and went out into the world as a vagrant nomad, studying magic with his illegally acquired knowledge.

After having gotten to the apex of what was magically possible on his own, Aveilen—like a true Teledden would desire for more and saw the City of Light as the proper destination to acquire more knowledge, and to be separate; free from the rules of his homeland and truly independent. Today, the days are long and the hours are challenging, for the elf has lost a lot of his magical acumen, determined to re-learn, he has stepped foot out of his long period of social isolation and back into the fold of the society which he has spent his life detaching from.

Consequently, only having brief mentors in his life—he's actually having to re-learn a lot of magic from old stolen books, yet this time he has decided to pursue a slightly more morally benevolent path. With rising tension in Regalia for his racial heritage, he often isolates himself at home and meditates in pure Exist energies; honing his magic and connection away from the sight of the public.

As of the most recent 'awakening' from his meditation and seclusion, Aveilen started to get back on his feet and get back involved with Regalia. He has started to venture out into the city, looking for contracts and compensation for his magical abilities in difficult situations. It is important that Aveilen establishes a good rapport in Regalia, so that he can finalize his plan of increasing his connection with the Primordial Exist.