Archived Auto Access Command

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Sep 19, 2015
Reaction score
Magnanimus/Wolves/Arthas/Deldrimor/sevak has adhd
We have /f access p [username] currently, but using this command is very time consuming, and not very efficient, when giving certain players access to large areas made up of multiple chunks. What I purpose is having a command like auto-claim, but instead of claiming, giving access to a certain player. So every chunk you run on, the command will give access to the player. By having this command this will greatly speed up the process of giving players access, and let us spend our time on things/activities more purposeful to us.
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.

Also would be useful a /f access all or something like that to remove all /f access for a specific player at once
We have /f access p [username] currently, but using this command is very time consuming, and not very efficient, when giving certain players access to large areas made up of multiple chunks. What I purpose is having a command like auto-claim, but instead of claiming, giving access to a certain player. So every chunk you run on, the command will give access to the player. By having this command this will greatly speed up the process of giving players access, and let us spend our time on things/activities more purposeful to us than giving players access to chunks.

I know this has been suggested before and some reasons were given why it was not possible at the time, maybe still not now. Try and search for it on this board.
I know this has been suggested before and some reasons were given why it was not possible at the time, maybe still not now. Try and search for it on this board.
Ah I am a bit new to this board, have not really checked any other of the threads. I'll search for it though ^.^
This feature suggestion has been noted and will be reviewed during Factions discussion among Direction members.
This seems like a fun/challenging project to attempt (TO INSANITY, AND BEYOND!). Although I was thinking more along the lines of mirroring the claim command structure, so like /f access circle, /f access square, etc, the operations already available for claiming/unclaiming.
This seems like a fun/challenging project to attempt (TO INSANITY, AND BEYOND!). Although I was thinking more along the lines of mirroring the claim command structure, so like /f access circle, /f access square, etc, the operations already available for claiming/unclaiming.
That'd be kewl
We have /f access p [username] currently, but using this command is very time consuming, and not very efficient, when giving certain players access to large areas made up of multiple chunks. What I purpose is having a command like auto-claim, but instead of claiming, giving access to a certain player. So every chunk you run on, the command will give access to the player. By having this command this will greatly speed up the process of giving players access, and let us spend our time on things/activities more purposeful to us than giving players access to chunks.
im screaming! this is amazing! ♥
This seems like a fun/challenging project to attempt (TO INSANITY, AND BEYOND!). Although I was thinking more along the lines of mirroring the claim command structure, so like /f access circle, /f access square, etc, the operations already available for claiming/unclaiming.
Anything is fine as long as it speeds up the process. You should suggest that to Omnomivore. :)