Archived Automated Drink Purchases At The Tavern

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Firework Salesman
Jul 31, 2012
Reaction score
Algaron, North West Deandroc
You close your eyes, and imagine the scene unfolding before you...

- Glitter falls from the heavens, temporarily blocking your view... When you can finally see again, you find yourself at the enterance to the tavern... -

You enter the tavern, delighted to see so many RP'ers running about. Yet something seems to be missing...

Its not until you walk past the empty-as-usual bar that it hits you; There are no drinks! You think for a moment that perhaps its simply a resturant, but signs posted everywhere confirm it is indeed a tavern. So where are all of the drinks? And why on earth does no one seem to realize that they're in a tavern with no drinks?

What a crisis. The number one RP hotspot in Regalia is a dry bar.

Here's my suggestions:

1. Consistent bartending staff

2. Automated shops selling drinks
- Chest shops
- NPC bartenders

Comments, questions, ideas?
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As for chest shops, I'd suggest not. However, an NPC is an option. I think the reason the bartending staff is a bit thin is that there's often little value working during off peak times. Perhaps you'll serve one customer, but that's it. While drinks are a nice little extension to RP, they're not all that necessary. Therefore, I believe that it is reasonable for the bartender to work only in peak times.

There has been a recruitment drive recently and I feel as though the bar is tended to much better, especially in peak hours. The bartenders, while they only play a minor role in the process, I feel their role is important. They can offer advice to new players, provide an amount of authentic roleplay and generally create a more detailed scene. Their responses are more natural and relevant to the RP context, they don't say 'have a nice day' during a Baver attack. They are able to respond to scenarios that an NPC cannot, and become involved in incidents. The problem with a replacement, even if only part time, is that it makes bartenders feel as though there's no need for them to go on duty, removing from the entire aspect of RP there.

In off peak hours, an alternative option would be good. But I don't know if NPCs are capable of sale and chest shops don't seem very true to the RP scene. "Oh, I'll just get us some drinks from the chest." Maybe that's just me, but I think things are OK as they are.
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Bartenders being NPCs takes away from the RP element and atmosphere of the Tavern, where the bartender can actually interact with you and respond to situations that an NPC wouldn't be able too. While an NPC is reliable, it's a lot like talking to a robot with preset responses, while a player can respond sporadically and give responses accordingly. THat's just my opinion on the subject, Eheh.
Perhaps you could have both...? Have player Bartenders on one side should they want to rp doing it. and then have an npc one on the otherside in order to serve drinks to people. Just my thought.
I believe chest shops in the tavern were removed due to lag issues as well as them wanting to facilitate rp with people working on staff as bartenders. The issue with this was always time zones and availability, as people are active for a while and then they kind of dwindle off and leave a dry tavern again.

Luckily, now players can make their own drinks with nausea, etc with alchemy thanks to mcmmo.
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